

Avant venue" de ruine Celtique,
Dedans le te^ple deux palementero^s
Poignard coeur, d'vn monte' au coursier & picque,
Sans faire bruit le grand enterreront.

Sept coniurez au banquet feront luire,
Contre les trois le fer hors de nauire
L'vn les deux classe au grand fera couduire,
Quand par le mal. Dernier au front luy tire.

Le successeur de la Duche' viendra.
Beaucoup plus outre que la mer de Tosquane
Gauloise branche la Florence tiendra,
Dans son giron d'accord nautique Rane.

Le gros mastin de cite' dechasse',
Sera fasche' de l'estrange alliance,
Apres aux champs auoir le cerf chasse'
Le loups & l'Ours se donront defiance.

Soubs ombre feincte d'oster de seruitude,
Peuple & cite' l'vsurpera luy-mesmes
Pire fera par fraux de ieune pute,
Liure' au champ lisant le faux poe"sme.

Au Roy l'angur sur le chef la main mettre,
Viendra prier pour la paix Italique:
A la main gauche viendra changer le sceptre,
Du Roy viendra Empereur pacifique.

Du Triumuir seront trouuez les os,
Cherchant profond thresor aenigmaique.
Ceux d'alentour ne seroit en repos.
Ce concauuer marbre & plomb metalique.

Sera laisse' feu vif, mort cache',
Dedans les globes horrible espouuantable.
De nuict a` classe cite' en poudre lasche',
La cite' a` feu, l'ennemy fauorable.

Iusques au fond la grand arq molue",
Par chef captif l'amy anticipe',
N'aistra de dame front, face cheuelue,
Lors par astuce Duc a` mort atrape'.

Vn chef Celtique dans le conflict blesse',
Aupres de caue voyant siens mort abbatre:
De sang & playes & d'ennemis presse',
Et secours par incogneus de quatre.

Mer par solaires seure ne passera,
Ceux de Venus tiendront toute l'Affrique:
Leur regne plus Saturne n'occupera,
Et changera la part Asiatique.

Aupres du lac Leman sera conduite,
Par garse estrange cite' voulant trahir:
Auant son meurtre a` Ausborg la grand suitte,
Et ceux du Rhin la viendront inuahir.

Par grand fureur le Roy Romain Belgique
Vexer voudra par phalange barbare:
Fureur grinssent, chassera gent Lybique
Depuis Pannons iusques Hercules la hare.

Saturne & Mars en Leo Espaigne captiue,
Par chef Lybique au conflict attrape',
Proche de Malthe, Herodde prinse viue,
Et Romain sceptre sera par Coq frappe'.

En nauigeant captif prins grand Pontife,
Grand apres faillir les clercs tumultuez:
Second esleu absent son bien debife,
Son fauory bastard a` mort rue'.

A son haut pris plus la lerme sabee,
D'humaine chair par mort en cendre mettre,
A l'isle Pharos par Croissars pertubee,
Alors qu'a Rodes paroistra deux espectre.

De nuict passant le Roy pres d'vne Androne,
Celuy de Cipres & principal guette.
Le Roy failly, la main fuit long du Rosne,
Les coniurez l'iron a` mort mettre.

De dueil mourra l'infelix proflige',
Celebrera son vitrix l'hecatombe:
Pristine loy, franc edit redige',
Le mur & Prince au septiesme iour tombe.

Le grand Royal d'or, d'airain augmente',
Rompu la pache, par ieune ouuerte guerre:
Peuple afflige' par vn chef lamente',
De sang barbare sera couuerte terre.

De la` les Alpes grande amour passera,
Vn peu deuant naistre monstre vapin:
Prodigieux & subit tournera
Le grand Tosquan a` son lieu plus propin.

Par le trespas du Monarque Latin,
Ceux qu'il aura par regne secourus:
Le feu luira diuise' le butin.
La mort publique aux hardis incourus.

Auant, qu'a Rome grand aye rendu l'ame
Effrayeur grande a` l'armee estrangere
Par esquadrons l'embusche pres de Parme,
Puis les deux rouges ensemble feront chere.

Les deux contens seront vnis ensemble,
Quand la pluspart a` Mars seront conionict:
Le grand d'Affrique en effrayeur tremble,
DVVMVIRAT par la classe desioinct.

