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For about a year now, Dylan and Sylvia were seeing each other. They went to places, ate at restaurants, watched movies, or just walked out on sandy beaches. And wherever they went, they always kissed and hugged each other, knowing their relationship was going great. Dylan and Sylvia would find no one else but themselves.
One day, Dylan was sleeping over at Crash's house. After waking up and gettign dressed, he hurried downstairs. At the breakfast table, he was surprised to see Sylvia there.

Dylan: Oh… Sylvia! What a surprise!!
Sylvia: (Giving Dylan a warm smile) Good mornin' Dylan, had a good night's rest?
Dylan: Oh yes. I dreamed about ya again.
Sylvia: (Giggling) Me too. I dreamed about you my love!

Dylan pulled up a chair and sat next to Sylvia. Both gazed into each other's eyes with romance. Back in the kitchen, Coco was giggling so hard, tears were falling down her cheeks.

Dylan: Huh? Hey Coco, you all right?
Coco: Tehehe… sorry Dylan. It's just that; Sylvia wanted to know about something!
Sylvia: Yes Dylan. Coco told me you had something to show me. Something important! Something you kept away form me for about a year. We've come to know each other for a long time now; that maybe it's time you showed me.

At first Dylan forget what Coco meant. But then he remembered! Yes of course… THE RING!! He hid it in his drawer! He slapped his head, thinking to himself; 'Idiot'.

Sylvia: What's wrong Dylan?
Dylan: Uh… hold on a minute!

Dylan rushed upstairs.

Sylvia: Where'd he run off?
Coco: He'll be back; he has somethin' to show ya!
Sylvia: Will I like it?
Coco: Mmmmmm... maybe! (Winking at Sylvia.)
Dylan rushed into Danni's room. Danni was still asleep. Dylan pushed on Danni's shoulders to shake her awake.

Dylan: Wake up Danni - I need ya to do somethin' for me.

Danni just groaned and tossed over to her left side, holding her blanket over her like a cherished object. Dylan growled, and tried to shake Danni awake again.

Dylan: C'mon Danni - I need ya for soemthin' important!

Danni groggily looked at Dylan.

Dylan: Sylvia needs to see it.

Danni just groaned and tossed back on her left side. Finally Dylan couldn't take it anymore. With an agitated look, he pulled Danni's covers of her. Danni felt the breeze!

Danni: HEY!!!!

But that's not what surprised Dylan. What surprised him was Danni's sleping outfit. She was just wearing a pink nightshirt, and a small one at that. Dylan could see her bottom white knickers; and quickly turned away embarrassed.

Dylan: Ow… hey hey! Calm down mate - I needed to ask you a favour!

Dylan rolled his eyes, and turned around at Danni. She quickly pulled the covers over her body and stared angrily at Dylan.

Dylan: I'm sorry; but this is important. It's about Sylvia; she needs to see something urgent, and you're the only one who can go get it for me.
Danni: Well, what is it that's so IMPORTANT!?!?
Dylan: Don't you know - my ring! The ring I promised to give to her when I was ready!

At that moment, Danni's face was form angry to somewhat happy!

Danni: Ya mean… you're gonna pop the big question' to her'?
Dylan: Yes but the ring is at my house. Can you please get up and run to my house to go get it for me? I'm sorry I woke you up like that; I was just so hasty! I wanna ask Sylvia!

At that moment, Danni nodded her agreement.

Danni: All right; but get out of me room first. I need to change.
Dylan: No problem.

Dylan hurriedly got out of Danni's room. In the hallway Crash came walking down.

Crash: Hey Dylan; did ya know Sylvia's here?
Dylan: Yeah, and I'm gonna pop the big question to her today!
Crash: (Shaking Dylan's hand and laughing hysterically) No kidding! Congrats pal!! I hope she says yes!
Dylan: Me too!
Danni went out the front door saying she was going on a jog. Dylan still remained upstairs talking with Crash and Shen Lo Ken.

Dylan: So uh… how do I ask her?
Crash: Easy pal - you bow down to her, show her the ring, and ask her the 'Big Question."
Dylan: But I'm nervous. What if she says no?
Shen Lo Ken: If she says no; then no is no. Just accept it.
Dylan: But I'll feel embarrassed.
Crash: Relax Dylan; I think she digs ya man!
Dylan: Really?
Crash: Yeah. I mean, how many times have you gone out with her?
Dylan: About, twice a month I think.
Shen Lo Ken: Really? In one year? You're booked solid man. She's yours.
Crash: Yeah. Say… did you ever... kiss her?

Dylan felt it was time to admit to it.

Dylan: Heh heh… yeah!

Both Crash and Shen laugh and slap Dylan on the back.

Crash: She's all yours Dylan. Ask the big question, and you two will be the happy couple!
Dylan: Well...maybe.
Back downstairs, Sylvia and Coco were chatting over morning coffee.

Sylvia: I'm just dyin' to know what Dylan's gotta show me.
Coco: I'm not tellin' - it's a surprise!
Sylvia: Really? I love surprises. Will i love this one?
Coco: Maybe! He's been hiding it from you for a year; and today you're gonna find out what it is.
Sylvia: WOW! Must be important for him to hide it this long.
Coco: You bet! I think you'll find it a most enduring gift!

Just then, Danni came back through the door.

Sylvia: Hi Danni! How was your jog?
Danni: Jog? Oh… my jog. Yeah, it was good. Excuse me for a minute, girls.

Danni rushed upstairs.

