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Back at home, Dylan rested on the couch with a huge icepack over his head.

Sylvia: Honestly Dylan, I thought you'd take it better when ya found out. I hope you're not upset!
Dylan: (Groaning form his headache) No love, I'm perfectly content with our future blessing.
Sylvia: Honestly love, you will be a good father - I know it.
Dylan: I just hope I don't get any brats!
Sylvia: Me neither. But seriously Dylan, we'll make sure our kids will grow up perfect!
Dylan: Right! Ow… me noggin's not takin' this surprise well.
Sylvia: I thought it would be too thick for any shock to get through it. (giggling)
Dylan: Har har har!!

Just then, Darwin walked into the room. He saw Dylan lying on the couch with ice over his head.

Darwin: Huh? What's this now? Sylvia; is the bloke all right?
Sylvia: Oh yes Darwin, he just banged his noggin on the top shelf when he went too fast. Was quite a blow!
Dylan: (moaning) Yes, quite a blow to me Gulliver.
Darwin: Poor fella'. Well rest up mate. Tomorrow, we be goin' ova' to Crash's house. Everyone’s gonna be there. Danni, Sarnie, Tawna, Kiana, Sheila, Shen, Rodeny, Dustin...
Sylvia: That's nice Darwin. Thanks for the invitation. What time?
Darwin: 5p.m. sharp mates, and dun' be late. And get well soon Dylan. Hope that bump on yer Gulliver heals.

Darwin walked out of the room.

Dylan: Yeah mate. Cheers! (waving his hand) Ow... oh… that's more than one lump I can take.
Sylvia: Get some rest love. Tomorrow we'll be goin' ova' Crash's so try and put on a happy face.
Dylan: No worries love. I'll be happy as a clam. Just as soon as me shell is fixed.
Sylvia: Right! Stay here, and I'll get ya some warm milk!

Well, the shock Dylan received today was REALLY a shock! He couldn't believe Sylvia was pregnant. Though he knew it was coming, it still shocked him on being a daddy! But when would everyone know about this? Very soon!
(The rest of the day flew by quicker than leaves wildly blowing in the Autumn breeze. It was now after dark, and the sun had already disappeared, revealing a star-filled night sky. The moon looked like a huge ball, hanging like a solitaire decoration in the star-studded sky. Sylvia had been lost in thoughts most of the day, wondering how the near future would turn out. She couldn't believe the truth. It's not really real... is it? It seemed like a dream... but it was now a dream of reality.)

("Poor, Dylan." She thought. "I didn't think he would take it... quite the way he did." Sylvia giggled to herself. It was kinda funny.)

(The night wore on, and Sylvia found it hard to sleep. Dylan had already been asleep for quite some time now, but she didn't seem to be in the mood to lie down. She silently and carefully slipped out of bed and into the living room, where she could turn on a light, and not be disturbing her sleeping husband. Sylvia walked into the living room, and sat down on the couch. She then looked down to her stomach. "I'm gonna miss bein' skinny." She quietly said to herself, but she knew she and Dylan would get something in return. Then, a thought hit her... What about the birth? She had heard all the horror stories about the agonizing pain, and long labour. Sylvia was a little scared. She tried to put the thoughts into the back of her mind while reaching for the TV remote.)

Sylvia: "There ain't nothin' on this darn TV."
(After switching through all the channels, Sylvia got frustrated and turned the TV off. She then remembered the party at Crash's. Was she ready to tell everyone yet... or should she wait? With nothing to do, and wondering why she even got up in the first place, Sylvia wandered back into the bedroom. After a somewhat sleepless night, Sylvia awoke to the sun shining brightly in her face. She groaned as she covered her eyes with one arm and rolled over to find that Dylan had already gotten up. Sylvia looked over to the clock... 11:15.)

Sylvia: "That early? Aw, I usually sleep later then that."

(She pulled the covers up over her head and drifted back to sleep.)

(Time marched on, as always, and before you knew it, the whole day was gone. It was now about 4:30, and Sylvia and Dylan were ready to go.)

Sylvia: (staring into a mirror, and thinking to herself) "How on earth did such a hunk like Dylan, fall for an ol' ugly like me?"
Dylan: (enters the room) "Ready ta' go, angel face?"
Sylvia: "...Yeah..."

(The sound of the word 'angel face' still made Sylvia go weak in the knees. That strong Australian accent always got to her that way.)

Sylvia: "Somebody out there likes me."
Dylan: "Huh?"
Sylvia: "Oh...nothin'."

(Dylan walked up to Sylvia, who still had her back turned to him. He lovingly wrapped his strong arms around her slender body.)

Dylan: "Ya nervous 'bout tellin' 'em? Are ya even gonna tell 'em yet?"

(Sylvia turned from facing the mirror, to Dylan.)

Sylvia: "I dunno. They're gonna find out sooner or later. Maybe it's best if we make that sooner."
Dylan: (smiles warmly) "Whateva' ya decide."

(A few minutes later, Sylvia found herself, with Dylan, at the front door of Crash's house. Danni answered the door.)

Danni: "Hey there, mates! Good ta' see ya."
Dylan: "Hey, Danni."
Danni: "C'mon in an' make yerselves right at 'ome. The party ain't in no full swing yet. We don't 'spect that till Rodney an' Dustin get 'ere."
Sylvia: (laughs) "Yeah, those two are somethin'."
Dylan: "Ya need a restraina' when there're 'round."
Sylvia: "So... Is everyone here yet?"
Danni: "Well, 'sides me an' Crash, Sa'nie's 'ere. Tawna an' Kiana too. Shen an' Darwin went ta' get pizza. Let's 'ope they don't eat it before they get 'ome. Sheila outta be gettin' 'ere any minute now, an' there's NO tellin' when tha' idiots will get 'ere."

