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~NEW~ The Priesst and the Gunman ~NEW~My attempt at writing a relevant poem with an important meaning.

Heart Shaped Candle (My first song good enough to post! WARNING!! It's very emo...)

Stellar (The only poem of mine I have deemed worthy of being on public display)

Warm (A lovely poem about the lovely feeling of being in love. And a morning walk on the beach with your love.)

Cry me a River(I really like this one a lot. i seem to be in this place often. its about the feeling you have when you are watching someone you like alot being treated badly when you know you could treat them so much better... but all you can do is just try to be supportive... im gonna go cry now...)

Once Upon a Lie(A poem about a combination of girls who have broke my heart. I'm sure many others can relate to this poem as well.)

As You Pass By(Life from the point of view of a streetlight)

Keeper of the Beast(if you couldnt tell i have a slight obsession with dragons)

Love(My twisted views on a twisted emotion)

Justin(A true story)

Why Zero Tolerance Policies Should be Abolished(The name prety much says it all. I qualified for state with this speech.)