Coco: Gee, she looked like she had something with her.
Sylvia: What was it?
Coco: I dunno.
Danni handed Dylan the small blue velvet box.

Danni: Here you are mate. Now go down there and pop the question.
Dylan: (Holding his breath) Am I really ready for this?
Crash: Go for it man!
Dylan: I'm… I'm too scared. Maybe another time!
Shen Lo Ken: No way man! Gotta do it now!
Danni: They're right ya know. Ask her now; otherwise, it'll be too late and you two will never end up togetha' as a happy couple!
Dylan: (gulps) Okay, I see your point. I'm gonna go do it NOW!!

Dylan marched downstairs with the blue box behind his back!
Sylvia saw Dylan standing in the hallway with his arms behind his back.

Sylvia: Hi Dylan! What's behind your back? Something you want to show me?
Dylan: Yes! (Slowly marching up to Sylvia and coco) Uh... could I have some room Coco?
Coco: Certainly!

Coco got up and Dylan kneeled right before Sylvia.
Sylvia: Dylan?
Dylan: (Clearing his throat) Miss Sylvia... we've been going out for a long time now! You and I grew very fond of each otha'. We laughed, danced, and even kissed. And for a long time there was this one question that would determine whether or not our relationship would last.
Sylvia: Dylan...?
Dylan: (Swallowing his throat) Miss Sylvia. It's time I asked the question.

Dylan brought the blue box out from behind his back and presented it to Sylvia in the palm of his hands. He opened it up, and presented a gold ring with a diamond in it. Sylvia gazed at its wonder. Dylan swallowed his throat again. There was no turning back now. The question had to be asked.

Dylan: Miss Sylvia... will you marry me?

Dylan looked eagerly into Sylvia's face. Instead of concern, he saw joy in her eyes. Her mouth was wide with happiness, and her eyes bursting with joy. She looked enthusiastically into Dylan's eyes!

Sylvia: YES DYLAN!!! OF COURSE I WILL MARRY YOU!! (Throwing her arms around Dylan)

Dylan was so happy he couldn't speak. She was excited about his and so was he! Crash, Coco, Shen, and Danni applauded both Dylan and Sylvia! They each cheered as Sylvia squeezed Dylan tightly.

So this was the starting point! Dylan and Sylvia were now engaged. After the proposal would come the wedding. They were planned to wed in three months. You wouldn't think a couple as close as these two would get any closer, but they did. They were now literally inseparable. Loving their way through life, side by side. Could you possibly ask for more?

Three months flew by fast. Fortunately, the two, along with help from Danni, Shen, and Crash planned the special occasion, to make it one of the happiest days of their lives.

Dylan found himself in a back room of a small Church. His stomach was tied in knots. Shen Lo Ken noticed the somewhat scared expression on Dylan's face.

Shen Lo Ken: "You ok, pal?”
Dylan: "Huh...Oh, yea'. I'm fine. Truthfully, I neva' really thought marryin' someone would be so stressful.
Shen Lo Ken: "You'll get by."
Dylan: "I 'ope."

Sylvia, Danni, and Coco were in another room, getting ready as well.

Sylvia: (fiddling with her wedding gown) "Uhhh, guys...This thing’s itchy.

Both Danni and Coco laughed.

Danni: "Well, it IS a weddin' dress.
Sylvia: "Yeah, I know. But, dresses aren't my thing."
Coco: "Look at it this way - you're not gonna wear it forever.
Sylvia: "Thank, goodness."

Crash walked in through the door.

Crash: "Almost time, guys. You're looking beautiful, Sylvia. (hugs her) "Dylan's a lucky guy.”
Sylvia: (blushes) "Awww... Thanks, Crash."

Moments later, Sylvia was standing in the middle isle. One thing was wrong, though. Who would walk her down there? Her Dad wasn't here to do it. Just then, she felt a tap on your shoulder.

Shen Lo Ken: "You look a little lonely.”

Shen extended his hand, and Sylvia took it.

Shen Lo Ken: "I may not be your Dad, but I'll do.
Sylvia: "Thanks, Shen."

Sylvia glanced down the isle and saw Dylan. As if he felt her looking at him, he turned and looked to her. Both of their hearts skipped a beat. The day has come, to finally begin their lives... together. The music started, and Shen proceeded to walk Sylvia down the isle. Once they reached the end, Shen Lo Ken stepped back, and the Minister began his ritual.

Minister: "We are gathered here today to witness the coming together of two people, Sylvia and Dylan, in holy matrimony, whose hearts and spirits are entwined as one. They now desire to profess before the world their intention henceforth to walk the road of life together. This marriage is an event of a lifetime. Neither I, nor all society, can join these two lovers today. Only they can do what they have chosen. They are joining themselves, each to each other. As they find union today, and pledge it's future. We, by out participation in this celebration, do but recognize and honour their intention to dwell together as husband and wife." (turns to Dylan) "Do you, Dylan, take Sylvia to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and cherish, honour and protect, in pleasures and joy, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
Dylan: (turns to Sylvia and takes her hand) "I, Dylan, vow ta' stand by yer side in love foreva'. Ta' love an' cherish, honour an' protect, in pleasa's an' joy, in sickness an' in health, till death do us part... I do."
Minister: (turns to Sylvia) "Do you, Sylvia, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and cherish, honour and protect, in pleasures and joy, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
Sylvia: (looks at Dylan and squeezes his hand) "I, Sylvia vow to stand by your side in love forever. To love and cherish, honour and protect, in sickness and in health, till death do us part... I do."
Minister: "Take this ring, a symbol of ever lasting love, and slide it on Sylvia's hand.