(Dylan was hoping that Rodney and Dustin would keep their big mouths shut, after that incident at the doctor's office. A knock at the door interrupted Dylan's thoughts. Danni quickly walked over to the door and opened it.)

Danni: "Hey, Sheila!"
Sheila: "Hey, yourself! How's the party goin'?"
Danni: "Kinda slow right this minute, but we hope that changes. C'mon in. Sylvia an' Dylan jus' got 'ere. We're waitin' fer tha' otha's."
Sheila: "Cool!"

(Sheila stepped inside, and Danni closed the door behind her.)

Kiana: "If my ears aren't playing tricks on me, I hear a couple of party peeps."

(Kiana walked out of the kitchen, followed by Tawna, Sarnie, and Coco.)

Dylan: "Crikey! I'm out-numba'd!"
Sylvia: "Oh, don't feel too bad, honey. Us gals can be fun, ya know." (playfully punches him in the arm)
Voice: "Me too, Dylan."

(The voice belonged to Crash, who had walked into the back of the house, to the living room.)

Crash: "6 gals. 2 guys." (laughs) "No biggie."

(Another knock at the door.)

Danni: "That must be Shen and Da'win."

(Danni walked over to the door, and sure enough...)

Danni: "Hey, Da'win! I recognize ya but, who's this pile a' boxes with legs?"
Voice: "You know who I am, Danni."
Danni: "Shen? Wow, you've changed, Mr. Pizza Box With Legs." (laughs) "You nut. 'Ere, lemme 'elp ya."

(Danni took half the boxes, and now being able to see who it was, it was definitely Shen Lo Ken.)

Danni: "Hey, Shen! Ummm... Why ya got stuff in yer hair?"
Shen Lo Ken: "Ol' Darwin here suggested we take a lil' shortcut through the jungle. I have no idea exactly how many trees I ran into."
Danni: (trying to hold in her laughter) "C'mon in, guys."

(Darwin and Shen both make their way into the house.)

Crash: "Now, it's 6 gals, 4 guys." (Shen Lo Ken walks by) "Hey, Shen-" (notices all the leaves and twigs in his hair and starts laughing)
Shen Lo Ken: (sarcastically) "Oh, very funny. Excuse me while I go... brush my hair."

Crash laughed even harder.

Sylvia: (slightly laughing) "Aw, poor Shen."
Dylan: "Now that tha' pizza's 'ere, let's eat. Whaddya' say?"
Kiana: "What about Rodney and Dustin?"
Sarnie: "Have you seen those pigs eat before? We'd better take advantage while there's still pizza left!"
The dinner party was hoppin'. Loud music was being played as everyone sat down and ate pizza and drank Pepsi, mountain Dew, and Dr. Pepper. A little while later, Rodney and Dustin arrived.

Coco: Rodney… Are you wearing lipstick?
Rodney: Yep!
Sarnie: Dustin, what's wrong with your eyes?
Dustin: Oh... eye liner.
Shen Lo Ken: (clearing his throat) Ahem… uh may I ask WHY you guys are wearing women’s cosmetics?
Rodney: Oh, it's our new job! We get paid to have these products tested on us.
Coco: You sold yourselves to the labs?
Sarnie: Doesn't it hurt?
Dustin: Yeah sure, but it pays well! We get tested out at the 'Obsession Compulsory', the CH 'Calvin Hobbes', cosmetics laboratory.
Rodney: Yeah - we get perfume tested, lipstick tested, eyeliner tested and cologne tested now.
Sarnie: Sound painful.
Dustin: Yeah, but look at my pay check.

Dustin hands them his huge fat check. Shen, Sarnie and Coco stare in amazement.

Shen Lo Ken: 5,000 bucks!?!?!?
Coco: In two weeks?
Rodney: See? All we gotta do is endure eight hours of gruelling torture, and boom baby - the CH labs pay us a buncha fat pay checks!!
Dustin: Yeah! And we're doing a great favour for the ladies. They LOVE their products!!
Sarnie: Sounds painful, but gee… that's alotta money!
Coco: Well you can show everyone later. C'mon - there's some pizza left.
Sarnie: (rolling her eyes) Good one Coco!
Shen Lo Ken: (looking at the pay check) Man - maybe I should apply for that lab!
Rodney: Give us a buzz mate - we'll let ‘em know!
Shen Lo Ken: WOW!! Thanks!!

Meanwhile, in the private living room, Dylan and Sylvia were sitting together. Sylvia looked a little antsy.

Dylan: You all right love?
Sylvia: Mmm? Oh… course sweetheart! It's just that, well, how do I break it to everyone?
Dylan: I suppose in a few minutes we're about to get togetha' in the den.
Sylvia: Blimey! I don't know what they're gonna say! What if they think we're sick or soemthin'?
Dylan: Oh hun - it'll be fine! Believe me - our own friends’ll merciful! I thought ya knew ‘em betta' than that.
Sylvia: (smiling warmly) you're right love. I'm just kinda tense right now!
Dlyan: Well, let's get on into the den and start a friendly ol' chat shall we?
Sylvia: Okay then!

They then proceeded to the den, where Dustin and Rodney were filling everyone's heads about the aspects of 'animal lab testing on Cosmetics'.

Dustin: I tell ya - most of the 'animal rights Activists' are people. They should stay outta' our business. We gotta good thing goin' for us.
Danni: And the whole thing pays VERY well I see.
Rodney: Ya bet! And any animal can apply to receive a huge amounta torture' for big bucks.
Crash: Sure beats getting tested on by Cortex for free I guess.

