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[Cody paced back and forth in the council room. He wasn't sure if he could believe what Danni had told him. He wanted to believe her story but it was so outlandish. Another universe, how did she come up with an idea like that? But still, she sounded so sincere, could she have been telling the truth? The thoughts ran through his mind, back and forth, believe, or don't believe, he couldn't decide. He turned to the rest of the lead council. Albright, Wimbly, Paddock and a few others were gathered around a table. They were discussing Crash.]

Paddock: I say we put him in front of a firing squad. Give everyone a gun. Make sure he feels every bullet!
Wimbly: Ooh! That sounds painful.
Paddock: He deserves it. Right Cody? (He doesn't answer) Cody!
Cody: Huh? Oh, what?
Paddock: Hey, were talking about something serious here. As our leader you should be paying attention.
Cody: Oh yeah. Sorry.
Albright: What about lethal injection?
Paddock: That's too nice. He should get what's coming to him.
Rebel: We should hang him.
Wimbly: What about stoning?
Albright: What about drowning him?
Cody: What if she's right?

(All look at Cody, who is suddenly pulled from his thoughts.)

Paddock: Are you still on that? Cody, that impostor was lying. There's no way she could be telling the truth.
Rebel: Yeah, another universe. How daft can ya get?
Paddock: It's impossible.
Male voice: I wouldn't say that.

(Everyone at the table at the table turns to a rebel sitting at the far end. A feral Pig, Harvel Hogg, the rebel’s resident computer wiz, looked up from his work at the rest of the group. He had been typing on the laptop confiscated from the Bandicoots in their capture.)

Wimbly: What do you mean Harvel?
Harvel: I've been looking over the database on this laptop and some of the things I've found support Danni's story.
Cody: (Hopefully) Really!
Paddock: You're kidding!
Harvel: No, this database contains information about a world completely different from ours. This girl, who we took this from, her diary is all about how she and her brother fight a much weaker Cortex and succeed, countless times.
Paddock: It could all be fabricated.
Harvel: What, with this much detail? I don't think so.
Rebel: This proves nothing.
Albright: You know I think I agree with Harvel.
Paddock: What?
Albright: I've just noticed that the Crash we've captured certainly doesn't act like the ruthless General we all know about.
Wimbly: I'm with Albright. Don't you think if he was General Crash he would have tried to escape by now? Or some of Cortex's other minions would have come to rescue him?
Cody: Maybe we should ask him a few questions.
Paddock: I can't believe you people! This is General Crash we're talking about! Have you forgotten about all of our friends that he's killed?
Cody: Paddock, if Danni was telling the truth we could be sentencing an innocent bandicoot.
Paddock: But we have no unquestionable proof saying that he is innocent.

(At that moment one of the rebels ran in from the other room.)

Rebel1: Everyone! Into the com room! There's something on the vid-screen you gotta see!
Cody: What is it?
Reble1: You have to see this to believe it.

[The rebel troop watched the view screen in dismay as the news reporter broadcasted the dire news.]

Reporter: Once again the Cortex scourge has ravaged the globe as just now England, the last European nation left fighting, has now fallen.
Cody: I can't believe it.
Paddock: There goes Western Europe.
Wimbly: This is terrible.
Reporter: With this latest defeat, the Cortex empire has expanded into the entire Eurasian continent, leaving only the US, Japan, and Cuba opposing. But as of now, it appears future battles may be in vain.
Harvel: Unbelievable, even the media is giving up hope.
Cody: All the more reason we shouldn't. Somebody has to fight Cortex. Looks like that job is left to us.

[The Pirated news feed continued. This illegally obtained media was the only link the rebels had with the outside world. Free from Cortex propaganda they could see how other nations were fairing. And it didn't look good.]

Reporter: Leading the unconditional surrender of England is the high General of the Cortex army, Commander Crash Bandicoot.
Paddock: What? That's immpossible! Crash is here!
Cody: But he can't be in our jail and conquering England at the same time. That means DANNI WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!
Harvel: I knew it!
Cody: Call off the execution. We have to tell Danni the good news!

[Crash wearily gripped the bars of his cell and continued staring up at the black kangaroo guarding the prison. He could barely comprehend that the rebels would be putting him to death for the crimes his evil counterpart had committed. He felt suffocated having to dwell on that irony, but there really wasn't anything he could do about it.]

Crash: (To Guard) Hey couldn't I get something to do here besides sit around?

(The guard glanced at Crash with an icy and hateful stare.)

Guard: Hold your tongue. You hardly deserve kind treatment.
Crash: But couldn't I get at least a board game or something to pass the time? (The guard lifts a questioning eyebrow.) You know board games. Monopoly? Scrabble? CANDY LAND???
Guard: I have never heard of such childish sounding piffle.
Crash: Well fine then, I'll just have to entertain myself. (He reaches into his pocket. The Guard takes notice of this and faces Crash as he pulls his yo-yo from his pocket.)
Guard: (Cocking his gun) What is that? Drop it now!
Crash: (confused) What?
Guard: Drop that weapon right now!
Crash: What weapon? Oh, you mean this? It's just a toy. See? (He holds it up for the guard to see. The guard reels back in fear. Paddock, Harvel and Wimbly enter the room.)
Paddock: What's going on in here?
Wimbly: (to Guard) Argus! Put your gun down, that's an innocent man you're threatening!
Argus: Innocent? He just pulled a weapon on me!
Crash: What weapon? It's a yo-yo, string and plastic. See? (He hands it to Harvel who looks it over and hands it to Paddock who also examines it.)
Argus: Plastic explosive you mean.
Harvel: Nope, just plastic.
Paddock: Well I'm convinced. The real general Crash usually doesn't use such low-tech devices. (He unravels the yo-yo and lets the toy dangle from the string.) He prefers to cause heavy damage. This piece of junk couldn't even knock out a person if it hit them in the head.
Crash: I told you it wasn't a weapon.

(Paddock opens the cell doors)

Paddock: Cody wants to speak with you both.
Crash: (fearful) About what?
Wimbly: About your release.
Crash: Re, release? You mean you're not going to kill us?
Wimbly: No.
Crash: (relieved) Oh thank you! (Leaning over to Coco, shaking her to wake her up) Coco! Coco! Wake up!!!
Coco: What is it Crash?
Crash: Coco! They're not gonna kill us!!!!

(He leaps happily out of the cell and kisses Paddock.) Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Paddock: (spitting) Now I'm totally convinced that isn't our Crash.

[Crash's eyes followed Cody as he paced around the room, thinking things over, keeping his eyes on Crash. Cody finally stopped walking and faced Crash.]

Cody: Well, your story matches up with Danni's. I don't have anymore doubt about what you've told us.
Argus: I still don't believe it. He looks exactly like general Crash.
Harvel: Except for the fact that he's from a different universe, he's an exact copy of our Crash.
Cody: Except he's on our side.
Crash: Of course I am.
Coco: We're sorry that we caused so much trouble, we're just looking for a way home and we thought you could help us.
Wimbly: Wish we could. But we don't know how.
Crash: (Sadly) I wanna go home. I miss my world, and my friends.
Coco: (patting his back) It's ok Crash. We'll find a way back home.
Crash: I just realized nobody fed Rex. If we do get home half the house is gonna be eaten.
Coco: Better the house then Pura and Polar.
Harvel: There is still a chance to get you guys home.
Crash: (lighting up) There is?
Harvel: We can't build an actual inter-dimensional porthole, but we could use the information on your laptop to build something to attract the signal from the porthole in your world and open it up here. That is if it's still open in your world.
Coco: You can really do that?
Harvel: It's possible, with the right equipment and your help.
Crash: Anything to get out of this place.

[Paddock walks into the room. Danni follows him.]

Paddock: Here she is.
Crash: Danni!
Danni: Crash! (they embrace) I was so worried they were gonna hurt ya.
Crash: They were going to kill us. But they aren't.
Danni: Oh thank goodness.
Cody: (slowly approaching her) Danni?
Danni: (she turns to him) Thank you Cody, for believing me.
Cody: I would always believe you Danni. Ya my mate, mates trust eachotha'.
Danni: I'm not your Danni though. You know that now.
Paddock: He always knew it. He just couldn't admit it. It's his one weakness.
Cody: Shut up Paddock, nobody asked you!
Paddock: It wasn't your fault Cody. You couldn't help what happened to her...
Cody: I told ya ta shut up! Get outta here!
Paddock: Fine. (He begins to leave, but turns to Crash on his way out.) I'd still watch my back around him if I were you.

[As Paddock leaves another rebel enters the room and addresses Cody.]