Danni, who was standing off to the side, handed Dylan his ring. Sylvia extended her hand, and Dylan gently slipped it on her finger.

Minister: "Now, Sylvia. Take your ring, the symbol of everlasting love, and slide it on Dylan's hand.

As the same, Sylvia took the ring from Crash, who was standing off to the side, and slid it on Dylan's hand.

Minister: "Now, that the couple had recited their vows, and exchanged rings, they requested to say their own vows. Dylan, you may start."

Dylan's heart started to race. He knew what to say, but the words couldn't come. He looked up at Sylvia - her eyes starring into his. Suddenly, he found the courage to say what was burdening his heart.

Dylan: "I cannot express in words how much I love ya. It would take me a lifetime ta' show ya jus' how much ya mean ta' me. And that is what I wanna do... Spend tha rest of me life with ya. Demonstratin' my respect, love, and admiration."
Minister: "Sylvia?”

Sylvia: "For years, I prayed for a man who would sweep me off my feet and share my feelins', hopes, and dreams. God answered that prayer by givin' me you to fulfil that dream. You made that dream come true. There is just one thing different - It is far more than I ever imagined. I dreamed of bein' in love, but I never dreamed of sharing my soul. I dreamed of sharin' my thoughts, but I never dreamed someone could hear me without words - in my darkest trouble, in my brightest joys, in my coldest silence, in my warmest thoughts. I looked to you and there you were. I give you my life, and all my love throughout eternity. For yesterday is only a dream, and tomorrow is but a vision. But today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of hope and every tomorrow a vision of love together. I am yours forever, and I love you with all of my heart and soul, Dylan."
Minister: "Because they have so affirmed, in love and knowledge of the other, so also do I declare that Sylvia and Dylan are now husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Dylan looked at Sylvia once again. He still couldn't believe that he was marrying the woman of his dreams.

Dylan: (thinking to himself) "My… She's beautiful."

He reached a shaking hand over and lifted her pure, white veil that covered her face. With Sylvia's face now fully uncovered, she looked up to Dylan with an adoring gaze. Time seemed to stand still. The sun shown though a nearby window and spotlighted the couple. Dylan reached over, put his arms around her, and kissed her. The wedding had come to an end. Their lives... two hearts... were now one.
After the wedding; Dylan and Sylvia caught their flight to Hawaii for their honeymoon. They landed on the big island to enjoy a weeks' worth of paradise. They bought the most luxurious room from the most luxurious hotel in Hawaii - 'The Golden Dolphin'.

NOTE: There's no such thing as 'The Golden Dolphin' hotel. Goku made it up.

The bellboy carried their luggage up to Room K201. After unlocking the door, the bellboy carried the luggage in, and went back to work. Dylan carried Sylvia into their room in the traditional sense. Dylan set Sylvia gently on her bed, and Sylvia stretched and smiled at Dylan.

Sylvia: Oh Dylan; this is so romantic. I always wanted to go to Hawaii.
Dylan: I thought it would be. Say; don't ya think these Weddin' clothes are too stuffy?
Sylvia: Oh yes. This bride's dress is really tight.
Dylan: I say we order ourselves some champagne, and then take a nice hot bubble bath. Whaddya say, soul mate? (winks at her)
Sylvia: Delighted! Now that we're a couple we can share a romantic time together.

Late that night Dylan and Sylvia sat in their bubble bath together. After they gave their cheers with their wine glasses, they kissed each other. Dylan sat back and faced Sylvia with a pleased grin.

Dylan: Sylvia; you're a very beautiful woman.
Sylvia: And you're a very handsome man Dylan. I never knew we'd end up together.
Dylan: Me neitha'. Now we're both togetha'. Let us enjoy our honeymoon.
Sylvia: I'm already enjoying it. Hawaii is so romantic. You're quite the charmer Dylan.
Dylan: Thank ya. I promise; tonight's gonna be a romantic night.
Sylvia: Our honeymoon's already a romantic part in my life. You really know how to make a woman feel happy.
Dylan: Ya bet.

They both stared smiling at each other. Then, Sylvia looked down, and was afraid to ask something.

Dylan: What's the matta'?
Sylvia: Dylan, did you ever think you would be a father?
Dylan: Well, it depends. Did ya eva' think you'd be a motha'?
Sylvia: Sort of. Dylan, I do want us to have a baby but I'm afraid that making one would ruin our honeymoon.
Dylan: I see. You're afraid.
Sylvia: NO! I'm not afraid. I'm just… concerned. Have you been checked?
Dylan: Yes! Right before we were married; I got me self checked. The docta' says I'm A-okay!
Sylvia: Yes; so am I. But Dylan, I'm a little concerned that making a baby would demoralize our relationship.
Dylan: But we're amrried. It ain't like we're doing premarital… ya know.
Sylvia: Yes… (blushes) ...I know.

Dylan came over and gave Sylvia a kiss on the cheek.

Dylan: Honey bunch, we don't have to do it on our honeymoon. We can wait till lata'.
Sylvia: But Dylan, I want to ahve a baby almost immediately. I know it'll take nine months from now until we have one of our own.
Dylan: We can always adopt.
Sylvia: No - I prefer if the baby's from our own blood.
Dylan: I see. Well, I'm gonna get out now and talk a little walk. I'll be back at nine or so.

Dylan got out of the tub and got dressed. For the first time; he was not embarrassed ebing naked in front of Sylvia. They were together after all.

