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[N. Tropy toiled under the low work light putting the finishing touches on his Time Twister. Cortex paced behind him impatiently. The spy cameras had spotted the bandicoots heading towards the castle and they were only 15 minutes away. That’s the reason Cortex worried; those bandicoots were unpredictable, vexing, always one step ahead. He would not stand for anymore setbacks, this would be a fine moment for him, as soon as Tropy got the Time Twister working.]

Cortex: Is that thing up and running YET?
Tropy: This isn’t just a thing. It is a work of art.
Cortex: Well, your *art* is taking too long! The bandicoots will be here any minute, and the cameras indicate that they have some friends with them. The dingo-girl and that flight obsessed kangaroo.

[Crash Bandicoot and his sister Coco ran to Cortex castle as quickly as their legs could carry them. Their Witch Doctor friend Aku Aku had told them that Cortex had been causing strange atmospheric disturbances due to his insane experiments. Crash, being the ever-vigilant hero bolted to put an end the problem. At his and his sister’s side were their friends Danni Dingo and Jacko McSky, the kangaroo.]

Crash: Come on! What ever Cortex is up to this time, it can’t be good.
Jacko: If you wanted fast we coulda just taken one of my planes.
Crash: No offence but taking a plane would arouse suspicion. We don’t need Cortex having us all in one place for him to shoot down. I like the fact that we can split up if we need to.
Danni: Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that.

[Lightning streaks the sky over the castle as the foursome verge upon it.]

Coco: Is it just me or is Cortex Castle a magnet for bad weather?
Crash: It must be one of those disturbances Aku was telling us about.

[Cortex hovered over N. Tropy’s shoulder watching the time doctor do his work.]

Tropy: Will you please stop that. It’s impeding my labour.
Cortex: You’ve been trying to fix this thing all week. Are you even remotely close to getting it to work?
Tropy: All in good time Cortex, every adjustment takes the most precise alignment. If even the tiniest component is placed wrong it could throw the entire Time Twister out of wack.
Cortex: I’ll throw you out of wack if you don’t get this done. This will be the last time those bandicoots will meddle in my plans. Once the twister is repaired, I will go back in time and prevent them from ever existing. Imagine it, a world without Crash Bandicoot and his meddling sister. (He smiles dreamily at the idea.) Paradise. And it would all come soon if this machine worked!
Tropy: I am almost done. I only need to recalibrate the vector gyroscope.

[Crash and his crew come breaking into the roof top laboratory.]

Crash: You can forget any travel plans you were making Cortex. We know about your latest project.
Coco: You might as well give up. You’re out numbered.
Cortex: As always, you’ve underestimated the situation. (He claps summoning a small group of lab assistants. They surround the group quickly.)
Danni: We can take care a these guys, right Crash?
Crash: No problem. (The four engage the assistants and an all out brawl.)
Cortex: (to himself) That cocky bandicoot and his friends, what he doesn’t realize is that soon they will be no more. (To Tropy) Is the Twister finished?
Tropy: Just one more adjustment. (Lighting crashes; the bolts come dangerously close to the tower.)

[The assistants advance our heroes with laser pistols and heavy wooden clubs. Crash smiles at the approaching fight with glee. He loved tussling with these amateurs to prepare for Cortex. One of the assistants charges at him, he grabs it by the arm and neatly tosses it over his shoulder into a wall. The cyborg crackles and shorts upon impact with the brick barrier. Two more attackers encounter Jacko, who jumps on one and whips the other with his long think tail. Danni super sprints at a huddle of androids knocking them all over like bowling pins.]

Danni: Strike!

(An assistant pins down Coco. As she kicks him off, she spots Cortex and Tropy by the main controls of the Time Twister. A thought suddenly springs to her mind.)

Coco: Guys! Forget the drones! Cortex is trying to buy time to finish fixing the Twister!
Cortex: It’s already too late bandicoot! The twister is finished. (He reaches for a lever on the console.) This is your darkest day! (Lighting flashes yet again as he pulls the lever laughing insanely.)
Tropy: Wait, it still needs to be tested!
Cortex: I can’t be bothered with trivial probation. I want them destroyed now!

(The Twister shakes with power rushing through its circuits. On the warp pad in the center of the immense machine, a clear blue warp orb appears crackling with energy.)

Jacko: Uh-oh.
Cortex: See, it’s working fine. Now you will witness your end Crash!

(Lightning cracks from the darkened sky. A stray bolt strikes the Twister. The warp orb suddenly implodes into a yellow vortex, siphoning up anything not bolted to the floor.)

Crash: Oh boy! This can’t be good.
Tropy: It’s never done this before!

(Some stray objects and fallen assistants are sucked into the whirling void.)

Cortex: Let’s get out of here! (He and Tropy flee the rooftop.)
Crash: We’d better get out of here too! (The swirling porthole pulls some lab equipment towards itself. A toolbox comes flying into Danni knocking her to the ground where the force of the void pulls her in as well.)
Danni: Crash!!!!!!
Crash: DANNI!!!! (He reaches for her hand, but she is too far out of reach for him to grab. Screaming, she is dragged into the vortex and disappears.)

[Crash’s heart jumped as Danni vanished from sight. He stood still, staring at the empty void. He felt as if his soul had been sucked in with her.]

Crash: Danni, no. It can’t be.
Jacko: She’s gone Crash, and we gotta get out of here before we get sucked up too.
Crash: But…

(Jacko pats Crash on the back trying to console him. He too was sad, but he knew if he showed it Crash would only become more downhearted.)

Jacko: I’m sorry, but there’s nothin’ we can do.

(Crash tightens his fist.)

Crash: There is something I can do. (He heads toward the warphole.)
Coco: Crash, what are you doing?
Crash: I’m going in after her.
Jacko: It’s too dangerous mate. Ya don’t know what’s on the other side a that thing.
Crash: All the more reason to go in to find her. (He looks into the porthole as far as he could see, the power of its pull blowing his hair. The anomaly sparked with some kind of electricity, but Crash could not see what it would lead to.)
Coco: Wait, I want to go with you. You may need me.
Crash: Are you sure?
Coco: You don’t know what you’ll be facing through there. I don’t want you to face what ever’s there alone.
Crash: Well, all right.
Jacko: What am I supposed ta do?
Crash: You stay here Jacko, make sure this thing stays open. It may be our only way back.

(He looked back down the endless hole and swallowed hard.)

Coco: You scared? (Crash gives her a smile.)
Crash: Can’t let that stop us. Let’s go. (They grab hands and jump into the porthole. In a flash they are gone. Jacko stands alone gaping with awe at the anomaly that has just swallowed up his friends.)
Jacko: G` luck mates.

[In a foreign dimension…]

[Danni came to slowly, the last thing she remembered was being pulled into the warphole, pulled away from Crash. Lying on her back she could see the sky, but something was wrong with it. Instead of the dark blue, cloudy sky it was just moments ago it was a disgusting yellowish brown, filled with thick smog that the sunlight could barely push through. An awful, putrid stench was in the air. She put her hand over her nose to block it. At that moment she realized she was lying in the middle of a garbage dump, surrounded by rotting rubbish and plastic bags filled to the popping point with sickening, smelly trash. She cringed with disgust and tried to keep from vomiting. She wondered where she was. There was no dump anywhere on the island, and why was the sky a different colour? Then she remembered the Time Twister. It had brought her here, this must be some point in some other time. But when? And where? She climbed to her feet brushing off grime and gunk that has spilled on her.]

Danni: Hello? Is anyone there?

[No answer. There was no one anywhere. She spotted a large mound of garbage and climbed to the top in hopes to get a better view of her surroundings. What she saw left her speechless, just outside the boundaries of the dump was a vast wasteland, arid and bare, all except for a small collection of structures lined up neatly surrounding a tall ominous tower.]

Danni: What is this place?


[Crash fell from the sky like a big orange brick, shouting, and screeching loudly until he hit the dry, solid ground with an “Oof!”]

Crash: What a rush!!!! (Coco fell next to him with a light thud.)
Coco: Ow! Couldn’t we land someplace soft?
Crash: (Looking up at the sky) Whoa! Coco check this place out. Where do you think we are? (She doesn’t speak) Coco?
Coco: (Looking behind him) Crash… Look!

(He turns around and gets a vast eyeful of the large tower standing solemnly in the centre of the village in which they have landed.)

Crash: (awestruck) Man, this place could be HUGE. Do you think we’ll be able to find Danni here?
Coco: We may as well start looking, I have a feeling it may take a while.

[Danni wandered through the streets towards the village. She didn’t know what was there but it had to better than staying in the dump. She saw something on the road ahead, two lights glaring at her and getting larger, coming closer. She quickly jumped out of the way of the passing car.)

Driver: Get offa the road!
Danni: (to herself) That was rude. Wait! If that was a car, then this can’t be the past. This is getting odd.

[She continued into the village. It was a small community of huts, houses and stores. People walked down the sidewalks that lined a wide dirt road. The people were all poorly dressed, some appeared completely poverty-stricken in their dingy rags and worn shoes. Danni wondered who they all were and where they came from. The more she saw, the more confused she became. Nothing seemed to fit or make sense. Some people stared at her from the sidewalk and murmured to each other. One man by a fruit stand shouted.]

