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Reno's Bridge

The Big Beaver Crossing at Reno’s Bridge !

1850- to-1885

My Grand father had watched hundreds
of cattle cross this old wooden bridge
that once span the big beaver creek.
It was located on the north east corner
of his property that lyes west
of Papineau IL.
The road began at the rail head corals
located in Fort Vinson Il. and went north
ward through timber lands for
176 miles stopping at the old Chicago stock yards.

Cattlemen used this road to transport
there herds to market.
Every twenty miles there were sub stations
where the drovers could get food and shelter
and put there cattle up for the night.
Such a station once excised on my property
and was ran by a wicked woman called Sylvia
and her hired hand named Jacob.
“Where was Fort Vinson located at
” What where Jacob’‘s and Sylvia’s last names.
Want to know more?
Go on to Sylvia's Inn!!

Sylvia's Inn
My Hobbies:Short Stories
The Legend Of Jacob's Lantern