Rebel: Sir, we just received a new report on minion activity nearby.
Cody: What's the problem?
Rebel: All of the Cortex commandoes in all monitored sectors have congregated back to their main base.
Cody: Any information why?
Rebel: No sir.
Wimbly: This could mean trouble. We need to find out what Cortex is up to.
Harvel: Yeah but the main Cortex base is heavily guarded with maximum security. Even if I could hack into their system that wouldn't ensure our troops getting in safely.
Wimbly: But the only way into the main base is by clearance. None of us have that.
Harvel: (thinks) We don't... but someone here does.
Coco: Huh? Who?

(All eyes suddenly turn to Crash who looks up from the table and notices all the collective stares.)

Crash: Uhh... why is everybody looking at me?

[Back in the real world…]

[Midnight. It was midnight, Jacko was sure of it. It was dark and quiet, he was almost afraid to leave the confines of his cell to enter the inky black abyss of the night, but he knew this was the supreme time to escape. No one around to hear him and he had an advantage with the blanket of darkness that flooded the castle. He carefully slipped the head of the screwdriver into the keyhole of the lock and with the skill of an expert mechanic manipulated the tool until the lock snapped open. Carefully he pushed the metal door open trying to hinder its squeaky hinges. Stealthily he looked around and hopped down the hallway. He needed to find the roof, needed to get to the Time Twister. He was not going to just run away and leave his friends, wherever they were. As Jacko hopped about the halls he quickly realized the single drawback to being a freshman captive in Cortex Castle, he was lost. Very lost. Stumbling around the stone corridors he didn’t know where to go. Passing through a series of chambers and halls the kangaroo continued his search. Frantically looking about in the dark soon proved hazardous, as he bumped into an empty suit of armour knocking it to the ground with a loud clang.]

Jacko: Oh Struth!

(The minions are alerted in their rooms)

Komodo Moe: Whatsss going on?
Komodo Joe: Hey! Who’sss out there?
Pinstripe: Tiny is dat youse?
Tiny: It not Tiny.
Dingodile: Who’s makin’ all th` racket out `ere?!
Ripper: Hehehehehehehehehehe!!!
Koala Kong: Shut up Ripper!
Ripper: Hehe.
Dingodile: Will somebody just go out thar an see what’s makin’ all th’ noise?
Joe: Fine, we’ll check it out. Come on Moe.
Moe: But I want to sssleep.
Joe: Come on!

[The darkness was then broken by the light pouring out from the Komodo brother’s room as the two came out in their night robes to explore the source of the bang that had awakened them. Jacko scrambled up to his feet and searched with his eyes for a quick place to hide. The gleam from the lizard brothers’ swords reflected off the walls. Jacko crouched close to the ground, hoping that they wouldn’t see him.]

Pinstripe: Did youse find anything?
Joe: Not yet, we’re ssstill looking.

[Again they scanned over the room, through the dark, without seeing anything. Then out of the shadows, light shining off from Jacko’s eyes caught their attention.]

Moe: Hey! There’sss sssomething!
Jacko: (Hopping away) Double Struth!
Joe: It’sss that Kangaroo! He’sss essscaped! Get him!

(The Komodo Brothers give chase after the fleeing macropod. Jacko panted heavily as he bounded away through the halls of Cortex castle. The Komodo brothers were right on his heals and he needed to get away fast.)

Moe: You can’t get away! (He trips) Oof!
Joe: Only you would trip over your own PJsss.

(Jacko raced down the hall and took a peek behind him. Seeing that the Komodo Brothers had stopped following him he paused to catch his breath.)

Jacko: [gasps] Oh good, [Pants] I think I lost um. [Breaths heavily] Now ta get on outta here an find th` roof. (He scans the room for a way out. Something in the dark shines back at him.) Oi! Who’s thar`? (Another pair of shining objects joins it. And another. And another. A row of the reflective mysteries quietly marched forward towards Jacko until they stepped into the light from a nearby window. A queue of lab assistants was approaching.) Blimey! (He spins around to run. Again not watching where he was going, he trips ripping a tapestry off the wall. It falls, draping him in it. Quickly he pulled the wall decoration off his head, only to spot one of the assistants charging toward him. Thinking fast, he whipped the tapestry in front of the window.)

Jacko: Torro, torro! (The assistant charges at the tapestry; Jacko quickly pulls it away as the android crashes through the stained glass window.) Ole`!

[Jacko smiled at his successful thwarting of the assistant, but his glee was suddenly stopped by a voice from behind.]

Pinstripe: D’ere he is!

(The kangaroo turned around, behind him were all the minions standing there in their nightclothes.)

Dingodile: Let’s get um!

Tiny: (In Choo-Choo train jammies) But Tiny still sleepy.
Koala Kong: The sooner we crush him the sooner we can get back to bed.
Ripper: Hehehehehehehe! Smashy smashy Heheheheheheh!!!
Koala Kong: Shut up Ripper.

(The minions close in on Jacko. Between them and the approaching lab assistants, he knew he was trapped. He looked around to survey his options; they seemed very slim. He knew there was only one route of escape. And it wasn’t a pretty one.)

Jacko: (to himself) Looks like there’s only one way outta this. Hope it works.

[He grabbed the tapestry and bounced toward the broken window. The assistants charged at him as he jumped out the window and disappeared from sight. All the assistants followed, like lemmings, out the window to the plunge below. All the minions looked out the window.]

Moe: Where’d he go?
Dingodile: I can’t see um.
Pinstripe: Who cares? Let’s get back tah sleep.
Koala Kong: I’m with him.

[The minions turn around and head back to their bedrooms. Jacko was gone, they thought, nobody could survive a fall like that. It was suicide. But the one thing that they didn’t count on was the cleaver mind of an aerodynamic genius.]

[Back at the new dimension…]

Crash: (shouting) No Way!

[Crash stomped through the rebel base flailing his arms resentfully as the other rebels followed him, begging for his assistance.]

Sydney: Please, you’re the only one who can.
Crash: I said no!
Harvel: But it would help us greatly.
Wimbly: We need you! We can’t do this on our own.
Crash: (turning to face them) For the last time, NO WAY, NO HOW!
Coco: Crash, this could be the only thing that can help the rebels defeat Cortex.
Crash: There’s no way Coco. No way they’re making me pose as a minion.
Danni: But Crash, You’ll only be actin’.
Crash: Acting or not, I didn’t spend all those years fighting Cortex in my world just so I could bow down to him in this one.
Harvel: It will only be until you find out what Cortex is up to. You have nothing to worry about. None of the Cortex commandos with even think about hurting you, they’ll all think you’re General Crash.
Wimbly: Yeah, and you’re not going in alone, Danni and Coco are coming with you.
Crash: (to Danni and Coco) You are?
Danni: A’course mate.
Coco: Yeah, I don’t exist in this world, and Danni’s been missing for years. Nobody would recognize us.
Crash: Well…
Wimbly: (pleading) Please.
Crash: If it’s to help the rebels, I guess so.
Rebels: Yay!!!
Crash: But I’m not gonna like it.
Wimbly: Thank you so much. We’ll brief you right away.

[About and hour later, Paddock entered Cody’s quarters, his leader’s back was turned towards him as Cody stared at a picture frame with tears in his eyes.]

Cody: (without turning) Is that you Paddock?
Paddock: Yes sir.
Cody: Did they leave?
Paddock: Just now, they’ve been fully briefed as to what to do.
Cody: (sighs) I’m still not sure if sending Danni with them was the right plan. What if they recognize her?
Paddock: You know they won’t and you know very well why.
Cody: All right. (He gets up from his chair.) I’ll be around if ya need me. (He goes to leave the room, but before doing so he turns back to Paddock.) Hey, I’m sorry I blew up at ya like that.
Paddock: It’s ok sir, considering what’s been going on.

[Cody smiled only a little as he exited the room. In less then 24 hours his entire world had been turned upside down. Paddock looked at the table that Cody had been sitting at. The picture frame lay there in the dull light. He looked down at it and spied the photograph of Cody and Danni taken long ago, before the Great War had torn them apart, before Cortex’s rise to power, before, when they were together and happy.]

[The Cortex stronghold was deathly quiet as Crash, Danni, and Coco approached it. Crash shivered at its sight. It was a frigid, awesome, and frightening image to behold. A perfectly square, heartless grey building surrounded by barbed wire and security cameras. Robot and mutant guards stood defensively at its entrance holding brutal weapons at the ready to shoot any intruder on sight.]

Crash: I’m not sure we should be doing this. I mean what if we get caught?
Coco: Stop worrying Crash, we’ll be in and out before you know it.
Danni: Coco’s right mate, the rebels told us what to expect, it’ll be no problem at all. Heck it might even be a little fun ta trick Cortex’s minions inta thinkin’ yer their leada’.
Crash: (Perking up a little) I guess that would be fun.
Coco: So what are we waiting for? Let’s do this.

[The trio entered the stronghold cautiously. Crash’s eyes darted about looking for an entrance without too many guards on duty. He found one close towards the back guarded by only one large muscle-bound feral rabbit.]