Dylan: I'll be back soon. Lemme know if you want to or not.
Sylvia: I will Dylan - I will.
Later that night Dylan called long distance on a pay phone. He called his old friend Crash back in Australia.

Dylan: Hello Crash?
Crash: Hey Dylan! How's the honeymoon?
Dylan: It's going good. We both like its romantic value.
Crash: Well that's great. Listen, we jsut wanna make sure you're having fun.
Dylan: We are. But there's just one thing.
Crash: What's that?
Dylan: Sylvia and me are anxious to make a baby. But Sylvia's a little concerned about this. She's neva' done this before.
Crash: Oh… I uh... see. It's the birds and the beast thing huh?
Dylan: Yep! I dunno if we're ready yet; but she anxiously wants a baby.
Crash: Well, I don't know what to say. Except maybe you should let her decide. Whenever you guys feel ready to make a baby; it's all up to you.
Dylan: I guess you're right. But even so, she really wants one.
Crash: Well don't force her. Just let her take the course. After all, she will be the carrier of the baby.
Dylan: Yes I know. Well we'll decide tonight. I'm goin' back to our room at 9. It was good talkin' to ya Crash. Tell everyone we're havin' a good time.
Crash: I will. Bye Dylan; Happy Honeymoon.
Dylan: Bye Crash.

Dylan hung up the phone and walked down the lobby. He wished he knew what to do. He went to a local bookstore, and read books on couples that wanted a baby. Nothing seemed to help though. None of the books really offered Dylan help - just instructions. Dylan looked down the lobby, and saw couples with their babies. Some were happy with their children. Others were scolding them, and the children were acting very disrespectful in the lobby. Dylan looked at his watch. It was time for him to go back.
In his mind, Dylan was concerned on how he would approach Sylvia on the baby issue. He was also worried on how his kids would turn out. Would they be good or bad? He knew babies were hard responsibilities. Still whatever it would be, Dylan had to let Sylvia decide. Dylan went into the room.

Dylan: Sylvia; I'm back.

Sylvia called out to Dylan.

Sylvia: I'm in the bed hon. I wanna talk to you.
Dylan: Okay.

Dylan saw Sylvia in the bed. She smiled at Dylan as he looked down at her.

Sylvia: Dylan...
Dylan: Yes?
Sylvia: I've decided. I want to have a baby. Let's make one… right now.
Dylan: Now!?!? Are you sure?
Sylvia: I'm positive. Come Dylan, it's time we prepare being parents.
Dylan: Well... okay. I'll get out the 'Do Not Disturb' sign.

Dylan hung the sign out on the door on the outside. He then locked the door behind him.
Dylan and Sylvia both lied in bed. Sylvia and Dylan hugged each other and began to kiss.

Sylvia: Dylan… I want to make a baby… but I'm still concerned.
Dylan: It's OK. I love you for yourself and not your body. I will be sure to take this responsively.
Sylvia: Okay Dylan - then let's get ready.
Dylan: Ready when you are.

Sylvia and Dylan began to hug and kiss each other passionately. Then, they both dove under the covers and engaged into their passions.
The next morning, Dylan and Sylvia both lied side-by-side looking lovingly at each other.

Sylvia: So Dylan, how was last night?
Dylan: Very... thrilling.
Sylvia: (giggling) You're a good man Dylan. Your passion was wonderful.
Dylan: So was yours. How do you feel?
Sylvia: Great! How bout you?
Dylan: Never been betta'.
Sylvia: I hope we did it right. I really want to have a baby.
Dylan: Well, I suppose when the honeymoon's ova'; we'll get ya checked into a docta'.
Sylvia: I sure hope it all worked out.
Dylan: Me too!
One day, and a beautiful down six more to go - with the honeymoon, that is. Each day spent in the sunny climate of Hawaii just seemed to be getting better and better. On the fourth day of the weeklong event, the weather was the most beautiful ever. The crisp, clear blue sky clashed against the big, fluffy, white cumulus clouds as the sun beat its warm, golden rays against the soft beach sand. There was a light tropical breeze that gently blew through the trees, and the temperatures were at a comfortable reading. In other words... the day was simply gorgeous. Sylvia was sitting in a chair in their room, gazing out onto the glorious beaches. The sun, when it hit the clear, blue ocean water, produced a beautiful glittering effect. The waves would rush up to the shore, only to fall back with the majority of the water. She tried not to think much about what had happened a few days back. With the baby issue and all. What's the use of worrying now? She had a honeymoon to enjoy! Sylvia glanced back out the window. She watched all the other people on the shores. Some crazy surfer took a wrong move and plummeted into the water with a big, watery splash. Sylvia couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Looked like Rodney." She thought, although she knew well it wasn't. She scanned the sandy beaches once again. Some were tanning; talking to others, surfing like that one crazy dude... enjoying what life had to offer. And here she was, sitting and worrying. She couldn't let that get to her like that. If she really was meant to have a baby, time would have to be taken, and nature would have to run its course. And apparently, watching other people having fun obviously wasn't helping. She turned and looked into the expensive hotel room. Precious time was slipping away, and she had to grab it before it slipped out of her hands. Sylvia got up out of the chair as Dylan walked into the room. She walked up to him, wraps her arms around him, and gave him a long, passionate kiss.

Dylan: (smiles) "What was that fer?"
Sylvia: (smiles back) "Just because. C'mon, let's go."

Sylvia took Dylan by the hand and led him out the door.

Dylan: "Wait a minute. Whar we goin'?"
Sylvia: "You'll see."

A few minutes later, the couple found themselves in the lobby, and then outside on the sandy beach.

