USA Advance - Super Mario Advance Fansite!! ^_^"
Powered by Angelfire: USA Advance, 6/20/2001

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> Yoshi Egg Maps
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> Doki Doki Panic Story
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USA Advance is a Super Mario Advance fansite. It covers the newly released launch title for the Game Boy Advance, Super Mario Advance. As you all probably know, SMA is a remake of two classic Mario titles (Super Mario Bros. 2 and Mario Bros.). With such new features as bigger enemies/items/vegetables, slightly remodeled stages, new bosses, added sound and voice effects, and new gameplay features, the game has an incredible replay value and is worth a site. When the upcoming two sequals of SMA are released, this site will might also cover them. So, enjoy your visit!

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Send in GOOD stuff! The more stuff I receive, the more you get a new mailbag! Send me in anything on your mind. News, opinions, questions, rumors, etc. And it doesn't even have to be Mario-related. Sonic, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, whatever! It's all good. So please send in mailbag material if you want a GOOD and HUMOROUS mailbag!

| View the latest mailbag here! |
| February's Poll: New USAA!! You like? |
| View and sign my guestbook! |

You may have noticed a lot of broken links throughout the site suddenly. Apparently, when I signed up for this account, the policy was 50 MB free space. While abusing my massive web space, they changed the policy to 20 MB, and I was well over with 36 MB. So, I was threatened to delete 16 MB before they did it for me... you may notice USA SSBM is completely gone (good riddance). But there is some positivity to all of this. I have been hard at work lately on a YASS version 4.0 (my first website off of Angelfire... for good...), which you can access from the remains of YASS 3.0's old page. This version is a lot better and I'm actually putting effort into all of it, and I still accept fan comics (I have, count em, TWO series of fan comics, making a grand total of 3 fan comics ^_^). Anyway, I thought I'd let everyone know why the site is so messed up now. USA Advance's purpose was to give good coverage on a single, small video-game... there's nothing more to do after that but let people come and go. If I tried to cover all of Mario, there'd be more to it. But I didn't, so that's why USAA is so abandoned. There's nothing left to finish... I already did. (Don't bring up maps.) So, I'll see ya at the new YASS! Please help me shamelessly advertise it!
Does anyone else see a pattern here? I spend so much time making a new layout for the site, and I never update. Well, to tell the truth, there's not much left TO update on USAA. Super Mario Advance got boring, and that's all there is to it. It doesn't look like I'm getting SMW:SMA2 anytime soon, nor any game at all really, until I can find a job (and yes, I am only 14). On a side-note, I have been working pretty hard on YASS lately (so give it a look) and I'm eager to work on USAA SSBM some more (if I ever find a chance). I also updated the Other FAQs section (found in the FAQs/Walkthrough section) with an Easter Egg FAQ for SSBM I took part in writing and my Sonic Advance review.
Well, I don't have anything to update and I might as well take advantage of my friend's cable connection while I'm using it ... that's enough about me. Let's talk about me. My Gamecube is defective and can't read games so I have to send it in for repairs, meaning I can't play Pikmin or SSBM for a while. I recently got Sonic Advance and a FAQ is in the works. I also wrote a review which I should add soon. I'm broke so I can't get Super Mario World for a while, so don't expect a USA Advance 2 anytime soon. *sigh*

I had a pretty bad day today so my updates were slim. I added a section in the Walkthroughs/FAQs section that displayed every FAQ and Review I've ever written (currently 7 FAQs and 7 Reviews). My 513K banned SSBM FAQ is displayed there, so you can read it if you want. I'll try to get more done another time. I'm (hopefully) getting Sonic Advance tonight so that may put a damper on updates ... but you might see a USA Sonic Advance in the works ...

Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise! Yesterday, I received a fan mail from SuperJet3000. I haven't receieved fan mail in a long while. That fan mail gave me the determination to remodel USAA. You see, folks? If you want something better, you have to ask for it. I did more than change images (can you tell I can use Photoshop now?); I also changed a few things in some pages. Can you find them? I also deleted everything from the mailbag and I'm starting from scratch on it. Again, there's other changed pages, so go searching around! Also, the Message Board got deleted, though no one will miss it. Peaceasy, home skillets!

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