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Some More Cichlids

These are some more cichlids but these are cichlids I've kept and some of them have bred but I don't have them now. Everything up to this point are fish I have, and have breeding.

The Ram

Microgeophagus Ramirezi(technical name) is a dwarf cichlid. It has many different widely available color strains like blu and gold and is very beautiful when picked well. If it doesn't have a great coloration don't buy it because they are known to be really bright. This fish has many possibilities for tank mates, angelfish are good, sometimes discus are good also. If watched closely thes fish could probably go into a community tank though it's not widely appreciated. I had some in with mollies and guppies but you must be able to watch them closely! These get to be about 3 to 4 inches but I've never seen them at 4 inches in size.

The Jewel Cichlid

Hemichromis Bimaculatus(technical name). These are another easily bred cichlid but they don't have a huge breeders market as I've found out. I could have thousands of babies but nowhere to get rid of them so I moved on to bigger and better money makers. These are very aggressive for their size and very neat. They have cool blue and very bright red ones and both colors brighten up a tank. These can get to be 4 to 5 inches in size.

The Blackbelt Cichlid

Cichlisoma Maculicauda(technical name) is a awsome fish I have kept this fish but only one and I couldn't find anymore locally so I gave up for now. These fish are so amazing they are alot like synspillum in a sense, well colored, get large and can go with any cichlids of similar size and aggressiveness. These fish can be very, very aggressive watch them closely with other tank mates. They can also get large, approximately 12 inches in capacity. I would like some more of these fish if you have any!!

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