Just then, Dylan and Sylvia enter the room!

Danni: Well lookey here - the happy couple just walked in!
Darwin: hiya mates!! Come sit down. We were having an interesting talk!
Sheila: Yeah! How's it goin' between you two?
Dylan: Great! Couldn't be betta'.
Sylvia: We're perfectly content with each otha'.
Tawna: That's so sweet! I'm glad you two would be livin' togetha'.
Kiana: We were almost bettin' it wouldn't last, after hearing about the past Dylan bein' a jerk.
Sylvia: Oh stop - he was a perfect gentleman!
Kiana: Right - if you call perfect relyin' on ferrets to fetch yer money!
Tawna: (playfully shoving kiana) Oh Kiana… stop!
Kiana: I'm just messin' with ‘em; no harm done.
Sylvia: (snickering) You really act like your brothers.
Kiana: What can I say?
Tawna: Nothin' that involves gettin' personal with one's love life.
Dylan: Oh it ain't nothin'. Sylvia and me don't mind sharin'; our personal lives now.
Sylvia: He's right! We feel great togetha'.
Sheila: How sweet!
Danni: I’m glad to see you two gettin' along!
Dylan: You bet! In fact, we got soemthin' to tell all of ya!

Sylvia then turned white with panic. Everyone looked eagerly at Sylvia and Dylan. She looked at all the awaiting faces of the guests! Each turned with an anticipating look.

Dylan: Go on love - tell ‘em the big word!
Sylvia: N… n… now?
Dylan: Might as well!
Sheila: Oooooohhhhh! This sounds good!
Dusitn: Bet ya we know what it is mates!
Rodney: That’s fer sure!
Danni: Shush!! Let them speak ya blokes!
Rodney: (scratching his head) Beggin' yer pardon, miss!
Crash: Enough suspense! Go ahead Dylan… er… Sylvia - tell us!
Coco: Yeah - we really wanna know!

Sylvia looked at everyone staring at her! She felt nervous but knew it was almost time to admit the truth!

Sylvia: All right then ladies and gents - brace yerselves!

Everyone stood looking at Sylvia. She began to sweat.

Sylvia: I... I... I... I'm… p... p… pr… pr...
Dylan: Go on love - you can tell ‘em.
Sylvia: Uh… I… I'm… Pre… pre… pre...
Dylan: Well? It's all right. Go on and tell ‘em.

Sylvia closed her eyes, took a big gulp and then let out the two most famous words ever said by a married woman.

Sylvia: I'M PREGNANT!!!!

Sylvia slowly opened her eyes. Now, she could see everyone staring at her in amazement. They looked at her as if she had a huge ugly looking spider crawling on her chest! She began to look nervous. Then Danni slowly approached her. She gently touched Sylvia's cheek!

Danni: Sylvia...
Sylvia: Yes… D… Danni?

Danni's flat expression soon turned into a burst of joy. She threw her arms around Sylvia and gave her a tight hug. She began to laugh wildly!!!


Sylvia then regained her cheerful smile and hugged Danni back!! Everyone soon stood up and cheered!!

Sheila: HOW AWESOME!!!

Everyone gave Dylan and Sylvia a great round of applause. All the girls went over and hugged Sylvia to death. All the guys went over and shook hands with Dylan, or punched him playfully on the back!!

Rodney: Ha ha - so you're the one responsible eh mate?
Dusitn: Sure is - bet ya he regrets it!

They both laugh.

Dylan: C'mon mates! Sylvia and me are happy about this!
Shen Lo Ken: Way ta go big man!! You're gonna be a daddy!
Crash: HOO HOO!!! Nice job Dylan!
Dustin: Sure was!!
Rodney: I'll say - ol' Dylan's a regula' production factory he is!

They both laugh again.

Dylan: Aw thanks mates - Sylvia and me really look forward to this!


Everyone raised their cans and glasses and gave a cheer! Then, they resumed eating and talking with Dylan and Sylvia.
That night Dylan and Sylvia sat in bed together. Sylvia rubbed her hands across Dylan's chest as she put her head beside it.

Sylvia: Oh Dilly - I feel so happy now!
Dylan: Me too! Heh, everyone's excited ya know.
Sylvia: Oh indeed! I'm so glad they're lookin' forward to it. Just eight and a half months and we'll be giving birth to a beautiful boy or girl.
Dylan: We betta' start makin' plans love. This new baby's gonna be work for us.
Sylvia :I know honey, but I'm sure it will also be great joy!
Dylan: I know love - I know it will. I cannot wait.
Sylvia: Me neitha'!
Sylvia: "Oh… This CAN'T be happening! You CAN'T leave!"

(Sylvia lay crying on the bed. Her and Dylan had had a pretty nasty argument, and Dylan was threatening to leave.)

Dylan: "Sorry, 'oney. But, ya've given' me no otha' choice!"

(Dylan quickly and angrily stomped out of the room and violently slammed the door behind him. He was gone...)

(Sylvia jolted awake from her sleep. Her heart pounding, and breathing rapidly, she glanced over to the clock - 1:47 AM. Sylvia turned over. She then realized what she just had was a nightmare.)

("How could I have possibly dreamed that?" She thought to herself.)

(She reached a hand over and gently touched Dylan's cheek. "What would life be without him?" She smiled. "He wouldn't do that... Would he?")

(The next morning came, as usual. Dylan slowly opened his eyes to the sun shining brightly in his face. He stretched as he sat up in bed. He looked to his left. Sylvia was still asleep, with her back turned to him.)

(He smiled to himself. "What would life be like without 'er?")

