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Tranquil Touches

Summer is just around the corner and our garden is changing almost weekly. Young Rainbow Lorikeets are visiting their birdbaths, with parent birds keeping a watchful eye on their little ones. Our wild black ducks are at ease on the decking of our swimming pool and as usual are now quite tame. Colour abounds in various areas of the garden.

Our Favourite Rhododendron

Our Rhododenron Pink Pearl featured on Page 2 has now finished flowering and her new growth is prolific. Within the swimming pool area, as if on cue, our Rhododendron Bud Flannigan bursts into full bloom. This was planted during our first spring, simply to fill in a corner and what a display of flowers it produces.


Our first waterlily bursts into flower in the pond. You may remember seeing our pond on page 2 and even since this photo was taken, we've found a couple more waterlilies in flower and hope our choices of colours will enhance the pond throughout the summer months.

The goldfish play hide 'n seek under the lily pads and appear to be contentedly growing. Perhaps they too, appreciate the change of temperature and are full of energy.

Sugar Kisses

The Kalmia is a close relative of the Rhododendron and wherever we have lived, we have planted Kalmia Sarah. With dark green, glossy leaves, the contrast between blooms and leaves is stunning. Pictured are her icing-sugar flowers which feel quite sticky to touch; the plant is massed with these tiny blooms which are so inviting to the birds.

Purple Splendour

Just as I had managed to remember the name of Lasiandra, the Botanical name of the shrub pictured above was changed to Tibouchina! This shrub has a very long flowering season, which begins in mid-summer and will continue throughout Autumn.

The buds swell and then with a flourish and in incredible profusion, burst into their large, brilliant purple flowers. We have planted our Tibouchina in a bed with yellow-stick and red-stick Dogwood shrubs, the background to which is an evergreen Dogwood tree.

In order to avoid straggly growth, we heavily prune our Tibouchina immediately after flowering to encourage a more shapely bush.

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