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More Relatively Common Cichlids

Now we are starting to get deeper and deeper into the diferences between cichlids and other fish!! Mainly just because of the diferences in the fish of the same species and genera.They are so different!! It just makes cichlids all the more interesting!!

THE OSCAR Cichlasoma Ocellatum(scientific name).One of the larger more well known cichlids.Have you ever noticed that if you know someone that wants a fish and you show them an oscar they want it!! They are a perfect example of personality and spunk. I had some oscars that if you didn't feed them twice a day they would turn there back on you when you came in the room. Other examples are we have some that will jump out of the tank for food!! It is awsome!!I call them the grandaddy because they are the biggest of the widely available fish they can get to lengths of 13 inches I have 2 that big right now. They are also very colorful.

THE JACK DEMPSEY Cichlasoma biocellatum(scientific name).Another well known fish. Yes,it's named after the famous boxer because it can be so mean! The Jack Dempsey is one of the prettier of our aquarium fish.Turquois,blue,green,black all that spangled into one it's a neat looking fish and gets even more brillant at breeding time! These fish can get to about 10 inches but seldom get past 8,I've had one that hit 10 almost surpassing it before it died. These fish are aggressive but can be kept with almost all cichlids of the same size.

THE SALVINI Cichlasoma Salvini(scientific name).A tri-colored cichlid,this fish is just awesome but beware it's meeaan!! I've had them kill tank mates in minutes and breeding partners even faster. Fish larger and smaller have trouble defending themselves from this guy for more than one reason.Firstly it's so fast it can run from anything or catch anything. Second,it has sharp pointy teeth I think that helps alot too. I've also experienced that these fish can go well with other cichlids,but you hafta keep your eyes on them they could change anytime!

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