Letter to the Fans from R6B

This is a SPECIAL MESSAGE to everyone from the band!!!!! Read carefully, for it may contain secrets that enhance your sex life...or your sexless life.

Hi, all. This message is special, as stated before, and as you know, when messages claim to be special, they usually could be, or not. So Pay attention! First, we'd like to thank everyone who was at our recent shows, particularly the last three at the Bush, the Moose, and the Elm. The fact that we could play three straight shows to a real and enthusiastic audience i highly flattering! For those of you @ all three, oh my God we love you. Unless you?re ugly.

The second issue that we'd like to mention pertains to the Jaxx Battle of the Bands. We've decided as a band that we actually want to WIN this year, and we're willing to do what it takes to do that (especially if it involves nudity or arson). However, it's very important that people like YOU (don't you feel special?) come and support us. While I'm sure there's many of you who'd love to see us anyway, without us shamelessly begging, we also know that you have friends... and family... and co-workers, teammates, enemies and strangers who have never seen us before. These are the people we want at the show with you. What we're asking is that people realize that this show is going to KICK ASS and that everyone in the area should see it, including Cal Ripken. We're going to promote the show as much as possible, but it would be SO strong if some of our fans told two friends about us, and then they told two friends... you know. The idea is that these Jaxx shows are the shows to see, so come see them! Cancel your plans, get a parents permission, DO WHAT IT TAKES! You know you want to see us... I hope.

Lastly, some odds and ends. We're finishing the CD (I swear!!) And it should be finished by the next church show (see the shows section!). It's going to be really cool, so you're actually going to have to pay for it. This will actually be good for those of you dying for merch, seeing as we will finally have some $$$$$. Also, for those that care, Curtis is fine from the incident Friday night, he got away with six stitches and a pretty strong story. Regarding the cat-fight on the message board, we can't erase it because we lost the pass-code. Ignore it or read it for fun, and bear in mind that even the band is still confused as to who some of the unnammed posts are from, so don't go pointing fingers.

I'll leave you with a list of things runsixblank needs that we can't seem to find connections for and can't afford. Any help would be appreciated:

1. We need someone to build us a good website.

2. We need people to photograph us, even though we?re ugly.

3. We need anyone who can translate ideas into media for us, logos, album art... That kinda stuff.

4. We want gobstoppers. Those things are good, man.

Much thank,


P.S. Drop us a line. We like that more than gobstoppers. Also, be sure to join our mailing list (this includes your writte address cause letters in the mail kick!) cause it's a rewarding experience (*hint hint*)

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Email: runsixblank@hotmail.com