Rabbit: (seeing the group) Halt! No one enters this strong hold without direct permission from lord Cortex.
Crash: (Letting himself be seen) Excuse me solider?
Rabbit: (Jumping from surprise) General Crash!? W, what are you doing here?
Crash: (coming up with a quick lie) Uh, Cortex sent for me by jet from Europe.
Rabbit: Of course! Duh, I knew that.
Crash: Well you should… (reads the guards name tag) Kojax.
Kojax: Yes General Crash sir.
Crash: Good. Now step aside and let my assistants and me enter.
Kojax: Yes General Crash. Of course! (He opens the entrance and is about to let them pass but then speaks up.) Say General?
Crash: (frightened that his cover may be blown) Um, y, yes?
Kojax: Why aren’t you in uniform?
Crash: Well, heheh, the reason, you see, that I’m not in uniform is that… it’s… casual Friday.
Kojax: Oh, ok. (he let’s them pass.)
Crash: (to Danni and Coco) Looks like Cortex’s minions are just as stupid here as they are in our universe.

[They approach an elevator. A mechanical voice greets them.]

Elevator: Authorized access only. Retina and DNA scans required.
Coco: That’s you’re cue bro.
Crash: OK. (He places his hand on a pad by the elevator door and looks into a tube just above it.)
Elevator: General Crash Bandicoot. Access granted. (The elevator doors open allowing them to enter.)

[The undercover rebels searched throughout the stronghold looking for clues to aid them. Somewhere in this dark, mechanized enclosure was the next step that Cortex’s forces would take for world conquest. The rebels needed this information in order to succeed in stopping them.]

Crash: Wow. This place sure is bigger then it looks. We’ve been looking around for hours and haven’t found anything.
Coco: We might have better luck if you would just ask somebody.
Crash: I’m afraid of looking suspicious. The general of Cortex’s army wouldn’t ask for directions.
Danni: But we’re gettin’ nowhere.
Coco: (sighs) Maybe we should split up.
Crash: Are you sure? We don’t know our way around this place. I don’t want us getting lost.
Coco: Look, I’ll go and look for the main computer, hack into it, find out what I can, and meet back with you guys in half an hour OK?
Crash: You’re going alone?
Coco: I’ll be fine. You guys go and find any info you can.
Danni: All right then, come on Crash, we’ve got some searchin’ ta do.
Crash: You be careful sis.
Coco: You know I always am.

(The two groups go their separate ways. Further into citadel, Crash and Danni come across a large meeting hall where an enormous group of minions were standing around, waiting for something.)

Crash: Whoa, look at all of those guys.
Danni: I wonda’ what they’re all waitin’ around fa.
Crash: Only one way to find out. (He is about to approach the back of the massive crowd but suddenly Danni pulls him back.)
Danni: Maybe not. Look!

[Danni points up above the crowd toward a balcony. The huge doors of the balcony slowly open, Crash and Danni gasp simultaneously as a dark figure emerges over the ecstatic hoard. The figure grins menacingly over the sea of minions and proudly gives the Cortex salute.]

Crash: (in shock) Oh…my…gosh…
Danni: Crash… that’s… YOU!

[Crash’s throat tightened as the figure came into clear view. He was an exact mirror image of Crash himself, but clad in black leather uniform with a large “N” Printed on it’s front. The twin clasped the banister of the parapet with black-gloved hands and looked over the waiting crowd through his dark sunglasses with a devilish grin. He was a menacing form from his slick mohawked hair down to his thick black boots. Crash’s breath felt chilly escaping his lips, viewing the scene unfold before him made him feel as if he was a ghost viewing his own dead body laying in it’s casket. Danni too was stunned beyond words in the presents of the dark visage that was being cheered by the evil masses, that looked exactly like Crash, that was Crash, but twisted and vile. After the breathless seconds in which he emerged and was able to quiet the yelling throng, the infamous General Crash Bandicoot began to speak.]

Gen. Crash: My fellow minions, today is a joyous day indeed. We have added another territory to the growing Cortex Empire and soon the entire world will be under our command. Lord Cortex himself has called me here from West Europe to personally train you slugs for our upcoming battles. With all of our successes and our master’s newest plan our victory is eminent. Nothing can stop us now! If anyone does try to get in our way, we will destroy them without mercy. There will be nothing to stop the rise of the Cortex Empire! (The crowd cheers) We will meet our destiny and rule the world! (Cheers louden) The new age has begun and victory will be ours! The training sessions will begin at 0600 hours tomorrow, I expect everyone to be there prompt and on time… or else. Until then, you may all return to your duties. (He raises his arm again in the “N” shaped Cortex salute.) Hail Cortex!
Minions: HAIL CORTEX!!!

[The ruckus of cheers flew up once again louder then ever. To the Crash on the balcony, the repetitive chanting of “Hail Cortex” was pure music. But to the Crash hidden in the back of the crowd unseen by all but Danni, the chants were a deafening chill through his brain. He wanted to turn, to run away from the horrible mantra that was drilling right through him, but his feet were unmoving, he was paralysed with fear.]

Danni: Crash, are you all right?
Crash: (covering his ears) It’s just like in my nightmares. Only this is REAL!
Danni: Crash that isn’t th’ real you, that’s just yar counterpart from this world.
Crash: To this world that IS the real me!
Danni: Crash listen to me. You’re still you, and you’re a hero. It’s your job ta stop people like that, an’ just cause he looks like you doesn’t change the fact that he isn’t you.

[The cries of the minion crowd die down as the large audience begins to disperse. With the terrifying rally over, Crash is more able to concentrate.]

Crash: You’re right. I have my mission, and it’s to stop Cortex. No matter what dimension I’m in.

(Some minions come by)

Danni: Hide! (She and Crash duck out of sight into a nearby corridor. The minions pass without seeing them.) That was close. We’d better watch ar’ backs now that the general’s `ere.
Crash: (A thought comes to his mind) Uh oh! We gotta find Coco and tell her that my double is around. If she gets caught I won’t be able to bail her out so easy with the evil me here too.
Danni: Ya right about that mate. We’d betta find `er an fast.

[Meanwhile Coco was in another room. Luckily the meeting that had occurred in the main hall had left the room she was in abandoned. Also due to luck the room she was in happened to be the main computer room. Stealthily she jolted over to the main screen and hooked her lap top computer. Somewhere within this huge database was the info the rebels needed to defeat their great enemy. She typed at a fantastic rate scanning and searching for whatever she could find that would benefit the renegades. After a few quick seconds she found battle plans, weapons designs, and other vital information she was questing for.]

Coco: Yes, bingo. Now what else is here?

[Coco downloaded numerous files from the main computer into her laptop. She took pleasure in the fact she was going so far undetected by her adversaries. As she copied and pasted the enemy’s strategies she soon came across some familiar blue prints.]

Coco: Say, these look like the plans for the Cortex Vortex only something’s different here. (She types more) Yeah, this is definitely what everyone around here is so occupied over. I’ve got to download these plans for the gang. (She types something. The main computer bleeps and flashes a warning.) “Top secret” eh? We’ll see just how secret it’ll be after I’m done with it. (She hacks through the security codes and begins to download the large file. She smiled to herself with great pride of her hacking ability, but little did she know that her infiltration was being noticed and her time was running out.)

[In another section of the base a dark figure trudged down a dark hallway. The evil General Crash headed to his quarters where he was unexpectedly greeted by a small group of minions.]

Gen. Crash: What are you imbeciles doing in my quarters?
Koala Kong: Sorry General sir, but we wanted to welcome you back.
Moe: How wasss Europe?
Gen. Crash: Better company then you numbskulls. I hear that in my absence you allowed the 10/2KD explosive to fall into enemy hands.
Joe: Well sssir we can explain that. You sssee…
Gen. Crash: I need no explanation. You failed in your duties to stop the rebel forces. It’s buffoons such as you that make me not surprised that the renegades have gotten as far as they have. This is the very reason master Cortex has sent for me to train you all in how to protect our domain from the rebels. (sighs) I would hate to see what sort of state we would be in if I weren’t here to keep you blunders in line.
Moe: Sssorry sssir…
Gen. Crash: I’m not here to take your apologies! Get out of my site all of you! Every time I see you it’s just to hear you make excuses for you failures and it’s making me sick.
Koala Kong: But sir…
Gen. Crash: OUT NOW!!! (The minions salute and scramble out of the room. The General hangs his head and mutters.) Idiots.
Female voice: I hope you’re not saying that about me General.

(He turns around. Behind him stands a tall, voluptuous she-bandicoot. Her long blond hair flowing down to her shoulders, her tight, slinky, green dress draped down to her knees aggrandizing every curve on her body, her low-cut blouse wrapped neatly around her large and nearly exposed breasts.)