Le regne & loy sous Venus esleue',
Saturne aura sus Iupiter empire
La loy & regne par le Soleil leue',
Par Saturnins endurera le pire.

Le prince Arabe Mars Sol, Venus, Lyon
Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera:
Deuers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,
Bisance, Egypte ver. serp. inuadera.

La gent esclaue par vn heur Martial,
Viendra en haut degre' tant esslevee,
Changeront Prince, n'aistra vn prouincial,
Passer la mer copie aux monts leuee.

Par feu & armes non loing de la marnegro,
Viendra de Perse occuper Trebisonde:
Trembler Pharos Methelin, Sol alegro,
De sang Arabe d'Adrio couuert onde.

Le bras pendant a` la iambe liee,
Visage pasle, au sein poignard cache',
Trois qui seront iurez de la meslee
Au grand de Genues sera le fer laschee.

La liberte' ne sera recouuree,
L'occupera noir, fier, vilain, inique,
Quand la matiere du pont sera ouuree,
D'Hister, Venise faschee la republique.

Tout a` l'entour de la grande cite',
Seront soldats logez par champs & villes.
Donner l'assaut Paris Rome incite'
Sur le pont lors sera faicte, grand pille.

Par terre Attique chef de la sapience,
Qui de present est la rose du monde:
Pour ruine', & sa grande preeminence
Sera subdite & naufrage des ondes.

Ou` tout bon est, tout bien Soleil & Lune
Est abondant, sa ruine s'approche.
Du ciel s'auance vaner ta fortune,
En mesme estat que la septiesme roche.

Des principaux de cite' rebellee
Qui tiendront fort pour liberte' t'avoir.
Detrancher masles, infelice meslee,
Crys, heurlemens a` Nantes piteux voir.

Du plus profond de l'Occident Anglois
Ou` est le chef de l'isle Britanique
Entrera classe dans Gyronne, par Blois
Par vin & tel, ceux cachez aux barriques.

Par cite' franche de la grand mer Seline
Qui porte encores a` l'estomach la pierre,
Angloise classe viendra sous la bruine
Vn rameau prendre, du grand ouuerte guerre.

De soeur le frere par simulte faintise
Viendra mesler rosee en myneral:
Sur la placente donne a` veille tardiue,
Meurt le goustant sera simple & rural.

Trois cens seront d'vn vouloir & accord,
Que pour venir au bout de leur attainte,
Vingt mois apres tous & record
Leur Roy trahy simulant haine fainte.

Ce grand monarque qu'au mort succedera,
Donnera vie illicite lubrique,
Par nonchalance a` tous concedera,
Qu'a la parfin faudra la loy Salique,

Du vray rameau de fleur de lys issu
Mis & loge' heritier d'Hetturie:
Son sang antique de longue main tissu,
Fera Florence florir en l'harmoirie.

Le sang royal sera si tres mesle',
Contraints seront Gaulois de l'Hesperie:
On attendra que terme soit coule',
Et que memoire de la voix soit petite.

Nay sous les ombres & iournee nocturne,
Sera en regne & bonte' souueraine:
Fera renaistre son sang de l'antique vrne,
Renouuellant siecle d'or pour l'airain.

Mars esleue' en son plus haut befroy,
Fera retraire les Allobrox de France:
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroy,
A ceux de l'Aigle comprins sous la Balance.

La grand' ruine des sacrez ne s'eslongue,
Prouence, Naples, Scicille, Seez & Ponce,
En Germanie, au Rhin & la Cologne,
Vexez a` mort par tous ceux de Magonce.

Par mer le rouge sera prins de pyrates,
La paix sera par son moyen troublee:
L'ire & l'auare commettra par fainct acte,
Au grand Pontife sera l'armee doublee.

Le grand Empire sera tost desole'
Et translate' pres d'arduenne silue:
Les deux bastards par l'aisne' decolle',
Et regnera Aenodarb, nez de milue.

Par chapeaux rouges querelles & nouueaux scismes
Quand on aura esleu le Sabinois:
On produira contre luy grands sophismes,
Et sera Rome lesee par Albanois.

Le grand, Arabe marchera bien auant,
Trahy sera par les Bisantinois:
L'antique Rodes luy viendra audeuant,
Et plus grand mal par austre Pannonois.

