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More Common Africans Cichlids

Here's more african cichlids.

The Trewavasae

Labeotropheus Trewavasae(scientific name)is often confused with it's sister fuellborni but is easy to tell apart if you know what to look for.First you can tell these from other mbuna by it's downturned mouth. The difference between the trewavasae and the fuellborni is the trewavasae is amuch skinnier fish.These are another good addition to a community african cichlid tank.

The Brichardi

Lamprologus Brichardi(scientific name)Again these are pretty fish awsome fins and tail.The lyretail is one of the biggest reasons people love this fish it just catches the eye and there aren't that many cichlids that look like this,it's kind of like an oddity it just looks cool!These fish like live foods also but especially live brine shrimp.

The livinstoni

Nimbochromis Livinstoni(scientific name)is very aggressive even for african cichlid standards.It will also eat just about anything.Do not confuse with polystigma the livinstoni is lacking the small spots all over the body that the polystigma has.

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