(Later that day, Dylan and Sylvia went to Crash's. Danni and Sylvia were having an on-on-one chat in the kitchen.)

Danni: "So, what are ya' wantin' it'll be?"
Sylvia: "A baby, I hope."

(They both laugh.)

Danni: "Not that, silly. I mean, do ya wanna boy, or a girl?" Sylvia: "I dunno... A girl? Aw, heck. I'd love a boy just as much." (snickers) "We made a deal earlier today."
Danni: (smiles) "An' what's that?"
Sylvia: "If it's a girl, I name it. If it's a boy, he names it."
Danni: "Oh, so that's why ya want it ta be a girl!"
Sylvia: "Aw, Danni."
Danni: "Ya thought of any names yet?"
Sylvia: "Uhhh... not yet, really."
Danni: "Oh. Heh, has Dylan babied ya yet?"
Sylvia: "Nope, not yet. I hope he does understand that I CAN still do stuff while I'm pregnant."
Danni: "Well, I'm sure he'd only do it 'cause he cares for, an' loves ya."
Sylvia: (smiles) "You're right."

(The sound of someone entering the house was heard.)

Danni: "Wonda' who that is."

(Danni got up from the table and exited the kitchen. Sylvia followed.)

VOICE #1: "Anybody 'ere! Dang, this place is dead."
VOICE #2: "Aw, shutup, ya dunce! Somebody's 'ere, otha'wise tha' door woulda' been locked!"
Danni: (rolls eyes) "Oh, great." (clears throat) "Hi... guys."
Sylvia: "Do my eyes deceive me?" (groans) "It that who I think it is?"
Rodney: (turns to Sylvia) "Ah! I sign a' life! Heya', Mum!"
Sylvia: "Shut up!" (plops down on couch)
Dustin: "Hey, take it easy, babe. We're only playin'."
Dylan: (walks into room) "What did ya call 'er?"
Rodney: "Crikey! Ya jus' came outta' nowhar! Uhhh... what exactly didja' call 'er, Dusty?"
Dustin: "Oh, I called 'er..."
Danni: (sigh) "Whaddya' guys 'ere for, anyways?"
Rodney: "Jus' wanted ta' say hi."
Sylvia: "I didn't hear any, 'hi'."
Rodney: "Oh..." (waves a little) "Hi."

(Dylan rolled his eyes.)

(Later that day, and on into that night, Sylvia decided to keep a daily journal of her pregnancy. So she could look back and remember.)

“Well, nothin' incredibly exciting today. Went over to Crash's. Didn't even though where Crash was.

“Over a month and a half along and I haven't gained an ounce. I'm guessin' I won't start gainin' for another few weeks. The weird cravings I once had have started to diminish. I've read that won't last for long and you'll be wantin' weird combos again. Oh, boy.

“Had a rather eerie dream last night. But, I know for a fact that won't come true. Right, time for bed. Not really tired, though. Oh, well.

“Sylvia Saluki -- week 5”

(Same ol' routine. Night fell, then day broke the dark silence. It had started to rain... rather boringly. Sylvia sat gazing out the window, and the dampened world. She then turned her attention to her desk. She had painted a picture of a foal, with the mother looking down lovingly at it. She smiled to herself. She would be in that situation soon. Dylan walked up from behind.)

Dylan: "Ya wanna go out ta' eat? There's nothin' good 'ere."
Sylvia: "Sure."
Dylan: "Ok, let's get there 'fore all tha' rush-hour creeps get there."

(Sylvia laughed to herself. "Could life by any better?")
The months passed. Sylvia watched her beautiful body grow larger. Her stomach soon was sticking out. Dylan walked into the room where she was standing looking at herself in the mirror.

Dylan: Hi love - how are you?
Sylvia: Dylan… to be honest hon… do you think I look fine?
Dylan: Course ya do! Why do you ask?
Sylvia: Oh, it may seem silly but… does it look like I'm gainin' weight?
Dylan: NO!!! You're perfectly great! You're the same as you ever were!

(Just then, Crash walked in)

Crash: Sylvia, have you gained weight?
Dylan: (turning angrily at Crash) CAN IT MATE!!!
Crash: What!?!? What did I say?
Sylvia: It's all right Crash - I'm still content knowing I'm gonna have a baby. How long has it been now?
Dylan: Four months love.
Sylvia: (sighs) And every now and then I kept wondering what will happen after these nine months are up! It looks painful!
Dylan: We've been taken' those classes ya know! I'm sure you'll be prepared for it.
Sylvia: (giving Dylan a warm smile) Yeah; I suppose you're right.
Crash: Hey Dylan - Coco and me are gonna go shopping for stuff for the new baby! I'm sure that you guys will wanna come!
Dylan: Sure! Let's go love!
Sylvia: Be glad to!
At the Baby store, Dylan and Sylvia were walking alongside Crash and Coco in the clothes department!

Crash: Hey look Dylan... (pulls out a tiny shirt with a football on it)… how bout this?
Coco: No Crash - if anything, their baby's gonna need to wear this. (pulls out a tiny pink dress)
Crash: Huh? Hey Coco - Dylan's son ain't gonna wear no dress.
Coco: Hmph… well I'm afraid his daughter will!
Crash: I said son…
Coco: Daughter…
Crash: Son...
Coco: Daughter!!
Dylan: Hey take it easy ya too - let's get back to clothes lata'. Let's go get a crib.
Sylvia: Yeah! Besides, we don't know what it is yet.