Apres la grande affliction du sceptre,
Deux ennemis par eux seront defaicts:
Classe Affrique aux Pannons viendra naistre,
Par mer terre seront horribles faicts.

Nul de l'Espagne, mais de l'antique France
Ne sera esleu pour le trembant nacelle
A l'ennemy sera faicte fiance,
Qui dans son regne sera peste cruelle.

L'an que les Freres du lys seront en aage,
L'vn d'eux tiendra la grande Romanie:
Trembler ses monts, ouuers Latin passage,
Fache macher contre fort d'Armenie.

La gent de Dace, d'Angleterre, Polonne
Et de Boe"sme feront nouuelle ligue.
Pour passer outre d'Hercules la colonne,
Barcins, Tyrrens dresser cruelle brique.

Vn Roy sera qui donra l'opposite.
Les exilz esleuez sur le regne:
De sang nager la gent caste hypolite,
Et florira long temps sous telle enseigne.

La loy du Sol & Venus contendus
Appropriant l'esprit de prophetie:
Ne l'vn ne l'autre ne seront entendus,
Par sol tiendra la loy du grand Messie.

Du pont Exine, & la grand Tartarie,
Vn Roy sera qui viendra voir la Gaule,
Transpercera Alane & l'Armenie,
Et dedans Bisance lairra sanglante gaule

De la Felice Arabie contrade,
N'aistra puissant de loy Mahometique:
Vexer l'Espagne, conquester la Grenade,
Et plus par mer a` la gent Lygustique.

Par le trespas du tres-vieillard Pontife
Sera esleu Romain de bon aage,
Qui sera dict que le siege debiffe,
Et long tiendra & de picquant ouurage.

Istra de mont Gaufier & Auentin,
Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee
Entre deux rocs sera prins le butin,
DE SEXT, mansol faillir la renommee.

De l'aque duct d'Vticense Gardoing,
Par la forest mort inacessible,
Ennemy du pont sera tranche' au poing
Le chef nemans qui tant sera terrible.

Au chef Anglois a` Nismes trop seiour,
Deuers l'Espagne au secours Aenobarbe
Plusieurs mourront par Mars ouuert ce iour,
Quand en Artois faillir estoille en barbe.

Par teste rase viendra bien mal eslire,
Plus que sa charge ne porter passera.
Si grande fureur & rage fera dire,
Qu'a` feu & sang tout sexe trenchera.

L'enfant du grand n'estant a` sa naissance,
Subiuguera les hauts monts Apennis:
Fera trembler tous ceux de la balance,
Et des monts feux iusques a` Mont-senis.

Sur les rochers sang on verra pleuuoir,
Sol Orient Saturne Occidental:
Pres d'Orgon guerre a` Rome grand mal voir,
Nefs parfondrees, & prins Tridental.

De vaine emprinse l'honneur indue plaincte,
Galliots errans par latins, froid, faim, vagues
Non loin du Tymbre de sang la terre taincte,
Et sur humaine seront diuerses plagues.

Les assemblez par repos du grand nombre
Par terre & mer conseil contremande':
Pres de l'Antonne Gennes, Nice de l'ombre
Par champs & villes le chef contrebande'.

Subit venu l'effrayeur sera grande,
Des principaux de l'affaire cachez:
Et dame en brasse plus ne sera en veu"e,
Ce peu a` peu seront les grands fachez.

Sous les antiques edifices vestaux,
Non esloignez d'aqueduct ruyne.
De Sol & lune sont les luisans metaux,
Ardente lampe, Traian d'or burine.

Quand chef Perouse n'osera sa tunique
Sans au couuert tout nud s'expolier:
Seront prins sept faict Aristocratique,
Le pere & fils mort par poincte au colier.

Dans le Danube & du Rhin viendra boire
Le grand Chameau, ne s'en repentira:
Trembler du Rosne, & plus fort ceux de Loire
Et pres des Alpes Coq le ruinera.

Plus ne sera le grand en feux sommeil,
L'inquietude viendra prendre repos:
Dresser phalange d'or, azur & vermeil
Subiuger Afrique la ronger iusques os.

