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My Character [Reiko Midashama]

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In depth of my character

Reiko Midashama
[ Pronunciation: Ree - ko Me - dah - shah - ma ]
Race: Japanese
Name meaning: "Reiko" means arrogant; "Midashama" means Hale.
Voice: High and shrill when arguing but smooth and soothing when calm. She has a Japanese accent.
Age: 11
Other: She speaks fluent Spanish.
Personality: Constantly displays a sense of overbearing self-importance in public, but alone, she is very outgoing and fun. She is serious and driven, she never gives up. She is a very caring, truthful, and trustful person.
Birthday: 3-28
Parents: None, she lives at an orphanage (where she is beat daily).
Sibs: None
Looks: Straight black hair to her waist, usually wears a pale pink patched up dress.

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++Layout Designed by susumi-chan| Black Excess Designs++