Gen. Crash: Ah Tawna, my vision of beauty. How nice to see you, especially after seeing those goons.
Tawna: (stroking his head) Oh how I missed you while you where away General. I don’t know how much longer I would have lasted without my “widdle Crashy washy”.
Gen. Crash: (Chuckles) I missed you too my delectable creampuff.
Tawna: (running her fingers seductively over his chest.) You seem to have cheered up.
Gen. Crash: You could always brighten up my day. (He grabs her forcibly and tosses her onto a nearby bed.)
Tawna: (passionately) Oh commander!
Gen. Crash: Time for a little R&R if you get my drift. Heheh. (He kisses her ravenously down the neck and begins to unbutton her blouse. Suddenly the door swings open and a male figure rushes in. The figure is dumpy, clunky looking and half its body is metallic.)
N. Gin: Commander Crash!
Gen. Crash: (Dismounting Tawna angrily) Gin! How many times do I have to tell you, KNOCK before entering!!!
N. Gin: Sorry General but I must report that security has detected someone hacking into our main computer.
Gen. Crash: What!? How did they get into our data banks?!?
N. Gin: (meekly) They somehow got into our base and connected directly to the mainframe.
Gen. Crash: (infuriated) WHAT!!!! How did they get past the guards?????!
N. Gin: We haven’t figured that out yet sir.
Gen. Crash: Well figure it out!!! We can’t have spies going willy nilly all over our base!
N. Gin: Yes sir, General Crash. And shall I send the sentinel bots to the main computer to apprehend the intruder?
Gen. Crash: No, I will handle this matter myself.

(He and N. Gin leave the room.)

Tawna: (Still laying on the bed) Be back soon my love muffin lord.

[Back in the real world…]

[It was still very dark. Only the moonlight lit the sky by Cortex castle. Something was floating gently downward to the ground. Jacko safely touched down on the ground that surrounded the stone walled castle. He had used the large tapestry from the fight moments ago as a parachute to escape the certain death of a three-story drop out the broken window. After landing he looked up at the window he had just fallen out of with dismay.]

Jacko: Now what? How do I help my friends now? There’s gotta be someway a getting’ back ta that roof. But how without bein’ seen?

[The kangaroo was at a loss; he had no idea how to get back to the Time Twister without the risk of getting caught again. Suddenly from behind he heard a strange noise, a crackling of electricity and a low buzzing. Jacko turned around slowly, laying on the ground beside him was a pile of lab assistants, demolished by the three-story plunge they took chasing Jacko out the window.]

Jacko: Mindless blokes, they’re like lemmings they are. (He takes a closer look at the androids and notices that some of them still had power. Watching the gears turn inside the cyborg bodies, spontaneously an idea jumped into his mind. He looked up toward the roof, then back to the assistants, then down at the screwdriver he had been carrying in his pouch. He knew exactly what he could do and he would have to do it quick.)

[Back to the new dimension…]

[Danni and Crash rushed through the darkened corridors trying ever so hard to avoid being seen. If they were spotted there would be a chance now of their cover being blown and Crash did not wish to be exposed as a phoney general considering the punishment that would be in store.]

Crash: Where do you think she is?
Danni: I think th’ computa’ room is this way.
Crash: You’d better be right.

[Coco finished her downloading just as the Cortex soldiers returned to their duties. She quickly erased all the evidence of her work and ducked behind the main computer so she wouldn’t be seen. When the coast was clear she zipped out of the computer room and into the hallway to find Crash and Danni. She had what she wanted, luck had been with her and she was enjoying every minute of it. Giggling to herself she managed to avoid being viewed by hiding in the shadows and behind machinery. Halfway to the exit she beheld a form standing in the intersection coming up in her path. She smiled as she recognized it.)

Coco: (Calling) Crash! Crash! I got it! I found the main computer and downloaded Cortex’s plans into my laptop. Now we can get out of here and give this to the rebels!

[Crash didn’t answer with the enthusiasm she was expecting. He chuckled lowly and slowly turned towards her. He fiercely grabbed her by the wrist with a black-gloved hand and with a hard yank pulled her close. Coco gasped in horror. Paralysed with fear she stared up and saw her reflection in the dark sunglasses. She shivered and whimpered as the hand around her wrist tightened its grip, hurting her.)

Gen. Crash: I don’t know why you just confessed that girly. But I can assure you it will be your last mistake.

[Coco quivered in the grasp of the evil General. Although he looked like her brother exactly in every physical way, she could feel inside her the malice, the sheer hatred emanating from him like a rising heat. He sneered at her, her wrist firmly in his fist slowly getting crushed.]

Gen. Crash: I guess you decided to give up and meet your fate now instead running from us, which may I add would have only postponed the inevitable. (He takes a closer look at her.) Hmmm, you don’t look like any of the rebels in our current files. I thought we had records for all of you. Never mind, I’ll deal with you as I would deal with any rebel scum. (He looks down at her Laptop.) But first I’ll make sure this doesn’t fall into your comrades’ hands. (He grabs it from her.) Gin!
N. Gin: (Rushing to his commander’s side) Yes General Crash?
Gen. Crash: Get rid of this trivial thing. (He hands the small pink computer to his bionic assistant, then returns his focus to Coco.) I will handle this intruder.
Coco: (trembling) Oh no…

[Danni and Crash ran through the base quickly in the hidden shadows and behind the unwary backs of guards and minions. They were both worried out of their minds searching for their disbanded team member.]

Crash: Coco! Where are you?
Danni: Where could she be?

(They continue running through rooms until they reach the inner hallway. Crash peers ahead and stops short suddenly. His gaze trapped straight forward he lifts his arm to yield Danni as well.)

Crash: Danni stop.
Danni: Why, what is it, mate?
Crash: (his voice shaking) Look. (He points ahead, showing Danni just beyond a few dozen yards, Coco, held helpless in the clutches of his evil double.)
Danni: (gasping quietly.) Oh no, we gotta help her.
Crash: I know, but how do we handle evil me?
Danni: We’ll just hafta fight `im too. (She urges Crash on) Come on, I gotta plan. We’ll take `um by surprise.

[Across the hallway…]

Gen. Crash: (Staring hatefully at Coco) Now what shall I do with you? (Turns to N. Gin) Gin, call for the sentinel bots to escort this intruder to the prison. I will need time to consider what form of punishment she deserves.
N. Gin: Yes General Crash. (He rushes away to find a communications box and contact the robots that would lead Coco to her most probable doom.)
Gen. Crash: (To Coco.) You see you can’t get away with espionage here. The rebels can never defeat the Cortex Empire no matter how hard they try. If I had my way I wish I could crush them all. But I guess you’ll have to do for now, you prying little pipsqueak.

(Coco continues to shiver in the cold shadow of the General, too frozen to try getting away. Her glossy green eyes filling with tears, this was like a nightmare come true. She was with the form of her loving brother - vile, baneful and ready to kill her at a moment’s notice. Out the corner of her eye she notices, behind the twisted commander, hiding in the dark covering shade of the tall computers and machinery, two silhouettes in the background. Still in shock she was drained of all emotion aside from fear.)

Coco: (Quaking and whimpering) Crash… Help me…
Gen. Crash: That’s right girly - beg for mercy.

(The general revealed with pride of the terror he injected into his captive’s heart. His pleasure was ended however by a sudden sharp pain to the back of his head.)

Gen. Crash: OW! (Angry) WHO DID THAT!?!
Danni: We did! (She catches her boomerang; both she and Crash are still enveloped in the darkness keeping their forms and faces mostly unseen.)
Gen. Crash: (turning around with a fiery glare.) Grrrr… more rebel SCUM! (shouts) GUARDS!!!!!
Danni: I’ll handle the general. You get Coco.
Crash: Right.

(Danni leaps over the general ready to attack him again. Still holding Coco in one hand Gen. Crash whips out a laser gun out from a side holster and begins firing. Danni, using all her agility avoids the blasts and beams. Mustering his courage and strength Crash rams himself into his double with great force. The general, stunned from the blow, releases Coco.)

Danni: (kneeling at Coco’s side) Are you ok?
Coco: I think so.
Gen. Crash: How DARE you attack me. (He leaps to his feet and points his gun at Crash. But now Crash is standing in the better light and his dictatorial twin secures a good look at him.) What the HECK!?
Crash: Oh… boy…

(N. Gin comes running in followed by a small swarm of robot guards.)

