Photo by Jim Pitts
General Elliott's right flank cavalry begins their assaults in our Struggle in the Desert game set in the 1882 Ango-Egyptian war. After a long struggle, the British won by reducing the Egyptian army below 50% strength.
You can see the battle report HERE.
Photo by Jim Pitts
One of Abdul Aboulboul Amir's Beja infantry units helping to protect the oasis in our RED DESERT colonial campaign. These three battles were fought during January, 2009 and the reports are listed below:
Into the Desert The first game, played on January 3, 2009 at THE DRAGON'S LAIR in Pearl MS, in which the Anglo/Egyptian/Indian forces got a bloody nose.
The Imperials Strike Back! The second game, also played at the THE DRAGON'S LAIR, in which the Imperials defended the Missionary compound and generally shot up the Dervishes.
Searching for the Lost Lamb The third and last game, in which the Imperial players search for poor lieutenant Rigby-Figby who has wandered off apparently. Played also in Pearl MS, on January 31, 2009.
Photo by Jim Pitts
A 15mm Boer gun in its position. From here, it could range throughout the battlefield, shelling British units without mercy.
Capture the Guns! was a 15mm Boer War game run by Jay Stribling at HOBBYTOWN in Flowood MS on June 30th, 2007. The Boers have aqquired one or more very long ranged field guns and they are shooting at trains moving along the railway line. It is up to the British players to make a sweep of this area and find that gun or guns. They must destroy or capture that artillery.
Photo by Ed Sansing
A view of the reinforcing British Hussars in our game A Matter of Honor played on January 20th, 2007 at HOBBYTOWN in Flowood Mississippi. A game set in the British-Boer war, the Boers were attempting to reduce a British strongpoint. Alas, the British firepower was too much and the Boers did not have enough cover.
You can see this battle report at A Matter of Honor.
Photo by Lori Brom
Tirailleurs Senegalaise form line to receive the horsemen of the desert - OOPS! The tirailleurs should have been in closed order, not open order. That cost them dearly as they were almost wiped out. This was during Mark Stevens' game, The Lost Patrol played at RECON 2005
Photo by Lori Brom
During the game, Stribling holds up three fingers, indicating that three units can move on that side. This took place in Jay's "Last Pack Train out" game at RECON 2005 in Tampa Forida. You can view that game Here.
Photo by Ed Sansing
Indian and Britishs troops, in the service of the Honorable East India Company defend the mud-hut town in our game Trouble in the Punjab. This sanguinary battle was fought on August 21, 2004 at HOBBYTOWN in North Jackson. Set in the Punjab in 1846, we used Mark Stevens' wonderfully painted 25mm Sikh Wars army.
Photo by Ed Sansing
Suddenly the enemy hidden in the basement of the Nabob's palance erupts from hiding and engages the Highlanders. The kilted Scotsmen were taken by surprise and their musketry caused only light casualties on the natives, but with fixed bayonets they pushed their enemy back down the stairs.
The above took place in the third colonial game in our North Central Frontier campaign on February 7, 2004. We called it The Defense of JellyBad. This was the second British/Indian victory, so they lead 2 victories to 1 for their Pathan opponents. Click on the name to view our battle report. This game was played at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson, as most of our "public" games are.
The British officer urges his askaris to "hold them - HOLD THEM!". Native spearman have 'rounded the corner' on an impassible patch of saw grass and rushed stright into the askari. Jim Pitts was game master at our jungle game played at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson on August 16, 2003. He called his game, The Lion and the Gazelle and photos can be found HERE
The British and Indian forces in khaki enter the table in our game The Road to Barfus . They are jammed into a small area between the hill on the right and the edge of the table on the left. Pathans in white pour down the hill on the right, to attack the Ghurkas, dimly seen in green climbing the steep slopes.
Just after this shot, the Pathans unleased their most fearsome tactic - rolling huge rocks down the slopes!
