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Greenville Chess Club

Club Calendar

 Greenville Chess Club Schedule for 2005

The Greenville Chess Club is one of the fastest growing and most active chess clubs in the upstate area of South Carolina. The club meets at the O'Neal Building on Century Drive, just off of I-385 at Pleasantburg Drive North.

2005 Calendar of Events

Jan 06 open Jul 7 July Blitzkrieg - $2/$3 


open   14 July Octos - Rd 1 $10/$15
  20 open   21 July Octos - Rd 2
  27 open   28 July Octos - Rd 3
Feb 03 open Aug 04 Autumn Blitzkrieg - $2/$3 
  10 open   11 Q4 Quickdeath - Rds 1-3 $7/$12
  17 Snowstorm - Rd 1 $10/15   18 Q4 Quickdeath - Rds 4-6
  24 Snowstorm - Rd 2   25 Theme - Queen's Gambit G/30 3 round
Mar 03 Snowstorm - Rd 3 Sep 01 Bughouse
  10 Snowstorm - Rd 4   08 Fall For Chess - Rd 1 $10/$15
  17 Theme - Sicilian G/30 3 round    15 Fall For Chess - Rd 2
  24 Ides of March VI - Rd 1 $15/$25   22 Fall For Chess - Rd 3
  31 Ides of March VI - Rd 2   29 September Blitzkrieg - $2/$3 
Apr 07 Ides of March VI - Rd 3 Oct 06 Q5 Quickdeath - Rds 1-3 $7/$12
  14 Ides of March VI - Rd 4   13 Q5 Quickdeath - Rds 4-6
  21 Ides of March VI - Rd 5   20 2005 Championship - Rd 1 $25/NA
  28 Spring Blitzkrieg  - $2/$3    27 2005 Championship - Rd 2
May 05 Q3 Quickdeath - Rds 1-3 $7/$12 Nov 03 2005 Championship - Rd 3
  12 Q3 Quickdeath - Rds 4-6   10 2005 Championship - Rd 4
  19 Theme - French G/30 3 round    17 2005 Championship - Rd 5
  26 Summer Knights VI - Rd 1 $15/$25   24 Thanksgiving Day - NO MEETING
Jun 02 Summer Knights VI - Rd 2 Dec 01 Winter Blitzkrieg - $2/$3 
  09 Summer Knights VI - Rd 3   08 Theme - Orangutan G/30 3 round
  16 Summer Knights VI - Rd 4   15 2003 Blitz Champ - Heats 1-3 $6/$9
Summer Knights VI - Rd 5
  22 2003 Blitz Championship - Heats 4-6
  30 Theme - Nimzo-Indian G/30 3 round   29 OPEN/TBD


Entry Fees are shown as  Members / Non-Members and are subject to change. NA = Members Only


Quickdeath:  6-Round Swiss System, G/29, Prizes by section at the TD's discretion.

Octo-Quickplay:  3-Round Swiss System, G/29, Prizes by section at the TD's discretion.

Blitzkrieg:  9-Round Point Shuffle, G/5, Prizes for overall 1st & 2nd.  

Blitz Championship:  18-Round Point Shuffle, G/5, Prizes for overall 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and by class at the TD's discretion. 

Theme:  All games must use the theme opening       

For all other ("Regular-rated") events:  either 3, 4 or 5-Round Swiss System, G/90 or G/120, either Open (1 section)

        or Sectional (more than 1) based on various factors.  Prizes per section and by class at the TD's discretion.


Point Shuffle System:  A pairing system developed by Chris Jones and Wayne Williams in which all players are initially

ordered by rating, and then paired into quads from the top.  Each quad is called a heat.  After the first heat, the players are

then reordered by score then by rating and quad paired from the top for the next heat.  This is repeated until the desired

number of heats is completed with the winners being those with the highest overall scores.  This system is a semi-final/

final type process in which the best performers float to the top quads.  It differs from other systems in that it is possible for

players to meet opponents they played in a previous heat to fight for the higher score.  It should also be noted that color

discrepancies can occur with this system in which a player gets 2-3 more blacks than whites, or vice versa.


Knight Points:  For each win or draw in a club event, the player will accumulate Knight Points over the course of the year.

        The point breakdown is:      


  Blitz (Kt-pts available: 108) Draw 2        Paladins:  300-414 Total Points

  Quick (Kt-pts available: 120) 1 4        Golden Knights:  200-300 Total Points

  Regular (Kt-pts available: 224) 2 8        Silver Knights:  100-200 Total Points

  Total Maximum Knight-Points possible:  452  4          Squires:  0-100 Total Points


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