N. Gin: Please forgive my tardiness my General. The guards… (He sees Crash and Gen. Crash staring at each other silently.) General?
Gen. Crash: (to Crash) Who the HECK are you?!
Crash: Uh… leaving? (He turns to run)
Gen. Crash: Guards, apprehend those rebels! (A robot guard grabs Crash and holds him tight.)
Danni: Crash! (She tries to run and help him but is grabbed by another robot.) Oy, let go a me!!
Coco: Guys! (A robot too grabs her) Hey!
N. Gin: (meekly) I am sorry General sir, we came as fast as we could…
Gen. Crash: Enough Gin, I’m not in the mood to hear any more excuses for your torpidity.
N. Gin: Uh, y, yes sir. (Sees Crash struggling against the robots grip.) Sir, who is THAT?
Gen. Crash: (thinking) Hmmm… It appears the rebels have decided to send a deep undercover agent. Yes it all makes sense now; the renegades have managed to somehow duplicate my appearance on this peon. That’s how they got in here without detection. He was able to sneak them in posing as me. (He faces Crash, grabs his nose, and starts pulling.) Isn’t that right!?
Crash: (nasally) Ow! That hurts!
Gen. Crash: Who are you really?
Crash: Ow! Let go!
Gen. Crash: (Pulls harder) What is this? Make-up? Plastic surgery?
Crash: That’s my real nose!
Gen. Crash: Do you know what the penalty is for impersonating an officer, especially a high-ranking officer such as myself? (He releases Crash’s nose.)
Crash: (pained) Ah! I’m guessing it’s not a simple slap on the wrist.
Gen. Crash: Oh no, far from it. (He lifts his gun and points it at Crash.)
Danni: Leave him alone you… JERK!
Gen. Crash: (Turning) That voice, I know I’ve heard it somewhere before. (He looks at her face, which is still obscured in the shadows.) You look familiar. (To robots) Bring her closer. (They do so, bringing Danni into the better light. The general gasps in both surprise and a small hidden ounce of fear.) What?!? It’s impossible. It can’t be, but here you are. Danni Dingo. I thought I got rid of you a long time ago. (points his gun at her) Looks like I get a second chance to finish the job.
Crash: No! Don’t shoot her!
Gen. Crash: You are in no position to argue. (Gets closer to Crash) I don’t know how they got you to look like me but when I’m done with you, you won’t have a face to speak of. (To Bots) Guards! Take the bandicoots to the prison. (to DannI) Now… to deal with you once and for all… (The guards begin to haul Crash and Coco away. Crash struggles to no avail; over his shoulder he can see Gen. Crash lifting his gun to Danni’s head. She too is struggling futilely.)
Crash: (thinking) There’s got to be something I can do to save her, but what? [pause] Hey wait a minute. (Shouts to robots) Guards! Halt. (The robots stop moving.) Guards… release prisoners. (The guards let go of Crash and Coco. Danni, also freed, kicks Gen. Crash in the shin and runs away joining her friends.)
Danni: Good thinkin’ mate.
Gen. Crash: (Irate) What do you think you’re doing? Guards, arrest them!

(The guards head toward our heroes.)

Crash: Guards stop.

(They stop)

Gen. Crash: Guards, get those intruders!!!

(They move)

Crash: Guards, uh, get those guys!

(The bots head towards Gen. Crash and N. Gin)

Gen. Crash: (losing patients) Guards, delete last command!!!!

(The guards headed back toward Crash, Coco and Danni.)

Crash: Guards, turn around!

(The robots do so; they are now beginning to spark and fizz.)

Gen. Crash: (enraged) THAT’S ENOUGH!!! STOP THAT!!!
N. Gin: (fearful) All these commands are confusing the robots.
Crash: Guards, do the hokey pokey. (The Guards short-circuit and fall to the floor, smoking and flickering)
Gen. Crash: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! (He fires his gun upward, and then points it at Crash, Danni and Coco.) I’m tired of you rebels making a mockery of the Cortex Empire. You need to be taught a lesson. (He opens fire on the trio.)
Crash: Run! (They flee)
Gen. Crash: You won’t get far! Gin, sound the alarm! (The alarm sounds)
Danni: Let’s get outta here!
Coco: (Stopping) Wait my laptop, they still have it!

(She turns around and run back to where they came from.)

Danni: No Coco, wait. It’s too dangerous.
Crash: Coco, come back!

(Coco runs and slides into N. Gin’s legs. He yelps and drops Coco’s laptop, which she catches.)

Coco: I got it! (She starts running away.)
N. Gin: (laughs) And I got you. (He pushes a button on his mechanical arm. It extends out ward grabs Coco with a large robot claw. She screams as it drags her back towards the bad guys.)
Crash: Coco!!
Coco: Guys catch! (She tosses her laptop upward. Danni jumps up and grabs it but lands to greet the barrel of Gen. Crash’s gun.)
Gen. Crash: You’re not getting away that easy dingo; you’re going to regret coming back here. (He begins to fire rapidly. She jumps out of the laser’s way.)
N. Gin: Perhaps we should call for more robots to handle this General?
Gen. Crash: No! I’m finishing this myself. I’ll get that dingo.

(He continues to fire on Danni, she continues to duck and dodge the blasts.)

Crash: (Facing N. Gin) Let go of my sister.
N. Gin: You won’t be able to command me like those mindless drones. (He glares at Crash angrily smiling. A laser beam shoots out from his bionic eye and hits Crash knocking him to the ground.)
Coco: Crash! (To N. Gin) What did you do? Let me go! (She begins struggling in his metal claw.)
N. Gin: Stop squirming. (He pushes another button on his arm. An electrical charge current flows through the alloy arm and shocks Coco to unconsciousness.)
Crash: (weakly) No. Coco. (Holds his injured chest) Uhnnn.
Danni: (Rushing over to Crash) Are you all right?
Crash: (holding his chest tightly) It hurts. (looks up at her) But we have to save Coco.
Danni: You’re bleeding!
Crash: I’ll be ok. Uhh!

(Another rush of guards come into the roof along with a few armed minions with blasters blazing.)

Danni: We gotta get outta here!
Crash: (trying to get up) Not without Coco. (grunts painfully) We can’t leave her.

(Danni knew Crash was right, but she also knew that they were grossly outnumbered by the sentinels and minions attracted by the boisterous alarm. She grabbed Crash by the hand and tried to help him up.)

Danni: Come on, we’re getting away from here.
Crash: (Weak and dazed) Coco…
Danni: We can’t get `er with all these minions firen’ at us.
Crash: But…
Danni: We’ll come back for her. I promise.
Crash: No… we can’t leave without her… (He groans and looses consciousness.)
Danni: Crash! (She lifts him into her arms as the hoard of sentinels and minions continues to grow in the area. She looks back at Coco, still in N. Gin’s clutches, makes one last decision, and starts running for a chance to escape.)
Gen. Crash: Make sure the rebels don’t get away!

(Danni keeps running through the halls of the base, using her speed to avoid getting hit by laser blasts until she comes across the least guarded exit. Crash was still asleep in her hold.)

Danni: Here’s a place we can get out.

(She kicks through the slim wall of guards and rushes out the exit into the open.)

Gen. Crash: After them!! NOW!!!

(Danni’s speed proved worthy in that chase. Even while carrying Crash she managed to escape out of the base.)

Kojax: (Seeing them leave) Leaving so soon commander?
Gen. Crash: (running out the door trying to catch up.) Kojax! Why aren’t you trying to stop them?
Kojax: (Confused) Huh? What? General, how can you be here if you just left?
Gen. Crash: IDIOT!!! You just let two rebel spies escape!!!
Kojax: I did?

(Gen. Crash growls ardently. He takes his gun and shoots Kojax in the foot. The rabbit howls in intense pain.)

Gen. Crash: It seems I got here at the right time. You morons need my help desperately.
N. Gin: (Still dragging Coco along) General Crash, what do we do with her?
Gen. Crash: Get the robots to take her to the prison. Make sure it’s maximum security. Her comrades will no doubt try to rescue her. (He looks her sleeping body over) I don’t want her killed just yet. She may provide us with some important information.

(N. Gin hands Coco over to two of the robot sentinels who leave back into the base. The rest remain for further instruction.)

Gen. Crash: I want this entire area searched. I want to know where they’re headed. I want them captured and if necessary, I want them DEAD! (His minions storm off to search for their quarry.)
Kojax: (bouncing up and down on his good foot.) Ow! Ow!
Gen. Crash: And for goodness sake shut up! It’s not like I shot you somewhere important!
Kojax: (Whimpers) Ok. (He limps off. Most likely to the infirmary.)
Gen. Crash: (To N. Gin) How did she do it Gin?
N. Gin: Pardon me General?
Gen. Crash: How did Danni Dingo survive? She should be dead!
N. Gin: I know sir, but shouldn’t you be more concerned about that impostor of you running around?
Gen. Crash: Hmm, yes. That is just as important. Send a bulletin out so every one is on the lookout for him.
N. Gin: Where do you think the rebels got him?
Gen. Crash: I don’t know. But I feel that the one who didn’t get away will answer all our questions.

