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There is still two years remaining before bids must be handed to the International Olympic Committee. Here are a few that we know that may bid:


Vancouver, Canada

A definite starter. Vancouver beat Calgary and Quebec for the Canadian Olympic Committee endorsement.

PROS: Advanced bid, NBC Time Zone advantage. CONS: Too soon after Salt Lake City (2002)


Helsinki & Lahti, Finland & Lillehamer, Norway

Ran for 2006 and lost to Torino. A possible starter. May have problems if Lillehamer wants a solo bid.

PROS: Strong Winter Sports Nation. CONS: Lillehamer are rumoured to want to bid for 2014 as a solo city.


Zakopane, Poland

Ran in 2006. Poland have never held an Olympic Games.

PROS: Experience in Bidding. CONS: Too close to Torino, 2006.


Sion, Switzerland

Finished runner up to Salt Lake City (2002) and Turin (2006). May have rivals from Swiss cities such as St Moritz.

PROS: Experienced Bid. CONS: To close to Torino, 2006, Local rivals will use 2 failed bids against them.


Other Bid Cities

Christchurch (NZL), Lillehamer (NOR), Ostersund (SWE), St Petersburg (RUS), Munich (GER), Sarajevo (BIH)


Other Bid Nations

China, South Korea, France, Spain, Belgium, Iceland




The author of this internet site is not associated with the Australian Government or the Olympic Movement. The author is a dedicated Australian, a lover of sport and would like to see an Australian or New Zealand Bid for the Winter Olympic Games.

Remember it only takes a pebble to be dropped in the sea to create a tidal wave in the ocean.

If you have any comments, questions or information, please feel free to Email Me