A group of Afghan warriors has come up from their concealed wadi and are pouring fire into the right flank of the British Cavalry. Hardly the sporting thing to do! This was during our On the North Central Frontier game played August 2, 2003 at HOBBYTOWN in North Jackson.
Irregular lancers in British service close on a Sikh regular battery. Note matchlock men in yellow and white on left firing into the horsemen. This was in one of Mark Stevens' 800 Fighting Sikhs games at RECON in during late April, 2003. Mark says: "I think the irregular horse did survive and take the guns". Photo by Pat Condre.
Our OLD web site - RIP!
Please note that we once had another colonial page on - NBCi - that no longer exists. When navigating this new page, you might find a link or button to the old page, that will not not work. Please contact. - Jay Stribling, webmaster for the Jackson Gamers.
You can contact the author of this period page at:
Down with the Kitty! was our 5th and last game in the "Green Nile" campaign game. We fought this on August 3rd, 2002 at HOBBYTOWN in Jackson, Mississippi. We used Larry Brom's The Sword and the Flame colonial rules. This game was a punitive expedition by the Mahdist forces and the German Intervention force against their long-time enemies, the Yazuloo, who had the support of a British gunboat.
The Dervishes were attempting to despoil the giant statue of Babusta the cat god worshipped by the Yazuloo. Despite the best efforts of the followers of the Mahdi, the Yazuloo proved too much, and the giant statue of the kitty still stands today in Yazuloo land.
Tromp's Farm was a Zulu war game that the Jackson Gamers fought on May 18, 2002 at HOBBYTOWN in Jackson, Mississippi. We used Larry Brom's The Sword and the Flame colonial rules and the "Every Man a Briton" variant. The purpose of the game was a British attempt to relieve a belegered farm family from the "threatening hordes" of Zulu warriors. Did we get them out in time? Look and see!
The above photo is late in the Tromp's Farm game as the wounded of the Ellendale horse shelter inside the 24th foot's western square.
The Jackson Gamers played the last 2001 game in our "Green Nile" campaign on November 3rd at HOBBYTOWN. This turned out to be The Revenge of the Yazulu as the Negro warriors stabbed the dervishes in the back (literally) to even old scores. Between the British firepower afloat and the Yazulu numbers, the Mahdists were defeated, evening the score in the campaign to 2 battles won for each side. At least one more battle will be fought in 2002.
The Jackson Gamers played "The Pass of Madness" the third in our "Green Nile" campaign on September 15, 2001. The imperial forces under Lt. Col Fairchild (Fred Diamond) attempted to force the pass, while "Emir Tubier" (Jim Pitts) fought to keep the infidels from reaching the sacred mosque of Babar. We used the 20th Anniversary edition of "The Sword and The Flame" rules by Larry Brom. How did it go? "Another bloody disaster" for the Imperial forces.
The Jackson gamers played a Boer war game called The Search in 15mm at Hobbytown on July 7, 2001. This was one of the games from the "Scenario 2000" series for The Sword and the Flame. The British were sweeping the area, trying to arrest leaders of the Boer's provisional government. Unfortunately for the Imperial forces, the Boers were crack shots and they gave the Brits a bloody nose. Some photos here, more to come along with more descriptions.
Wadi Zoum-zoum. was the second of four games set during our "Green Nile" campaign at Hobbytown on April 7, 2001. This was a hard-fought and dreadfully bloody affair which finally resulted in a British victory. The Anglo-British camp at the wadi was held (barely) while the Sudanese town of Koresh across the Green Nile river was lost to the rampaging Mahdist hordes. The British gunboat flotilla was savaged, with two out of three burned and the third damaged, but the royal navy (and the Army's guns) did yeoman work dispatching the Dervish steamer and most of the arab dhows that carried Mahdist infantry down the Nile. We used Larry Brom's "The Sword and the Flame" rules (of course!).