Man: Get out of here! We don’t like your kind coming to our village! It’s bad enough that we’re living here as slaves, but your leader has to send you freaks here to watch us like vultures! (He picks up an apple from the stand and throws it at her. She quickly sprints to the other side of the streets. Faced with the angry and frightened glares of the villagers, she decided it was best to get out of sight as quickly as possible. As she scurried to find a hiding spot she bumps into a young man.)
Danni: Oh, I’m sorry. (The man remains silent as he lifts his left arm straight out. He makes a strange gesture with his fingers resembling a claw shape. He lets his arm drop back to his side and proceeds walking, leaving Danni more baffled than before. She continues looking for a place to hide, random citizens yelling at her as she ran.)
Man: Leave us alone freak!
Woman: Go away!
Man2: Oppressor!
Man3: Militant!
Woman2: Monster!

[Danni found an empty ally way and ducked into it. She lay against the wall and took a deep breath, relived that she could find sanctuary. She exhaled slinking down to the ground sitting there she could only think about what had just happened. Her mind was bursting with questions - where was she? Why did these people hate her? What should she do now? Out of all the questions floating in her brain, there was only one thing she was sure of… she wanted to go home.]

[Back in the real world…]

[The Time Twister hummed a whining drone. Jacko stared into the anomaly that it made with worry. The void glowed back at him tauntingly. Its pulling force had calmed allowing him to get close without getting pulled in, but he kept his distance anyway, better not to take any chances. He had only known Crash and the others for a short time since he had helped them get to New York and in the peculiar adventure that followed. But they had become close friends in that time and he was not ready to lose them now.]

Jacko: Come on Crash, what’s takein’ ya so long? I hope nothin’ bad happened to um. (He hears footsteps approaching. He jumps behind the console of the twister to hide. Quivering fearfully he peeks to see who is coming. Upon seeing them he gasps. Cortex and N. Tropy had returned.)

[Back in the new dimension…]

[Danni crouched in the ally way quietly. So many questions were running around in her head, she felt like it would explode. She also felt like crying. She was so scared, petrified, whimpering like a lost puppy. An eerie realization came over her, the people in the streets had mentioned “her kind”, that would mean other humanoid animals were in this village. The situation just became stranger. If there were others like her, where did they come from? Were they the source of this town’s mystery? So many questions, so little answers. The unquenched thirst for an explanation left her yearning. Suddenly, a blast of fanfare shook the air and brought an unsettling silence to the streets. Curiosity brought Danni out of hiding. She crept to the back of a crowd forming on the sidewalk. A small group of people murmured a near whisper to each other…]

Person1: Here they come again.
Person 2: Can’t they leave us alone?

[The ground began to vibrate with a thunderous roar. A huge tank like carriage came rolling down the road. Two large, odd-looking creatures that appeared to be part horse and part kangaroo drew the immense armour plated vehicle. The creatures bayed as a large darkly clad figure stepped from the carriage. Danni could see him through the think crowd and she was shocked to find out it was Koala Kong. He stood in front of the carriage and scowled at the crowd. Danni noticed something was different about him, he was still the same muscular brute, but he was dressed all in leather. He smiled maliciously as he addressed the people.]

Koala Kong: Alright plebes! You know the drill, time to pay up!

[Many people scrambled to their houses and stores and brought out baskets and crates of food, clothes, trinkets, firewood, or anything of value. They placed the odds and ends into the carriage. Another figure stepped out and yelled at the people. Danni recognized his voice. It was Pinstripe, but instead of his usually Mafia stereotypical style, he was wearing a jumpsuit, visor, and white boots, he had his hair which was longer than normal in a ponytail. And most bizarre of all, instead of his trusty Tommy gun he carried a large laser rifle.]

Pinstripe: Hurry up wit dem goods, we ain’t got all day!

(A woman stops loading. Koala Kong yells at her.)

Koala Kong: You call this payment?
Woman: Please, this is all I have. My family’s sick and I can’t work, I need to care for my children here.
Koala Kong: Can’t work huh? Maybe you just need some encouragement.

[He opens a cage door on the side of the tank. Ripper Roo darted out of the cage at the woman. He was being restrained not by a straight jacket but by a leather harness and spiked collar connected to a chain leash. Kong held the leash as Ripper, who was only a few inches from the woman snarled and laughed foaming at the mouth. The woman whimpered fearfully looking straight into his discoloured eyes swirling with insanity. Kong snapped the leash back pulling Ripper away with a choke.]

Koala Kong: You wouldn’t like it if I took him off this leash, he could find your children.

(An old man steps out of the crowd.)

Old man: This isn’t fair! We do all the work in the fields and factories, and you come to take the lion’s share leaving us with nothing. Doesn’t Cortex realize that there are people starving in the streets? We’ve had enough of his tyranny! (Pinstripe charges his laser and shoots the man killing him.)
Pinstripe: Any one else wanna say something? (Silence from the crowd) Didn’t think so.
Koala Kong: All the taxes are collected. Thank you for your time.

(He and Pinstripe lift their arms in the same claw like salute the young man on the street had done earlier.)

Pinstripe + Koala Kong: HAIL CORTEX!

The people on the streets, whether by fear of not looking loyal or by actual support also saluted as the tank rolled away. Danni felt a tight lump in her throat; her heart was pounding as she came to the realization that the symbol everyone was making was not a claw, but the shape of an “N”. Everything was suddenly clear, and the truth stabbed through her like an icy knife. Her worst nightmare has come true. Cortex ruled the world.

Danni: How? How could Cortex rule the world?

[Danni cowered in the ally way. She was shattered, rocking back and forth insecurely asking herself why. Why, out of all the places she could have ended up in, why a world where Cortex ruled? It didn’t make sense and she cursed her bad luck. Now she really wanted to go home. Looking out to the streets she gathered her strength.]

Danni: Come on girl, if ya want out a this livin’ hell ya gotta find a way out. An ya won’t get far sittin’ round here. [With those words, she got to her feet and made her way through the town.]

(Crash and Coco wander around the village. Many people stare fearfully at them as they pass.)

Crash: All these people staring at us is creeping me out.
Coco: I’m pretty sure they feel the same about us.
Crash: Let’s hope we can find someone who can help us find Danni.

(They wander into a butcher shop; the butcher there greets them with a jolly grin.)

Butcher: Hello! What brings you to my shop today?
Crash: (a bit confused) Uh… we’re looking for someone - a girl dingo, blond fur, wearing a headband.
Butcher: I’m sorry, but I haven’t seen anyone like that. But rest assured that if I do I’ll contact the authorities.
Coco: Uh, no, you don’t have to do that. Just tell her that we’re looking for her.
Butcher: What ever you say. Always willing to help. Here, take this as a sign of my support. (Hands Crash a sausage.)
Crash: Ooh thanks, got any mustard?
Coco: We can eat later Crash. First we should find Danni.
Crash: You’re right. (To butcher) Thanks for the help.
Butcher: Of course, hope you find what you’re looking for. (He gives the Cortex salute.)
Crash: (Unaware of what it means) O… K… thanks. (He and Coco leave)
Coco: That was weird. Why do you think he was acting like that?
Crash: I don’t know, at least we got some free food out of it. (He munches the sausage.)
Coco: If only we knew where and when we are, it might help us find our way around easier. (She looks up at the tower standing in the dingy skyline.) Judging from that tower, we have to be some place in the future. There’s no architecture or technology in the past that could make anything that tall.
Crash: Or make a sausage this good, Mmm.
Coco: If I could find a phone I could use my laptop to get onto the internet and get some information about this place. [pauses] If the internet is still around.

(Crash is looking around not really listening to her, he’s too busy watching the people on the street, many of whom are giving the Cortex salute.)

Crash: Maybe you can also find out what this arm thing everyone’s doing means. (He does the salute to show her what he means. A man pass by stops and salutes back.)
Man: Hail Cortex!

(He continues on his way. Crash and Coco stand stupefied.)

Crash: (Wide eyed) Did you hear that? Please tell me I heard that wrong.
Coco: I wish you had. He did say Cortex.
Crash: But you don’t think… I mean HOW??!!
Coco: I don’t know. But it can’t be good.

[Danni walked for what seemed like hours. Those people, who didn’t run from her in fear, gazed at her with disgust and contempt. Her wandering was taking her nowhere and she was becoming fearful that she would never find a way home. She thought of home, she thought about the friends that were there. Climbing trees with Sarnie, spending time with Jacko in his hanger, running on the beach with Polar, having girl talk with Coco, and Crash, did he miss her too? She felt terribly homesick. The shouting of a child abruptly broke her depressed mood. Running to its source on the outskirts of the village, she saw a small boy struggling in the grasp of a large robot a puppy in his hold.]

Boy: Let go! You can’t have him!
Robot: All un-evolved animals must be handed over to master Cortex.
Boy: No! (He squirms against the robot’s grip uselessly.)
Danni: Put him down!

(The robot turns to her)

Robot: Unidentified disturbance. (Points a laser at her) Halt or you will be destroyed.
Danni: I don’t think so! (She kicks the robot causing it to release the boy. It tries to shot her with a powerful blast. She jumps out of it’s way quickly and takes out her boomerang. The robot fires again, She dashes out of the laser’s path and throws her boomerang. The boomerang slices the robots head off.)
Robot: (breaking down) Failure… fail… ure. (It falls down broken.)
Danni: (turns to the boy) Are you ok?
Boy: (starts crying) I want my mommy!
Danni: (Trying to calm him) Shh.. Ok. I’ll help you find your mummy. (She takes his hand and escorts him back to the village square.)