(Danni stopped, but only for a moment. She looked over her shoulder, back at the stronghold that was now miles away. She knew that the Cortex Commandos would most likely be after them and she wasn’t ready to give them a head start. She peeked around some large boulders by which she was standing. She lay Crash gently on the ground as she looked. Feeling around on one of the larger rocks she found a spot and tapped twice. A panel opens up were she tapped. After typing in a specific code the rocks parted revealing a long stairway. Danni lifted Crash once again over her shoulder and helped him down into the pit. As they entered the rocks closed behind them.)

Crash: (Mumbling weakly) Coco…
Danni: I’m sorry mate. I really wish we could a saved `er.

(They reached the bottom of the stairway, an entrance into the rebel base, where they were greeted by Paddock and Wimbly.)

Wimbly: Danni! Did our plan work? Did you get the information?
Paddock: What happened to Crash?
Danni: We ran inta the general an’ his troops. Crash got shot, and I think he’s lost a lot a blood. He needs help.
Wimbly: I’ll take him to Albright.
Paddock: Wait you mean General Crash was there too?!
Danni: Yeah, he nearly killed us all too. (She pauses and lowers her head sadly.) We did lose Coco though. She got captured.
Wimbly: (lifting Crash over his shoulder) Poor girl! We gotta rescue her right away! I’ll take Crash here to the infirmary and then I’ll tell Cody to arrange a rescue mission. (He leaves with the injured Crash)
Danni: Do you think we can save her in time?
Paddock: The sooner we start the better chance she has. Believe me, if we find her too late, there may be nothing we can do to help her short of mercy killing.
Danni: I won’t let it come to that. It’s my fault she was left behind so I’ll be the one ta go back for her. Or else I’ll never forgive myself.
Paddock: It’ll be suicide if you go alone. Let us come up with a plan. (He sees the laptop) Did you at least get the information?
Danni: Yes. (She hands it to him) She said everything we were looking for would be on it. (sighs) I hope we can get her back in time.
Paddock: Well, think of it this way. If General Crash does kill her before we can get her back, she’ll be a martyr to us all.

(Danni was now more worried than ever. Coco’s life was in grave danger and it was all her fault. Plus the high general Crash knew about Danni and her Crash and the fact they were working for the rebels. He would be after them too in no time. Danni prayed that there would still be hope but it would be hard to have faith now, when things had become much more complicated.)


Crash: Ow! It still hurts there!

(Crash squirmed as Albright and Sydney treated his wound. Argus stood by watching close by, intrigued as he stood watching Crash whine like a little baby.)

Albright: (sweetly) Calm down, you’re lucky you didn’t loose too much blood.
Sydney: Fortunately your wound wasn’t as bad as it looked. We were able to cauterise it and hopefully it won’t leave a scar.
Argus: I hope not, it’s his resemblance to our world’s Crash that makes him such a benefit to us.
Albright: Don’t worry, the wound isn’t that deep, and we were able to patch it up in time.

(Danni sheepishly pokes her head into the infirmary.)

Danni: Crash, are you still here? Wimbly told me you were awake.
Crash: (without looking at her) Yeah I’m fine.
Danni: Listen Crash, I’m sorry about Coco…
Crash: Why didn’t you help her?
Danni: I wanted to, but there were too many guards. Besides you were badly hurt. I needed ta get you outta there.
Crash: But you left Coco for the commandos to take her who knows where so my double could do who knows what to her.
Danni: Crash, I wasn’t thinking, there was so much going on. I’m sorry. (No answer) Crash?
Crash: (Hanging his head) It’s ok. I shouldn’t be angry with you. You’re right. There was too much going on at the time. I may have done the same thing if I had been in your place.
Danni: (sighs) I’m gonna go find Cody, we hafta workout a rescue plan. Are you gonna be ok Crash?
Crash: I’ll be all right.

(She leaves, after she is out of the room Crash begins to cry.)

Albright: Are you ok?
Crash: (weeping) It’s all my fault. I should have never let Coco go alone. I should have make Danni go with her. If it weren’t for me, Coco wouldn’t have been put at risk in the first place.
Sydney: I’m sorry this happened.
Crash: (Crying harder) Coco means everything to me. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to her.
Argus: (in awe) I swear I never thought I would live to see the day when I would see you cry.
Albright: (trying to calm Crash) I know the situation sounds bleak but you mustn’t give up hope.
Crash: (Stops crying and looks up) If we’re going to rescue her we have to do it now. (He attempts to get up. Sydney stops him.)
Sydney: Crash, we can’t rush to the rescue without a plan. It’ll be too dangerous, we may all end up getting caught.
Crash: But we can’t wait any longer. You told me yourself that you’ve never been able to recover a captured teammate alive.
Albright: Yes, but we never had you as an advantage before. As long as you’re here, your sister has a better chance of survival.
Crash: You really think so?
Albright: Yes. Now you get some rest. We’ll come up with something.

(Danni searched the main assembly, the weapons storage, even the mess hall, but Cody was nowhere to be found. She explored everywhere he could be gone but couldn’t find the smallest clue to where he was. As she wandered down a path, she ran into Paddock on his way to the infirmary.)

Danni: Paddock, have you seen Cody anywhere?
Paddock: Well yeah but, he really shouldn’t be disturbed.
Danni: I see.
Paddock: But… maybe you could coax him out of hiding.
Danni: Well, where is he?
Paddock: Right up there. (He points across the cavern… towards the cemetery.)

[Back at the Cortex stronghold…]

[Coco slowly opened her eyes. She felt as if a truck had hit her. Sluggishly her eyes adjusted to the light, she looked around at her surroundings. She was in a dim, cold, black room, deathly quiet except for a soft hum from something behind her. She tried to turn her head to see where the sound was coming from but found that she was immobilized, strapped to a cold chair with metal cuffs. The cuffs were tight around her hands, head and ankles. She couldn’t move never mind try to escape.]

Coco: Where am I?

(She gasped at the sudden sound of a metallic bang. A slamming of steel that sent a chill down her spine. Though her blurry vision she knew whose presents she was in.)

Gen. Crash: Good, you’ve finally regained consciousness. (He leaned in close to her terrified face.) Now maybe we can get you to answer a few questions.

[Back at base…]

[Danni carefully stepped around the tombstones in the cemetery, cautious not to disrespect the buried bodies just beneath the cold shifted soil. Far in the back of the solemn field was a think curtain hanging over an opening in the rock wall. Quietly she pushed away the fabric and spied Cody staring at something sticking out of the ground in front of him. The cavern was only a few feet deep, the ground was soft underfoot and lined by the walls with burning candles, each giving a soft glow to the enclosure.)

Danni: Cody?
Cody: Danni, I thought you would find me. Of course here out of all places it’s very ironic.
Danni: (looking around) What is this place?

(Cody sighs and shows her what he was looking at - an iron cross sticking out of the ground draped with a leather jacket. The cross stood casting a shadow over a long mound of soil. Cody looked it over with more tears.)

Cody: This… is where she… is buried.
Danni: You mean your Danni? Then she IS dead?

(Cody lowered his head and sobbed openly. Danni entered the shallow tomb and placed a consoling hand on his shoulder.)

Cody: She’s been dead for 3 years.
Danni: But I thought she was only missing.
Cody: That’s what I told the other rebels. Only Paddock knows the truth, he saw her die.
Danni: But why didn’t you tell them? Why keep it a secret?
Cody: I didn’t want to tell them because… I didn’t…
Danni: Because you couldn’t admit it to yourself that she was really gone.
Cody: Yeah, I just couldn’t bare the fact that I would never see her again. But she is gone - gone and dead. (He turns to her) I know what you’re thinking… being dead is better than being a minion.
Danni: Yea, how…?
Cody: Isn’t that what happened to your Cody? He was made a minion?
Danni: Yes, but how did you know?
Cody: Only fate worse then death I could think of. But it isn’t as bad as I’ve been through. At least you have a chance to get your Cody back, at least he’s alive! My Danni is dead, and I’ll never get a chance to get her back! I never got a chance to say goodbye.
Danni: I see. That’s why you didn’t throw me in jail the minute you saw me. You miss her so much that you would take in an impostor. (Pause) I know how you feel.
Cody: You can’t possibly know my pain. (pause) She died right before my eyes. And there was nothing I could do to save her.
Danni: Cody, what happened that day? Tell me.

(Cody paused in thought. Should he tell her? He didn’t want to tell anyone how his beloved had died, and less the suffering of pain memories send him deeper into his depression. He looked at Danni, she was beautiful as her counterpart from his world had been. He sighed looking into her blue eyes, he couldn’t keep anything from Danni, his or any other. She had a right to know.)

Cody: All right. It was about 3 years ago. I’ll neva’ forget that day. I remember it well…

[A flashback begins: 3 years prior to the present day. A Cortex stronghold stands alone. There is a sudden explosion shaking the structure. A small group of rebels are in battle against the sentinel and mutant commandos.]

Cody (V.O): We had taken our rebels to a high security stronghold. It was a routine raid, we were after weapons, information, and anything we could find to aid us against Cortex.
Paddock: We’re taking the base!