Sylvia: "I never did think that Hawaii could be so beautiful."
Dylan: "It's a lively place, that's fer sure."

The beautiful blue sky seemed to be clouding up, and a small rumble of thunder was heard. Some of the people on the beaches started to pack up and leave, knowing what was coming.

Sylvia: "What's up with them?" (looks up to the cloudy sky) "Looks like it's gonna rain."

At that moment, rain started to fall. Now all the people on the beach had moved inside. Now, Sylvia and Dylan were left outside in the rain.

Dylan: "I'm... gettin'... wet."
Sylvia: (giggling) "C'mon."
Dylan: "Whar we goin' now?"
Sylvia: "Inside, where we can eat. I'm gettin' hungry."
Dylan: "Oooo... food."
Sylvia: (punches him playfully in the arm) "Let's go."

The two walk back into the hotel. Later that evening, at sunset, Sylvia and Dylan ventured back outside. Nobody was on the beaches. The rain that had dampened the area had moved out of the area, revealing a gorgeous sunset. The water gently flowed up to their feet. The tropical breeze that was one there was now cooled into a soft, comforting wind. Sylvia looked out over the waters and at the sunset. The big golden ball had just about disappeared behind the distant horizon. The colour of the sky itself was fascinating. Reddish-orange, pink, purple, all mixed and twirled together in a beautiful fashion - a natural masterpiece. Dylan was worried weather or not Sylvia was still concerned about wanting to have a baby. He knew she hasn't said anything about it in a while.

Dylan: "Uhhh... Sylvia? Yer not worrin' 'bout-"

Sylvia gently interrupted by putting her hand on his shoulder.

Sylvia: "No, it's ok. I understand. Let's enjoy what we have now. I really hope we can have a kid someday. But right now we're together and that's what matters most to me."
Dylan: "I see."

Dylan put his arm around her as they both watched the sun sink in the darkened sky. Stars were beginning to show their heavenly glow. Both Dylan and Sylvia started to walk back to the hotel. Dylan took one last look to the stars. He thought to himself that Sylvia was still confused about the matter, but had to let her take her time, however long that would be.
For all the times they were having in Hawaii, time seemed to slip by. After all time flies when having fun. After about a few weeks it was time to leave the big island itself.
Dylan: (packing his bags) Sylvia… hon? You've been in the bathroom for a long time.

He walked up to the bathroom door and began to knock.

Dylan: Hey… what's the matta'? Did ya fall in? (giggling to himself. But still there was no answer) Sylvia?

Finally, the door opened, and Sylvia stepped out. She kinda looked a little woozy.

Dylan: Er, Sylvia? You okay?
Sylvia: (Smiling reassuringly back to Dylan) Of course I am silly. It's just, well… I think I just witnessed my first symptom.
Dylan: Which is…?
Sylvia: Mornin' sickness…
Dylan: Ya mean ya...?

Sylvia nodded her head at what she thought Dylan was about to say.

Dylan: …I see. Well, our plane leaves in about two hours.
Sylvia: Then we gotta hurry hon. Otherwise we'll miss it.
Dylan: Right. Let’s scoot along now.
About an hour later, they arrived at the airport. They sat down near their plane that was gonna go back to Australia. Sylvia then tapped Dylan on the shoulder.

Sylvia: Dilly.
Dylan: Yeah hon?
Sylvia: Is there a restaurant around here? I'm hungry.
Dylan: Yeah sure. I'll got get us some burgas.
Sylvia: Actually; I'm not in the mood for burgers.
Dylan: Okay; then whaddya want then?
Sylvia: Some pickles and Chinese Food.
Dylan: (looking bewildered) Whaddya want those for?
Sylvia :I have a craving for them. Just be a nice husband and buy some for me; will ya hon?

Dylan, realizing it was probably another symptom; decided to do it.

Dylan: Okay; i'll be back in a sec.
About thirty minutes alter; Dylan came back with some Chop Suey, Sweet and Sour pork, and a jar of pickles. He and Sylvia both sat at a nearby table. Sylvia began to eat her Chinese food and pickles at the same time.

Sylvia: Did ya get anything for yourself dear?
Dylan: No hon. I'm not hungry. You just eat.
Sylvia: K'. Mmmmm... this is good Dylan. Remind me to get some more when we get back to Australia.
Dylan: Really?
Sylvia: Yeah! Oh yes; and let's get some ice cream and watermelon with that too.

Dylan was bewildered. Already a few weeks, and she started craving strange foods.

Dylan: Uh… okay - anything to make ya happy.
Sylvia: You're a gem Dylan. You really are.

She kisses Dylan on the cheek.
After a while, they were now in the plane. Sylvia and Dylan got a window seat, and at her request, Sylvia wanted Dylan to sit next to the window. Heights usually made her afraid. After a few minutes, the stewardess came by.

Stewardess: Good day. Our specials today are chicken or roast beef. Which would you like?
Dylan: I'll take roast beef.
Sylvia: Um… miss. Could you kindly cover my chicken dinner with milk? Also, I'd like it very much if you'd throw in a container of applesauce and peas with that.
Stewardess: Okay, miss. We can arrange that. (The stewardess then walks off.)
Dylan: Ya sure ya want that?
Sylvia: Of course! Don't worry hon.

Later, the stewardess handed them their dinners. Dylan began eating his roast beef dinner, with a side of peas, brownie, and chips. Sylvia began to pour milk on her chicken. Shen then used her peas on a fork and dipped them into the applesauce. Dylan looked at her strangely.

