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The Elven Star


The Seven pointed star is an ancient symbol sacred to the Elves. It is thought that the Seven Points represent the Seven mysteries of the Universe, or the Seven Paths to Perfection...known to the Elves as the Seven Secrets...

The First Point is one's personal power, the Will. That which can manifest reality.

The second Point is Love, unconditional and pure.

The third Point is one's Intellect, the place of knowledge and growth.

The fourth point is Harmony, the bringer of Peace.

The fifth Point is the Mind, where true Alchemy takes place.

The sixth Point represents the principles of Honesty and Devotion.

The Seventh Point is the Realm of Magick, where all is possible.


...the Seven colors of the Rainbow...the Seven notes of the scale...the Seven days of the week. ..Seven has always been a Migickal number.

In Elven Magick, also known as "ElfCraft", there are Seven Forces that guide Middle Earth, or Midgard, our planet. They are represented by Seven Elven Lords. The Seven Forces are:

The Four Elements and the Three aspects of Life...

Light...Ruled by the Sun

Rocks...Ruled by the Earth

Waters...Ruled by the Moon

Airs...Ruled by the Stars

The Plant Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

The Elven Kingdom

The Elven Kingdom is Ruled by Oberon, the High Lord of Elves. Oberon is thought to be neither Male or Female, but Complete and Whole...perfectly Ying and Yang. The other Six Elven Lords have Male and Female aspects, making a total of Thirteen Elven Forces. Also Making Thirteen a Sacred Number.

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