Des regions subiectes a` la Balance
Feront troubler les monts par grande guerre,
Captifs tout sexe deu & tout Bisance,
Qu'on criera a` l'aube terre a` terre.

Par la fureur d'vn qui attendra l'eau,
Par la grand'rage tout l'exercice esmeu:
Charge' des nobles a` dix sept barreaux,
Au long du Rosne tard messager venu.

Pour le plaisir d'edict voluptueux,
On meslera la poison dans la foy:
Venus sera en cours si vertueux,
Qu'obfusquera Soleil tout a` loy.

Persecutee sera de Dieu l'Eglise,
Et les saincts Temples seront expoliez,
L'enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise,
Seront Arabes aux Pollons ralliez.

De sang Troyen naistra coeur, Germanique
Qui deuiendra en si haute puissance:
Hors chassera estrange Arabique,
Tournant l'Eglise en pristine preeminence.

Montera haut sur le bien plus a` dextre,
Demourera assis sur la pierre quarree,
Vers le midy pose' a` sa senestre,
Baston tortu en main bouche serree.

En lieu libre tendra son pauillon,
Et ne voudra en citez prendre place
Aix, Carpen l'isle volce, mont, Cauaillon,
Par tous ses lieux abolira la trasse.

Tous les degrez d'honneur Ecclesiastique
Seront changez en dial quirinal:
En Martial quirinal flaminique,
Puis vn Roy de France le rendra vulcanal.

Les deux vnis ne tiendront longuement,
Et dans treize ans au Barbare Strappe,
Aux deux costez feront tel perdement,
Qu'vn benira le Barque & sa cappe.

Par sacree pompe viendra baisser les aisles,
Par la venue du grand legislateur:
Humble haussera, vexera les rebelles,
Naistra sur terre aucun aemulateur.

Logmion grande Bisance approchera.
Chassee sera la barbarique Ligue:
Des deux loix l'vne l'estinique laschera,
Barbare & franche en perpetuelle brigue.

L'oiseau royal sur la cite' solaire,
Sept moys deuant fera nocturne augure:
Mur d'Orient cherra tonnerre esclaire,
Sept iours aux portes les ennemis a` l'heure.

Au conclud pache hors la forteresse,
Ne sortira celuy en desespoir mis:
Quant ceux d'Arbois, de Langres, contre Bresse,
Auront mons Dolle bouscade d'ennemis.

Ceux qui auront entreprins subuertir,
Nompareil regne, puissant & inuincible:
Feront par fraudes, nuicts trois aduertir,
Quand le plus grand a` table lira Bible.

Naistra du gouphre & cite' immesuree,
Nay de parens obscurs & tenebreux:
Qui la puissance du grand Roy reueree,
Voudra destruire par Rou"an & Eureux.

Par les Sueues & lieux circonuoisins.
Seront en guerre pour cause des nuees.
Camp marins locustes & cousins,
Du Leman fautes seront bien desnuees.

Par les deux testes, & trois bras separe's,
La cite' grande sera par eaux vexee:
Des grands d'entr'eux par exil esgare's,
Par teste perse Bisance fort pressee.

L'an que Saturne hors de seruage,
Au franc terroir sera d'eau inunde':
De sang Troyen sera son mariage,
Et sera seur d'Espaignols circunde'.

Sur le sablon par vn hideux deluge,
Des autres mers trouue' monstre marin:
Proche du lieu sera faicte vn refuge,
Venant Sauone esclaue de Turin.

Dedans Hongrie par Boheme, Nauarre,
Et par banniere sainctes seditions:
Par fleurs de lys pays portant la barre,
Contre Orleans fera esmotions.

Dans le cyclades, en printhe & larisse,
Dedans Sparte tout le Peloponnesse:
Si grand famine, peste par faux connisse,
Neuf mois tiendra & tout le cheronnesse.

Au grand marche' qu'on dict des mensongiers,
Du tout Torrent & champ Athenien:
Seront surprins par les cheuaux legiers,
Par Albanois Mars, Leo, Sat. vn versien.

Apres le siege tenu dixscept ans,
Cinq changeront en tel reuolu terme:
Puis sera l'vn esleu de mesme temps,
Qui des Romains ne sera trop conforme.

