Nick Name:St. Paul
Position in Band: Bass
D.O.B. October 5, 1980
Astrological Sign: Libra
Height: 5' 9
Natural hair color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Tattoos: 2
PiercingS: 2
Hobbies: "video games, playing ball, riding my skooter"
Food: italian
Favorite Store: starbucks, other music
Favorite Clothing: dickies
Favorite Possession: "my scooter"
Color: grey and blue
Music: Pixies, Rage against the Machine, WuTang, The Doors, Sex Pistols, Skinny Puppy, Misfits, Tool, Breeders, The Cure
Tv Show: The Simpsons
Movie: Jacob's Ladder
Actor/Actress: tim robbins/ salley field
Name Origin: Always getting into trouble, It's an opposite joke
Who is your role modle and why?: "my brother and my father because there are so many aspects of each of them that i admire"
When did you realize you wanted to spend the rest of your life making music?: "when i learned my first song on guitar (come as you are;Nirvana) i was so amazed that i could make a piece of wood with strings sound just like a song i love."
What is the most meaningful song to play? and Why?: "i can't pick one song that is more meaningful than another because they are all awesome" How do you feel about your recent success: " it is awesome"
If you could be any flavor of ice cream, what flavor would you be?: "cookies and cream because it is my favorite"
If you could have any super power what would it be?: "abiliy to fly"
Former Occupation: manager of steak and fry, constuction