[Coco jacked her laptop into the payphone as Crash stood guard. He muttered lightly still in shock about the horrifying discovery they had made.]

Crash: I just can’t believe that Cortex took over the world.
Coco: Well he did. According to this news feed he’s the supreme ruler of Earth.
Crash: But how’d he do it? When did he do it?
Coco: I’ll find out in a minute. We were lucky to find this phone, now maybe we can get some real info around this place. (She typed at her computer searching the network for a clue that would help them understand the ultimate tragedy that befell the planet. Her screen bleeped.) That’s strange.
Crash: What is?
Coco: According to this feed, it’s still the year 2000. It’s the same exact day of the same exact year that it was when we left.
Crash: But I thought we travelled through time. Why is everything different?
Coco: Crash, I’m beginning to think that we didn’t travel through time.
Crash: Come again.
Coco: Think about it. The Time Twister was hit by lightning before it brought us here, where it’s the same date as it was when we jumped in, but everything is totally different. I think this could be a completely different dimension.
Crash: (god-smacked) Another dimension? Are you sure?
Coco: It’s the only logical explanation.
Crash: Aw, man. Another dimension. How wild can you get? I hope Danni’s ok.
Coco: Me too, I’d hate to think about what kind of trouble she could run into in this place.
Crash: Uh, Coco, I think trouble just ran into us.

(Coco looks up from her computer screen. She and Crash are surrounded by a swarm of robots.)

Lead Robot: Halt! You are in violation of restricted communication services. (A robot grabs Coco) You are under arrest by order of the Cortex code.
Coco: Let go! Get away from me!
Lead robot: You must comply or be terminated.
Coco: No way!
Crash: Let go of her! Leave us alone! (The robots turn to Crash, he gulps with fear sweating heavily. It looks like he’s made a big mistake disturbing them.) Uh, hehe, please?
Lead robot: Authorized command. Request accepted.

(The robots release Coco and leave.)

Crash: (confused) Well that was interesting...
Coco: I’ll say. Why do you think they just left like that?
Crash: Who cares? It’s as long as they’re gone. Now let’s go find Danni.

[Danni approached the slender hut, it was run down, falling apart, shattered windows and the door was practically off its hinges. If it weren’t for the number crudely painted on it, it would have been indistinguishable from the other shacks that stood around it. She turned to the boy she had helped.]

Danni: Is this where you live?

(The boy only nods and cuddles his puppy, which let’s out a little yip. He goes to the door and knocks, where a shabbily dressed woman opens the door.)

Woman: Ronny! (she hugs her son) Oh, I was so worried. Where were you?
Boy: Bosco got out of his hiding place, I went after him and the sentinels found us.
Woman: Honey, I told you never to leave the house without me. How did you get away from the sentinels?
Boy: She helped me mommy. (Points to Danni standing behind him. His mother grabs him tightly and looks at Danni with anger.)
Woman: Don’t you EVER come near my son again! I don’t care even if your kind does run this place, stay away from my family! (She grabs her son into the house and slams the door in Danni’s face.)
Danni: (walking away) Well that’s a fine “thank you”. I save her son and she acts like I gave him the plague. Although I couldn’t blame her, with Cortex runnin’ things it’s no wonder she hates me. She thinks I work fer the bad guys. (Her train of thought was suddenly broken as a laser beam whizzing past just inches from her body. She turned and found Robot sentinels surrounded her, each aiming a laser at her.)
Lead robot: Halt, you are under arrest for the disruption of Peacekeeper affairs and the destruction of a law enforcement drone. Any attempt to resist arrest will result in immediate termination.

[Danni gritted her teeth, she wasn’t going to let any tin can push her around. She pulled out her boomerang, she was ready to take them all on, even though the seriously outnumbered her.]

[Back in the real world…]

[Jacko peeked around the console of the Time Twister, spying on Cortex and N. Tropy who were looking over the rubble and mess that the malfunctioned machine had produced. Cortex surveyed the discombobulated surroundings irritated.]

Cortex: Not only did those bandicoots get away, but also they left this place a DUMP.
Tropy: Were you expecting them to clean up?

[Jacko leaned out closer; he wanted to hear what the doctors were saying. Still trying not to be seen he perked his large ears up keeping silent. At this time Cortex and Tropy’s dialogue had jumped to a small argument.]

Cortex: My plan could have worked!
Tropy: Only if you had more patience, which you don’t.
Cortex: Oh yeah, well I’m not the one who designed the Time Twister like a LIGHTNING ROD!
Tropy: The lightning wouldn’t have hit it if the circuits had been installed properly.
Cortex: You were the one installing them. Why didn’t you install them properly?
Tropy: Someone was RUSHING ME! (He bangs his prong fork on the ground hard. It produced a terrible clang, Jacko covered his ears to block the sound.)
Cortex: (points to the porthole) What about that? Can you tell me what THAT is?
Tropy: I don’t know what that is. (With a quiet fascination) It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

(He goes over to the main console. Jacko scrunches up into a ball to hide himself better.)

Cortex: You’ve never seen a time portal like this one?
Tropy: I don’t think is a time portal at all. The temporal alignment is still current but the frequency is completely foreign. I believe that this could be a warphole to a different dimension.
Cortex: An inter-dimensional gateway. (He rubs his beard) This could prove useful. Perhaps your mistake will be beneficial to me.
Tropy: (angry again) My mistake?! You’re the one who turned on the machine without the proper testing!

(He stamps his foot down inadvertently stomping on Jacko’s tail.)

Jacko: Yeeow! (Catching his outburst, he covers his mouth with his paws. Too late, Cortex and Tropy have already seen him.)
Cortex: The kangaroo! Get him! (Jacko tries to leap away, Tropy pins him to the wall with his prong fork.
Jacko: Oh struth!
Cortex: If he’s here then that means the bandicoots and dingo must be still around here. (To Jacko) Where are they?
Jacko: I ain’t tellin you.
Cortex: (Loud and Angry) WHERE ARE THEY!?!

(Jacko shakes fearfully but refuses to divulge any information. Cortex leans closely to Jacko’s face glaring angrily.)
Cortex: I will ask you again… Where are they? (Jacko’s eyes quickly glance at the warphole. Cortex catches the glance and smiles.) There? They went in there? Well, I wanted them out of my hair. I guess this way is better than no way at all. (He goes over to the power generator and takes the plug in hand.)
Tropy: What are you doing?
Cortex: I’m making sure those heroes don’t come back.
Tropy: But I thought we were going to study this phenomenon - the chances of recreating it are infinitesimally slim.
Cortex: Slim, shlim. If it gets rid of those bandicoots, it’s good enough for me.

[He readies to pull the plug.]

Jacko: No, please don’t.
Cortex: (uncaring) Goodbye bandicoots! (He pulls the plug out. The twister wines down to a stop. The porthole engulfs itself and disappears. Jacko watches it fade in despair.)
Jacko: No!
Tropy: What should we do with him?
Cortex: Just throw him in the dungeon for now. I have some celebrating to do. (Singy songy) No more Bandicoots, no more bandicoots!

[Tropy forcefully pushed Jacko along as they left the roof. Cortex skipped along happily, smiling an evil grin. Jacko could only look down; his heart was heavy with grief. Now Crash, Coco, and Danni had no way of getting home. He had failed them.]

[Back in the new dimension…]

[Danni looked maliciously at the sentinels griping her boomerang tightly. The robots glared back through their glowing light bulb eyes. Each one was ready to blast her with their lasers, but Danni wasn’t planning on letting that happen.]

Lead robot: We repeat, halt or be terminated.
Danni: Terminate this! (She throws her boomerang at one of the bots. It falls over into another bot causing a domino effect knocking over a whole row of robots.) Ha! How do ya like them apples eh? (A robot fires a blast from behind hitting her in the side.) Ahh!
Sentinels: Terminate, terminate, terminate…

[All the robots get back up ready to fire at her. Holding her side in pain, pain Danni readies to throw her boomerang again. One of the robots blasts at her; she leaps out of its path narrowly missing being shot. The pain in her side is excruciating making it hard to move. Another blast was fired; she dashed out of its way but stumbles falling to the ground. The sentinels ganged up on her and pointed their lasers ready to finish her off. It looked like the end. A shot rang out. Danni’s eyes widened as a robot standing right in front of her exploded right before her eyes. The other robots spun around, standing behind them was a figure with a laser gun of his own. The sentinels all aimed at the stranger ready to exterminate him. He pulled out a little square object and threw it at them. The box emitted an electric charge, all of the robots shorted out and collapsed to the ground. The figure then made his way over to Danni. As he drew closer she could see that her savior was a humanoid wombat. Grey furred and blue eyed he smiled seeing she was all right. He was dressed in green army fatigues with a black bandanna tied around his head. He offered Danni his hand to help her up.]

Wombat: You OK there mate? You wah lucky I was passin’ through this area.
Danni: (Bewildered) Um, thank you for helping me.
Wombat: No prob. Us renegades gotta stick tagetha’ y’ know.

[Renegades? This Wombat was against Cortex? Danni thought a moment and resolved her quandary. It would explain why he had helped her. “Well” she thought, “If he’s against Cortex, then he’s a friend”. And in a world like this one, she could use one. She let him take her hand and help her up. The injury she had received stung painfully. She grabbed her side in pain. The wombat noticed her discomfort.]

