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Our Home

It occurred to me that you may be interested to see where we live. For health reasons, we moved away from the city pollution in July, 1998 and we would be very reluctant to depart!!


Having seen some of our garden, you may be interested in this photo of our home, which was taken from the front road. Our house name is taken from a row of Castlewellan Gold Conifers planted by our predecessors along the top of the property. Castlewellan is a small village in Co. Down, Northern Ireland where this conifer was originally hybridised and I was fortunate to visit that beautiful part of the world in 1989.

Pea Paradise!

Whilst irises are my favourite flowers, I must confess that sweetpeas find a special spot in my heart. This year we've planted the seeds saved from last year's display along the wire fence of the chicken yard, thereby taking advantage of great support for the sweetpeas. In spite of that, they now tower above the 6' high fence. Our chickens, which in Australia we call Chooks, share their yard with the hot-house in which we pot up and grow numerous cuttings and seeds.

Our Vegie Patch

Can you imagine anything much better than the pleasure gained from a wander down to the vegie patch to pick the seasonal produce! We are delighted with both the variety and the quantity of vegetables we're able to grow here and we can assure you they certainly finish up much larger than shown above at planting time! As you can see, I forgot to turn off the water sprinkler before taking this photo! You will see the prolific growth of our vegetables on Page 8.

Beyond the vegie patch our property slopes steeply down to a small running creek, which is part of a natural reserve and we enjoy walking in the surrounding bushland.

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