Cliff's Resume
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206 Sharpsburg Circle

Birmingham, AL 35213

205.249.8772 - 205.231.1921 fx;


Clifford M. Johnson


To obtain a post as a natural science online instructor


2003–2004                    Birmingham City Schools           Birmingham, AL

Project Director

§     Corrected the installed database for student information system.

§     Assisted in scheduling of 1200 students; accomplished in 35 days.

§     Restructured master schedule to reflect new course names and numbers.


1997–present                 Birmingham City Schools           Birmingham, AL

Technology Coordinator

§     Attend meetings and disseminate information to staff of 100.

§     Train staff of 100 to become better end-users of pertinent applications.

§     Design, write and update technology plan for plant containing staff of 100.

§     Make hardware and software suggestions based on needs assessments.

§     Conduct and update inventory of  700 pieces of hardware and software.


1993–present                 Birmingham City Schools           Birmingham, AL

Science Department Chair

§     Supervise and mentor science staff.

§     Attend and suggest professional development for science staff.

§     Spearheaded development of standardized materials in response to state-mandated graduation examination.

§     Conduct and update inventory for department.


1990–1993                    Wenonah High School                Birmingham, AL

Interim Assistant Principal

§     Reduced truancy 15%

§     Assisted in development of parent advisory board.

1982–present                 Birmingham City Schools           Birmingham, AL

Science Teacher

§     Responsible for the science literacy of between 90 t0 120 adolescents yearly.

§     Responsible for the preparation of students to succeed at the graduation examination.

§     Assist in the guidance of students into various opportunities with a science base.


2003–present                 University of Phoenix Online             Phoenix, AZ

§     Attempting MAED in adult education and distance learning

1975–1978                    Miles College                                  Fairfield, AL

§     Class II certification in secondary education – biology / chemistry

1970–1975                    Miles College                                  Fairfield, AL

§     B.A. - biology


Technology master teachers, science fiction, science fact, educational technology, cartooning, anime, family