Wombat: Yer hurt. I should take you to the base. We got a doctor there. She can patch you up good as new.
Danni: Thank you Mr…
Wombat: Wimbleton Wombat, Wimbly to my friends.

[He helped her walk along the road. Within a few minutes they were out of the village and headed toward a large mountain standing tall and desolate. A mountain that at one time was lush and green with trees topped with a cap of snow, but now a simple barren mound of cold, hard, lifeless, rock. After about fifteen minutes walking in silence, Danni asked her travelling companion a question.]

Danni: Wimbly, how did you know I was a renegade?
Wimbly: Well, I knew Cortex wouldn’t be going around shooting at his own minions. And by how many robots were attacking you, I bet you did something he didn’t like. What did you do?
Danni: I saved a human boy and his pet.
Wimbly: That would do it. Them poor humans really got the short end of the stick. Cortex bringing them here with the promise of good jobs - boy, were they surprised when they get turned into slaves. Terrible really. And they got no way of leaving this place. Cortex got this whole island armed to the teeth, nobody gets on or off this rock without his permission, and only his minions can get permission.
Danni: How come you’re not a minion?
Wimbly: Same reason yer not a minion, I was able to get away from Cortex Tower before I got sent to the vortex. I was lucky, most others, they weren’t.
Danni: (sadly) I know that pretty well.
Wimbly: Yeah, but those of us who did get away, we joined together to form the resistance. We’ve been fighting against Cortex ever since.
Danni: It’s nice to know that there’s some hope for this place.
Wimbly: (Stops walking) Here we are.

[They are at the foot of the mountain. He moved a small shrubbery away from the rock revealing a slit in the stone. He took a card from his pocket and swiped it through the slit. A panel opened with a keypad inside. He typed a code on the pad and a large boulder rolled away from the rock face uncovering a passageway into a deep cave. He took her by the arm and helped her down the dark path. The light at the end of the pathway got brighter as they entered a giant cavern deep underground. Within the cavern was a small community. Some small shanties nestled among the stalagmites. Some light fixtures hung among the stalactites lighting the grotto. Danni stood nearly dumfounded.]

Danni: This place is huge.
Wimbly: Welcome to the underground rebel base. It may not be much to look at, but it’s got all the comforts of home. (The lights flicker on and off) More or less.
Danni: It’s amazing.
Wimbly: Ain’t it? We stumbled on this cave a while back and made it our hideout. The best part about it is, nobody knows about it but us, not even ol` Cortex knows it’s here. (As the two enter the inner sanctum, a dark figure jumps from the inky shadows. Danni jumped as it aimed a gun at them and leered.)
Figure: Who goes there?
Wimbly: Easy there Paddock, just me. (Paddock steps into the light. He is a medium sized platypus clad in blue overalls and a bandoleer draped over his shoulder. He lowers his rifle and greets Wimbly with a rebel salute. He has not yet seen Danni, she is still standing in the shadows.)
Paddock: Wimbly, it’s about time you got back. Did you get it?
Wimbly: Sure did. (He reaches into his deep pockets and retrieves a small, brown package.)
Paddock: (smiling at the item.) Perfect, this’ll definitely come in handy.
Wimbly: I also found one of our own getting picked on by some of those sentinels by the human village. I showed them who’s boss though.
Paddock: Who was it?
Wimbly: Don’t know, I’ve never seen her around these parts. (Danni steps into the light. Upon seeing her Paddock gasps.)
Paddock: Danni… Dingo?
Wimbly: You know her?
Paddock: It’s impossible. (He walks closer to her) Who are you really? Why do you look like Danni Dingo?
Danni: Maybe because I AM Danni Dingo.
Paddock: It just can’t be, there’s no way you could be her.
Wimbly: Enough with the interrogation Paddock, she’s hurt. She needs to be taken to the infirmary.
Paddock: All right, but then I need to have a word with you in private.

[Wimbly brings Danni trough the cavern; Paddock followed a few feet behind. He looked at her with suspicion. She wondered how he knew her, and why his attitude was so distrustful towards her. The three came across a small white building, the sign above the door read “Infirmary”. Wimbly pushed open the big white doors and led the others inside into a large, empty, white room lined with curtains and cots.]

Wimbly: Dr. Albright? Are you here? (A door down the hallway opened. An Owl wearing a nurse’s uniform entered the room. At her side was her assistant, a kangaroo rat.)

Albright: What can I do for you Wimbly?
Wimbly: Dr. Albright this girl here was hurt by one of Cortex’s sentinels. Can you help her?

(The owl doctor looked Danni over, her assistant, Sydney, stood staring at her.)

Sydney: Doctor, she looks just like…
Albright: Hush Sydney, (She examines the wound.) Yes, this is treatable. You’re lucky. All you have is a minor burn. Sit down and I’ll take care of it. (She seats Danni on one of the cots. Sydney is still staring.)
Sydney: She looks exactly like…
Albright: Sydney, can you get me the gauze and antiseptic? (Sydney nods and retrieves the request.)
Sydney: But don’t you see that she looks like…
Albright: (calmly) I know. But we must tend to her wounds first. Then she can answer questions.

(Seeing that the doctors occupied Danni, Paddock takes Wimbly by the arm and takes him outside.)

Paddock: Wimbly, don’t you know who that girl IS? She’s Danni Dingo!
Wimbly: Not THE Danni Dingo. I mean isn’t she…?
Paddock: I thought she was.
Wimbly: Well, if that is Danni in there, I should tell the boss.
Paddock: You can’t tell him. You know how he feels about Danni, especially after what happened. I don’t think we should trust her just yet. Just in case this is one of Cortex’s tricks.
Wimbly: Even if she isn’t the real deal, he should know. I’m going to tell him.
Paddock: I’m going with you. I don’t want you blowing anything out of proportion.

(The two rebels leave the outside of the infirmary. Albright and Sydney finish dressing Danni’s injury.)

Albright: That should do it.
Danni: Thank you, it feels much better now.
Albright: I’ve treated a lot of injuries caused by those sentinels. Seems they’ll shoot anything that doesn’t work for Cortex.
Danni: It’s good to see that there are people fighting against him.
Albright: It’s reassuring that we’re not alone. It’s sad though, that we’re such a small group. But we’re struggling as best we can.
Danni: At least there are those who are willing to struggle. (She sees Sydney still staring at her.) Why are you lookin at me like that?
Sydney: (Diverting her eyes) Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just, you’ve been gone for so long.
Danni: I have?
Sydney: Yeah, we didn’t think you’d be coming back. Where have you been hiding all this time?
Albright: Sydney, I think it’s best if she got some rest before telling us her story. (To Danni.) Isn’t that right dearie?
Danni: (Faining knowledge of what they’re talking about.) Um… yeah.
Albright: Come on Sydney, we have other patients to tend to.
Sydney: Yes ma’am. (She nods quietly and exits the room. Albright follows, but before closing the door behind her, she looks at Danni with a soft smile.)
Albright: Welcome home Danni.

[Danni lay on the cot just as confused as ever. How did these strangers know her? Why were they so surprised to see her? What did they mean by “been gone so long”? Where did they think she was? All the questions swimming in her mind, she wanted to find out all the answers now, but she was so tired form her fight with the sentinels and the long walk to this strange new refuge. She decided to rest her eyes, for only a moment, but slowly, without realizing it, she fell asleep on the firm, white, infirmary cot. It was a crass ruckus that shook her from her peaceful slumber. A group of rebels a room away were arguing about something. Four of the voices she recognized as Wimbly, Albright, Paddock, and Sydney. But the fifth voice, although she couldn’t put her finger on it, was eerily familiar.]

Paddock: We still aren’t sure it’s really her.
Voice: I’ll be th` judge a that. Just let me see `er.
Albright: She’s sleeping now. She must have been through a lot, let her rest.
Voice: I ain’t gonna wake `er, I just want ta see if it’s her.

[Danni sat up. Were they talking about her? And who was that voice? She knew she had heard it someplace before, sometime before, but where? Why couldn’t she place it?]

Paddock: You don’t know if it’s a trick. What is she works for Cortex?
Wimbly: Then why were his robots attacking her?
Sydney: And how could she look so much like Danni?
Voice: I’m goin’ in ta get some answers.
Paddock: Hold on sir. Be careful, I know how you feel about Danni, just don’t let your emotions get the best of you.
Voice: Ya don’t need ta worry, if she is Danni, I’ll be able ta tell.

[The door began to open. Tentatively someone entered the room. He was tall, dark, and familiar. As he stepped into a clearer view Danni could feel her heart drop. He was a dingo, like her, dark brown fur, light colored khaki pants, and soft reddish brown eyes. She knew him, heart wrenchingly well. He looked straight into her blue eyes and his jaw dropped open, his eyes widened, he tried to speak but no words could flow. Danni, in her shock, eked out a nonplussed breath.]

Danni: Cody?

[She couldn’t believe her eyes, but there he was, Cody Dingo, her lost friend.]

Cody: Danni? Is it really you? [Danni sat there speechless. Cody, was he really there before her? There was an intense energy between them broken by their sudden embrace.]

Danni: Oh, Cody. (Tears choke her.)
Cody: God Danni, I thought I’d never see you again.
Danni: I can’t believe I found you. Oh, if this is some wonderful dream, then please, never let me wake up.