(Paddock wave on the renegades into battle. The rally of rebels was madly firing at the commandos. Fighters are falling on both sides.)

Cody: Don’t give up! We’re fighting for freedom.
Rebel: Sir, the commandos are growing in number, they’ve started sending out more sentinels.

(A figure steps up from behind Cody. It is Danni, his Danni. She is clad in a white tank top and leather jacket, long combat jeans, tall combat boots and gold hoop earrings. She faces the rebel with a serious look on her face.)

Danni: Lookie `ere mate, Cody’s right. If we don’t fight now how can we show everyone that we can stand up to Cortex and his oppressors?
Rebel: But…
Danni: But nothin’, who will fight Cortex if we don’t huh? Now go out there and show those militants that we mean business!
Rebel: Yes ma’am!

(The rebels continue their struggle. Their guns blaring - shrapnel flying. Cody and Danni were fighting side by side. It now seems that the rebel side is winning.)

Cody: Come on! Victory is ours!
Voice: That’s where you’re wrong, rebel scumbag.

(Cody and Danni whip around. Behind, is none other then Gen. Crash sneering hatefully.)

Danni: General Crash!!
Gen. Crash: You sound surprised to see me. You should know master Cortex appointed me head officer in dealing with rebel affairs.
Cody: We know, and we can handle you just like any commando.
Gen. Crash: (laughs) Ha! You think you can beat me?! Scum like you can never beat me.
Danni: You’re the scum. You and the entire Cortex Empire!

(Gen. Crash tightens his fist with an enraged growl.)

Gen. Crash: You DARE disrespect the Cortex Empire!? Guards! Attack them!!!

(A group of robots rush out and fire at the rebels. Gen. Crash pulls out his laser gun and fires at them in an insane rage. Danni and Cody fire back with equal enthusiasm. One rebel throws out a black cube into the melee. It sends out an electric charge shorting out all the robots, leaving only the mutant commandos to fight. Danni speeds around Gen. Crash’s gunfire and kicks him to the ground, in the process knocking his gun away from his hand.)
Danni: Not so tough without ya guns are ya general?

(Gen. Crash doesn’t respond. He stealthily reaches into his boot and pulls out a knife. Cody notices it.)

Cody: Danni! Look out! (Distracted by Cody’s yell, Danni turns around giving Gen. Crash the opportunity to slice his knife down her back. Luckily Danni sees his oncoming attack and jumps away, but not before the knife slashes through her jacket.)
Danni: Ah! (She quickly punches the general to the floor.)
Cody: (rushing over) Danni! Danni are you ok?
Danni: Yeah I’m fine. (She grunts and holds her back. He sees her jacket - blood is dripping through the slit.)
Cody: Danni, Ya’r bleedin’.
Danni: I’ll be ok.
Cody: Maybe we should get outta here.
Danni: No Cody. We hafta stay and fight.
Gen. Crash: (Getting up) You’d better run rebel, unless you want to be dead. (He pulls a disk from his jacket and tosses it into the centre of the room. A red light on the disk starts flashing.)
Cody: It’s a bomb! Run!

(The rebels flee the scene, Cody and Danni flee too but the wound slows Danni. Cody runs to her said to help her.)

Danni: Cody what are ya doin’?
Cody: Come on mate, let’s bolt.
Danni: Just leave me. I’ll only slow you down.
Cody: I ain’t leaving without you.

(Too late the bomb goes off. The room shakes violently. Fire and metal fly everywhere. The two rebel leaders are now trapped… with the general.)

Gen. Crash: So noble, so loving, so foolish. (He picks up his gun.) Now I have you right where I want you.
Cody: (Drawing his own gun.) Ya’ll neva’ take us alive.
Gen. Crash: That’s the point my good dingo. (Gen. Crash fires a powerful blast at Cody.)
Danni: No! (She pushes Cody out of the way. A sudden pain rips through her body. She coughs up some blood as she collapses to the floor.)
Cody: Danni!!!
Gen. Crash: One down. (He aims his gun at Cody who is in too deep a moment of shock and despair to even notice that is life is in danger.)
Cody: Danni? Danni say somethin’ mate. Please. (He cradles her body in his arms)
Gen. Crash: (ready to fire) Too easy.

(Suddenly a blast comes through the other side of the rubble wall. Paddock comes blazing with two high-powered guns.)

Paddock: I found them! Give up Crash - we have you surrounded!

(Gen. Crash gives his situation a quick thought. His personal weapon supply exhausted and the threat of being out numbered by rebels close by he found it his wisest choice to find the nearest escape and flee.)

Gen. Crash: This isn’t the last time you’ll hear from me Rebels. Cortex will make you all pay for your insurrection. You will never stop our rise to power!

(The general then blasts through a wall with his gun and escapes. Paddock jumps into the clearing firing after him.)

Paddock: Go ahead and run coward! We’ll prove you wrong!!!
Cody: Paddock! Help me.
Paddock: Sir, what happened?
Cody: He shot her, that moron shot her!
Paddock: Is she…dead?
Cody: (fearfully) I… I don’t know. Danni, please say something.
Danni: (weakly) Cody…
Cody: Danni, are you all right?
Danni: (She coughs, blood dribbles over her chin) I…can’t feel my legs… it’s hard… to breathe…

(Cody holds her closer. His hands are covered in blood, her blood. She is shivering in his arms, wheezing with difficulty and spitting up so much blood. The red liquid draining out her back warmly over his arms hugging her to his chest.)

Cody: Hang in there mate, we’re gonna get you outta here. We’ll get ya to the doctor. You’ll be OK.

Danni: I won’t make it Cody. (cough) Ya… gonna hafta go on… without…me…
Cody: No! Don’t say that Danni, You’re gonna pull through. Ya gonna make it, just hold on!

(She looks up at him; her blue eyes are so pale.)

Danni: Take care a the troops for me… (wheezes) They can still win…
Cody: Danni, don’t leave me. How could I ever go on without you? (He runs his blood soaked fingers through her matted hair.)
Danni: Somebody… has ta… keep fightin’ Cortex… (Her body begins to limpen, her eyes being to close.)
Cody: Danni, no don’t die!
Danni: Keep fightin’ mate… (She looks straight up at him and with her last ounce of strength, lifts her fist up in the rebel salute.) For… freedom… (He body collapses in his arms, her eyes glaze over, her heart stops. She is dead.)
Cody: Danni!!! No!!! (He hugs her tightly, nuzzling her face.) No, Danni, no…
Paddock: Sir… she’s gone.
Cody: (crying) Why? That laser was meant for me not her.
Paddock: It’s too late now. There’s nothing you can do.
Cody: (Shouts in a fiery rage) That Crash! He’ll PAY for this!!! (Breaks down crying) He’ll pay.
Danni: (V.O.) So that’s how she died.

(Back in the tomb Cody and the parallel universe Danni stand facing each other. He is crying silently staring at her.)

Cody: Yes, and I’ll never forgive myself for what happened to her.
Danni: But it wasn’t entirely your fault.
Cody: But it was my responsibility to take care of her. She meant so much to me.
Danni: My Cody was special to me too. I’m constantly reliving his last moments in my dreams, calling for me, begging for help in that machine with that crocodile, and nothing I could do to help him.
Cody: (getting closer to her) You know, when you told me your story, of how you came from a world were you had lost your Cody… (He places his hands on her shoulders) …and since I had lost my Danni… (He looks into her eyes) …maybe fate brought us together for a reason. (He leans in close and kisses her ever so gently on the lips. Surprised she pulls away. Cody turns from her embarrassed.) I… I’m sorry... I guess you and your Cody… in your world… weren’t that close?
Danni: No... We… we were just friends. (She touches her lips for a moment. They are still warm from the kiss.)
Cody: I guess I should a mentioned that too. Ya see… before she died… me an’ her… we were engaged… ta be … married.
Danni: You two were gonna be married?
Cody: Yeah. Sorry if I startled ya with that kissing. I shoulda asked ya first.
Danni: No, I mean … it was ok. I mean it’s ok. I’m kinda glad you did it.

(They stare into each others eyes, neither one makes a sound. The silence is broken by Paddock who enters the tomb.)

Paddock: Sir, hate to bother you but it’s getting late and we must start devising a plan to rescue Coco.
Cody: Uh… Yes! Thank you Paddock! I’ll get right on it.

(He turns to leave, but not before casting one last glance at the bewildered Danni.)

[Back at the Cortex stronghold…]

Coco: What do you want with me?
Gen. Crash: I only want you to answer me a few simple questions. If you comply I may go easy on you.
Coco: I’ll never give into the likes of you.
Gen. Crash: (chuckles to himself) I had a feeling you would say something like that. That’s why I took the liberty of strapping you to a special seat. So you’ll be more (chuckles) comfortable.

