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Hit & Run

(download - English version - German version - about 1.9 Mb zipped; MAPEDIT package - 43K)

Hit & Run is the first game we - as a team - have finished. It puts you in the position of a small mercenary who's just starting out - no funds, crappy weapons and equipment, and ridiculous jobs. It's your task to successfully complete more and more challenging missions to gain money and access to better paid jobs.
The game is an action/tactics type of game; it plays like a mixture of Commandos and a third person shooter. You can choose the way you want to play it: either blast your way through the levels with massive firepower (machine gun, rocket launcher, and sniper rifle are only some of the weapons you can choose from) or sneak up to your opponents, knife them in the back or just avoid them generally. Either way, you will have to finish a specific task like freeing a hostage, killing a designated target or even using a laser pointer to mark an air strike site in each mission. If you succeed, you get more money you can spend on better equipment.
While the graphics may not be amazing, this is a really fun and sort of addictive game once you get into it. Most of the people who tried it so far played it all the way through to the end!

Finally! Hit&Run, which originally existed only in a German version, has now been translated to English. It was pointed out by a reviewer on that the translation is not complete; I'm sorry that the quicksave messages are not translated, but I don't think this is worth an update. As for the final credits passage, this was not meant to be translated as it is 'insider information'.

If you download Hit&Run, I want to encourage you to Review this game! on

There is now a map editor available for download for this game; it includes everything you need to get you started, so I'd be happy if you'd try it out and send me some results you get! Just extract it into your H&R directory to make it work.