[The dingoes stared silently at each other. Danni wondered how this could be Cody - he had been turned into Dingodile by Cortex a very long time ago. But right now, somehow he was standing before her in his normal, wonderful, dingo form. He gaped at her pale and dumfounded, but also with a smile. He was happy to see her.]

Cody: Danni, after all these years, I knew you would come back.
Danni: (dazed) I’m still trying to prove to myself that you’re really here, that I’m not just imagining it. [Pause] Am I dead?
Paddock: (entering the room) That’s what we thought you were.

(Wimbly, Albright, and Sydney follow him in.)

Wimbly: (to Cody) Is she the real thing?
Cody: She definitely looks the part.
Sydney: I’ll say.
Paddock: She could still be a spy for Cortex. He would sink as low as to send a copy of our closest friend to trick us.
Danni: I can assure you, I do NOT work for Cortex.
Paddock: Then how’d you survive the blast?
Danni: What blast?
Paddock: See! She doesn’t even know about the accident she was supposedly killed in!
Danni: (shrinking in her seat) Killed?
Cody: Don’t you remember Danni? When we were trying save the refuges held captive in Cortex tower. The general set off an explosion and you got separated from the group.
Danni: Separated?
Cody: Yes, we all thought you died.
Sydney: Obviously she wasn’t.
Paddock: Maybe she was, and Cortex used her DNA to make a clone to send here and deceive us.
Wimbly: A clone? How could they make a full-grown clone in only three years? It’s impossible!
Paddock: Then why doesn’t she remember?
Albright: She could have amnesia. The blast was very traumatic.
Paddock: I still think she was sent by Cortex.
Cody: That’s nonsense! She has to be our Danni.

[“Our Danni”. Danni leaned back tensely upon hearing that statement. She was beginning to wonder about this whole situation. Something wasn’t right.]

Albright: Oh, Paddock. Stop being so paranoid.
Paddock: I am NOT being PARANOID! You know very well that Cortex would do anything to find our underground base.
Wimbly: But sending a fake Danni? I don’t believe it.
Paddock: Well, there is ONE way to tell. (He goes over to her and attempts to lift her shirt.)
Danni: (fighting him) Oy! Whatdaya think yer doin!? (She punches him in the gut.) You try somethin’ like that again, an’ I’ll smack that beak right offa ya face! (The group gasps and stars at her. Danni sits down, her eyes fixated at their stairs like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.)
Cody: That attitude… that short temper… She’s GOTTA BE the real Danni!

[Back in the real world…]

[The holding cell was cramped and cold. The lights were off and it smelt like it hadn’t been cleaned in years. Jacko didn’t care about his accommodations - in fact he partially felt he deserved them. He had let down his only friends in the world. Keep an eye on the Time Twister, the simplest task he could ever have… and he blew it. Now Crash, Coco, and Danni were lost who knows where and who knows when. He was all alone. Again. A ruckus of cheers rose from the main hall. Cortex had apparently given his minions the “good” news.]

Jacko: Listen to `um in there, whoopin’ it up. An’ they got me ta thank. I’m sorry Crash, ya put yer faith in me an’ I let you down. Some friend I am.

[The doors to the main hall opened and some of the minions emerged. They were laughing heartily about Crash’s defeat, Jacko’s failure.]

Joe: I ssstill can’t believe he’sss really gone!
Moe: (blows a party horn) We ssshould have a party.
Tiny: Tiny like party. Tiny want big cake!
Moe: And pin the tail on the donkey.
Tiny: And party hats.
Moe: And a piñata.
Joe: You’d end up hitting sssomebody.
Pinstripe: (lighting up a cigarette) Whateva we gonna do, we gotta celebrate. (takes a puff) Ain’t every day gedda vick-tree. (Cortex enters the room followed by Tropy.)
Cortex: Oh, we will be celebrating this event all right, to finally have that bandicoot gone. Do you know how long I’ve waited for this day?
Tropy: (looking at watch) 4 years, 7 months, 1 week, 2 days, 5 hours, 12 minutes, and 20 seconds. Exactly.
Cortex: I hate it when you do that.
Moe: (noticing Jacko) What are we going to do with him?
Cortex: Ah yes, I’ll have to think about what to do with him. (He looks Jacko straight in the eyes.) He hasn’t been quite the trouble that his friends have been.
Pinstripe: Not any trouble? Youse never been stuck ina warehouse wit him fa 9 hours having ta listen to him sing.
Jacko: Do what you want with me Cortex. I don’t care.
Pinstripe: (cockily) Well, whadaya know, fly-boy’s blue.
Joe: (with mock pity) Awh, you misss your friendsss? (meanly) Well too bad!
Pinstripe: (laughs) Yeah, they ain’t comin back anytime soon. (Takes a draft of his cigarette and blows a puff of smoke in Jacko’s face.) S’get ova et.
Cortex: You should be more worried about yourself now anyway my captive kangaroo. (Slaps Pinstripe in the back of the head.) And I thought I told you not to smoke in the castle. Either put that out or go outside with it.
Pinstripe: (leaving the room) Jeez, it’s a special occasion.
Cortex: (To Jacko) I will think of what to do with you later. (He, Tropy, and the rest of the minions leave the room. Moe and Tiny can be heard down the hall as the heavy doors slowly close behind them.)
Moe: … And we’ll need to rent a DJ, and call a caterer, and get sssome balloonsss…
Tiny: Balloons fun.
Moe: Especially when you can sssuck the helium out of them.

[The doors slam with a loud and ringing bang that echoed throughout the dungeon. Jacko sat on the groun;, the room was cold and lonely. Sitting in the silence all he could think about was what a big disappointment he was. All he wanted to do crawl into his pouch and disappear. He felt worthless, lower than dirt. His friends were gone and there was nothing he could do about it… or was there? Sitting on the floor he felt something lying in the bottom of his pouch. Pulling it out he found it was a screwdriver. He remembered where it came from. He was working on the engine of one of his planes when Crash came to the hanger asking him to help fight Cortex. He had put the screwdriver in his pouch for safekeeping and had up until now completely forgotten about it. Holding the medal tool in his paws he started to smile. Now there was hope.]

[The grand tour, although the rebel base was far from grand. The ceiling dripped, the lights flickered, all the little shacks were shabbily made, and the ground was so uneven that one could break their leg if the weren't watching were they were going. But to Danni it may as well have been a beautiful kingdom. She strolled, hanging gently off Cody's arm as he showed her around the cavern.]

Cody: An' that's where we keep ar' weaponry. Most of it's stolen from Cortex a'course. An' that ova' thar' is where we do ar' trainin', everybody 'ere's got to pass the course. Those who don't we don't botha' sendin out ta fight or else they're good as dead.
Danni: (Dreamily) Um, hum. That's good.

[She rubbed her face against his soft warm fur. She really wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. She was simply content hearing his voice. He smiled down at her warmly, but sighed with despair as they came upon a large field. It was an empty lot, every few feet a piece of wood stuck out of the ground. There were many of these planks.]

Cody: And this... is the graveyard. Those of us who have fallen in battle end up here. [He gently pulled his arm away from Danni's hold and placed it around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. Danni looked up at Cody, he was still staring solemnly at the cemetery. She hugged him lovingly and sighed. She was in paradise.]

[Paddock and Wimbly came running over to their leader, both shouting at once.]

Wimbly: Sir, Sir! Some of our team up topside have reported minion activity in the village.
Cody: (Turing his attention to his friends) What kind of activity?
Paddock: Near the literary district. We think Cortex is trying to destroy the documents there.
Cody: (in shock) What!? We can’t let that happen. Those documents are too important. Assemble the troops.
Paddock: Yes sir.

[He and Wimbly give the rebel salute and lead Cody and Danni into a large hut were the other rebels where all gathered. Cody stood in the centre of the room to address the small crowd, Danni by his side. As the crowd hushed, he made his announcement.]

Cody: Everyone! There’s been a confirmed report of Cortex troops making an assault on the literary district. We must not let the documents in that area be destroyed. Their teachings are the only hope the humans have left for revolution. I’ll be sending squad four to the disturbance sight. You all have 3 minutes to get ready.

[The rebels saluted and dispersed. Danni turned to Cody.]

Danni: What’s in the literary district that’s so important? Battle strategies?
Cody: No. Much more important than that.
Danni: What then?
Cody: Books.
Danni: Books? What kinda books?
Cody: The usual contraband. Huxley, Orwell, Bradbury, Steinbeck, Twain, Seuss, etc. When the humans came to the island they brought the books with them. After Cortex took control he banned them because they could stir up some revolutionary feelings in the villagers. But some a’ the humans were able ta hide them books during the raids. It looks like Cortex found um though.
Danni: Well, we can’t let that happen. Where’s that squad headed? I’m goin’ with um!
Cody: Are you sure Danni? You just got back, you really want ta go back inta battle so soon?
Danni: You bet I do! I can’t sit by if Cortex is plannin’ ta get rid’a those books.

[Cody thought a moment. Did he really want to let Danni go with the squad? He didn’t want to risk losing her again, not after they had been separated for so long. He looked at her, she was ready to take on anything.]

Cody: (turning to Danni ) Well mate, time ta see if ya still got some fight left in ya.
Danni: You know me. I’m always ready for a tussle.

[She smiled at him and sprinted after the rebels. Watching her running gracefully he smiled too. There was no doubt about it - this had to be Danni.]