Soubs le terroir du rond globe lunaire,
Lors que sera dominateur Mercure:
L'isle d'Escosse fera vn luminaire,
Qui les Anglois mettra a` deconfiture.

Translatera en la grand Germanie,
Brabant & Flandres, Gand, Bruges, & Bolongne:
La trefue fainte le grand duc d'Armenie,
Assaillira Vienne & la Cologne.

Nautique rame inuitera les vmbres,
Du grand Empire lors viendra conciter:
La mer Aegee des lignes les en combres
Empeschant l'onde Tirrenne defflottez.

Sur le milieu du grand monde la rose,
Pour nouueaux faicts sang public espandu:
A dire vray on aura bouche close,
Lors au besoing viendra tard l'attendu.

Le n'ay defforme par horreur suffoque',
Dans la cite' du grand Roy habitable:
L'edict seuere des captifs reuoque',
Gresle & tonnerre, Condon inestimable.

A quarante huict degre' climaterique,
A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse:
Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique,
Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en detresse.

Milan, Ferrare, Turin, & Aquilleye,
Capue, Brundis vexez per geut Celtique:
Par le Lyon & phalange aquilee
Quant Rome aura le chef vieux Britannique.

Le boute feu par son feu attrape',
Du feu du ciel a` Calcas & Gominge:
Foix, Aux, Mazere, haut vieillart eschappe',
Par ceux de Hasse des Saxons & Turinge.


Century V

Before the coming of Celtic ruin,
In the temple two will parley
Pike and dagger to the heart of one mounted on the steed,
They will bury the great one without making any noise.

Seven conspirators at the banquet will cause to flash
The iron out of the ship against the three:
One will have the two fleets brought to the great one,
When through the evil the latter shoots him in the forehead.

The successor to the Duchy will come,
Very far beyond the Tuscan Sea:
A Gallic branch will hold Florence,
The nautical Frog in its bosom be agreement.

The large mastiff expelled from the city
Will be vexed by the strange alliance,
After having chased the stag to the fields
The wolf and the Bear will defy each other.

Under the shadowy pretense of removing servitude,
He will himself usurp the people and city:
He will do worse because of the deceit of the young prostitute,
Delivered in the field reading the false poem.

The Augur putting his hand upon the head of the King
Will come to pray for the peace of Italy:
He will come to move the scepter to his left hand,
From King he will become pacific Emperor.

The bones of the Triumvir will be found,
Looking for a deep enigmatic treasure:
Those from thereabouts will not be at rest,
Digging for this thing of marble and metallic lead.

There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death,
Horrible and frightful within the globes,
By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet,
The city afire, the enemy amenable.

The great arch demolished down to its base,
By the chief captive his friend forestalled,
He will be born of the lady with hairy forehead and face,
Then through cunning the Duke overtaken by death.

A Celtic chief wounded in the conflict
Seeing death overtaking his men near a cellar:
Pressed by blood and wounds and enemies,
And relief by four unknown ones.

The sea will not be passed over safely by those of the Sun,
Those of Venus will hold all Africa:
Saturn will no longer occupy their realm,
And the Asiatic part will change.

To near the Lake of Geneva will it be conducted,
By the foreign maiden wishing to betray the city:
Before its murder at Augsburg the great suite,
And those of the Rhine will come to invade it.

With great fury the Roman Belgian King
Will want to vex the barbarian with his phalanx:
Fury gnashing, he will chase the African people
From the Pannonias to the pillars of Hercules.

Saturn and Mars in Leo Spain captive,
By the African chief trapped in the conflict,
Near Malta, Herod taken alive,
And the Roman scepter will be struck down by the Cock.

The great Pontiff taken captive while navigating,
The great one thereafter to fail the clergy in tumult:
Second one elected absent his estate declines,
His favorite bastard to death broken on the wheel.

The Sabaean tear no longer at its high price,
Turning human flesh into ashes through death,
At the isle of Pharos disturbed by the Crusaders,
When at Rhodes will appear a hard phantom.

By night the King passing near an Alley,
He of Cyprus and the principal guard:
The King mistaken, the hand flees the length of the Rhône,
The conspirators will set out to put him to death.

The unhappy abandoned one will die of grief,
His conqueress will celebrate the hecatomb:
Pristine law, free edict drawn up,
The wall and the Prince falls on the seventh day.

