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Alicja's Site

Updated Last: December 22nd


Wow! So this is the first time I've actually used this link. But I figured since so much has happened lately I should fill this page up.
Finally the Xmas break is here! During the year I am always so busy that it's really nice to be able to have some free time.
In the spring (May to the beginning of July) I took some extra courses; I figured why not? I'm home anyways and the school offerred my courses so I took them.
In mid July I travelled to Europe for about a months worth of travel! It was pretty exciting and I did it all on my own! Woohoo! *lol* I started off in Amsterdam and from there went to London. London to France (Paris, Beajolais Area / Dijon, Nice, Cannes), than to Monaco (my favourite! - I won $40 EURO at the Grand Casino!! Didn't expect that!). From there I went to Spain; I finally got to see my cousin after 12 years! Man did I miss him!! I also got to see his son for the first time! What a cutie!! I really hope to go to Spain sometime soon to vist them again perhaps reading week. Anyways after Spain it was Italy (Venice, Florence, Rome), and than final destination Greece (Corfu,Athens). It was quite the trip! Unfortunately I was unable to go to Poland to visit my grandpa or to Germany to visit my cousin. I am going to have to go there some time soon. I miss everyone!
Before I knew it I was back in Canada getting ready for the new school year... but to my surprise I was already packing my bags again to travel to China this time!!!!
China was remarkable. I can not put it into words!! Sarah and I went to Shanghai to set up a SIFE program and the difference that made on me is unbelievable. It's definitely changed my views on certain aspects and motiviated me even more to continue to do my best and aim for the moon!
Aside from travels, family life is family life. Most of you know of the chaos going on with my parents, it's not over yet. They are still seperated and the divorce settlements are in the works. I just try not to deal with it. Basically, it's a long story and to make a long story short I'll fill you in if you are really interested in knowing.
In May I am moving to Toronto! I am so excited about that. I've been talking about wanting to move to Toronto ever since I can remember. I love the city life! I've already started searching for a place!
Anyways I think that's enough talk for now.... I'll keep filling you in with what's new.



