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Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to common questions handled by the TTA03 Administration staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions.

  1. How do I find my IP address?
  2. Where can I find people to play on-line matches with?
  3. Is there a monthly fee to play on-line?
  4. How do I play on-line using Direct IP Network play?
  5. How do I customize my player?
  6. How do I set alternate shot for a team match so the order is right?
  7. My Game is slow, what can I do?
  8. Why does my meter skip back half way when I make a full swing?
  9. How come sometimes I get booted while I'm playing on-line?
  10. Why does my meter start swinging sometimes while I'm typing?
  11. What is the "Post_Me" player and how do I create one?
  12. Why do you allow all formats of team play on this ladder?
  13. Can I play True Swing on this ladder?
  14. Can I play EASO matches here?


1. How do I find my IP address ?

If you have a cable modem, your cable company has assigned you an IP address. Just call them and ask.  Or, in Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows XP Go to “Start” and select “Run”.  In the box next to "Open" type "command" and click the Ok button. A Dos box will open up and you will see something like C:\WINDOWS>... Now type ipconfig and press Enter… This will show the IP number your computer is using. If you have a dial-up modem, your IP address changes every time you sign on to the internet.

If you are having trouble setting matches when using routers, there may be a way around this problem if you shut down the firewall in the router. You do this by disabling the DMZ in your router security. Use the following link to D-Link router instructions as an example.
bulletD-Link router DMZ disable instructions

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2. Where can I find people to play on-line matches with?

We are trying out a web site dedicated to 2K3 chat... it can be found HERE. There's also a link to the chat on the main TTA03 Ladder Page.

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3. Is there a monthly fee to play on-line?

No. We play for free using the Network Play/Direct IP mode of play.  There's a pay site called EA Sports On-Line(EASO) but we use the free mode of playing on-line. 

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4. How do I play on-line using Direct IP Network play?

From the main Tiger Woods menu, click on "Network Play". On the next screen, choose the "Direct IP" option.  Type in your username and choose whether you will "Join Game" or "Host Game". If you are joining the game, you'll need to enter the IP address of the "host" (setter).  If you are "hosting", you don't need to enter an IP address. The other players joining the game will enter your IP address. Click "Login" at the bottom right of screen. On the next screen click on the name of the match then click "Join". You will be taken to the "Direct IP Lobby" where you'll see the other player(s) in the game and you'll be able to chat with them. When everyone is there, the setter will start the match. When the setter starts the match, you will go to the "Select Golfer" screen. Make sure the golfer listed is the golfer you want to play with and click on the "Next" button in the lower right corner to join the match and away you go!    

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5. How do I customize my player?

Don't try to do this while joining an on-line match, it takes a few minutes. From  the main game menu, click on "Play Golf"... select "Stroke" play. On the "Select Golfer" screen, click on the "New Golfer" box in the middle. Enter the name you will be using. Select "Custom Male Golfer" or "Custom Female Golfer", you get more outfit choices on these. Select your shirt, pants, etc. When done click "ok". Your new player will be in the list of "Available Golfers".  Be sure to remove any other players you were using from the "Selected Golfers" list. You should only have one golfer listed.

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6.  How do I set Alternate Shot for a team match so the order is right?

In a 4 player Alternate Shot Match, the partner of the match setter has to join the match last or the order will be wrong.  Everyone meets in the "Direct IP Lobby"; the order doesn't matter there.  However, when the setter starts the match, the two opposing players must join before the setters partner. The partner of the setter can count to 15 or can get a message from his partner on MSN to join. 

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7.  My Game is slow, what can I do?

Don't worry, the game runs slower than previous versions of Tiger Woods for everyone. The best advice is to be patient and get used to the new pace of play. Some people have found a slight improvement in speed with a video card upgrade or additional memory. Keep in mind that this is a new software release and we are hopeful that EA Sports will be releasing update patches to improve the speed of play. 

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8.  Why does my meter skip back half way when I make a full swing?

If you swing too hard and go past the end of the 3-click meter, it will skip back to less than half swing. It happens on everyone's game. Try to be careful when swinging to the end of the meter!

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9.  How come sometimes I get booted while I'm playing on-line?

Just like in previous versions of Tiger Woods, it happens to everyone from time to time. Two issues have come up that might be possible causes; excessive chatting during the game and network frequency conflicts involving play with 2 or more cable modem players in the same match. We've heard that Ea Sports is aware of this issue and is working on it.  Let's hope that EA Sports will release software update patches soon. Until then, try to be patient!

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10. Why does my meter start swinging sometimes while I'm typing?

To chat in a game, you need to press "Enter" first, type your comment, then press "Enter" again.  Remember that the Spacebar can be used to swing in 3 click meter mode so if you don't press "Enter" or press "Enter" but start typing too fast and hit your spacebar, you will activate your swing. Also, if you press "Enter" while your screen is changing to the next view it may not register as a keystroke. The best way to avoid this problem is to be cautious and deliberate with your typing when it's your turn to hit. Always remember to press "Enter" before you start typing, wait for the screen to change between shots or holes and even pause for a second or two before typing after pressing "Enter". 

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11.  What is the "post_me" player and how to I create one?

Because the Ladder was set up as a 2 vs. 2 ladder, all posts have to have 4 players listed in the post. However, team Captains can sign up to the ladder a 2nd time and create a fictitious player called "post_me" with the team initials in front. Don't worry about a duplicate account, we're aware that Captains will have 2 accounts.

For posting purposes, this fictitious player can be used as the missing player if you want to play a 1 on 1 or a 2 on 1 match.  If you play 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 and lose, you would post the match to your opponent and their "post_me" player (if needed) and use your teams "post_me" player (if needed) as your partner in the post. See the next FAQ on why we allow 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 matches.

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12.  Why do you allow all formats of team play on this ladder?

The answer is simple... if it's good enough for the PGA and LPGA tours, the European tour and college golf, it's good enough for us. The Ryder Cup is a good example of 1 on 1 play in a team format. For professional women's golf, it's the Solheim Cup. For college golf its the NCAA National Golf Championship. Representing your team in different formats of play isn't foreign to amateur and professional golf. If different formats of team play are accepted in the real golf world, they should be accepted in computer golf.

The truth is... every match played on this ladder is a team match, regardless of how many players are in the match. When you play, you are representing your team, you are playing for your team and you are competing for team rank. If a team has confidence in their players and a player is confident enough to represent their team, he/she should be allowed the opportunity to play outside of the 2 on 2 format. It's a new game and there are new possibilities of team play. 

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13. Can I play True Swing on this ladder?

All tournaments will be 3-click. However, outside of tournaments, players can decide the swing type provided prior consent is given by all the players in the match.  If one player objects to anything other that 3-click, the match should be set 3-click. 

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14. Can I play EASO matches here?

Sorry, this ladder plays through the Network/Direct IP mode of play only.  We started this ladder because we feel that paying a monthly fee to play a game we already paid for is wrong.  EASO is there if you want to play on it but until EA Sports changes their policy, which we hear they will, all matches will be played through the Network/Direct IP mode.

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