Dylan: Ya sure you're okay hon?
Sylvia: Course darlin'! Why do you ask? (she scoops up some applesauce with peas in it, and eats it. She then eats a piece of her milk-covered chicken.)
Dylan: Er... no reasons… (goes back to eating his food.)
At the Australian airport; Crash, Danni, Coco, Shen, Rodney, Dustin, Darwin, Sarnie, Sheila and even Tawna and Kiana were waiting for Dylan and Sylvia to return.

Sarnie: I tell ya; after three weeks they probably will forget us.
Tawna: Nonsense. They'll remember us straight away.
Kiana: I bet ya they had quite a honeymoon. Bet ya Dylan couldn't take it huh?

Tawna playfully slaps Kiana on the shoulder. They both laugh together.

Crash: Ha ha… you girls are such kidders.
Coco: Hmm hmm... I guess we can have fun too ya know bro.
Sheila: (Clasping her hands together) Well I think it's just romantic. Those two in love with each other!
Dustin: Romance is romance. Girls really go for that mushy stuff.
Rodney: I dunno. It seems to me anyone can fall in love.
Dustin: Even me?
Rodney: Mmmm... NAH!
Dustin: Oh very funny.
Shen Lo Ken: Hey guys - I see the plane arriving!

Everyone stared out as the Australian flight from Hawaii was pulling into the corridor.

Darwin: Man. It seemed so long since they've been gone.
Danni: I'll say. You can bet they've had some fun.
Kiana: A lot more fun than you wanna know girl.
Tawna: Even so Kiana, I bet ya they really love each other. I think it's sweet how they first met.
Sheila: Yeah. It was so cute when Dylan was the one in love with Sylvia first. He's such a sweet guy.
Coco: Not to mention he's kinda cute.
Sheila: (smiling at Coco) would you have married him?
Coco: Mmmm... Maybe.

They both laugh and sigh at the same time.

Shen Lo Ken: GUYS!! THEY'RE HERE!!!

Dylan and Sylvia step out of the corridor. At that moment, the entire group of their friends crowd in on them. A display of hugs and kisses went around with the girls and there were handshakes and hugs with the boys.

Crash: Hey Dylan my man - yer back!!
Shen Lo Ken: Hey man - great to have ya back!
Dustin: Yeah mate; pleasure to see ya again!
Darwin: We missed ya both.
Dylan: Aw thanks guys.
Danni: Sylvia… you're back!
Sheila: Oh Sylvia, so good to see you!
Coco: Welcome home Sylvia! How was it?
Kiana: Give us all the details Sylvia!
Tawna: Was the honeymoon romantic?

Sylvia sighed and led the girls to a nearby table, where they all sat.

Sarnie: So Sylvia, how did you and Dylan like the honeymoon?
Sylvia: It was very romantic. He was so sweet! We had the greatest time of our lives. We went swimming, dancing, and had such nice dinners.
Sheila: How romantic! (sighs) you two must have had a great time.
Kiana: Was Dylan a good boy?
Sylvia: He was a perfect gentleman.
Tawna: Did he spend a lot on ya?
Sylvia: More than any other man would.
Coco: Did he kiss you?
Sylvia: Every day.
Kiana: How romantic! VERY romantic! He sounds so nice.
Sheila: Yeah! I think it's cute how you two first met.
Coco: Yeah. He seemed really nice to you.
Sylvia: Yeah, he was very eloquent, friendly, and perfectly content with me.
Tawna: That's hard to find in a man.
Danni: Yeah! I'm sure ya two had the best time.
Sylvia: You bet yer life we did.

Back at another table, Dylan was talking with the guys.

Crash: So Dylan, did ya give her mooches smooches?
Dylan: Oh you bet. Every day mate! I was givin' her big wet ones all the livelong day!

All the guys start laughing.

Rodney: Hey mate. Where'd you take her?
Dylan: Ya know; fancy restaurants, dance places, moonlight dinners; places women like to go.
Darwin: Heh! Sounds like she had a great time mate. How bout you?
Dylan: Best time of me life.
Shen Lo Ken: Did you two sleep together?
Dylan: Yeah… we did. There were two beds, but we always slept in one.
Dustin: Did ya... ya know...
Dylan: Know what?
Dustin: Ya know mate - Experience a little bit of first night fun on yer honeymoon?
Dylan: OH... well...

All the guys stare in at Dylan.

Dylan: ...Yes.

All the guys start rooting and cheering for Dylan.

Dylan: Hey hey! What a sec - don't think I did it for fun. We both loved each other; and we wanted to have a baby.
Shen Lo Ken: So Sylvia's pregnant?
Dylan: We don't know yet. I'm gonna take her to a docta' tomorrow, and then we'll see.
Darwin: Way ta go mate. You da man now!
Crash: Yeah Dylan! It's great to see you two really love each other that much!
Dustin: Ya bet they love each otha'.
Rodney: They showed that by doin' a little horizontal rumba in the bedroom!!

All the guys start laughing.

Dylan: C'mon guys! We're married now, so it's perfectly OK. Besides; if Sylvia's gonna have a baby, then so be it.
Rodney: Aw relax mate; we're just messin' with ya.
Dustin: Yeah; don't take it so seriously.
Darwin: Let’s buy the main mate of hona' here a drink! Whaddya blokes say?

Everyone agreed at applauded Dylan.

Dylan: Aw thanks mates!
Shen Lo Ken: Let's hear it for Dylan!

All the guys applauded Dylan.

