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About this game

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Welcome to Survivor ONLINE
Game Play
Starting Up
Challenge Results
Tribal Council
Results of Tribal Councils
Survivor Journals
Random Rules, Changes in Game Play
Honor System

Welcome to Survivor ONLINE

If you are unaware of what Survivor ONLINE is all about, it is a simple competition to become number one out of a group of sixteen people. These castaways will need to work together as a team and individually through out their time spent together. UNLESS they wish to face what most dread....tribal council. Why is Tribal Council something to be feared?.....Tribal council is a place where anything can happen....for better, or for worse. It could mean that you are one step closer to bieng number one.....or voted out of the game by the very people who you have talked with, depended on, and trusted.

Game Play

16 people will split into 2 teams of 8 people. At this time they will need to work together to win challenges that will be set upon them by the host. After the results of the challenges have come in, the winning team will recieve immunity and will be safe from Tribal council. The losing team how ever, must make their way to the Tribal council area, where they will cast one single vote against each other. After the votes are counted, they are read, and the contestant who receives the most votes will be voted out of the game, unable to continue towards the number one spot.

When there are 10 people left out of the remaining castaways, the two teams will merge. A new name will be given, and at this point onward, they will be competing as individuals. The winner of the challenge will be immune from any votes during tribal council. For the rest, it could mean that they will be the next to go.

When there are 9 people remaining in the game, a jury will begin to form. These people play an important factor in the games outcome....for it will be the votes of the careful eyes of those who were voted out by the ones still remaining that will decide on the winner. As they say...all actions are accounted for.

When the numbers come to a close and there are the final 2 remaining in the game. Immunity challenges will stop, the jury will come together, and each will pose one question only, to the two remaining. Both finalists must answer to each question given. After all questions have been asked, the jury will one by one cast a single vote to who they think is the true survivor of the game. Once the votes are casted and read, the finalist with the most recieved votes, will win the game, and be granted the title of Online Survivor.


Starting Up

Survivor Online will be played mainly through the message board forums that are set up. There will be seperate forums that will be created for each tribe to communicate to one another, progress and contribute to the challenges that are set before them; as well as information from the host or administrator, and tribal council results. All of these will be apart of the game. To communicate privately with each other on a one on one will need the use of AIM, YAHOO, MSN, ICQ, EMAIL or any other instant messenger.

Once you find the tribe you are in, you will be given access to the forum. You will not be able to post any messages in the other tribes forum. It is strictly for one tribe to communicate to each other and recieve their own information that they will use.. This prevents the other tribe from knowing what goes on in tribal councils they are not apart of


Stated above you will have forums to discuss what ever you may wish to discuss, just post and wait for other people to respond to you. You might recieve surprises that may alter the game or might need a response in the subjects that will be created. This will be the place that most of the action will take place.


Challenges will be posted, randomly through out the game in the Cave Mail Forum, depending on the challenge, you may need the use of email and message board to complete the challenges. The rules and conditions for winning each challenge will be posted in the cave mail forum....this forum will be read one will be permitted to post in this forum.. Challenges will come in two types of game play Team and Individual

Team play: In team play you will need full co-operation with all of your team in order to complete these challenges. With out the help of the other people in your tribe, it will be nearly impossible to win anything

Individual play: Individually each person will try to complete the challenge with the best of their ability, they will depend solely on their own skills to achieve a victory for themselves.

Results of challenges

Results will be posted for both tribes to read in each of their forums, these posts will determine the winner of each of the challenges, ,and will let the other players know that they must head to tribal council and make their vote to who they wish to see gone from the game.

With the results of the challenges some of the loosing tribes members will recieve tribal council questions, that will be included in the posting of a tribal council, so please check your emails regularly to keep this game running as smooth and quickly as possible.

Tribal Council

Tribal council will be held in the loosing tribes forum, it will be a single post in which questions will be asked, and answered then posted up, along with the voting, and who has been voted out of the game.


If you find yourself sitting in tribal council you must send me a single vote, with a reason, comment, or thought about why you chose the castaway or what you thought of the castaway during game play..

PLEASE NOTE: there will be a deadline for votes, these dead lines will be posted in the tribe forums. If the host does not recieve votes from castaways, it will be concidered a vote against the ones who do not vote. The host will stick true to this. Dead lines for votes, challenges, ,and any other deadline imposed, must be met, or the game will continue on the best way possible.

Results of Tribal Councils

After results are posted, the player voted out of the game must write an email to the host with their closing words of the game, these final words will be posted on the front page at the conclusion of the game, it will be kept from everyone until the end.

Survivor Journals

Survivor Jounrals will be kept by each player sent via email TO the host SUBJECT: (Tribe Name, Castaways Name, Jounral Entry Number) These jounrals are the private thoughts that each one has through out game play. Concerns, fears, thoughts on individuals in the game, anything you can think of, will be allowed. These journals will not be disclosed to anyone until the very end after final tribal council is complete. If you can not think of anything to say, there will be a question posed in each tribes forum that you may use to start you off.

The reason for these journals may be important at certain points, so keeping an active journal might be a wise idea, (one jounral entry per day is the maximum that a player can send anymore recieved will be dismissed and deleted). This is not a manditory thing. How ever it will create depth.

Random Rules, Changes in Gameplay

Anything might happen during the game unexpectedly, so if things do not go your way, or how you planned, please try to keep your complaints down to a dull roar. They might hinder or advance one player, or they might hinder or advance a whole tribe.

Honor System

All Castaways must play by honor system. Please do not try to cheat in this game. Survivor Online is how you make it, if the host finds any way to suspect that anyone is cheating through the game, the host will have final say at tribal council and can give no reason as to why the player, or players have been taken from the game.. The two people, or more, if more than two people are suspected of cheating, will be voted out of the game by the host. All votes will be dismissed and the game will continue onward

Please try to keep course language down to a minimum when posting in a forum If you have any more questions about the game that have not been covered here please feel free to email the host at Thank you for taking the time to read all about the game. If you are interested please return to the main page and click to register. we will recieve your application, ,and once there are enough people. You will be notified and will need to confirm your place in the game under the Info link on the main page.

Once again Thank you future Castaway May your torch light your way to victory.

If you have additional questions after reading that "essay", feel free to email the Host and get him to explain it to you more clearly.

Note from web admin:
i know it's long, and i'll add links, a table of contents, and make the headers different colors to make it easier to read. (once i get time) =) also i'm not the one who wrote this, if your find this too long(or boring), send your hate mail to the host. heh heh heh
)( - the web admin

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