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The capital of England and the former British Empire. Now a world financial, cutural, and fashion center. Forget Paris; London is the New York of Europe. Though the people may be a bit too proud for their own good, it is an incredible place. Halved by the Thames, the city desperately is trying to hold onto its history (its blanketed in historical markers and world-famous buildings) as the modern age sweeps in. Overall, a wonderful place to live or visit.

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L: Chruch in Hammersmith; R: Set of steps

L: Flatiron-style building in Hammersmith; R: Ramp to a subway (tunnel under street, not the Tube)

Mirror images from subway

The Thames near Hammersmith

Hammersmith Bridge

L: Another subway entrance; R: Interesting building (called "the boat" or something like that)

L: From the people who brought you Burger Queen; R: Old house, new car

L: OInside a Tube station; R: Fountain in front of Centre Point

Centre Point at night