(They walked over to the crib section)

Crash: Hey check that one out! (Points to the crib with a train blanket and a car mobile) That's what Sylvia's son needs.
Coco: nope! That's not fitting for Sylvia' daughter! THAT is. (Coco points out to a crib that's in the shape of a swan and the sheets are pink)
Crash: HEY!! That boy of theirs ain't gonna sleep in no bird!!!
Coco: Well that girl of theirs will! I'm sure girls don't want cars!
Crash: Well boys don't want swans, or pink for that matter!
Sylvia: Take it easy ya two - we're still not sure what it is.
Crash: It's gonna be a boy!
Coco: No - it's gonna be a girl!!
Crash: BOY!
Coco: GIRL!
Crash: BOY!
Coco: GIRL!
Crash: Oh yeah… well… Dylan made him so it's gonna be a boy.
Coco: Well Sylvia is carrying her so it's gonna be a girl.
Dylan: Er, will you two stop? At this point we don't know. It's not fully developed yet.
Sylvia: Yes… don't worry. Whoever it'll be great! It'll turn out fine!
Dylan: Yeah - let's just get something done today!

During this month, everyone pitched in to help build the baby's room. it was time for its inauguration

Danni: Okay mates - time to see it!
Sylvia: Can't wait!

Danni opened the door, and led Dylan and Sylvia into the baby room. They were astounded. The room was decorated with teddy bear wallpaper. The crib was a golden yellow with plain sheets on it, but a pillowcase with pictures of balloons on it. There teddy bears, dragon stuffed animals, and safe kids toys strewn about on tiny chairs. There was also a bear lamp. It was perfect.

Dylan: SUPERB!!!! It truly is!!
Danni: Glad ya two like it.
Darwin: We've been puttin' our efforts into it.
Dylan: That I can see.
Sylvia : Oh… and in just four months we'll introduce our newborn to it!
Dylan: That'll be great!!

Sylvia notices how larger she ahs become. She keeps writing in her journal.

“Dear journal,

“It's been six months now and things are looking great! The baby's room is prepared! Dylan just bought some nice clothes for it, and is learning how to be a father. Me, I'm sure everyone knows I'll be a good mother. I just hope I can fulfil what they think.

“Well, just three more months and our new baby will be born. I'm very excited but nervous at the same time.


“Sylvia Saluki – Week 26”

As she closed her journal, she noticed Dylan looking in his 'How to be a Father' book with looks of dread.

Dylan: Oh blimey - this'll be hard!! How will I ever get any sleep? They say babies cry and poop on a regular daily basis! I'm kinda concerned what I gotta do.
Sylvia: Dylan honey, you mustn't talk like that! You'll be a great father! I'm sure our baby will be a joy to us both.
Dylan: But the responsibility is overwhelming!! I'm kinda nervous!
Sylvia: Well, so am I, love. I'm definitely nervous because as a mother I have the biggest responsibility of taking care of it.
Dylan: Yeah, but it says here the father must know everything as well… except this 'nursing' bit here.
Sylvia: (giggling) Yes, that's my business I'm afraid.
Dylan: No worries love. I know you'll be a great motha'. I just hope I'll be a great fatha'.
Sylvia: Oh you will. We'll do our best to be good parents!

Sylvia was having a baby shower with all the girls who kept piling up baby presents for her.

Danni: Hold up those pyjamas again hon.
Sheila: Yeah - I wanna picture of that! They're co cute!
Sylvia: Eh heh… this is so wonderful!! I feel so special about this.
Coco: How's Dylan taking it?
Sylvia: He's doing good! I'm feeling the baby kicking now.

All the girls squeal with delight.

Sarnie: WOW!! I'm so happy for ya!
Danni: It won't be long now!
Sylvia: Yeah… it won't.
Tawna: You look worried Sylvia.
Kiana: Yeah - are you nervous?
Sylvia: Kinda!
Tawna: Well don't worry - it's nothing to be ashamed about. I felt nervous too when I gave birth to Bash.
Sylvia: You did?
Tawna: Oh of course. The responsibility, the labour pains, the expenses… it was really a burden. But just having Bash with me makes it all worthwhile!!
Sylvia: Oh... that's very reassuring! Thank you Tawna!
Tawna: Don't mention it.
MONTH 9 (Doomsday)

On July 17, it was 8p.m. at night. Dylan was busy dreaming and counting sheep. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder. It was Sylvia.

Sylvia: Dylan, love?
Dylan: (groggily) What is it...?
Sylvia: The um… water broke!
Dylan: (eyes wide open) So that means...
Sylvia: It's time. I'm ready!

Dylan immediately jumped out of bed, and threw on what clothes he could find!

Dylan: Okay okay, are you OK love? Sit down! I need to call everyone!!
Sylvia: (Sitting on a chair clutching her stomach) Please hurry Dilly - the baby's just ready to come...
Dylan: Okay okay - hang in there. Just keep breathin'. I'll call everyone to let them know! Then we'll hop in the jeep and drive ya ova' to the hospital!

So this was it! Sylvia was ready! The baby was to arrive tonight! And no one could say what it would be!
(Sylvia kept telling herself to stay calm... Just stay calm. At the moment, she was going through more shock than pain. But still, if she didn't get out of the house and into a hospital NOW, she'd wind up giving birth at home. That wouldn't be the safest thing, either.)

Sylvia: (panicky) "Dylan, I don't think this kid's gonna wait on you!"
Dylan: "Can't ya tell it ta' wait?"
Sylvia: "No!"

(Dylan was in a frantic rush trying to operate the phone. His hand shook uncontrollably, and his heart was in a race. He finally managed to get Crash's number punched in.)

