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Wind Swords Raid Rules

Version 1 By Eendor Ghoulsbane

What is the Aim of these Rules and Instructions

Hi all. Now that you are here, I guess you are asking yourself what this is all about. To put it simply, the Wind Swords is expanding. As part of that expansion we are finally growing to a size where, for both fun and experience, we will soon enter the world of raiding.

However, getting a group of 20+ people together to achieve a common goal, and keeping everyone alive, takes planning and co-ordination to ensure that everyone knows what is going on. More importantly, the middle of a raid is not the place for people to be unsure of what they are doing. We need to have one set of rules for the guild so that when we start a raid we don’t need to spell everything out every time.

What is Raiding all about?

Maybe I should start this section with a definition of what raiding isn’t about. RAIDING IS NOT ABOUT INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS MAKING LOTS OF CASH OR EXPERIENCE. I can’t emphasize this enough. There is to be no discussion during the raid of people not getting good money or experience from the mobs they have been tasked to kill. That is final. Feel free to visit PC or any other such zone if that is your aim.

You may well then ask why bother to raid? Well, for starters, every class has an epic. Most of these require the killing of specific mobs that are just too much for a single group to take on. Also, many of the high level zones have mobs that are just fun to kill. Raiding is about finding a specific, if difficult, task and getting a group of guild mates / friends together to achieve it. Generally, every Raid we plan will have a specific target. It may be a difficult mob or an epic drop but that task will be the focus for the raid.

So, if you are a low level character, why would you want to come on a raid? Well, firstly the satisfaction of achieving a difficult task with everyone working together is part of it. Hearing the exclamations of the others in the zone when 40 Wind Swords walk in and start wiping out everything in their path is also a lot of fun. Most importantly, helping a senior member of the guild achieve his epic, for example, means that when your turn comes, you can expect others to want to help you.

Pre Raid Organization

So, now we know why we are going to help out our guild mates on the raid, how do we put it all together?

Firstly, every raid will have a leader. THAT PERSONS ORDERS ARE FINAL AND NO DISCUSSION WILL BE ENTERED INTO, UNLESS THE LEADER ASKS YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE. The Raid Leader will be responsible for setting the Raid’s goal and making all the necessary preparations. This may include making a map available on the Guild web site or directing members to an appropriate internet map.

Once the plan has been made the Raid Leader will post all the relevant information onto the Guild web site. This will include stating the goal of the raid, meeting time and place and nominating the major leadership positions for the raid.

Preparing Yourself for the Raid

Once the raid has been advertised on the web site, and you have checked that you are available and wish to attend, if possible, you should post a reply to the Raid thread in the message boards with your Name, Class and Level. This will give the Raid leader advanced notice of who should be attending and start to formulate the Raid Groups. Of course, some people who said they could attend won’t be able to and some will be last minute additions but the more preparation that can be done prior to the event the better.

Approximately 1 hour prior to the raid, you should make sure that you have all of your supplies (including food, drink, gems, etc) that you will need ready to go. Need KEI? Now’s the time to get it (well, maybe not a full hour before). Also, if you need to be bound closer to the meeting point or Raid location, please do this prior to arriving at the meeting point.

The only other things that may get in the way of a good Raid are any real life issues. As best you can, try to take care of these before you arrive at the Raid. If lunch time is coming, have a sandwich and drink ready. Go to the toilet. Put the dog out. Basically, be prepared so you don’t have to stop in the middle. Obviously, sometimes things happen and you have to interrupt your play (hurricane anyone?). Remember it’s only a game but try to make sure you are free of distractions.

What to do on arrival at the gathering point

Firstly, please arrive early. The standard meeting time for any Raid will be 30 minutes prior to commencement. This time should also be posted in the Raid plan but if it isn’t, assume it is 30min prior to the commencement of the Raid. If you are not at the meeting place at the meeting time you are late, and may not be allowed to join the Raid. Being “On the Way” is still late.

Find the leader and sit down in front but not to far from them and say nothing. At this stage please be quiet and wait for the leader to allocate you too a group.

Turn on LFG. This will allow the raid leader to do a “/who LFG” to find out who in the zone isn’t in a group yet. They will then allocate you to a group and advise you via /tell who your group leader is. At this stage please move to your group leader and again sit down in front of them and not too far away so that they can see you. Again, say nothing and wait for the rest of the groups to form.