The great Royal one of gold, augmented by brass,
The agreement broken, war opened by a young man:
People afflicted because of a lamented chief,
The land will be covered with barbarian blood.

The great army will pass beyond the Alps,
Shortly before will be born a monster scoundrel:
Prodigious and sudden he will turn
The great Tuscan to his nearest place.

By the death of the Latin Monarch,
Those whom he will have assisted through his reign:
The fire will light up again the booty divided,
Public death for the bold ones who incurred it.

Before the great one has given up the ghost at Rome,
Great terror for the foreign army:
The ambush by squadrons near Parma,
Then the two red ones will celebrate together.

The two contented ones will be united together,
When for the most part they will be conjoined with Mars:
The great one of Africa trembles in terror,
Duumvirate disjoined by the fleet.

The realm and law raised under Venus,
Saturn will have dominion over Jupiter:
The law and realm raised by the Sun,
Through those of Saturn it will suffer the worst.

The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.

The slavish people through luck in war
Will become elevated to a very high degree:
They will change their Prince, one born a provincial,
An army raised in the mountains to pass over the sea.

Through fire and arms not far from the Black Sea,
He will come from Persia to occupy Trebizond:
Pharos, Mytilene to tremble, the Sun joyful,
The Adriatic Sea covered with Arab blood.

His arm hung and leg bound,
Face pale, dagger hidden in his bosom,
Three who will be sworn in the fray
Against the great one of Genoa will the steel be unleashed.

Liberty will not be recovered,
A proud, villainous, wicked black one will occupy it,
When the matter of the bridge will be opened,
The republic of Venice vexed by the Danube.

All around the great city
Soldiers will be lodged throughout the fields and towns:
To give the assault Paris, Rome incited,
Then upon the bridge great pillage will be carried out.

Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,
At present the rose of the world:
The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.

Where all is good, the Sun all beneficial and the Moon
Is abundant, its ruin approaches:
From the sky it advances to change your fortune.
In the same state as the seventh rock.

Of the principal ones of the city in rebellion
Who will strive mightily to recover their liberty:
The males cut up, unhappy fray,
Cries, groans at Nantes pitiful to see.

From the deepest part of the English West
Where the head of the British isle is
A fleet will enter the Gironde through Blois,
Through wine and salt, fires hidden in the casks.

For the free city of the great Crescent sea,
Which still carries the stone in its stomach,
The English fleet will come under the drizzle
To seize a branch, war opened by the great one.

The sister's brother through the quarrel and deceit
Will come to mix dew in the mineral:
On the cake given to the slow old woman,
She dies tasting it she will be simple and rustic.

Three hundred will be in accord with one will
To come to the execution of their blow,
Twenty months after all memory
Their king betrayed simulating feigned hate.

He who will succeed the great monarch on his death
Will lead an illicit and wanton life:
Through nonchalance he will give way to all,
So that in the end the Salic law will fail.

Issued from the true branch of the fleur-de-lis,
Placed and lodged as heir of Etruria:
His ancient blood woven by long hand,
He will cause the escutcheon of Florence to bloom.

The blood royal will be so very mixed,
Gauls will be constrained by Hesperia:
One will wait until his term has expired,
And until the memory of his voice has perished.

Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.

Mars raised to his highest belfry
Will cause the Savoyards to withdraw from France:
The Lombard people will cause very great terror
To those of the Eagle included under the Balance.

The great ruin of the holy things is not far off,
Provence, Naples, Sicily, Sées and Pons:
In Germany, at the Rhine and Cologne,
Vexed to death by all those of Mainz.

On sea the red one will be taken by pirates,
Because of him peace will be troubled:
Anger and greed will he expose through a false act,
The army doubled by the great Pontiff.

The great Empire will soon be desolated
And transferred to near the Ardennes:
The two bastards beheaded by the oldest one,
And Bronzebeard the hawk-nose will reign.

Quarrels and new schism by the red hats
When the Sabine will have been elected:
They will produce great sophism against him,
And Rome will be injured by those of Alba.

The great Arab will march far forward,
He will be betrayed by the Byzantians:
Ancient Rhodes will come to meet him,
And greater harm through the Austrian Hungarians.

