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Event Calendar
Featured Articles
Member Bios
Picture Gallery
Message Board
Web Links


Event Calendar
Find out what's happening when. Do you know when the next meeting is?

Featured Articles
Read all about some of the wild adventures of our crew members.

Member Bios
Learn about the so-called lives of the crew of Ship 1 and find out where they may or may not have come from.

Picture Gallery
Browse a varied assortment of fine art, both photographs and cartoons.

Peruse the history of both Ship 1 and Sea Scouting in general and, most importantly, find out HOW YOU CAN JOIN.

Message Board
Looking for a forum to unleash your sinister plots and demagoguery on the unsuspecting masses? This is the place for you.

Web Links
Find more Sea Scout information and see some of the crew's favorite sites.

For any questions or comments about this page email Matt Bibee at
Please, do not hesitate to inform me of my mistakes.