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Acres of Fun (2:33) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - Lured into yesteryear, Marc gets a job at the Renaissance

Aliens are Good (1:04) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
written & directed by John Stanek - Teaser trailer to the greatest sci-fi,
action-adventure ever filmed, yet no one ever saw.
Attack of the Potato Sack People (2:16) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - The town of Cardboard is brought to ruin by their most feared of enemies.
Battery Hum (5:15) Mini DV
writer Marc Mahan & Amelia Brown, director Marc Mahan - A fable about everyone’s
important role in the world.

Beware the Darkness (2:33) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - Money has fallen into an unfinished basement and a kid
must retrieve it before his opportunity is gone.
Candle (5:00) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
written & performed by John Stanek, directed by Marc Mahan - The first music video from John Stanek's album 'Unconditional'.
Celebrating Customer Service 2000 (2:35) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - Breaking up the monotony of his day a customer service
employee opts for the extreme.

Chaucer The Pardoner's Tale (5:20) High 8 -WATCH IT NOW -
From Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
Corner Pocket (10:00) High 8 -WATCH IT NOW -
written by Marc Mahan & Shane Grier, directed by Marc Mahan - During a game of billiards, know-it-all filmmakers discuss movie ideas, clichés, space goblins, and an unexpected visitor.
Damn that Edgar! (5:04) Mini DV -WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - A comical tale of an obsessive compulsive and how he learns
to see the world from a new point of view.

Eugene’s Imagination (2:46) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - The principle’s office maybe the final stop for a nerd with
an overactive imagination.

Everybody, stop. (1:45) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - Where will contemplating technology versus tranquility lead Marc.
Farther (4:21) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
written by Donovan Cox, performed and directed by John Stanek - Music video from debut album The Mule Thieves.
Fritz's Detention (3:51) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - Can you give the All-Mighty detention? Find out in this comedy.
Got to Go Round (1:26) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - A sleeping child left under the sink for many years is left to ponder the questions of the universe.
Golden Rod (1:28) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - Driving around with a dead body is the least of your worries
when a goldish robot with wheels menacingly pursues you.

Gluv (The) (:57) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
written & directed by John Stanek - Everyone will need this revolutionary product after
seeing this miracle of science.
Green Beret Boy (3:08) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
written by Shane Grier, performed by John Stanek, directed by Marc Mahan - The
legendary story of the mysterious cloaked figure who walks the earth is told by song.
Gun (1:40) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - Thwarting the plans of international spies and criminals are
all in a days work for this all-American hero.
He's Dead (2:00) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - Two redneck brothers talk about life, death and Willie Nelson.
Ideas for project 8 – sjmb (2:12) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
director Marc Mahan - Marc conjures up three ideas that he hopes are funny.
I found my thrill (2:49) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - Marc spies the record player of his dreams and schemes
to own it.

John Staneck Celebrity Stalker (2:55) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - Actor, Al Pacino is relentlessly stalked at all times, even
while he’s peeing in the bushes.

John Staneck Celebrity Stalker Part 2 (4:07) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - Rapper, Ludicris is relentlessly stalked at all times, even
while he’s praying in his rock garden.

Join the Army, Boy! (2:13) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - Harassing a young lad is the new mission of an overzealous
army recruiter.

Listen (1:44) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - Jogging at night is no longer safe after a mysterious gargling
apparition targets the athletic.

Magical Gourds (The) (2:21) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
written by Marc Mahan and Shane Grier, directed by Marc Mahan - While rescuing her
pet turtle a little girl must confront his evil captor, a fierce, devious goblin.

Meh Sohonie The Animal Lover (4:46) High 8 -WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Bryan Miller - Hideous and hopeless, a dork turns to a faulty psychic
hotline for meaning in his life.

Naughty Stallion (The) (: 48 secs.) Mini DV -WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - Partaking in a game of tennis, two lunatics discover
the true purpose of having a racket.

No Alarms and No Surprises (3:56) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - Journey through a typical day with Marc while he inhales
peanuts and chases down animals.

Nobody Must Know My Secret (3:09) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Bryan Miller- Jimmy McDickie has a secret and he will
go to great lengths to keep it.

0 (1:25) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - Is it all worth a feather.
Radio Edit (2:41) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - An annoying DJ, frogs with maracas, and aliens with
antennae’s collide with The Godfather.

Remote Viewing (3:03) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan & Shane Grier - A young man realizes he can't change
the past but he can view it from a distance.

Real Ghost Stories (4:16) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - Common folk tell of encounters with the hauntingly

Ronald C.M. (2:10) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - A roll of Super 8 film warns a latchkey kid of her
impending doom.

Slurpin' the jam movie (2:11) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
video by Shane Grier - a guitar, harmonica, and something else come together in a
superb jam session.

Special Agent Slow-Mo (2:16) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director John Stanek - Agent Slow-Mo is groovy but he has one problem a bad guy wants him dead.
Sweeperman (The) (:11) Mini DV
video courtesy of Marc Mahan - Simply sweeping.
Take a bite of this! (8:35) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
written by Marc Mahan & Shane Grier, directed by Marc Mahan - The documentary of the self proclaimed greatest independent movie ever made. Including afore mentioned movie.
Target Missing (1:21) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - While trying to keep fit an archer is visited by a masked,
purple clothed monster.

Touch and Feel of Cotton (3:21) High 8 -WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Bryan Miller - Rub it on the crack! Rub it on the crack!
Two Good Eyes (5:31) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
wriiten by Shane Grier director Marc Mahan. Two young men find a chest that may lead to their last great adventure.
Two of Us. (3:31) Still Images
created/director Marc Mahan - With a little help from The Beatles, Marc and John's trip
to England is told through still photography.

Well-Respected Man (2:23) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer Marc Mahan & John Stanek, director Marc Mahan - The daily routine of a paperboy is interrupted when he encounters individuals
from a parallel afternoon.
What a day for a daydream (1:10) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - A gift provokes the thoughts of a young man to be a fighter pilot.
What did you say... (3:12) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - Two gentlemen discuss their mutual interest while Lego
figures run a muck.

Where there are no goodbyes (3:14) High 8 - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Shane Grier - Take a journey to the final resting place of the lost and

Wicket: My Life Long Friend (3:16) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - Marc tells of his life long friendship with his Ewok
stuffed animal.

Years are Gone (The) (4:21) Mini DV - WATCH IT NOW -
writer/director Marc Mahan - While being imprisoned in an invisible jail a human
dreams of escape.

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