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How to draw !


| Poliwag | Squirtle | Rattata | Hitmonlee | Charmeleon |


Draw a large, egg-like shape. This shape will make up the Poliwag’s body so you want it large enough to be able to add the detail without much of a problem
Draw a circle inside the eggs shape. Make sure it is near the bottom to leave room for the face. It should look much like an egg with a yoke inside.
Add eyes and a oval for the mouth. Note the placement of the ovals and circles to create good looking eyes.
Add a tail and feet. Note how the tail is flat with a support in the middle.
Draw the spiral on the belly spinning contour clockwise from the center. Add detail to the lips and erase all unnecessary lines.
Color and shade how you like!


Draw a large egg-like shape. This shape will make up the squirtle’s shell.
Add a large horizontal oval over-lapping the egg shape. This will be the squirtle’s head. It looks a little too large right now but later it will not look that way.
Add two vertical ovals for eyes and a large goofy mouth.
Draw arms and legs. Note the placement on the picture.
Add detail. The mouth needs a tongue, the eyes need the distinct ovals, the shell needs the details shown in the picture. Oh, and don’t forget the tail.
Color and shade as you wish!


Draw a stout egg-like shape pointing to the left.
Draw a really big circle that will make up the head. It should overlap the egg-shape a little. It will look too large until you add the facial features.
Add legs. It’s important to make them look like they come out of the body. The same applies for the tail. Make the belly slope in more. This will make the haunches look larger and more powerful.
Add a square-like nose. Use this to make the large mouth. Add ears, the larger being about a quarter of the size of the head. Add a dip to show the division in the paw and the leg.
Add lines that separate the two colors of fur. Draw a triangle-like eye along this line. Add detail to the ears and feet. Draw the whisker.
Erase unnecessary lines, color and shade.


Note: This picture is much more difficult than the others presented on this page. I suggest you complete at least one of the other drawings shown above before attempting this one.

Draw a large oval-like shape with the point at the bottom.

Draw the general shapes to give an idea of the placement you want of the hands, legs, feet, and arms.
Add detail to the feet and hands.
Add eyes. Clean up and erase unnecessary lines.
Color and shade as you wish!


Note: This picture is much more difficult than the others presented on this page. I suggest you complete at least one of the other drawings shown above before attempting this one.

Draw a tilted ellipse, This will make up the main part of the Charmeleon's body.
Draw a series of ellipses and circles as shown to help guide you in drawing arms, legs and head.
Connect the shapes to form the arms, legs, and neck.
Draw the outline of the head and add a tail.
Add details to the body, feet, tail and face.
Color and shade as you wish!

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