In the Dead of Winter
Game notes

This was our first game for the year 2010. We played this at Jay Stribling's home in Jackson Mississippi on January 2nd. Our rules were Disperse ye Damned Rebels by former Jackson Gamer Larry Brom, with a few "home brewed" modifications.

Photo by John Murdaugh

Patriot Player notes and objectives

The following are worth victory points to the Patriots:

Two of your brigades are on the battlefield at start. Each regiment is unready and may not move or fire till you roll a 10 or better on a D10 for that unit. You may test at the beginning of each turn for each unready unit. You may add the number of the turn to each roll. Example: On turn 1 you add +1 to the die so a roll of 9 or 10 will find the unit ready and able to move or fire. If the commander-in-chief is with the unit testing, an additional +1 may be added to the unit's roll for readiness.

Reinforcements - You may bring on up to two brigades each turn from the rear - beginning on the third turn. Each brigade must roll 10 or better on a D10 to enter. You may add the number of the turn to each roll. Example: On turn 3 you add +3 to the die so a roll of 7 or better will allow the brigade to enter. Designate the brigades entering and where they will enter before rolling the dice. If the commander-in-chief is with the brigade testing to enter, an additional +1 may be added to the brigade's roll

Photo by Jay Stribling

BOATS - The enemy will use boats to cross the river. Each boat may carry three stands of infantry or one stand of Cavalry, or one cannon. One mounted officer may be added to any boat.

Each boat may make one round trip per turn, to the enemy side of the river and back to your side.

If your cannons fire at the boat, they will hit it only with a result of "10". For each hit on the boat, the enemy must roll a D10 die. If the result is 10 then the boat sinks immediately, and is gone for the game. I

f you are able to fire muskets at a boat, you will only hit with die results of "10". For the purposes of fire on boats only, you will be allowed "Opportunity Fire from cannons and muskets.

Patriot Players' Event Cards

We use a deck of twelve "Event Cards" for each side, prepared specially for each game. The commander-in-chief draws six cards from his deck and may "play" one card per turn. Each card represents something unforseen that can happen to the enemy. The cards are discarded after use. The game-master may prepare special cards for one side that are not in the deck for the other side.

Firlocks get wet in the
crossing for an enemy unit.
No fire this turn.
Damp powder means
half-hits for one enemy
infantry unit's fire this
Hard going in snow. An
enemy unit may only move
½ distance this turn. May
not charge!
Firelocks get wet in the
crossing for an enemy unit.
No fire this turn.
Icy weather means
Prevents one enemy cannon
from firing this turn.
Hard going in snow. An
enemy unit may only move
½ distance this turn. May
not charge!
Icy weather prevents
half movement this turn
for one enemy cavalry unit.
Enemy unit breaks through
ice on unseen stream.
Must stop there. Loses ½
D6 men
Enemy unit breaks through
ice on unseen stream.
Must stop there. Loses ½
D6 men
Icy floes in river cause
one delay for landing for
for one enemy boat.
Ice on ground makes
footing treacherous for officers'
Horses. One enemy officer
thrown/out of action this turn.
Frozen grease causes
wheel to fall off an enemy
gun. It cannot be moved
or fired this turn

Patriot Players' Order of Battle

Pennsylvania Brigade
1st Pennsylvania
3rd/6th Pennsylvania
9th Pennsylvania
12th Pennsylvania

Connecticut Brigade
4th Connecticut
8th Connecticut
Select Militia

Massachusetts Brigade
1st Massachusetts
4th Massachusetts
13th Massachusetts
15th Massachusetts

Virginia Brigade
1st Virginia
1st Rifles (Light)
Town Militia

New York Brigade
3rd New York Regiment
5th New York Regiment
Henry's Light Battalion
1st/2nd Rhode Island

1st Continental Brigade
23rd Continental Line
Stribling's Addl Continentals
Malcolm/Spencer's regiment

Cavalry Brigade
2nd Dragoons
4th Dragoons
Unbrigaded Troops
3 guns, each with 2 gunners

British Player notes and objectives

All of your units have bayonets. Most of the Rebels do not. Light troops move through wooded areas as clear terrain. All others move at ½ rate and fight as disordered while in woods.

Victory Points: The following are worth victory points to the British:

Photo by John Murdaugh

British Players' special about Boats

You have eight boats. Each boat may carry three stands of infantry or one stand of Cavalry, or one cannon. One mounted officer may be added to any boat.

You may designate two crossing points. Boats may land within 12" up or downstream of each crossing point.

Each boat may make one round trip per turn, to the enemy side of the river and back to your side.

British Players' Event Cards

We use a deck of twelve "Event Cards" for each side, prepared specially for each game. The commander-in-chief draws six cards from his deck and may "play" one card per turn. Each card represents something unforseen that can happen to the enemy. The cards are discarded after use. The game-master may prepare special cards for one side that are not in the deck for the other side.

Poor sustenance causes a
rebel unit to move half
move this turn.
Poor quality powder means
half-hits for one rebel
infantry unit's fire this
Hard going in snow. An
enemy unit may only move
½ distance this turn. May
not charge!
Poor sustenance causes a
rebel unit to move half
move this turn.
Poor quality powder means
half-hits for one rebel
infantry unit's fire this
Hard going in snow. An
enemy unit may only move
½ distance this turn. May
not charge!
Icy weather prevents
flintlocks from firing this
turn for one enemy unit.
Enemy unit breaks through
ice on unseen stream.
Must stop there. Loses ½
D6 men
Enemy unit breaks through
ice on unseen stream.
Must stop there. Loses ½
D6 men
Icy weather prevents
flintlocks from firing this
turn for one enemy unit.
Ice on ground makes
footing treacherous for officers'
Horses. One enemy officer
thrown/out of action this turn.
Frozen grease causes
wheel to fall off an enemy
gun. It cannot be moved
or fired this turn

Photo by Jay Stribling

British Players' Order of Battle

Grenadier Brigade
Lieb Fusilier Regiment 1st Battalion
Hessian Combined Grenadier Battalion
British combined Grenadier battalion
1st Battalion New Jersey Volunteers

First Brigade
Catholic Volunteer regiment
43rd Regiment of Foot
King's American Regiment

Second Brigade
22nd Regiment of Foot
49th Regiment of Foot
54th Regiment of Foot

Third Brigade
Combined Light Battalion
23rd (Welsh) Fusiliers
23rd Regiment of Foot
42nd Regiment of Foot

Fourth Brigade
1st Battalion DeLancey's Regiment
24th Regiment of Foot
35th Regiment of Foot

Non-Brigaded Troops
17th Light Dragoons
3 guns Each w/2 gunners

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