If you need to buff, please do not do it now. There will be plenty of time when you arrive at the zone. The Raid Leader will allow time for this.

Organization of the Raid

The organization of the Raid will depend on the Raid’s aim. With the exception of the Raid Leader, all other positions may or may not be promulgated.

Raid Leader (RL) – Is the person in charge of all aspects of the Raid. The RL will usually be a senior member of the guild or an Officer.

Raid Healer (RH) – If a spare, high level Cleric is available, he may be specified as RH. He will stay with the RL and they will be available to help out groups as required and also do Rez’s.

Master Looter (ML) – Is the member or members in charge of looting throughout the Raid. There may be a ML for the entire Raid or one for each group. It will be dependant on the Raid’s aim and will be specified in the Raid plan if one is to be used for the Raid as a whole. Otherwise, each group will have a ML designated by the group leader.

Puller – If the raid is moving en-mass, such as in an outside zone, a single puller will be used to bring the mobs to the raid party. This will normally be the highest level Monk or Shadow Knight.

Main Assist (MA) – Is usually the highest level tank on the Raid. His job is to get agro from the puller and keep it. Please set up a hotkey to “assist” the MA. A Raid MA, like the Raid Puller, will only be specified when the raid is moving en-mass. If the Raid is large enough, a Secondary Assist (SA) may also be specified in case something happens to the MA.

Group Goals – If the Raid is not moving en-mass, each group will be given a specific goal. That goal may be to kill the Raid target, keep the escape route clear or even assist another group. It is vital to the success of the raid that each group sticks to its designated task and area. A single group not where it should be at the required time may mean the death of the entire raid. EVEN IF IT MEANS THE DEATH OF YOUR ENTIRE GROUP, YOU MUST FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE RL AND / OR GL. Why you may ask? While your group is dying, the RL will be trying to save you. That may mean that he gets another group clear with a high level cleric that would not if you run. So, do as instructed, even if it means dying then let the RL organise your Rez. If everyone dies because you run, there is no one left to Rez you!

Command and Control – This will be exercised by the RL to the Group Leaders (GL). Each GL will then, as he sees fit, try and fulfil the task given to his group by the RL. At no time are group members to communicate directly with the RL. If you have something to say, pass it to your GL. If they feel its necessary, they will pass it on to the RL.


LEARN TO KEEP QUIET. The biggest problem in any raid is communication. The more chatter there is, the bigger the chance that an important message will go missing. If it’s not directly concerned with the Raid in progress, save your chatter until after the raid.

If you have something that needs to be said, pass it to your GL. They will then decide if it needs to be passed higher and will pass it on to the RL if necessary.

DO NOT CHATTER AMOUNGST YOURSELVES, EVEN IN /TELL. While you are doing so you may miss a message from someone above you. Then you aren’t in the right place at the right time and someone may die. Again, if it’s not about the Raid in progress, you can leave it and tell your friend later.

So, what do I do if I disagree with the RL? Honestly, I don’t care! What they are doing is manoeuvring many groups around the zone. You almost certainly don’t have all the information they have so they are in a far better position than you to decide what to do. If you really strongly believe that something is being missed, tell your GL. They can then decide if it needs to be passed further up. YOU ARE NOT TO COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH THE RL UNLESS YOU ARE A GL.

Using the Raid Channel

To Be Advised.

Loot Policy

With the exception of Epic Loot, Loot is not a goal of the raid. The recipients of Epic Loot items will be specified in the Raid plan. If your name isn’t listed prior to the event you will only get the item as specified in the No Drop loot policy below.

Generally, all loot will be collected by the ML to be sold or distributed at the end of the raid. AT NO TIME IS ANYONE TO ASK FOR ITEMS THAT HAVE BEEN LOOTED DURING THE RAID. Write it down if you wish and ask at the end when appropriate items may be put up for grabs. IF ANYONE ASKS FOR A LOOTED ITEM WHILE THE RAID IS IN PROGRESS, THEY WILL NO LONGER BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE ITEM.

The only exception will be No Drop items that are not the goal of the raid or extra epic drops not specified in the Raid plan. If, in the opinion of the RL, these items should be made available for others, they will advertise the item at that time and those who can use the item on the character they are currently playing (not an Alt) may roll for it. Rolls will generally be /rand 200 300 unless otherwise specified prior to the event. Anyone who rolls other than this or doesn’t roll when asked will forfeit any right to the loot.

