Spice up your Napoleonic battles with:

Chance Cards and Strange Happenings

These ideas for random events hve been used by the Jackson gamers for years. I will add more decks as I can find them or re-create them with my fuzzy baby-boomer memory.

Feel free to send us ideas that you may have for posting here. Make a deck of these by pasting the "random happening" to the back of index cards. Shuffle and draw four or five at the beganning of the game. Some of the cards will help you and some should be played AGAINST an opponent.

Each of these should be directly usable with Larry Broms Standard rules, his 800 Fighting Englishmen or his Chassepot and Needlegun set. We feel that they are adaptable with a bit o'work to almost any rules environment. Enjoy!


Use this for your unit
The Black Virgin of Smolensk has been paraded before your brigade. Your units are filled with enthusiasm and add +1 to every morale roll. This stops if any one of your units rout.

Use this for your unit
The Black Virgin of Smolensk has been paraded before your brigade. Your units will automatically closes into close combat without a morale test, until any one of your units looses a close combat.

Use this for your unit
You served under the great Marshall Suvorov and are imbued with his creed of "The Bayonet is a wise man but the musket is a fool!" Your units will automatically win all ties in close combat for the rest of the game.


Use this for your unit
Your infantry brigade was able to spend the previous night in an unplundered village with plenty of food and soft beds. All units add 1 movement die for the rest of the game.

Use this for your unit
Your cavalry brigade had all of its horses reshod yesterday and received a double ration of oats. All units add 1 movement die for the rest of the game

Play this on an enemy unit
Your infantry brigade has been issued bad powder. Subtract 1 from all fire die rolls for rest of game. This penalty also includes any attached artillery battery

Play this on an enemy unit
Your infantry brigade watered at a contaminated stream yesterday and many of your men now have dysentery. All units will subtract 1 from all morale die rolls for the rest of the game and will lose one movement die.

Play this on an enemy unit
Your cavalry brigade has not been caring for its horses properly and they all have severe saddle sores. Lose one movement die for rest of game.

Play this on an enemy unit
Your infantry brigade has worn out its shoes and almost all your men are barefoot. Lose one movement die for the rest of the game.

Play this on an enemy unit
Your Officer's horse stumbled in a hole and broke his leg. You were thrown painfully to the ground and have been taken to the casualty clearing station. cannot use your command response, morale, or combat bonuses for this turn and the next turn.

Play this on an enemy unit
"Order - counter order - disorder". The battalions in this brigade move only half the normal rate this move because of conflicting orders.

Use this for your unit
Excellent staff work by your officers expedites your move. You may add 1 movement die for your units' move for this turn.


Use this for your unit
The Emperor has presented the battalions of your brigade with new eagles. All your units add +1 to every morale roll until any one of your units rout.

Use this for your unit
The Emperor strolled through your campfires last night and remembered his old comrades. All of the battalions in your brigade will automatically close into close combat without a morale test, until any one unit looses a close combat.

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