A modern combat game
The Three Block War

On November 21, 2009 the Jackson Gamers played a modern game of urban combat set in a dusty city, where western troops - various units of Her Brittannic Majesty's army - attempted to wrest control of three blocks from the insurgents.

Ed Sansing was the game-master in this 28mm game. He controlled the appearance and the actions of the insurgents, allowing new units to be "created" at designated entry points for the city. The Western troops made up of sections of Paras, Scots, Commandoes and others had to clear the buildings, neutralize any insurgents encountered, and elimiate the "entry points." All the while, causing minimal damage to civilians and civilian buildings.

Photo by Jay Stribling

The market place, located in the south eastern corner of the game board. A notorious recruiting ground for the insurgents.

Photo by Jay Stribling

The Mosque. Suspected as a gathering place of the insurgents. The western players could not enter or fire on the Mosque unless fired upon by occupants of it.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Paras move into the street.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Looking towards the North-East corner of the game table. From left to right, the players shown are Larry Reeves, Phil Young, and Sean Pitts.

Photo by Jay Stribling

A run-down garage just South of the Mosque. This later proved to be an "entry pont" for insurgents into the town.

Who were the players in this game?

All of the players were on the western or European side. The insurgents were generated and moved by the game-master Ed Sansing in accordance with the rules. Clay James, Larry Reeves, Jim Pitts, Sean Pitts, Jay Stribling, and Phil Young played the Western troops.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Building with walled courtyard. Black-clad insurgents can be seen peeping over the wall. Behing them a motorized SAS Patrol has entered the board.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Another view of the mounted patrol. Dismounts are probing a small house.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Suddently the mounted SAS unit breaks through between two buildings and speeds up the road. Insurgents watch dumfounded.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Jay Stribling's commandos enter from the Eastern edge of the city.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Phil Young's Paras enter, also from the Eastern edge of the game table. They had to clear out several walled compounds.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Scots dismounted troops and the mounted SAS gun trucks enter from the Northern edge of the city.

What were the objectives in this game?

The players were attempting to clear the town, building by building. Each "entry point" that was found would be "Safe" from that time on and could allow no more insurgents to enter the game board at that spot.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Phil Young's Paras on the rooftops, and in the courtyard. They are waiting for the bad guys to show themselves.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Stribling's commandos rush into a large courtyard.

Photo by Jay Stribling

Sean Pitts' men move in on the left flank, clearing an insurgent entry point between two buildings. The mortar team, attached to Stribling's forces never fired a shot. The rules would not allow it to fire indirectly, and it never had a direct line of sight to any of the insurgents.

Photo by Jim Pitts

The platoon headquarters and a section of Highlanders from the 3rd Scots advance down a street, not realizing yet that insurgents are located just over the wall.

Photo by Jim Pitts

A fire team of the 1st Section boosts two of their mates over the wall after they hear loud talking from the other side of the wall. They open fire, causing some insurgent casualties, including the leader, but loosing two of their own. The other fire team also boosts two of their mates up and cause more insurgent casualties but loose one of their number

Photo by Jim Pitts

The insurgents that remained after the exchange of fire remain vigilant while some other insurgents look toward the courtyard gate.

Photo by Jim Pitts

Because they have heard engine noises down the street, which are actually two SAS gun trucks escorted by the 2nd Section of the Scots platoon.

So, Who won this battle?

Ah, you will have to go to the second page of this battle report to learn the game's ending!

Go to Part 2 of The Three Block War

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