Dylan: Ya blokes are all right!
Crash: You ain't so bad yerself.

(Back with the girls...)

Kiana: "So, all in all, ya had a romantic time?"
Sylvia: "You bet. Somethin' in life I'll never forget."

(There were a few moments of silence. You could hear the guys laughing a few tables away.)

Sarnie: "Wonder what they’re laughin' about."
Kiana: "I dunno. With guys, ya never know."

(All the girls let out a small giggle. All except Sylvia.)

Coco: "Sylvia? Somethin' wrong?"
Sylvia: "Hmmm? Oh, no. I'm fine. I guess I was lost in thoughts." (sigh) "I'm tired. Let's go home."

(As Sylvia and the others were getting up from the table, all the guys walked over.)

Sylvia "Well, lookie here. If it ain't... Rodney and Dustin."
Rodney: "Heya, Sylvia!"
Sylvia: "Hiya, scruffy. How much trouble did ya get into while I was gone?"
Shen Lo Ken: (laughs) "Plenty."
Dustin: "'Ey!"
Rodney: "Wha' trouble?"
Shen Lo Ken: "What trouble? Blowin' up the BBQ pit."
Sylvia: (laughs) "They did what?"
Rodney: "Ah, so me knowledge of bein' a chef slipped away."
Darwin: "Chef? Oh, get real! Those burgers were tha' world's most burnt! Ya don't even wanna see the BBQ pit itself. It looked like it had exploded!"
Shen Lo Ken: "That's cause it did!"

(Everyone laughs... guys and girls. Except for Rodney and Dustin.)

Rodney: "Pure 'umility, I tell ya."
Danni: "Aw, don't fret, mate. We all can get inta' trouble like that every once in a while."
Dylan: "Ain't that tha' truth? Whaddya say... Let's go 'ome."

(Later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, Sylvia silently wandered into the kitchen. She found herself craving ice cream and watermelon. It confused her, really. Craving foods she didn't normally eat.)

Sylvia: (to herself) "How can I stomach this stuff?"

(After making a small bowl, Sylvia made her way to the living room, and sat on the far left side of the couch.)

Danni: (yawns) "Sylvia?"
Sylvia: (startled) "Huh?"

(Sylvia looked down. She still had her ice cream and watermelon. She tried to hide it, so Danni wouldn't suspect anything. Too late.)

Danni: "Whatcha' got there, mate?"
Sylvia: "Uhhh... nothin'."
Danni: "Well, if it's somethin' ta eat, ya don't hafa' hide it from me." (giggles) "I'm not gonna steal it." (pauses for a minute) "Are ya OK? Ya've been actin' kinda odd lately."
Sylvia: (sighs) "I suppose you'll find out sooner or later... Sit down."
Danni: (confused) "...K."

(Danni sat down on the couch next to Sylvia, on her right.)

Danni: "Somethin' botherin' ya, mate?"
Sylvia: "I guess you could say that."
Danni: "Well what is it?"
Sylvia: (takes a deep breath) "I think I might be... pregnant."

(Danni's face lit up. But, before she could say anything Sylvia quickly butted in.)

Sylvia: "We don't know one-hundred percent for sure, though. I've been cravin' weird things... like this here watermelon and ice cream, since before we came home. It scares me to death just thinkin' about possibly bein' a mother. I dunno what to feel."
Danni: "When do ya plan ta' go ta' tha' docta'?"
Sylvia: "Dylan's takin' me tomorrow, although I don't think they're gonna know for sure either, seein' as IF I'm pregnant, it's been only a few weeks. It might be hard to tell."
Danni: "Well, all I can say is...'ope for tha' best. I wish ya tha' best a' luck. Right now, I'm gonna go on to bed."
Sylvia: "Can I ask ya one more thing?"
Danni: "Sure."
Sylvia: "Please don't tell anyone yet. I just don't think anybody should know right now."
Danni: "Oh, don't worry, mate. It's safe with me." (yawns) "G'night."
Sylvia: "G'night."

(Danni disappeared into the darkness of the hallway. Sylvia still sat on the couch, pondering thoughts to herself. Thinking about all she's been though, and what the future could bring. It made her excited, but yet, scared. She just had to believe that that future would be reachable... someday.)
Early next morning, Dylan drove Sylvia to the nearby clinic. As they walked through the lighted, weird smelling, hallways; and go checked in at reception, Dylan and Sylvia sat next to each other waiting outside Dr. U. T. Rus's office.

Dylan: (holding Sylvia's hand) Nervous m' love?
Sylvia: (giving Dylan a heart warming smile back) Of course not. We've been preparing for this ya know.
Dylan: How long's it been?
Sylvia: Oh about… a few weeks since that magical night. By the way you didn't tell your friends what we did right?
Dylan: (blushing) Oh… nooooo! Of course not!
Sylvia: I just wanna be sure. Cause we're to keep it a secret.
Dylan: Right!

Just then, a nurse appeared from behind the door.

Nurse: Sylvia, Dr. U. T. Rus will see you now.

NOTE: Goku meant for Dr. U. T. Rus's name to sound like 'Uterus' so there's some funny reference in this story.

Sylvia: (getting up from her chair with a nervous expression on her face.) Wish me luck love.
Dylan: Sure thing honey.

They both kiss, muzzle to muzzle. The nurse then led Sylvia into Dr. U. T. Rus's office. Dylan just sat in the waiting room, reading old 'National Geographic' and ‘Newsweek' magazines. While Dylan was waiting, which was taking quite a while, a few familiar faces dropped by!