Dylan: "C'mon... pick up tha' phone. Please be there."
Voice: "Hello?"
Dylan: "Crash, Sylvia's in labour!"
Crash: "Wow, slow down! Are ya sure?"
Dylan: "She seems in alotta' pain."
Crash: "The best thing, Dylan, is to stay calm. Don't get her anymore excited or freaked out than she needs to. You hurry up and get her on up to the hospital, and we'll meet ya up there."
Dylan: "OK, thanks."

(Before any good-byes were said, Dylan slammed the phone back down on the hook. He quickly turned back around to see Sylvia still in the chair.)

Dylan: "Ya OK?"
Sylvia: "It's eased up a little."
Dylan: "Well, now's tha' time ta' go!"

(Sylvia managed to get in Dylan's jeep ok. Dylan threw the vehicle in gear, and sped down the driveway, leaving behind a cloud of dust.)

Sylvia: "Could you be drivin' any faster? Slow down!"
Dylan: "I'm sorry, love. I gotta get ya there before we gotta deliva' it ourselves!"

(They got to the hospital safely, and got Sylvia up in a room. By now, it was 9:35, and labour had slowed down dramatically. Dylan had been worried sick ever since they arrived. He had been glued to her side, and refused to leave.)

Sylvia: "Dylan, I want you to see if the others are here yet."
Dylan: "But, Sylvia-"
Sylvia: "No, it's OK. Tell the others I'm OK."
Dylan: "Are ya sure?"
Sylvia: "Positive. Just let 'em know somethin'."
Dylan: "Ok."

(Dylan bent down and kissed her on the cheek. He then quickly walked out of the room. He turned a corner and a few doorways until he saw who looked like Danni standing by the entrance of the waiting room.)

Dylan: "Oh, good... Yer 'ere."
Danni: "Is she OK?"
Dylan: "Nothin's 'appened yet. Man, I've neva' been so scared in me life."
Danni: "It'll be OK. Many, many women go through this. An' jus' think, this time tomorrow night, you'll be able ta' 'old your new son or daughta'."
Dylan: "Yeah, I know. But, why does it hafta' be so stressful and painful?"

(Just then, two guys had come down the hall. Bet ya know who it is.)

Coco: "What are you guys doin' here?"
Dylan: "How'd ya find out?"
Rodney: "Oh, I gotta' friend that werks 'ere. He rang me up when 'e saw ya come in."
Dylan: (rolls eyes) "Great."
Crash: "Do three things for me, ok? For the sake of Dylan, and especially Sylvia."
Dustin: "What's that?"
Crash: "Sit down, shut up, and stay put!"
Rodney: "Don't get so rough, ya creep!"
Danni: (rolls eyes) "Oh, jus' calm down, ya annoyin' blokes!"
Rodney: "Don't bite me 'ead off, now."
Dustin: (looking out the window) "'Ey, Rodney. Look ova' 'ere."
Rodney: "What? What?"
Dustin: "Jus' look!"

(Dustin pointed over to a group of canine girl nurses outside. Rodney's jaw dropped.)

Rodney: "Oooo... Chihuahua babes."
Dylan: "I'm gonna go on back."
Danni: "OK. Try not to worry too much, Dylan."
Dylan: (sigh) "I'll try."

(Dylan quickly made his way back to the room.)

[About 1 hour later, at 10:15.]

(Sylvia threw her head back on the pillows. The pain... Somebody just take it away.)

(Dylan ran his hand through her furry ears. What used to be silky-soft to the touch was now matted with a heavy sweat. His heart sank. He hated to see his loved one is such pain. If he had the power, he would have taken it all away. Dylan knew that was totally impossible, though, and the only thing he could do now was try his best to comfort her. Time seemed to inch by. Minutes seemed like hours. Sylvia had been in labour for about 2 hours now, and she was growing very tired and weak.)

(Back in the waiting room...)

Danni: "How long has it been now?"
Crash: "'Bout two hours."
Rodney: "'Ow long does it take?"
Kiana: "Boy, don't make me go into detail."

(Rodney shrugged his shoulders and looked back out the window. More girls passed by. And to Rodney, that made his day. Dustin, in the chair beside him, started to wag his tail. Sarnie sat in the chair next to him. She just rolled her eyes and moved a few chairs down, not wanting to get hit with his tail again.)

(At 10:30 PM, July 17, one last contraction, one last push and...)

Doctor: "It's a boy."
Dylan: "A boy?"

(The baby boy let out a small squeal of new life. The doctor quickly but gently wrapped the newborn in a soft blanket and handed him to Dylan. Dylan was dumbfounded. His eyes overflowed with excessive joy, and his heart was beating at a fast pace.)

Dylan: "Sylvia..."

(Sylvia had laid her head back on the pillow once she heard the baby cry, knowing it was finally over. She groggily opened her eyes and turned her head.)

Sylvia: "Huh?"
Dylan: "Here."

(Dylan gently handed the newborn to Sylvia. It took Sylvia a minute to grasp what was going on.)

Sylvia: "A boy, you said?"
Dylan: "Yeah. Ain't 'e cute?"

(Sylvia looked down to her son for the first time. All of a sudden, she felt something… different. It finally hit her that... she was a mother.)

Sylvia: "He's so beautiful. Truthfully, I thought we were havin' a girl."

(She looked up to Dylan and smiled. Dylan stood there for a minute, rehearsing everything that had happened that night. It hit him like a ton of bricks - he was now a daddy. A rush of excitement overwhelmed him.)

Dylan: "WHOO-HOO!! I'll be right back, love! Don'tcha' go anywhere!"

(And with that, Dylan ran out of the room.)

Sylvia: "Like I could really get out of bed."
Crash: "How do ya suppose Dylan's gonna react?"
Rodney: "Aw, darn. Tha' chicks left."

