Sunday, March 9, 2025
Spiffer *Updated
05/10//03*: Well, our new
site is up...AND IT'S LOOKING PRETTY GOOD! check it out here...
RPG-FANTASY this site probably
won't be updated anymore...but since we have the other site, it
won't really matter, will it? GO THERE NOW!!
Spiffer *Updated
05/02/03*: Always Renovating...but
hey, we'll have a new site up soon though...don't want to tell you
much about it...but here's a pic on our intro page... Click
Here or it'll be something like that...
-- Posted by CSM2021 on 05/05/03
Eh, great! We hit 100 visitors.. (I know it's not big, but
it's big to us..) So, I created a little picture for the celebration..
Hope you like it. Click
-- Posted by CSM2021 on 05/04/03
I added the Affiliates bar under the side bar.. We are still
working on the bar links as well.
*Updated 05/02/03*:
Doin some more rennovation...Looks good, huh? Let me know...E-mail
me Here...Also, you guys
know what's a good site? SkyTower Games...Check it out Here...
It's one of my FAVORITE sites...
*Updated 04/27/03*:
Alright, i've updated the DWI page, and will commence to renovate
the site...(i go sooooooo slow...sorry...)
*Updated 04/27/03*:Ok,
all of the links on top have been updated...except for Dance With
Intesity...but I will soon, I promise...The links on the side STILL
don't work, but, i'll put something up eventually...
-- Posted by CSM2021 on 04/22/03
I just created that rather large title screen picture..
I'm trying to decrease the size, but for now it looks nice...
*Updated 04/22/03*:
Ok, i've updated this page, then RPG Maker 2000...more to come...
*Updated 04/21/03*:
Well, as you can see, we've updated the site quite a bit. Got ourselves
a nice format here now, it'll probably stay this way for awhile...MORE
*Updated 04/14/03*:
Ok, i have made an intro, check it out Here...

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