[Crash and Coco walked for what felt like ages around the broken cracked up, old city. It was by now getting dark, and many of the civilians were turning off the outside lights attached to the walls of their dirty, shabby, poor houses. Readying themselves for the mandatory curfew forced upon them by Cortex law. ]

Crash: We’ve been walking for hours! My legs are starting to hurt.
Coco: Stop complaining Crash. You should be lucky those robots didn’t break your legs.
Crash: I still can’t figure out why they just left us alone like that. (He looks around anxiously) Man!! We've searched everywhere!! (Groans) Oh Danni, where are you!!
Coco: She has to be somewhere. We just have to keep looking.
Crash: Look where! We looked everywhere she could be hiding. (He pauses) Oh God! What if she got captured?!
Coco: Calm down Crash. Don’t jump to that yet. We have no proof that happened.
Crash: But we have no proof that didn’t happen. This place keeps getting weirder and weirder. I'm so worried she could be hurt. All alone at there, she doesn’t even know we’re here. (Starts to cry) I’m so worried about her. If only I could reach her faster, she wouldn’t have been sucked into that vortex.
Coco: (Tries to calm him) Crash, you know Danni can take care of herself. (He sighs.) Don’t worry, we’ll find her.

[Shouting emerged from down the street. A large crowd was gathering around a pile of scrap wood, cardboard, and loose trash. Robot sentinels were tossing some objects onto the pile… books. Books of all kinds were being carried out of a hut by the robots. One robot was busily restraining a man.]

Man: You can’t do this!!! The people need these books!

[Out from the crowd of robots and spectators two figures emerged. The Komodo Brothers (or rather their alternate world selves) clad in steel armour and welding maces approached the resistant victim.]

Joe: (punching the man in the gut.) Ssshut up. These booksss are banned by the Cortex code. You’re going to the ssstockade for punishment for being in possssession of thisss contraband.
Man: (choking from the blow) But… the books.
Moe: These booksss are going to be burned asss an example to othersss that the law isss the law.

[A robot splashed the pile with lighter fluid and set the mass ablaze. The reptilian siblings chuckled at the sight of the burning literature.]

Joe: Burn baby burn!

[Crash gritted his teeth. He couldn’t stand watching this outrageous display a second longer. He needed to do something, but Coco was holding him back.]

Crash: Let go Sis, somebody’s got to show these guys a lesson!
Coco: Hold on Crash, I want to stop them as much as you do, but this isn’t our world. We shouldn’t interfere or we might disturb some kind of dimensional balance.
Crash: (Struggling against his sister.) Balance my foot! Something has to be done!

[Crash continued to fight Coco’s grasp, but she refused to let go despite her own scruples. Over by the burning literature, the Komodo Brothers were enjoying the inferno glistening off the night sky.]

Moe: Wow Joe, look how fast it’sss burning. Those bookss must have been old.
Joe: Yesss, and sssoon they’ll be nothing but ash.
Voice: Not if we can help it!

[The Komodo Bros. turned towards the voice calling from behind the quickly dispersing crowd. Wimbly and the rebel squadron approached the square. Joe shouted to the robot sentinels.]

Joe: It’s the renegadessss! Get them!!!

(The robot commandos charged the small squadron. Soon lasers were blazing everywhere, scraping and streaking the night sky. Loose townspeople ran into their houses and slammed their doors. Wimbly and his team stood their ground against their metal foes even though they were heavily outnumbered. One of the rebels tossed a cube at an oncoming row of droids. Electricity sparked from the box, shorting out the bots, but more continued to advance. Wimbly readied his laser pistol and gave the command for the rebels to begin firing on the sentinels. The small battle grew more intense, the rebels on one side fighting with all their might with the small amount of artillery they had, against the Komodo Bros. and their army of robots, heavily armed. Crash and Coco watched the battle from a safe distance far from the laser blasts and flying scrap metal.)

Crash: Coco, who are those guys?
Coco: I don’t know, but it looks like they know what they’re doing.

(In the battle, the squadron busily blasts the sentinels.)

Wimbly: Come on! Let’s take these tin cans to the dump!

(A robot lurks up behind him.)

Rebel 1: Wimbly! Look out!!!

(Wimbly spins around to end up face to face with the end of the barrel of a laser pistol. A boomerang comes flying by slicing the robot in half. Relieved, the wombat turned to where his aid had originated.)

Wimbly: Thanks Danni, that was close.

(Danni catches her Boomerang with a grin and dashes to Wimbly’s side.)

Danni: Anythin’ for a mate. Now let’s take out the trash.

[The battle raged, although it was quickly made evident that the rebels were winning. As the pile of broken robots increased, the Komodo brothers decided it was time to leave.]

Moe: Uh… Retreat!!!

(The brothers flee the scene. Leaving the rebels with the remaining robots.)

Rebel 1: They’re getting away!
Danni: You finish handling the bots, I’ll folla’ those two.

[Danni gave chase after the evil reptiles. She didn’t want to let down her new friends or Cody. She was sure to catch up with those slimy siblings, but she wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen.]

Moe: (Glancing behind) That girl’sss right on our tailsss
Joe: I’ll handle her. (He lifts his mace towards Danni. It glows eerily and emits a powerful blast of light knocking her to the ground. The brothers then headed down the street where Crash and Coco were standing. )
Crash: Oh boy, they’re headed this way.
Coco: We’d better hide. (She pulls her brother into in nearby ally way and duck into an open dumpster.)
Crash: Eww. It’s slimy in here.
Coco: Shh. Quiet.

(Komodo Moe and Joe run past the ally way, getting away. Danni regained her stance and watched as her targets escaped. Standing in the street only her pride was harmed, but that pain was just as bad as being shot with a laser. She leaned against the brick near the entrance of the ally way and sighed.)

Danni: Darn the luck! I almost had um too. (She slammed her fist on the top of the dumpster causing a loud bang.)
Crash: Ow!
Danni: (jumping) Who’s there?! Who’s in there?
Crash: (staying down inside the dumpster) Who are *you*?
Danni: You answer me first.
Crash: (To Coco) Her voice sounds familiar. But I can’t make it out from inside here. I’m gonna take a peek.
Coco: Be careful. You don’t know who that could be.

(Crash peeks his head out slightly from the dumpster catching Danni’s eyes in his own.)

Crash: Danni!
Danni: Crash!?
Crash: Danni, is that really you?

(The two embraced quickly.)

Danni: What are you doing in a trash bin?

Crash: We were hiding in there from… (Crash pulled back for a moment. Was this the real Danni? Or was this figure standing before him her other worldly counterpart?) How can I be sure you’re the right one?
Danni: What do you mean Crash?
Crash: How did we get here?
Danni: What? Well, I got here because of that strange vortex that I got sucked up by. When we were fighting Cortex and N. Tropy.
Crash: Who was with us?
Danni: Jacko, he was with us. [Pause] How did you get here?
Crash: We jumped in after you. Me and Coco.
Danni: Coco’s here too?
Coco: (Sticking her head out of the Dumpster) Yeah I’m here. I think I’m sitting in a yoghurt cup. (To Crash) Is she the right one?
Crash: She knew about the Vortex and Jacko. I guess only the real Danni would know that.
Danni: What do you mean? I am the real Danni!
Coco: We know, now.
Danni: But, what are you talking about? Crash, what’s going on?
Crash: I guess you don’t know what this place is. It’s a parallel dimension.
Danni: (God smacked) What?!
Coco: When the Time Twister was hit by lightning, its trajectory must have been scrambled. Instead of bringing us to a different time, it brought us to a different EARTH.
Danni: This is a different dimension!? That would explain why Cortex is in charge. (She pauses. Sadness fills her eyes.) That would also explain…
Crash: (concerned) Danni, is something wrong?
Danni: I knew it was too good to be true.
Coco: What was?
Danni: Cody… is here. The real Cody… or at least… I thought he was.
Crash: I know you miss him Danni, but this isn’t our world. He’s not your Cody.
Danni: It never is.

[She hung her head in sadness but also with anger and frustration. She damned her fate. For her entire life fate had pulled her along like a child pulls a toy wagon. Always teasing her with false hopes and endless battles. Now it dared to lull her again into its painful trap with its alluring doppelganger. But why her? Why always her? Hadn’t she suffered enough? Or was fate still plotting its cruel tricks for her. She didn’t know whether to cry or to give someone a swift punch. Her life was full of such confusion.]

Crash: You should be glad we found you. Now we can get out of this place and go home.
Danni: Home?
Crash: Yeah… home.
Danni: Home, it’s better than this place… I guess.
Coco: (looking at her laptop) That’s easier said than done you guys.
Crash: Why? What do you mean?
Coco: I can’t find any sign of the anomaly that brought us here. It’s completely gone.
Crash: You’ve got to be joking. You mean there’s no way back?
Coco: Yes. We’re stuck here.
Crash: Aw darn. Out of all the places, out of all the infinite dimensions conceivable, why’d we get stuck in this apocalypse!?
Coco: I don’t know. Argh! This is terrible!

[Danni looked on at her friends grumbling about their despicable predicament. Crash and Coco cringed in the fact they were now trapped in Cortex’s twisted empire with no escape. She watched them gripe and worry, Crash especially was worried. He couldn’t stand the very notion that there was a world where Cortex was sovereign never mind being stranded there. In the mists of observing Crash and Coco bewailing, Danni did something incredibly amoral. She smiled. It was a despicable thing to do but she couldn’t help it. In the back of her mind she was happy to have a little more time to be with Cody. Even if he wasn’t the real thing.]

