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Punc·til·i·o (punk-til'e-o') n., pl. -os 1. A fine point of etiquette. 2. Precise observance of formalities.

Punk·till·i·o (punk-till'e-o') n., pl. -os 1. An acoustic duo from New Haven, CT that plays acoustic punk with a touch of emo. 2. A more socially acceptable form of punk rock.

We're Gonna Make it After All • Whoa I haven't posted up here in forever!! Well, although Punktillio has reached an altogether slum, TLC's, "A Baby Story" will be airing soon with a perfromance by... us! The show will air Monday, January 5th, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. on TLC. It's channel 55 for Aubrie and I but the channel differs on all the different cable systems. Aubrie and I wrote the song ("Dear Baby B.") for our English teacher Mrs. B. who recently had a baby boy. You can see both Mrs. B. and baby B. on "A Baby Story". This show is rumored to surpass the usual 30 minutes because it's a real "tear-jerker". So get those tapes ready and record the show while we're still young because we're gonna make it after all! *Carissa (12.08.03)

Take It to the Streets • Our Street Team now has their own offical website! You can see it here. It's pretty cool, and it went up over night, literally. It has links, flyer details, and info on how to join. Check it out! *Carissa (07.15.03)

Makeover Madness • As you can probably tell the site has a new look, and we're back with a slightly different twist. We have a new logo, a new site, and new songs too! Punktillio has officially crossed over into the "World of Emo" (but not full heartedly!) since the release of our latest song, Breakup Song. We're also officially located at You can check that out on the MUSIC page. Feel free to check out all the new content on the site and drop us a line telling us your thoughts on the new look! *Carissa (07.06.03)


Last updated 12.08.03 © 2003 by CuRVed DESIGNS All Rights Reserved Violators punishable by applicable laws.
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