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Apocalypse Picture Gallery


     Ceta.jpg (59717 bytes)     Dega.jpg (60382 bytes)     Necra.jpg (50547 bytes)     Raka.jpg (57833 bytes)         

               these are the volvers all of them are good, but I think the Rakavolver is the best


                                                           Gerrard.jpg (45930 bytes)     

Ahh finally the legendary Gerrard Capashen has finally been made, although its not quite what I had expected.


Cromat.jpg (51240 bytes)     Desolation.jpg (43285 bytes)     Angel.jpg (42260 bytes)     spiritmonger.jpg (57463 bytes)     Prinumbria.jpg (49360 bytes)

Some VERY good creatures in the set


Blast.jpg (48343 bytes)               Embrace.jpg (46790 bytes)               Laststand.jpg (62937 bytes)               Weapon.jpg (48187 bytes)

other good rares


