The first of our 2010 games
In the Dead of Winter
Part II

This ass our first game for the year 2010. We played this at Jay Stribling's home in Jackson Mississippi on January 2nd. Our rules were Disperse ye Damned Rebels by former Jackson Gamer Larry Brom, with a few "home brewed" modifications.

Photo by Ed Sansing

another view of the wintry battlefield before the troops arrive.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Brittanican commanders. Left to right, Sean Pitts, Larry Reeves (in orange hat), Bill Hamilton, and Phil Young.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Three of the four Murican commanders with the game master mugging for the camera. From left: Jay Stribling, John Murdaugh, Jay Ainsworth, and lastly, Jerry Lee Ainsworth.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Murican line. John Murdaugh and Ed Sansing each had 1 brigade on the field. In the background John is set up to protect the church (which held supplies). In the foreground Ed deployed around the barn, which also held supplies. These 2 objectives had the most victory points.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Brittanican troops appear out of the fog paddling their barges. There was a small chance of each boat being swept away downstream. During the landings two boats were swept away, only to reappear two turns later paddling madly.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Two regiments of Ed Sansing's Murican command face Larry Reeves' grenadiers. Behind Larry, Sean Pitts' men are landing.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Larry Reeves begins a steady advance against Ed's troops. Sean Pitts' brigade is slow to move up due to problems with his units not receiving orders (Failed command response die rolls). He also had a problem with a boatload of troops swept away downstream by the current. This was a major problem for the Brittannians, and delayed Sean's troops getting into action till almost the end of the game.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Several turns later Ed Sansing's two regiments have been reduced to 2 stands each (very good Brittanican fire) and have fallen back. Patriot reinforcements are now arriving, Jerry Lee's first brigade is moving up.

Photo by Ed Sansing

You now can see Jerry Lee Ainsworth's 2nd brigade (with 2 regiments of rifles).

Photo by Ed Sansing

A few turns later one of Larry Reeves' regiments has pushed through to the table edge. Larry's grenadier brigade, with the help of Bill Hamilton's artillery, destroy or rout 3 Merican brigades. The barn with its supplies is lost.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Sean Pitts' two brigades finally recieve thier orders and join the advance.

Photo by Ed Sansing

This shows the fight around the church yard. John Murdaugh and Jay Ainsworth still hold the church with their patriot forces but are running out of men faster than the Brittanican forces.

Phil Young is studying the action intensly.

So, who won this game?

The Brittanicans won beating the Mericans for the first time in three games! They took the barn and were close to taking the church. Larry Reeves with the elite Grenadier Brigade stormed out of the boats and pushed his way across the field shredding Patriot units. He wiped out, or reduced to two stands or less the better part of three Patriot brigades.

The points for these damaged or destroyed units and the captured barn were enough to handily give the victory to the Brittannians. Now loyalists will surely flock to the colors and repudiate the rebels!

John Murdaugh as a dashing Patriot cavalry commander almost got into the Brittannian rear with his mounted men, but was held off by the thinnest of margins.

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