Anyone not following these loot rules will be subject to punishment as specified later in the rules.

Conclusion of the Raid

At some point the RL will decide the Raid is to be concluded. They will then manoeuvre the groups to ensure that everyone safely exits the zone in an orderly fashion. No person or group is the simply zone out on their own. Only when ordered to by the RL is anyone to zone out.

Assuming there is loot or cash then to be distributed, the RL will then confirm the meeting point to complete the raid. If sufficient Druids / Wizards are in the Raid, this may be at a Gate point or simply a safe area in an adjoining zone. When you arrive with your group at the meeting point, again sit as a group and keep quiet. IF YOU ASK FOR ITEMS BEFORE THEY ARE OFFERED YOU WILL BECOME INELIGIBLE FOR THE ITEM. After all items the RL thinks people may want have been offered, and prior to selling remaining items, the RL will ask if anyone has any other items the want from the loot. This is now your chance to speak up for any items you can use on the character you are currently playing. No items will be made available for Alts.

All MLs will then sell any remaining items and forward all the cash to the RL. The RL will split the cash evenly amongst the groups and pass each share to the GL. Groups can then divide the money amongst their members. This will ensure that the high level groups don’t get more money than the low level groups. Everyone plays their part and everyone gets an equal share of the cash.

Death and Dying

So you died! Now what? Well, the biggest rule of the Raid is NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND. The RL will now put all effort into making sure the body is pulled clear and the best Rez the Raid has will be given to you. Hopefully this won’t interfere with the continuation of the Raid, but if they need too, the RL will divert all resources to the corpse recovery and Rez.

As the person who died, you have but one thing to do. Send a single message to your GL and let them know you died. They will pass the message on to the RL and they will send a confirmation to you that they are aware you have died. Now, sit tight and wait for the Rez. At some point you may get asked to consent another player to drag you. Please do so and then send a single confirmation to the RL that you have done so. DO NOT CONTINUE TO ASK THE RL FOR UPDATES ON YOUR REZ. They will be busy now organising the recovery as there may be more that one body. Just sit quietly and wait.

AT NO STAGE IS ANY PERSON OR GROUP TO RUN UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO. You holding your ground, even if you die, may get out the group with the cleric with the highest Rez. This may mean the difference between a 96% Rez and a 20% so stand your ground and fight to the end if you have to.

Wash Up

There will be no Raid wash-ups held online. In the 24 hours after the raid, the RL will post a thread on the message board outlining their summary of the success of the raid. Feel free to add any constructive criticism at this point. This is not for everyone to complain over something they didn’t like about the raid. If it’s not constructive, keep it to yourself. If you have a solution or any ideas to improve things for next time, feel free to add those comments.

If we want to progress as a guild and hit the high level zones eventually, we will need to grow in our ability to conduct organised raids and everyone’s constructive input is essential.

Crime and Punishment

In an ideal world, I wouldn’t have to write this section. However, there are always some who want to push things and create problems for others. These rules exist solely so the guild can move a large group of people in an orderly fashion into areas that we wouldn’t usually be able to access.

As I look back through the rules, there are basically 12 items highlighted in capitals. They constitute the Wind Swords Raid Rules. Breeches of these items will unfortunately find you subject to the any of the following actions at the discretion of the RL and / or Guild Leader:

A single warning from the Raid Leader. Your removal from the Raid. This may occur mid Raid and may result in you having to find your own way out of a dangerous zone. Reassessment of your ongoing membership of the Wind Swords.

Might sound harsh but remember it only happens because YOU decide not to follow the raid rules.

However, everyone makes mistakes. If you do get the warning from the RL, all you need to do is follow the rules for the rest of the Raid and send an apology after it’s over. Really not that hard to fix it is it?

Finally, these consequences do not have to be followed in the specified order and deliberate breaches of the rules may result in swift and severe consequences so don’t do it.

Now What?

Now that you have read the Raid Rules, you need to add your name to the thread that will be set up in the message boards letting the RLs know you have read the Raid Rules, version 1 in this case.

Before each Raid the RL will check this thread and if your name isn’t there you won’t be able to attend.

Now, sit back and wait for the next Raid. Good luck everyone.


These rules are not all my own work. I have consulted many online references to come up with this version of the Wind Swords Raid Rules. If you see something of yours in here, a thanks goes to your for your hard work and input.