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As of January, 2007 for more information, questions or comments, call or write
Fr. Jim Nilon at 941-544-1106
PO Box 50274, Sarasota, FL 34232
Throne of Grace
Please note: Throne of Grace Parish is no longer in existence. We've left this web site on line as a memorial to the wonderfuly spiritual times and to all of the people who helped and who came to services.
The church and the offices have been given to the City of Sarasota, FL and declared historical buildings. They have been moved to a city park and are being restored. Click here to see the story.
formerly at: 881 Florida Ave., Sarasota, Florida
We are a worshipping, joyful community of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit.
A home for all who seek an apostolic, sacramental, evangelical, charismatic church.
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Site updated
January, 2007

Throne of Grace was formalized several years ago with the purchase of the church and office building very near to the heart of downtown in the Rosemary District of Sarasota, Florida, an area that is currently being revitalized by the city government.

Although the Throne of Grace is relatively new, the church and office are not. The church is the oldest church in Sarasota dating back to the 1800's. Next to it stands the Wood House (our Parish Center) which serves as the hub of our parish life such as offices, kitchen, and rooms for Bible study and other activities. The Wood House is the oldest structure in Sarasota and out dates the church.

The church has been blessed with very talented people who provide the music for services and the congregation fully joins in this praise.

Besides the special programs offered, Throne of Grace offers several opportunities during the week for Bible study. Pre-marital counseling, family intervention counseling, and spiritual direction are also available by request.

Our congregation is made of a mix of people ranging from successful people and their families to the homeless. The Holy Spirit has truly blessed us.


Throne of Grace is a Eucharist centered ministry which fully functions for the community as a place of worship and more.

We are a ministry of healing and reconciliation. Throne of Grace is committed to making disciples of Christ who love God and one another, bringing forth God’s power and glory to the world.

A significant part of our efforts go toward helping the homeless and addicts. These people know that they can come to Throne of Grace for help of various kinds, advice and spiritual guidance. They are among the people Jesus specifically identified himself with and said, "inasmuch as you have done it (served) the least of these, my brothers, you have done it unto me."

Sunday mornings coffee, juice and a free breakfast are available to those in need. After the service, a free hot dinner is also provided.
Tuesday evening there is a healing service and a brown bag supper is available to anyone who needs it.

Because of Fr. Jim Nilon's compassionate expertise and all involvement in the drug and alcohol rehabilitation program at Throne of Grace, there is counseling provided to anyone who wishes to enter a program which will help them get free of their addictions and start a new life.

There are additional counselors and staff available for many types of individual and family problems as a part of our total ministry.


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Webmaster is Fr. Lou