(He leans in close to her. Looking straight into her eyes he smiles an evil grin.)

Coco: (her voice wavers) I, I’m not afraid of you.
Gen. Crash: (lifts her chin with his fist) Oh but your voice tells me otherwise. You are afraid. That works to my benefit. (Shouts to another part of the room) Gin, is she hooked up?

(At the other end of the room N. Gin is typing at a machine. There are wires running from the large computer to the chair that Coco is restrained in.)

N. Gin: Yes general, the polygraph is ready.
Gen. Crash: Good. (To Coco) Now let us begin. How long have you been working for the rebels?
Coco: Why is that important?
Gen. Crash: Now, now, I’ll ask the questions here. How long have you been working for the rebels?
Coco: I don’t need to give you any answers.
Gen. Crash: (Slaps her across the face) You’d better give me an answer!
Coco: Only for a day or two.
N. Gin: She’s telling the truth sir.
Gen. Crash: Good. Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Next question; Who was that impostor?
Coco: (fearfully) What, what impostor? (Gen. Crash slaps her again, this time harder.)
Gen. Crash: Don’t cover up for him. Who is he?
Coco: I can’t tell you.
Gen. Crash: Sure you can. (Grabs her face) Who is he?
Coco: I can’t…
Gen. Crash: (lets her go) I see that this will only motivate you so far. Luckily I have other means of making you talk. (He reaches under the chair and pulls out a small remote control. He smiles and pushes a little red button on it. Suddenly a jolt of extreme pain rushed through Coco’s body, she writhed screaming in the chair. Gen. Crash released the button, and the pain stopped. She panted in relief, Gen. Crash smiled more to she her suffer.)
Coco: What… what was that?
Gen. Crash: Just a simple torture devise. Whenever you don’t give me a straight answer I give you an unpleasant electric shock.
Coco: I still won’t tell you anything.
Gen. Crash: I have a feeling that you’re going to change your mind about that very quickly. (He pushes the button again, Coco screams and struggles in her bonds.) Now who is the impostor?
Coco: I can’t tell you!
Gen. Crash: Who is he? Tell me!
Coco: No!
Gen. Crash: What is his name?! (He turns a dial on the remote and the power goes up torturing Coco more.)
Coco: Uhhahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Gen. Crash: Tell me who he is!!
Coco: He…
Gen. Crash: Tell me!!! What is his name!!!?
Coco: Crash!
Gen. Crash: WHO IS HE!?!
Coco: He…
Gen. Crash: Who?
Coco: He’s my brother!
Gen. Crash: (Releases the button) Your brother eh? Interesting. Gin! Is that true?
N. Gin: Yes sir, the readings are all positive.
Gen. Crash: Perfect. (To Coco) What else can you tell me about your brother?
Coco: No more… please…
Gen. Crash: But we aren’t done yet! (He pushes the button again resuming the Electro- torture.)
Coco: No! Stop!
Gen. Crash: Why does your brother look like me?
Coco: Because… he… IS you!
Gen. Crash: You’re lying!
N. Gin: No she’s not sir.
Gen. Crash: What?!?
N. Gin: She’s telling the truth.
Gen. Crash: How can it be true?
Coco: We’re from another dimension.
Gen. Crash: What?
Coco: Me and my Brother… are from another dimension! Ahhh!
Gen. Crash: Is that so?
N. Gin: Another positive match sir.
Gen. Crash: Another dimension? Fascinating. (He turns off the electro device.)
Coco: Yes, we’re from another dimension, a dimension where you are my brother. He fights against Cortex. He despises tyrants like you. (Gen. Crash raises an eyebrow) My brother is a champion, a hero, and a rebel. He would gladly see to it Cortex is stopped.
Gen. Crash: You shut up.
Coco: I am from a world where Crash is a righteous fighter for justice. I am from a world where Crash and Cortex are mortal enemies.
Gen. Crash: (Angry) I said shut up! (He pushes the button on the remote. The electro-charge returns with a vengeance, coursing violently through Coco’s body.)
Coco: (Struggling under the pain) I am from a world where Crash was the first rebel.
Gen. Crash: Enough! (He smacks Coco across the face harder then ever. The very notion that there was a Crash that diligently fought against Cortex sent the General’s blood into a quick boil.)
N. Gin: Sir?
Gen. Crash: What she just said… Make sure it doesn’t leave this room.
N. Gin: Uh, yes sir General.
Gen. Crash: Good, because if that information does happen to leak, I will personally make sure that you are put offline permanently!
N. Gin: (gulps) Yes general.
Gen. Crash: (Faces Coco again) Let’s see now where were we? Oh yes, the questions. (He grips Coco by the throat tightly. She lets out a helpless squeal.) Only this time you tell me what I WANT to hear.

(He turns up the electroshock to its top setting. Thousands of painful stabbing volts shot through Coco. She screamed a shrill cry that echoed off the walls of the steel room. Gen. Crash smiled to see her in such pain.)

[Back at the base…]

[Crash tossed and turned on the infirmary cot back at Rebel home base. Although Albright had told him to rest, he couldn’t. Something was wrong, very wrong. He could feel it like a sharp pain through his body.]

Crash: (Moaning in his sleep) Coco… no… let her go… NO!!!!! (He jolts up, sweating heavily, panting fearfully. A thought came across his mind. This time he knew he had to listen.) Coco… I have to save her!

[Danni walks slowly along the darkened hallways of the rebel base, making her way towards the assembly room. As she passes, her eyes catch sight of a tall vertical mirror standing high atop the stony wall to her right. The moonlight coming seeping through a cracked lone mirror just behind her seemed to re-bound and highlight the whole frame. Danni takes a casual interest into it, standing in front of it to reveal herself in front of it. The moonlight coming from behind her seemed to make her facial features look like a shadow. Still though she could depict her details, and weary at herself. She had felt ever so strange coming to this new world to find someone she lost, found, although different to her as she had only known him as. The learning, the harsh realisation of this callous cruel world could only bring her body down to forlorn. And even she could tell it in herself as her body stares straight back at her, tiredly, weary and worn down, although there was a different feeling. She continues to look at herself, carefully and with deep thought for the other Danni of this realm. Was she really like her, to bring herself to fight to the death? It was more hardened in this brutal world because of a harsh empire. She continues to think; of course she would do anything to get her own Cody back. It was just the realisation that her other half, this other Danni had killed herself to save her friends. She continues to stay deep in thought at the mirror and smiles with a slight nod. The thought of risking her life for a friend would be most like her perhaps. She has done it before, countless of times as have her friends to her. Coco, Sarnie, Kitsume, Stripes, and her own Cody once long ago… And even Crash. Oh how she would lay down her life for him, though not everyone knew her secret. Just looking into the mirror now, seemed to help her mind imagine of her other self, almost staring back at her, and alive. Too bad it was just her reflection. It couldn’t talk back, couldn’t tell her how her life was here and different to her own. But so many possible suggestions and the events that passed day after day here zip through her head with many questions. She gives a deep sigh and turns to leave. She stops again and touches her lips gently. The thought of the kiss was still lingering in her mind and heart. And how it jumped when she received it. She smiles lightly; he seemed tender and sweet as he embraced her for one fleeting moment. Forgetting she wasn’t ‘his’ Danni, but still throwing away all truths just for the sake of seeing her alive, and in the flesh. Danni lets out a loud sigh, unaware of the particular shadow coming from behind her.]

Crash: Danni?

(His warm voice, sends Danni into a jolt of shock, she spins around to see him looking back at her.)

Danni: Crash? (Sighs gladly) Ya almost scared me ta death mate.
Crash: (Quiet) What are you doing out here?
Danni: I was… just… thinking… about certain things… but we gotta make our way to the conference rooms. (She notices his eyes tired and tensed.) Crash? Are you okay? Ya don’t look like you’ve ‘ad enough sleep.
Crash: (His eyes filling with tears) How can I, when I’m so worried? Coco could be getting tortured out there, even raped. And it’s because her big brother wasn’t there to help her.
Danni: (Comforts him) Oh Crash, please don’t say that. You tried your best, besides that General is jus’ probably interrogating her. He couldn’t harm her so much if he needs answers out of ‘er. (Hugs him gently) We’ll get ‘er back - we jus’ gotta plan an attack.
Crash: (Looks at her face to face) Danni, I heard Coco screaming in the night…And it felt so real…(Begins to sob) I swore I could hear her cry out even my name. We gotta save her we just gotta!

(He sobs lightly and buries his head into her shoulder. Danni’s own heart saddened as she could feel his pain seeping through her and bringing a lump to her throat. She had never seen Crash so depressed and afraid, the more it made her feel for him. Her light comforting hug turns into a tender embrace, wrapping her warm arms around him, and without saying, kisses him gently on his neck. They both stand lit by the alone moonlight.)

Danni: (Whispers) An’ we’ll get her back Crash… I swear it.

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