Gathering in the Lost Lambs

This Scenario is for the EVERY MAN A BRITON variant for The Sword and the Flame rules by Lary Brom. It could also be played with either the original version, or the "20th Anniversary edition" of TSATF without using EVERY MAN A BRITON


Chief Mmutsu, a cousin of King Cetswayo, has been less than enthusiastic about supporting the war against the British. He has indicated that he would be amenable to declaring neutrality in the conflict and allowing the British safe passage through his lands. Unfortunately, his kraal is surrounded by Usuthu villages, and these tribesmen are loyal to the king and fiercely supportive of the war.

Down from headquarters has come a mad scheme of moving the chief, his people, and his herds to lands where they could be safeguarded and the manpower resources of his people denied to king Cetswayo and made available to the British. Your column has been sent to meet with chief Mmutsu and escort him and his immediate retainers to safety.

You must search the table for the chief. When you find him, he will have his retainers with him. It is not known exactly how many men the chief will bring. When you find the chief and his men, they will pass under your control and be moved by you at 3 D6 movement rate. If you are discovered by the hostile Usuthu tribe of the Zulu, they will attack, attempting to kill Mmutsu's men and drive the British back off the field. During any British movement phase, if the Usuthu are visible to Mmutsu's men and within 30" the British players must test "to stand" morale for Mmutsu's tribesmen. Any unit tests as "leaderless" unless a British officer is within 6" of the unit. Any failure on this test means that unit of Mmutsus's men must charge toward the Usuthu attempting to destroy them for the honor of their chief. Note that Mmutsu will not leave the field without his men.


You may have three mounted officers (commander, second-in-command, and adjutant), and five units of imperial forces made up of any mix of infantry or cavalry that is available. You may bring one gun or Gatling gun along, and in addition, there is an old artillery piece in poor shape, which you can bring if you want. There are no spare gunners available so you will have to detach 4 men from some unit(s) as crew. This gun will NOT fire at the same effectiveness of a regular gun, so it might or might not be worth bringing along.

This scenario may be expanded slightly, with up to 7 British units. There are notes on this in the Game-Master's notes below.


Use 8 lone Zulu to represent places that chief Mmutsu may be found. Each will have a small square of card under the figure only one of which will say that the chief may be found there. The two closest to the British entry point must be dummies. As for the others, shuffle one card with "chief" on it with 5 dummies and place them at random under the "lone zulu".

When you find him, his retainers will generate as an Impi, with -1 on the generation die roll. Use Zulu figures to represent Mmutsu's followers. If you have the figures, you may bring on women, children and cattle up to a maximum of two 20 - figure units. These do not count for victory conditions, and will not fight, but will always move at 3 D6 rate from the nearest Zulu units.

No zulu units can generate from TA points or Table edge points before the chief is located, or untill turn 6, whichever comes first. As soon as the chief is found all or turn 6 begins, Zulu entry proceedures revert to normal. No Zulu may generate from terrain features which the British moved through before the chief was found. No Skirmishing impis will be generated, roll again if a table calls for a skirmishing impi.

On the turn the Chief is found and on the next turn, each of his units native units must pass major morale to be able ot move. A failure measn no move. After that, chief Mmutsu's men may move without testing major morale. No need to test major morale for women, children or cattle. They will always move away from other Zulu units or in the direction the chief moves.

If chief Mmutusu is killed, his men will stand in place or charge other Zulu if called for by the dice, but are no longer under the control of the British. The women, children and cattle will still flee the other Zulu.

The Zulu force pool is as follows:

  • If 5 British units plus artillery - Zulu force pool is 18 units.
  • If 6 British units plus artillery - Zulu force pool is 20 units.
  • If 7 British units plus artillery - Zulu force pool is 23 units.

The Old Gun must roll 3-6 on a D6 when it attempts to move each turn. Failure means the gun may not move that turn. If it fired the previous turn it may fire again but if it had moved 3 dice (not fired) the previous turn it may not fire on this turn.

The Old Gun must roll 3-6 on a D6 when it attempts to move each turn. Failure means the gun may not fire that turn.

If a Conventional game (Not EVERY MAN...)

If playing a game with Zulu players, the Zulu may have only 1/2 of their forces on the field at the start of the game, and these must be hidden in or behind terrain features on the 1/4 of the table fartherest from the British Entry point. The rest of the Zulu units should be organized into Impis of 3 or 4 units, off the table. They may come in along the sides of the table (not the edge the British come in on) on turn 6 or whenever the chief is found, whichever is sooner. Each impi may test to come in by rolling a D6. It may enter on a 5 or 6. Each turn after turn 6 that the unit rolls to enter, it may add +1 to the D6.

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