Crash: Well what do we do now? We don’t know who to trust, or where to go…
Danni: I know where we can go!
Coco: You do?
Danni: Yes! The rebels, they’ve taken me in as one a them. I’m sure they’ll wanna help us.
Crash: (With a gleam of hope) Really?
Danni: Yes, Cody’s their leada`. Come on Crash, I’ll show you their hideout. Wait till I tell um about you an the stuff you done in ar` world, they’ll probably welcome ya both with open arms.
Coco: Well it’s better then sitting in this dumpster. Let’s go!

[Cody paced about the room, a tone of worry in his voice. Danni had been missing for an hour. The rest of the squadron had already returned, but no one had seen where she had gotten to.]

Cody: Where IS she!? (Turns to others) Didn’t anyone see where she went?

[The squadron shrugged. No one had seen Danni since she had run off from the rest of the group.]

Paddock: (snorts) I’m not surprised she ran off. If you ask me, she’s probably in cahoots with Cortex’s minions.
Cody: No! Danni would never betray us!
Wimbly: You have to admit - she wouldn’t take this long to get back.
Albright: I’m sure she’s all right; perhaps we should wait a little longer.

[Cody panicked. What if something had happened to her? No... He thought. It couldn't happen again... Not this time...]

Cody: No, I can’t wait any longer. We have ta go find `er! [He darted out of the conference room and headed for the base exit. The rebels got up and ran after him.]
Wimbly: Cody! Hang on, we’re comin’ with you!.

[But Cody didn’t slow down. He would never forgive himself if anything had happened to Danni. He felt like such a fool, sending her out into the field so soon after finding her again. She could be hurt, or worse. He couldn’t bear to think about what could happen to her. He made it to the entrance only to see before him, Danni coming in from the outside.]

Cody: Danni?? [Gratefully] Danni!! Am I glad ta see yar here! [He hugs her] Where have you been?
Danni: I ran inta some a my friends. I’m sorry if I took so long ta get back.

[Wimbly and the others arrived shortly after Cody. They all smiled seeing Danni there with him, safe. All except for Paddock who looked at her with suspicion in his eyes.]

Wimbly: Danni, ya back! We were worried `bout ya.
Albright: See, didn’t I say she was all right.
Paddock: And just where were you Danni?
Cody: She’s fine Paddock, she just was with some friends she found. [To Danni] You had me so worried something bad had happened to you.
Danni: I’m fine Cody. Everything’s gonna be alright.

[Just then Crash and Coco enter from the cave. Cody spots him behind Danni.]
Cody: OH NO!! (He growls angrily and pulls Danni behind his back to protect her.) Danni, stay back! (To the rebels, also standing in shock.) Sound the alarm!!!

[The rebels scramble around grabbing guns and pointing them at Crash and Coco, pushing them against the wall. They were armed to the teeth with weapons. A resounding alarm blares throughout the cavern.]

Crash: What’s going on?
Cody: [Growls] YOU!! How dare you even try to show your face in here?!
Crash: (Gulping nervously) You must be Cody.
Cody: You know exactly who I am. How did you find this place? How did you get past security?!
Crash: D… D... Danni let us in.

(The rebels gasped.)

Paddock: See! I knew she couldn’t be trusted.
Cody: No! He’s lying!! Danni would never let HIM here. Never.
Danni: [Gasps] Oh no!! (She covered her mouth, unsure of how to react. Why were Cody and the rebels acting this way to Crash?)
Cody: You really made a big mistake coming here General.
Crash: General? Me? What are you talking about???
Cody: Stop playing dumb Crash. We all know about the atrocities you’ve committed with Cortex.
Crash: Cortex!? I never…
Cody: You’re a real brat Crash, you and your master. (Looks at Coco) Who’s the girl?
Rebel #1: We don’t know sir. We’ve never seen her before.
Rebel #2: (grabbing her Laptop) She has this.
Coco: Hey! That’s mine!
Rebel #1: Not any more Cortex girl.
Crash: Don’t talk to my sister like that!
Wimbly: Sister? I didn’t know General Crash had a sister.
Crash: I’m no general. This is a big misunderstanding.
Cody: You can’t slither your way out of this. (He pulls a gun out from his belt and Points it at Crash, ready to pull the trigger.) All the lies, destruction, death… (Points the gun at Crash’s head.) It ends NOW.

[Crash sweated fearfully, the cold steal of Cody’s gun inches from his scalp. His eyes darted to Danni, desperately he cried out.]

Crash: DANNI!! HELP US!!

[Danni was hesitant to help. She wanted to… but Cody, what would he think?]

Cody: Danni won’t help you. Not after what you did to her.
Crash: What did I do?
Cody: You know very well what you did. You’re lucky she survived, or I may be more tempted to pull this trigger.

[Crash didn’t know what to think. What did Cody mean? He was baffled; He would never harm Danni. Never in his wildest nightmares.]

Crash: Listen, I don’t work for Cortex. I know you don’t believe me, but I’m telling the truth.
Cody: ENOUGH!!! No more lies!!! This is the end! (He gets ready to pull the trigger.)
Crash: Danni PLEASE! [Cody tightens his finger, his gun cocks slowly. Each click stabbed through Crash painfully. As it did Danni. She looked into Crash’s wavering eyes moist and frightened. She couldn’t stand it any longer. Danni ran to Cody, staring at Crash and Coco angrily, vengeance in his eyes. She quickly wedged herself between Crash and the gun.]
Danni: No!!
Cody: (Pulling away his gun.) Danni! What are you doing?!!
Danni: You don't understand Cody!! This isn't the Crash you think he is!!
Cody: (snarls at Danni angrily) What do you mean Danni?
Danni: Cody… I… He… I can’t let you kill him. He’s my… friend.
Cody: Danni… No. (Staring at her in disbelief) Have they brainwashed you?
Danni: No, Crash is my friend. But he’s not the Crash you think he is.

[She frowned as she could see the pain in his eyes... The pain of betrayal.]

Cody: Danni, how could you? Why? After what he did to you…
Paddock: It’s because she’s not Danni. And I can prove it. (He goes over to Danni and lifts up her shirt, revealing her back. Cody gasps and looks at her in despair.)
Cody: No.
Paddock: See, it’s not there. If she were the real Danni it would be there.

(Some of the rebels grab Danni by the arms restraining her.)

Danni: Cody, what’s going on?
Cody: (forlorn) Please, give me the truth, are you my Danni?

[Danni looked strait into Cody’s eyes, she knew the truth would hurt him. She knew that pain well. But she needed to tell him. Perhaps it could save Crash.]

Danni: Cody, I… won’t lie to you. No. I’m not.

[Cody shuttered and turned from this impostor. He looked at the rebels holding back the frightened bandicoots.]

Cody: Take them to the holding cells.

[Crash and Coco look at each other with fear and disbelief as the angry renegades lead them away at gunpoint. Cody then glances at Danni still standing there under restraint.]

Danni: What are you going to do with them?
Cody: (quietly) Why do you care?
Danni: Please believe me Cody, this isn’t what you think. I may not be your Danni but I don’t work for Cortex.
Paddock: Don’t believe her Cody. She’s a fake.
Cody: Danni. (He turns from her.)
Rebel #1: What should we do with her?
Cody: (His ears drooping) Take her to the holding cells.

(The rebels drag her forcefully away. She struggles weakly against them, calling out to Cody.)

Danni: Cody please - I don’t work for Cortex, I DON’T WORK FOR CORTEX!!! (He doesn’t respond, his back still facing her.) Cody? Cody! Please listen to me! Please Cody. Cody! CODY!!!!

[Danni’s wailing voice faded as she was dragged away. Cody covered his ears to block her screams for pity and closed his eyes tightly squeezing out a trickle of tears.]

[Crash and Coco sat silently, in their confined prison, each of them not knowing what to do. What was happening? Was this some sort of nightmare?? How did this happen? Where was Danni? Why isn't she here with them? Why didn't she stop Cody from capturing them? It seemed so unreal. Coco shivered slightly as she looked up at the mouldy cavern around her. A chilling atmosphere breezed over her. Her eyes filled with questions, and tears, which slowly ran down the side of her orange face as she looked out to the right of her cage, to see Crash. He too, sitting at the bottom of his cage, rocking to and fro a depressed, confused look on his tired face. Understandable, as he hadn't the slightest clue what was going on either, or what was to become of him and his sister. He mumbled sadly, as he looked out to the left of his cage, directly into Coco's, whose prison was attached to his…]

Coco: [Nearly sobbing] Crash? What’s going on?? Why are we here?? Why are we being kept here like this?
Crash: [Shakes his head sadly] Yeah. I’d like to know that too Coco. [He looked out of his cage towards a guard, standing tall and erect. Holding a pistol in his right hand. Questions were bashing through Crash’s mind. Was it true? Did the Crash of this world really work for Cortex? Crash just couldn’t believe it, he wouldn’t bring himself to. The guard overhears their chit chat. Growling, he steps out and in front of their cages. Revealing himself as a tall black kangaroo wearing a short sleeved combat shirt and wearing two ammunition belts, over his torso, both belts crossing over each other. He stared coldly into Crash's eyes with a snarl he leaned forward, very close and growled a kind of grudge in his voice.]
Black Kangaroo: [Knocks his pistol against the bars of Crash's cage] Ay! Thats enuff!! No chitchat in 'ere!! MURDERER!!

