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To get the cheat window up press ctrl, shift + c at the same time. If that doesn't work, try ctrl, alt, shift + c.
See below for the cheats:-

klapaucius - Gives you §1000 (1.0 version)
rosebud - Gives you §1000 (1.1 & 1.2 version)
Hint - after you have typed in either klapaucius or rosebud, press enter, go back to cheat screen and type ;!;!;!;! and then highlight it with the mouse, press ctrl + c, then hold down ctrl + v until the cheat box fills up, press enter and it will put approximatly §200,000 in the money account.
water_tool - This will help you make a pond for your garden. (To turn it off go to cheat window and type i again.)
grow_grass - If you type a number from 0-150 after this, it will grow your grass to that level.
map_edit on/off- This lets you edit the areas that you can't edit, like at the very end of your path bit, by the road. Choose on or off not both.
tile_info on - This will open a window telling you about the tile that the mouse is currently over, to close it press the cross in the corner of the window.
set_hour - This will change the hour, put after it the hour you want,e.g. if you wanted to change it to 7:00pm, then you'd type, set_hour 19.(doesn't work in 1.1 version due to problems with objects)
set_speed - This changes the speed of the game, you can do it with the arrows on the menu by the bottom, but you only have 3 choices, with this you type a number from -1000 to 1000.
interests - This will open a window showing the interests of a selected sim.
autonomy - This will change how independent your sims are type from 0-100 after it (50 is the default)
draw_all_frames - This will make all the frames show, as sometimes not all will show depending how slow your computer is.
Hint - If you have livin' Large, To get a perfect personality for your sim, when creating it do not put any of the personality points in, and buy a chemistry set, make a yellow potion and get your sim to drink it, and it will reverse the personality, so it will be full.

My Favourite Cheat:

move_objects on - This allows you to move and delete objects that you can't normally , such as bills, trash, anything. Even your sims, which brings me to another point. If you are going to delete your sims make sure you save the game first, then a red circle will appear on there face on the menu bar, click it, they will come back with all there mood box green!! But make sure you save the game or anything you've done with then such as new job, skills will disapear since last time you saved the game.

I got my background from Backgrounds Etc.