After the great affliction of the scepter,
Two enemies will be defeated by them:
A fleet from Africa will appear before the Hungarians,
By land and sea horrible deeds will take place.

Not from Spain but from ancient France
Will one be elected for the trembling bark,
To the enemy will a promise be made,
He who will cause a cruel plague in his realm.

The year that the brothers of the lily come of age,
One of them will hold the great Romania:
The mountains to tremble, Latin passage opened,
Agreement to march against the fort of Armenia.

The people of Dacia, England, Poland
And of Bohemia will make a new league:
To pass beyond the pillars of Hercules,
The Barcelonians and Tuscans will prepare a cruel plot.

There will be a King who will give opposition,
The exiles raised over the realm:
The pure poor people to swim in blood,
And for a long time will he flourish under such a device.

The law of the Sun and of Venus in strife,
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:
Neither the one nor the other will be understood,
The law of the great Messiah will hold through the Sun.

From beyond the Black Sea and great Tartary,
There will be a King who will come to see Gaul,
He will pierce through Alania and Armenia,
And within Byzantium will he leave his bloody rod.

In the country of Arabia Felix
There will be born one powerful in the law of Mahomet:
To vex Spain, to conquer Grenada,
And more by sea against the Ligurian people.

Through the death of the very old Pontiff
A Roman of good age will be elected,
Of him it will be said that he weakens his see,
But long will he sit and in biting activity.

There will go from Mont and Aventin,
One who through the hole will warn the army:
Between two rocks will the booty be taken,
Of Sectus' mausoleum the renown to fail.

By the aqueduct of Uzès over the Gard,
Through the forest and inaccessible mountain,
In the middle of the bridge there will be cut in the fist
The chief of Nîmes who will be very terrible.

Too long a stay for the English chief at Nîmes,
Towards Spain Redbeard to the rescue:
Many will die by war opened that day,
When a bearded star will fall in Artois.

By the shaven head a very bad choice will come to be made,
Overburdened he will not pass the gate:
He will speak with such great fury and rage,
That to fire and blood he will consign the entire sex.

The child of the great one not by his birth,
He will subjugate the high Apennine mountains:
He will cause all those of the balance to tremble,
And from the Pyrenees to Mont Cenis.

One will see blood to rain on the rocks,
Sun in the East, Saturn in the West:
Near Orgon war, at Rome great evil to be seen,
Ships sunk to the bottom, taken by Trident.

From the vain enterprise honor and undue complaint,
Boats tossed about among the Latins, cold, hunger, waves
Not far from the Tiber the land stained with blood,
And diverse plagues will be upon mankind.

Those assembled by the tranquillity of the great number,
By land and sea counsel countermanded:
Near Antonne Genoa, Nice in the shadow
Through fields and towns in revolt against the chief.

Come suddenly the terror will be great,
Hidden by the principal ones of the affair:
And the lady on the charcoal will no longer be in sight,
Thus little by little will the great ones be angered.

Under the ancient vestal edifices,
Not far from the ruined aqueduct:
The glittering metals are of the Sun and Moon,
The lamp of Trajan engraved with gold burning.

When the chief of Perugia will not venture his tunic
Sense under cover to strip himself quite naked:
Seven will be taken Aristocratic deed,
Father and son dead through a point in the collar.

In the Danube and of the Rhine will come to drink
The great Camel, not repenting it:
Those of the Rhône to tremble, and much more so those of the Loire,
and near the Alps the Cock will ruin him.

No longer will the great one be in his false sleep,
Uneasiness will come to replace tranquillity:
A phalanx of gold, azure and vermilion arrayed
To subjugate Africa and gnaw it to the bone,

Of the regions subject to the Balance,
They will trouble the mountains with great war,
Captives the entire sex enthralled and all Byzantium,
So that at dawn they will spread the news from land to land.

By the fury of one who will wait for the water,
By his great rage the entire army moved:
Seventeen boats loaded with the noble,
The messenger come late along the Rhône.

For the pleasure of the voluptuous edict,
One will mix poison in the faith:
Venus will be in a course so virtuous
As to becloud the whole quality of the Sun.

The Church of God will be persecuted,
And the holy Temples will be plundered,
The child will put his mother out in her shift,
Arabs will be allied with the Poles.

