The Magic: The Gathering HQ
Content Welcome to the magic HQ. if you have any questions or comments
Pages: feel free to contact me: here
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Links The latest
I like to keep you updated with the most recent Magic
sets and expansions. Here are the most recent ones.
7th Ed is also out, it contains many cards from the "Urza's" block plus some other great cards.
Ever since the game came out back in 1993 with the set alpha magic has been improved and made better in many ways, and now thanks to wizards of the coast and magic's designer Richard Garfield, Magic is one of the top trading card games n the world.
Here are some of the most well known cards ever:
in order to become a good magic player you need to have strategy and good decks. of course some people need help making good ones. here are some ideas:
What's new?
To find out some new things that are going on in the game visit
here are some links to my favorite magic sites
*note, Magic: the Gathering is owned By Wizards of the coast*