Dylan: Huh? HEY! Rodney, Dustin… what a surprise!!
Rodeny: Heya mate! How's Sylvia doin?
Dustin: Is she pregnant yet?
Dylan: Wha... huh? Who told you blokes!?!?
Rodney: No one. We just gradually found out ourselves. Take a look.

Dusitn held up the home pregnancy test slips Sylvia had been using like a hunting trophy.

Dustin: We found the little buggas in the trash can!!
Rodney: Yeah... so we kinda figured...
Dylan: Crikey!!!! You guys weren't supposed to know!!
Rodney: Huh? Oh come on mate, we were gonna find out eventually.
Dylan: But it was gonna be a surprise.
Dusitn: Sure was mate.
Dylan: Listen. You two and myself will be the only guys to know about this. Don't tell anyone else. Now I don't want you filthy buggas' roamin' around the office area when Sylvia comes back. Get outta here!!
Rodney: Is this anyway to talk to an old friend of yers?
Dusitn: Yeah. You’re one of me best mates. Why go out on us?
Dylan: Just go!!
Rodney: All right mate... you're so pushy!!!
Dusitn: (Looking over the magazines) Crikey mate! What kinda boring tripe do they read here!! Where are the dirty magazines? Where do they keep 'Dingo Penthouse' and 'Play Dingo?'
Dylan: C'mon mates. This is a pregnancy test room. You'll find those in the office three halls down. That's where you donate your you-know-what!
Dustin: Far out!! I'm gonna go ova' there to get me filthy books!
Rodney: Dustin, you gotta give up something in return for that!
Dustin: So what!!?
Dylan: EESSSH!!!! Look - just go ya ruddas'!! You're becoming more of a pain than me and me wife will be able to bear!
Rodney: Cobblers! All right mate, whateva' ya say!
Dustin: We be on our way then!!
Dylan: And rememba'. you two are the only ones who know about this! Don't tell any otha' soul. Got it? Or I'll box ya so hard yer teeth'll be dizzy!
Rodney: All right, settle down mate! We get the picture!
Dustin: Yeah! Tripe mate!!

And the two mischievous dingoes exit the office!

Dylan: Blimey… I swear those two are gonna be the death of me!
About an hour passed, and Dylan still waited. It wasn't long until the nurse came out of the office.

Nurse: Mr. Dylan, Dr. U. T. Rus would like to speak with you and Mrs. Sylvia please.
Dylan: (Taking a deep breath) All right; here goes nothin'.

Dylan went into Dr. U. T. Rus's office. There he saw Sylvia sitting near his desk. Dylan sat immediately next to her. They kissed each other, and held each other's hands. Then, a tall round man with a tan beard came into the room. It was Dr. U. T. Rus. He spoke in a rather gruff and loud British voice.

Dr. U. T. Rus: Mr. Dylan sir?
Dylan: Uh… yes doc?
Dr. U. T. Rus: The tests we took on yer wife reveal obvious signs. The early morning sickness, the craving of strange foods, and by certain resources... the blue spots on the home pregnancy tests.
Dylan: Uh… great!
Sylvia: Dylan, please prepare yerself!
Dylan: Huh?
Dr. U. T. Rus: you see Dylan, there's a time when every man's actions lead to another generation of one's own seed - the seed being planted by you, into the earth, being your wife.
Dylan: Nice metaphor doc.
Dr. U. T. Rus: It's not a metaphor. It's certain truths. Dylan, you and your wife seem happy together.
Dylan: Are you really a docta'? Or are you just a counsela'?
Dr. U. T. Rus: Doctor, Mr. Dylan, and my fascination with my job makes me say all this stuff if you don't mind me saying so.
Sylvia: (smiling at Dylan) He takes it rather seriously! He's been in the business for ova' 18 years! He loves every second of it!
Dylan: (looking plainly at Sylvia) Okay. So doc, to put it… bluntly… how would you describe the situation Sylvia' in right now?
Dr. U. T. Rus: Well Mr. Dylan, I must say that I can see you've not a clue do you?
Dylan: Sure I do! Is she or is she not...?
Dr. U. T. Rus: (laughing joyfully) Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo... oh dear me Mr. Dylan - you are rather anxious aren't ya?
Dylan: (rolling his eyes) Right docta'.
Sylvia: Be patient love.
Dr. U. T. Rus: you should have figured it out soona'. Hee hee!! Mr. Dylan… you're gonna be a daddy!
Dylan: Ya mean...?
Dr. U. T. Rus: I do. Your beloved Sylvia is pregnant!

(Loud music: BUM… BUM... BUUMMMMMMMM!!!)

Dylan wnet blank, and so did his mind. (Which happened often) He just stared in disbelief, not moving. He was as stiff as a board.

Sylvia: Dylan? (Tapping his shoulder) Love? Sweetheart? Dilly? Are you okay?
Dr. U. T. Rus: (laughing loudly) Shocking isn't it Mr. Dylan? Congratulations to both of you! Any comments Mr. Dylan?
Dylan: (finally answering) ...I wanna pee!
Dr. U. T. Rus: (laughing even louder) Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo! So does yer wife apparently! Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!
Sylvia: Thank you doctor. You've been very helpful! Now let me just drag me poor husband outta here!
Dr. U. T. Rus: (to Dylan) Keep a stuff upper lip lad! You're bound to be a good fatha'. I myself am a father. 3 fine boys, lad! Ha ha! Well, congratulations again! Good luck you two!
Sylvia: (dragging Dylan, who now fainted, out of the office) Yes, thank you doctor!

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