Of Trojan blood will be born a Germanic heart
Who will rise to very high power:
He will drive out the foreign Arabic people,
Returning the Church to its pristine pre-eminence.

He will rise high over the estate more to the right,
He will remain seated on the square stone,
Towards the south facing to his left,
The crooked staff in his hand his mouth sealed.

In a free place will he pitch his tent,
And he will not want to lodge in the cities:
Aix, Carpentras, L'Isle, Vaucluse Mont, Cavaillon,
Throughout all these places will he abolish his trace.

All degrees of Ecclesiastical honor
Will be changed to that of Jupiter and Quirinus:
The priest of Quirinus to one of Mars,
Then a King of France will make him one of Vulcan.

The two will not be united for very long,
And in thirteen years to the Barbarian Satrap:
On both sides they will cause such loss
That one will bless the Bark and its cope.

The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings,
Through the coming of the great legislator:
He will raise the humble, he will vex the rebels,
His like will not appear on this earth.

Ogmios will approach great Byzantium,
The Barbaric League will be driven out:
Of the two laws the heathen one will give way,
Barbarian and Frank in perpetual strife.

The royal bird over the city of the Sun,
Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal omen:
The Eastern wall will fall lightning thunder,
Seven days the enemies directly to the gates.

At the conclusion of the treaty outside the fortress
Will not go he who is placed in despair:
When those of Arbois, of Langres against Bresse
Will have the mountains of Dôle an enemy ambush.

Those who will have undertaken to subvert,
An unparalleled realm, powerful and invincible:
They will act through deceit, nights three to warn,
When the greatest one will read his Bible at the table.

He will be born of the gulf and unmeasured city,
Born of obscure and dark family:
He who the revered power of the great King
Will want to destroy through Rouen and Evreux.

Through the Suevi and neighboring places,
They will be at war over the clouds:
Swarm of marine locusts and gnats,
The faults of Geneva will be laid quite bare.

Divided by the two heads and three arms,
The great city will be vexed by waters:
Some great ones among them led astray in exile,
Byzantium hard pressed by the head of Persia.

The year that Saturn is out of bondage,
In the Frank land he will be inundated by water:
Of Trojan blood will his marriage be,
And he will be confined safely be the Spaniards.

Through a frightful flood upon the sand,
A marine monster from other seas found:
Near the place will be made a refuge,
Holding Savona the slave of Turin.

Into Hungary through Bohemia, Navarre,
and under that banner holy insurrections:
By the fleur-de-lis legion carrying the bar,
Against Orléans they will cause disturbances.

In the Cyclades, in Perinthus and Larissa,
In Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus:
Very great famine, plague through false dust,
Nine months will it last and throughout the entire peninsula.

At the market that they call that of liars,
Of the entire Torrent and field of Athens:
They will be surprised by the light horses,
By those of Alba when Mars is in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius.

After the see has been held seventeen years,
Five will change within the same period of time:
Then one will be elected at the same time,
One who will not be too comfortable to the Romans.

Under the land of the round lunar globe,
When Mercury will be dominating:
The isle of Scotland will produce a luminary,
One who will put the English into confusion.

He will transfer into great Germany
Brabant and Flanders, Ghent, Bruges and Boulogne:
The truce feigned, the great Duke of Armenia
Will assail Vienna and Cologne.

The nautical oar will tempt the shadows,
Then it will come to stir up the great Empire:
In the Aegean Sea the impediments of wood
Obstructing the diverted Tyrrhenian Sea.

The rose upon the middle of the great world,
For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.

The one born deformed suffocated in horror,
In the habitable city of the great King:
The severe edict of the captives revoked,
Hail and thunder, Condom inestimable.

At the forty-eighth climacteric degree,
At the end of Cancer very great dryness:
Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic,
Béarn, Bigorre in distress through fire from the sky.

Milan, Ferrara, Turin and Aquileia,
Capua, Brindisi vexed by the Celtic nation:
By the Lion and his Eagle’s phalanx,
When the old British chief Rome will have.

The incendiary trapped in his own fire,
Of fire from the sky at Carcassonne and the Comminges:
Foix, Auch, Mazères, the high old man escaped,
Through those of Hesse and Thuringia, and some Saxons.


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