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Nepal in Crisis

A Brief Guide to Issues, Combatants, Commentators and Interveners

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As the US demands war on Iraq it is easy to lose sight of "small wars" around the world. But there is nothing "small" about the civil war in Nepal for those suffering its consequences. Neither is there anything small about the $20 million in emergency military funding to the Nepal government authorized by the US Congress in August 2002, the £6 billion authorized by the British Parliament, or the shipment of 5500 Minimi machine guns scheduled for delivery by Belgium.

The US and Britain have taken the lead in advocating a "two-
pronged" international response to the armed insurgency in Nepal: i) massive funding to security forces renowned for gross human rights violations in order to suppress the insurgency to the point where, ii) the failed development policies of past decades can be retrenched and intensified. This is a recipe for disaster not resolution; a recipe for another interminable civil war that gains occasional brief notice in the Western media while destroying the lives and futures of millions day by day, year by year.

Insurgencies always have a history, though they are frequently reported on as if they do not. Many who have visited Nepal, or even lived there for extended periods, may also feel that the armed insurgency has appeared out of "nowhere". Nepal's history of peasant uprisings and their often brutal suppression, for example, barely gains mention in standard histories. Links are provided here to materials that give a glimpse into the condition of dalits, ethnic minorities, women, children, bonded laborers and others. There are also links to materials on pressing land and resource issues.

When arms have been taken up against the state tremendous pressure to takes sides ensues. When one side is labeled "terrorist", the space for critical analysis further narrows. But to refuse George Bush's "fer us or agin' us" formula for responding to the world demands just such critical analysis - of the perspectives from which reporting is done and conditions of censorship, of the deep social inequalities in Nepali society, of the policies of multilateral and bilateral development agencies and their consequences, of the international arms trade and its impact upon "small" places like Nepal. Links are provided to begin exploration of these facets of the crisis in Nepal.

Like the "Garden of the Gods" at Pashupatinath, this page remains under construction.

Combatants' Views

Journalists' Views

International Interventions

Land and Resources in Nepal

Labour and Social Conditions in Nepal

"The Donors" in Nepal

Nepali Human Rights Organizations

International Human Rights Organizations

The International Arms Trade

Combatants' Views

HMG and Its Security Forces:
Royal Nepal Army
Prime Minister's Justification for Imposing State of Emergency, November 2001
Supreme Court Decision Rejecting Challenge to Legality of Dissolution of Parliament in May 2002 (in Nepali)
King's Justification for Reimposing Absolute Monarchy, October, 2002 (in Nepali)
The CPN(Maoist):
Agenda Presented in 1st round of Peace Talks, 27 April 2003NEW
Interview with Baburam Bhattarai (14 December, 2002)
Statement by Baburam Bhattarai (4 Sept. 02)
40 Point Demand Issued Prior to Launching Armed Struggle
Strategies and Tactics of Armed Struggle in Nepal (1995 3rd Plenum Document)
Some CPN(Maoist) Press Releases/Interviews (1995-2003)
Another source for some CPN(Maoist) Statements and Documents
Official Government Media:
The Rising Nepal
Radio Nepal Broadcasts
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Journalists' Views

Nepali Mainstream Media: Daily News Briefs and Links to Newspapers
Kantipur's Brief Updates in English
English media reporting on women
Himal South Asian
Himal Khabar Patrika
Kanak Mani Dixit, Barbara Adams and Pratyoush Onta on the State of Democracy in Nepal (2001; video)
NB: .wmv plug-in required. Be sure to read privacy disclosures before downloading a .wmv plug-in on your computer).
International Mainstream Media:
BBC South Asia (Print)
BBC Nepali Sewa (audio, daily)
International Communist, Socialist and other Left-oriented Media:
Revolutionary Worker
Reporting by the World Socialist Web Site
Nepalese Progressive People's Forum, Belgium. On Belgian Arms Sale to Nepal
Belgian Workers Party Reports on Arms Sale to Nepal (in Dutch)
Evaluating Media Coverage
Press Rights under the Constitution
Instructions to the Press under the State of Emergency (Nov. 2001-Aug. 2002)
Reporters without Borders. Nepal Report, 2002
Reporters without Borders. Other materials on Nepal (scroll down for English)
Reporters without Borders: The Impunity Blacklist (Nepal among the worst 21 countries)
World Press Freedom Review Reports on Nepal, 1997-2001
Reporting Conflict: A Critique of the Mass Media (SAFHR, 2001)
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Nepali Human Rights Organisations

Human Rights and Peace Campaign
Informal Sector Service Centre
Amnesty International, Nepal Section
Guide to Several Other Organisations
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International Human Rights Organisations