[Crash and Coco looked at him stunned. Murderer?? What the hell? Now this was becoming bizarre!!]

Crash: [Looking up at the Kangaroo angrily] MURDERER?? What do you mean by that??

[The Kangaroo didn't say anything. Just stared at him... coldly. Crash shivered. Like a small sliver of ice had pierced his heart... However, questions had to be answered.]

Crash: [Angrily] Look guy! Can you at least tell us what the fudge we're doing here??

[The black Kangaroo growled angrily]

Black Kangaroo: [Snorts] You should know!
Crash: [Clearly confused] Wha? What do you mean? I DON'T know!!

[The Kangaroo fumed viciously at the bandicoot. Crash could only look back at him with shock and confusion.]

Black Kangaroo: YES YOU DO!! [Snarls] Cody told us about what you tried to do to Danni and we’ve seen what you’ve done to the rebels in the past. We’re gonna make sure you never do anything like that again! We’ll make sure of that!!! You... You... [Fumes] MURDERER!!!
Crash: What do you…

[Before Crash could even finish. The Kangaroo angrily spat onto his face, growling as he did so. He then walked off mumbling back.]

Black Kangaroo: The day of your comeuppance has arrived... COMMANDER CRASH!!

[He then walked off in an angry huff.]

Coco: [To Crash] CRASH! Are you ok??
Crash: Gah!! PTUI!!! [Wiping the spit from his face in anger] WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT???

[He growled as he rubbed away the remaining saliva from his face, and stared at the ground with a sigh... Commander Crash?? Why was he being called that? Why was he a murderer?? Who did he supposedly kill?? Or rather this other Crash whom they all believed he was. Crash shuddered to himself. He would NEVER dream of killing anyone. Not even Cortex. Although he had been tempted to. He had never had the killer instinct. But what did he and Coco do to deserve such a cruel sentence of being quoted as murderers?? Everything is going by in a whirl too fast for Crash to catch up. All he could remember from last time was that he was with Danni. He had finally found her, amidst all the chaos of this horrible new world. But where was she now? He was taken prisoner, but he couldn’t help wondering where was she now?? Why isn't she saving him and Coco?? DOSEN'T SHE CARE??? Crash couldn't understand. So many horrible thoughts were hopping inside his head, old ones especially. As he remembered the first time of being locked up in a cage ready for the Cortex Vortex all those years ago, tears slowly began to fill his eyes... and slowly trickled down his snout. Coco looked up sadly herself to see her brother miserably looking down at the floor]

Coco: [Worried] C... Crash?
Crash: [Sniffs a little. Still looking down at the floor] What?

[Coco took in another breath to speak. But instead, stopped... It looked like there was nothing she could do to raise hopes here at the moment. Especially after someone calling you a killer. How could anyone be happy? She sighed and instead smiled. She then reached out her hand into Crash's cage. And grabbed hold of his hand gently... Making him look up at her sadly... She smiled reassuringly.]

Coco: We've been in worse situations than this Crash... but as usual, we'll always get out of it!!

[Crash then smiled, and put his other hand over Coco's as if to say "Thank you sis" But deep down. He knew there was something so terribly, terribly wrong... His mind focusing on Danni... and on the rebels... on Cortex... and... on Cody.]

[Cody approached the holding cells in a fit of confusion and anger. He wanted answers and he wanted them NOW. As he moved to enter the jail, he was halted by Paddocks rifle.]

Cody: Let me through Paddock, I need ta talk to `er.
Paddock: You know I won’t let you do that sir. There’s still the chance that she’s a threat.
Cody: I just want to ask her some questions. If she tries anything I can handle it. (He places his hand on his gun holster.)
Paddock: I don’t think you can. You’re too partial to Danni. This phoney can still trick you. (Cody sighs. In his mind he knows Paddock is right. But in his heart he didn’t want him to be.) Listen Cody, both you and I know what really happened to Danni, but lately I’ve been thinking I’m the only one who accepts it. It’s made you unsteady. You can’t handle it.
Cody: (irate) I CAN handle it!!! (Calms down) Paddock, I trust your opinion, but this is something I hafta do. I must face her. Let me through, not as an order from a commanding officer, but as a favour for a friend.
Paddock: (Lowers gun) All right, but just a friendly warning, be careful.

[Danni sat shivering on a chair in the dark jail cell. She was frightened and confused. What had Crash done that the rebels had attacked him like that? Where were he and Coco? What was going to happen to them? A door at the end of the hall opened and Cody entered. Danni saw him coming and buried her face into her crossed arms. She couldn’t face him, not after concealing the truth from him like she had. He believed she was his Danni and she, in her selfishness, took advantage of his naïveté. Cody came to her cell. He pulled up a stool and faced her. Only a wall of thin metal bars separated them.]

Cody: We need to talk.
Danni: (without looking up) I’m sorry Cody, I didn’t want it to turn out this way. I DO care about you, so very much.
Cody: All I want is the truth. Who are you? Who are you really?
Danni: (Looking up slightly) I am Danni Dingo. But… I’m not your Danni. I’m from another dimension.
Cody: (surprised) Another WHAT?
Danni: A parallel dimension, I was brought here by accident. I know it sounds crazy, but you must believe me.
Cody: Let me get this straight, you’re trying to tell me you’re from a different dimension?
Danni: Yes. And so are the Crash and Coco you captured.
Cody: And in this dimension you’re from… General Crash is your *friend*?
Danni: Yes he is, and more so. Only where I’m from Crash fights against Cortex. He’s a champion and a hero. He’s foiled Cortex’s plans countless times.
Cody: A world where Cortex doesn’t rule? You’re either lying… or you come from paradise.
Danni: (lowers her eyes) It isn’t entirely paradise.
Cody: But it must be better than my world. To be free from tyranny… I’ve always dreamt of what a world like that would be like. (Sadly) Before… my Danni was taken from me.
Danni: You miss her huh?
Cody: More than you can possibly imagine.
Danni: (to the side) I wouldn’t be too sure about that.
Cody: (sighs) I was so disappointed to see you weren’t her. But there was the proof; you don’t have a scar on your back like she did.
Danni: A scar? From what?
Cody: General Crash. He tried stabbing you, I mean her, during one of our raids on Cortex’s strong holds. Then that rat caused that explosion and she… (He stops and sobs.) Oh… I miss her.
Danni: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth in the first place. But I was just so shocked and happy to see you, Cody. You see… in my world… you’re the one who was taken from me. (Sobs) I am truly sorry I mislead you… I know what it’s like to be deceived by someone I thought I could trust. But I wanted to hold on to the illusion that I had you back. (sobs) I miss you, him, so much I wanted to believe it was real. I hope you understand.
Cody: I understand. (With sadness in his voice) I understand completely. You wanted to live in the dream instead of the reality because you didn’t want to face the truth. In your world, I… am dead?
Danni: No, not dead… a far bitterer fate than that, far worse that death.

[Crash paced about his cell, He couldn't tell how long he had been locked up but he didn't want to be for a second longer. He looked over at Coco in the next cell. She was sleeping on the hard ground. She looked so peaceful there, curled up snug and warm on the cold stone floor. He wondered how she could be sleeping at a time like this. He was so full of fear and anxiety he could barely stand still. He gripped the bars in his hands and leaned forward toward the guard still standing at attention, still with gun in hand.]

Crash: Listen buddy, how much longer do we have to be here?

[The black kangaroo stepped over to Crash and loomed over him]

Guard: You'll be in confinement until we find the proper punishment for you. (he grins slyly) But I don't think I will take long the ones in charge to agree on which way to fufil your death sentence.
Crash: Death sentence?! Isn't that a little harsh?
Guard: Not as harsh as what you have done.

(Crash lowered his head. His counterpart from this world must have been a heartless barbarian, and now he would be dying for that monster's sins.)

Crash: (looking up slightly) Look. Do what you want with me, but please... spare my sister. I'm not asking you to set her free or anything - just don't kill her. OK?
Guard: You're actually pleading for her life rather than your own?
Crash: Yes. Coco means everything to me. I don't want anything bad to happen to her.
Guard: That's very touching. I could almost believe you mean that.
Crash: I DID mean that! Don't you have any compassion? (Looks at Coco) She's never hurt anyone. She's innocent.

(The Guard angrily grabs Crash through the bars of the cell)

Guard: Innocent?! Compassion?! You ask me to have compassion for your loved one after you murder my friends and loved ones?! You are SICK!
Crash: (Now near tears) Please. Don't kill her. We aren't who you think we are. This is all one big mistake.
Guard: You are low Crash. You will find no sympathy here. There will be retribution.
Crash: How can I prove to you that I'm not your Crash?
Guard: (turning away) The lead council should reach a verdict by sunrise. How you spend your remaining time is up to you. (glances at Coco) If I where you, I'd be spending it saying "goodbye".

[The Guard leaned against the wall, his icy stare fixated on Crash. Crash looked back at Coco, still sleeping peacefully, unaware that there were plots against their lives happening at that very moment. He wanted to wake her, and he wanted to talk to her. But she looked so sweet and innocent there before him he didn't want to break the mood. It was the only peace that could comfort him, and he wanted her to enjoy her ignorant bliss for as long as she could keep it.]

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