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Sign-up for the AEF and your practically in. The only thing I ask from you is to vote for me here, at ANIME100.COM. Thanks...

Welcome to the Anime Elite Force. Anyone can join the ring, as long as your site has to do with Anime/Manga , but if it is a Anime or Manga it is easy to join (Were only harder on Hentai websites).

*7 things to do to assure making the AEF*

  1. - Submit your site
  2. - Vote for us in the animetop100 (above)
  3. - Add the correct HTMLfragment to your webpage
  4. - Email
  5. - RingMaster reviews correctness of your HTMLfragment
  6. - RingMaster adds you to the ring
  7. - Traffic to your site EXPLODES!

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NOTE: change "YOURMAIL" to your email address, "YOURNAME" to the name you want to be known as and "YOURID" to the ID# that was given to you.

This Is What It should look Like:

ThisAnime Elite Force site owned by TBlaze.
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