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Ah, Alabama. The leader of progressive thought in this little nation. Despite their ban on interracial marriage and their stereotypes, there are a lot of pretty nice people in Alabama. And they all aren't racist or live in trailers. Montgomery was a fairly nice city, but Birmingham was a bit slummy. I also checked out Auburn because my girlfriend wanted to check out the vet school. Not too much there to mention, though.

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L: Neat square in downtown Montgomery; R: Parking lot with tallest building in background, Montgomery

L: Skyscraper reflections in Birmingham; R: Skyscraper in downtown Birmingham

L: Neat building in downtown Montgomery; R: Repair shop by Alabama River overlook in Montgomery

L: Park in Birmingham; R: Skyscrapers in downtown Birmingham

L: Civil War Memorial outside Capitol; R: Stairs up to state capitol

L: Building-side ads in Birmingham; R: Downtown Birmingham

L: Older building downtown, Montgomery; R: Tallest building reflected in pool across the street, Montgomery

L: Church and tallest building in downtown Montgomery; R: Montgomery trash can
