By The Gods - Handy Cheat Sheet

Sequence of play:
  1. Movement
  2. Fire Phase
  3. Morale from Fire
  4. Melee
  5. Morale from Melee
  6. Rally/Rout
Movement Lt.Inf.HvyInf. Lt.Cav Cav./CamelChariotsElephants
level ground 8” 6” 16” 14” 12” 8”
Rough/hills 6” 4” 13” 12” 6” 4”
Woods/Swamps 6” 3” 10” 10” cannot entercannot enter
Charging (open ground only): Cavalry, Camelry, chariots,and Phalanx/Legions only, double distance

Archery: Use 1D6 for every two archers. Discount hits negated by targets armor/shield.
  Range (Short/Long) Hits on (Short/Long)
a. Javelins/Slings 0"-6" Short, 6"-8" Long 1-3 Short, 1-2 Long
b. Short Bow 0"-7" Short, 7"-14" Long 1-4 Short, 1-3 Long
c. Compound Bow 0"-8" Short, 8"-16" Long 1-5 Short, 1-4 Long

Only Infantry and Elephan archers can fire overhead. elephants do not take overhead penalty.

Modifiers (to hit):

Establish a BASE MORALE for each unit, use 2 D6
Dice Total -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11- -12-
Infantry units 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
"Templars" 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4
Mounted 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
Phalanx/Legion 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
Morale check: roll 1D6 and add base morale: 1-2 rout, 3-4, fall back, 5-6 morale OK. Modifiers:
+1 for attached leader
+1 cavalry charging
-2 under 50% strength
-1 non-Phalanx/Legions vs. Elephants
+1 Templar

Melee Chart Figured on a D6 for every two men. Archers can fight only if they have not fired that turn
WeaponHits onWeaponHits on
club/blunt objects 1-2 Swords 1-4
Axes 1-3 Elephants* 1-5
Spears 1-5
Melee Bonus Dice (Hits on 5,6)
Rear attack 2
Flank attack 1
Superior position 1
Unit is armed with a spear** 1
Leader attached 1
Horse vs. foot, 1
Templar, Phalanx 1
Elephant 1
Camelry vs. Horse 1

Discount hits negated by targe't armor/shield.
* Elephants do double damage on a roll of 3 or less
**Spear armed units get bonus die only on first turn (impact turn) of melee.

To rally a unit, check its morale. if the unit passes morale, it is rallied. if morale is failed, the unit continues to rout until it its rallied or it leaves the table.

Armor Protection Factor
Units that wear metal, leather, or horn armor get back one hit caused by archers or melee.
Units equipped with shields get back one hit caused by archers or melee.

Civilization Attributes