Amnesty International, Nepal Reports and Press Releases
Human Rights Watch, Nepal Documents
Asian Human Rights Commission
South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre
South Asia Forum for Human Rights
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Land and Resources in Nepal

Water and Power
Mahakali Treaty: Evaluation of News
Exploiting Nepal's Hydropower Potential: A Ministry View
Water Projects in Nepal and Displacement
Melamchi: A Ministry View
Contamination of Drinking Water in Nepal
Promoting Local Water Management in Nepal
Water, Politics and People
Oil - Yes, in Nepal too!
US Oil Interests in Nepal. A very informative collection of documents
The Oil Factor: Texana in Nepal
Other material to be added

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Labour and Social Conditions in Nepal

Caste Discrimination
Dalit Women: Triple Oppression
Some NGO Articles on Dalits
Government Responds to Dalits Preparing for WCAR in Durban
Government Speaks at WCAR in Durban
Nepali Dalit Speaks to UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Caste Discrimination: A Global Concern (HRW Report)
Jagaran Media CentreNEW
Rape for Profit: Trafficking of Nepali Girls and Women (HRW Report)
Dalit Women: Triple Oppression
Condemned to Exploitation (Women and the Law) (CeLLRD Report)
MahilaWeb: Women and Gender in Nepal (Sancharika Samuha)
Condition of Children in Nepal: Some Basic Facts
Situation of Girls in Nepal: Some Basic Facts
Impact of the Armed Conflict on Children
Foreign Pedophiles in Nepal
Girl Trafficking in Nepal (SAFHR)
Child Marriage in Nepal
Juvenile Justice in Nepal
Laws and International Treaties Ostensibly Protecting Nepali Children
State of the Rights of the Child in Nepal - 2002
Minority Nationalities / Indigenous Peoples
Racial Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples
Janajatis and the Nepali State
Brahmin Stranglehold over Nepal
List of Some Ethnic Organisations
Nepal Tamang Ghedung
Ethnic Demography of Nepal
Brief Descriptions of Some Nationalities of Nepal
Livelihood Issues
Bonded Labour (Kamaiya System)
Bonded Labourers After "Emancipation"
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International Interventions

Bush Administration's Rationale for $20 Million in Emergency Military Aid to Nepal and two Congressmens' Response
London Donor Conference Resolves Increased Military Aid, June 2002
Strafor Report on Regional Geopolitical Significance of the Conflict (January 2001)
Belgian Formula for Peace in Nepal: 5500 Minimi Machine Guns
The Belgian Arms Scandal (Note: also search on keyword Nepal for extensive reporting in Dutch and French, some English)
USA to Nepal: Dismantling Democratic Governance an "Internal Matter"
Belgian Government Crisis Over Arms Sale to Nepal
Development as Intervention in Civil War
London Donor Conference Resolves Increased Military Aid, June 2002
Governor of World Bank for Nepal: Advice to World Bank and IMF Boards of Governors, Sept. 2002
USAID Strategic Plan for Nepal, 2001-2005
DfID Nepal Country Strategy Paper
World Bank Group Country Assistance Strategy
IMF Country Report, Sept. 2002
ADB's Country Report, 2001
ADB's "Country Assistance" Plan, 2001-2003
ADB's Country Strategy 2003-2005
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"The Donors" in Nepal

The Multilaterals
The World Bank
The World Bank (Nepali Language Site)
Asian Development Bank
The Bilaterals
MS Nepal (Danish Assoc. for International Cooperation)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Action Aid (UK)
CARE International
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Germany)
Redd Barna (Save the Children, Norway)
Guide to Some INGOs Active in Nepal
Domestic NGOs
Child Workers in Nepal (CWIN)
A Guide to Some Women-Focused NGOs
Sancharika Samuha (Women/Media)
Empower Dalit Women
Maiti Nepal
Informal Sector Service Centre
Centre for Legal Research and Resource Development
Emerging Conflict Prevention Industry
MS Nepal (Danish organisation) on Conflict Resolution
Harvard On-Line Conference on Conflict Resolution
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Workshop on Conflict Resolution
USAID: Ending Conflict and Expanding Democracy
Harvard Conflict Prevention Initiative
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International Arms Trade

War as Commerce
SIPRI Arms Transfer Project
US Arms Sales Monitoring Project
The Arms Trade Revealed (US)
Guide to US Weapons Manufacturers and their Clients
UK Offerings on the World Arms Market
Arms Production and Export - India
India Defence Consultants
Belgian Arms Industry
Existing Instruments for Reducing Arms Trade
Arms Export Controls - Europe
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