Gathering in the Lost Lambs - an 1879 Zulu War Battle fought July 1, 2000 at Hobbytown. Click on the name for a battle report, also for links to the scenario and the rules used.
Here are some amusing and irritating random happenings that are usable for miniature games set in the Sudan. Most of these were published on the Colonial discussion group email list in August of 2001. The Jackson gamers have added a few. Feel free to send us ideas that you may have creating chaos and uncertainty on the colonial battlefield.
There will be many more to come, and for different periods. click on Colonial Cards
A strong wind blows one units leader's (die for which one) banner out of the hands of the poor chap holding it. Cannot move this turn whilst the banner is recovered and the chap executed. (Barry Burman) |
On the North Central Frontier
Justin Rice (on left) was a British commander. Larry Reeves (headless - center) was the British Cavalry commander who made the doomed attack against the small town. Fred Diamond (on right) turned casualty cards for all "hits" during the game, allowing the game-master the luxury of a small nap. This was during our BLAST those Pesky Tribesmen game played August 2, 2003 at HOBBYTOWN in North Jackson.
BLAST those Pesky Tribesmen The first battle
The Road to Barfus The second battle
The defense of JellyBad The third battle
The Assault on Khan Abbis' Lair The fourth battle Battle
A Hard Day in Ahoogastan The fifth battle Battle
We have completed our campaign set on the "North Central Frontier" between India and Ahoogastan. The first game was played in August 2003 and the next four have been played early in 2004. The Russians are stirring up trouble in Ahoogastan, we understand! Mud villages, steep slopes and fierce tribesmen await the Indo/British army. The Great Game is afoot!
Our Previous Campaign
The Jackson Gamers have finished our colonial campaign "THE GREEN NILE" which consisted of five games set during 1885-86. One game was played played each quarter of 2001 at Hobbytown in Jackson MS, and the last game in August of 2002.
The river and the Desert The first battle
Wadi Zoum-zoum The second battle
"The Pass of Madness The third battle
"The Revenge of The Yazulu The fourth battle
"Down with the Kitty! The fifth battle
THE SWORD AND THE FLAME, A rule set for colonial war games, written by a former member of our group, Larry Brom.
Some Variants for THE SWORD AND THE FLAME on a web site by David Heber.
VOLLEY FIRE, A skirmish rule set for the Sudan, written by a former member of our group, Larry Brom.
EVERY MAN A BRITON. This is a Zulu War rules variant for Larry Brom's The Sword and The Flame rules set. Every player is on the British side and the game runs the Zulu units, all of which are seeking to come to grips with, and destroy the British players.
800 FIGHTING ENGLISHMEN a "big battle" rules variant for TSATF in which the 20-man units are battalions, not Platoons. The periods covered are the 1879 Zulu war, the Sudan campaigns, and the battles on the North-west frontier between India and Afganistan.
FLAMES IN THE PUNJAB another "big battle" rules variant for TSATF set during the Sikh wars of the 1840s in India.
The BROM STANDARD RULES is a set that Larry Brom wrote years before TSATF. They cover several different "Horse and Musket" period games. We have used this rule set with Larry's original 30mm 1882 army to game the Anglo-Egyptian war of that date.
Visit Jim Pitts' construction article"
How I built the Terrain for Wadi Zoum-zoum
"One cannot understand the British Empire without understanding cricket!" This was the thesis of Grant McKenna, as communicated to your faithful editor. He felt that as cricket changed into the "Bodyline" form, so the empire changed into the commonwealth, and the whole thing... Well, you can click HERE for a thoroughly confusing (to me!) explanation of the sport and a bit of humor.
September 1999, Marching across the desert the Anglo/Egyptian force has had to form square to fend off the forces of the Mahdi. Played using the The Sword and the Flame, 20th Anniversary edition.>
Our first colonial scenario Gathering in the Lost Lambs is for a game that we played in the 1879 Anglo-Zulu war. Click on the name to go there!
More will follow!
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