(Both Rodney and Dustin turned away from the window.)

Shen Lo Ken: (ignores) "Knowing Dylan, he's gonna be jumpin' through the roof."

(Dylan came running down the hall and into the waiting room.)

Dylan: "IT'S A BOY!!"
Shen Lo Ken: "What did I tell ya?"
Danni: "Wait a minute, Dylan. Is Sylvia OK?"
Dylan: "Oh, she's great! C'mon!"

(Dylan led the others into the room. They all gathered around Sylvia's bed, peering down to the small wonder.)

Rodney: "What is it?"
Dustin: "It's a baby, dufus."
Danni: "Oh, Sylvia... He's gorgeous."
Shen Lo Ken: "Congratulations you two."

(Now HERE'S something you don't see everyday.)

Rodney: "Can I see 'im?"

(Everyone looked at Rodney.)

Sylvia: "Um, Rodney-"
Rodney: "'Ey, it's ok. I ain't gonna bite 'im."

(Sylvia looked up to Dylan with a look as if to say, "No. Do somethin'.")

(Too late. Rodney had already picked up the newborn and cradled it in his arms. He slowly walked over to a chair and sat down. He looked down to the small wonder and a slight smile escaped from his face. As he continued starring, a few tears managed to fall from his big blue eyes. Everyone was looking at Rodney kinda funny. "He's NEVER acted like THIS before." Everyone thought. He's always been wild and crazy, never calm, and hardly ever cried.)

Shen Lo Ken: "Ummm... Rodney?"

(Rodney looked up to see everyone looking at him rather oddly.)

Rodney: "Uhhh… Somebody take this brat fer me."

(Despite the rude comment, Sylvia smiled. Never, in all the years has she known Rodney, seen that side of him. Underneath all that craziness and rudeness, was a rather nice guy. If only he'd show it more often.)

Rodney: "Ya ain't gonna make 'im call me 'Uncle Rodney' are ya?"

(Dylan walked over and took the newborn from Rodney.)

Dylan: "No, 'e's gonna call ya 'fuzzball'." (laughs)
Rodney: "Ha, very funny."
Well as you saw what happened, it finally happened. Sylvia and Dylan had their son. A beautiful baby boy was bon, and everyone was there to see it.

The baby was then sleeping in the nursery where the nurse put a blue cap on it saying 'It's a boy'. Sylvia was sitting in her wheelchair alongside Dylan. Dylan and Sylvia stared into the window as they saw their little bundle of joy wrapped up in a blue blanket with the other babies.

Sylvia: Oh Dylan, isn't he cute?
Dylan: Yeah… cute lil' bugga ain't he?
Sylvia: Hmmm… I'm still thinkin' of a name for him. Ya know, cause I thought he was gonna be a girl I was thinkin' of naming him Jenny, until it turned out to be a boy.
Dylan: (chuckling) Well Jenny's a cute name. But it's a boy and I guess I need to thing of that too.
Sylvia: Once we take him home to everyone to get fully acquainted, we'll come up with soemthin'.
Dylan: Could be worse.
Sylvia: How?
Dylan: We could a named him Cortex.

They both shared a hardy chuckle.

Sylvia: Beleive me, I'd kill ya if ya did.
Dylan: No worries love. He's gonna grow up normal.
Sylvia: You're right love. Well, can't wait to bring him home. He's our little angel.
Dylan: Yeah he is.

They both stare in the basinet the little bundle was stirring in. His tiny arms flailed about while his eyes were tightly shut. Dylan and Sylvia both stared into his face, and realised they were now officially parents. It was thrilling but at the same time, frightening.
The next morning, while Crash and the other stayed in the hospital waiting for Dylan and Sylvia to come home with them, everyone began to wonder.

Coco: Crash, I still wonder. How will this little boy turn out to be?
Crash: Whaddya mean?
Coco: Well it's proven that most boy babies are immature and cry the most. (with an arrogant grin) Girl babies however are nice and quiet. If only Sylvia had a girl, then she won't have to put up with much.
Crash: Har har sis. Too bad you guessed wrong. I was right. (Sticking his tongue at coco) It's a boy! Accept it. NYAH!
Coco: Well I'm jsut sayin', what if he turns out… bad?
Danni: Ya know, that's always a risk but I bet ya he'll inherit Sylvia and Dylan's genes. He'll turn out just fine.
Coco: And I hope they pass down their knowledge to him.
Sarnie: Coco, since when did you get so concerned about babies?
Coco: Well uh… ya know it's… just a thing goin' on in my mind. Besides, today's a very special day. They're gonna bring the baby home.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah! And we're gonna celebrate it's arrival.
Rodney: Here they come mates.
Kiana: (smiling warmly) And look who they got with em'.

Sylvia and Dylan entered the main centre of the hospital. Sylvia was still in her wheelchair with the baby in her arms. She held the baby close to her chest and look down in it's little tan brown face. Dylan was smiling with fatherly pride.

Crash: Heya Dylan! Are you and mom back?
Dylan: Yes we are. And we got the little nippa' here with us.
Tawna: (looking down into the little baby's face) Aw… isn't he the sweetest thing?
Kiana: He sure is. Gosh, he's so cute!
Sylvia: (looking lovingly into Dylan's eyes) I'll bet he'll grow up lookin' like his father.
Dylan: (blushing) Eh heh… thanks love. (then they kissed)
Rodeny: Well, what's say we get the little tike to his new home?
Dylan: Right mate! Sylvia, ya ready to go?
Sylvia: Yes Dylan. I'm ready to take our bundle of joy home.

And Dylan helped Sylvia over to his jeep. The others followed as Dylan and Sylvia drove off with their bundle of joy.

Crash: We'll let's get on over to their house and see the little guy introduced to his new home.
Coco: Yeah. C'mon everyone!
Dustin: Right behind ya!
Rodney: We're there!
Sarnie: Can't wait to see the little guy's reaction to his new home.

Everyone went their separate ways and drove off to Dylan and Sylvia's house.
About an hour later everyone arrived. They all gazed in wide-eyed wonder at the little joy in his crib. He started gurgling in some kind of baby talk, and looking and smiling at everyone looking at him.

Danni: Cute little nippa' isn't he?
Tawna: He's so sweet!
Dustin: Yeah, he sure is cute!
Dylan: I can't believe I'm a daddy!!
Shen: Me neither. It must be somethin' else huh?
Dylan: Oh yeah. Never had I ever had so much joy yet pressure added in my life.
Sylvia: Same her hon, but it'll be worth it.
Dylan: You bet love.
Coco: Oh, by the way, did you even come up with the baby's name yet?

Sylvia and Dylan shook their heads and looked down.

Sylvia: Well… not really. We haven’t gotten any ideas yet.
Dylan: Any suggestion guys?

Everyone began to think. Then Rodney spoke up!

Rodney: I know!!!!

Everyone then looked at Rodney.

Rodney: How about Rodney? People can call him Rod for short!

Everyone looked angrily at Rodney. Then, the little baby began to cry really loud, as if he understood what Rodney said.

Dustin: Crikey! He's sure cute, but really loud!
Sylvia: Rodney, why'd you go and have to think up a dumb name like that? Look, it upset him!
Rodney: Dumb name? Why's it a dumb name? It's the greatest name in the world! (looking down at the baby) Ain't it, little guy?

The baby cried even louder, making Rodney feel embarrassed.

Rodney: Boy kid, at an early age you're sure a critic.
Coco: Well maybe he needs to be given a smarter name like 'Einstein' or 'Fred'.

The baby cried even louder this time.

Crash: Nice goin' genius. (staring evilly at Coco) You made him cry again.
Coco: (Sticking her tongue out at Crash) Well you certainly aren't helping! I was just trying to give him a good name.
Danni: Hmmm… how bout' Barnaby?

The baby still cried.

Sarnie: Um… how about... Percy?

Everyone looked at Sarnie in bewilderment.

Dylan: Percy!?!? That's a nerd's name? Why would I name my kid that?
Sarnie: Well I think the baby approves. See, he stopped crying. (The baby started to cry again, making Sarnie's fur stand up on edge) Then again, maybe you're right.
Tawna: Hmm… well this is hard. So far he's really picky about his own name.
Kiana: Yeah… the little guy's smarter than we thought.

Dylan was thinking long and hard until he thought of a name.

Dylan: Well I know this guy once. He was a really cool guy - so nice and friendly and a real lady's man. He was a respectable man to his family and friends. He's gone now… God rest his soul. Anyways his name may suit our kid.
Sylvia: Really? What was his name?
Dylan: Taylor.

At that moment… the baby's cries soon turned into little squeals of joy. The baby then started giggling.

Danni: Well... whaddya know. Hey kid… Taylor.

The kid then laughed again.

Tawna: Hee hee… Taylor. (making a face at the kid)

The baby still kept laughing!

Sylvia: Dylan, you may have come up with his name. I think he likes the name.
Dylan: He does… Taylor?

The baby laughed some more, and then began clapping his hands a little. Dylan laughed at the sight of this.

Dylan: Heh heh… I think he approves.
Sylvia: All right then, Taylor will be his name.
Crash: Heh… Sylvia, Dylan and Taylor. I think that has a certain ring to it. I kinda like it.
Danni: Me too!
Shen Lo Ken: Same here, for that name.
Dustin: Me three!
Rodney: (Everyone looking at him) I got nothing against it. If it's alright with the kid it's alright with me.

Everyone chuckled.

Dylan: Heh… so it's settled then - Taylor it shall be.
Sylvia: (holding the giggling Taylor in her arms) Yes, it's a nice name after all isn't it Taylor? (Smiling at Taylor, who is still laughing)

Soon, everyone started laughing and everyone soon got posed for the first picture. Coco was busy setting up the camera.

Coco: Okay guys - baby picture time!
Rodney: Does my hair look fine?
Coco: It's fine Rodney.

Coco set the flash and then joined the others. Dylan and Sylvia stood in the centre, with Sylvia holding the baby. Coco stood on Sylvia's side, while Crash stood in Dylan's. Everyone else stood besides them. After three seconds everyone was ready.


The flash went off and the first group shot with the baby was taken.
And so it finally happened. Dylan and Sylvia had been married, and now had a bundle of joy to call their son. It was uncertain what lied ahead of them for their boy's future. But they were looking forward to raising a child of their own. The future had not decided the child’s destiny. But Sylvia and Dylan promised to try their best to make it as good as they possibly good.

So the happy couple finally got an addition to their family - an addition they shall cherish forever.

They made a promise to take care and educate Taylor as best as they could, and it looks like they shall make that promise.
And so, Sylvia and Dylan; who started out fighting soon ended up having a child. And there will be any things going for this child once time goes by.

But not yet - for now, Sylvia and Dylan will raise their child as their own, uncertain of the future.

For before Taylor was born, they thought they would never be good parents, or never be responsible at all.

But now, it's all a lie. They were ready to help Taylor and prepare for what awaited them.

And they were truly ready, and they were truly anxious to give their love and wisdom to Taylor.

And Taylor… was ready to receive it.

**************THE END**************

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