being jennifer garrett
Every day an adventure in mediocrity
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Friday, February 28    

Leigh is a pony.

  posted @ 1:42 PM |


I'd like to try audioBlogger, but I really don't need to share my voice with the world. My words, yes; my voice, no.

Especially since Jen says I'm using my "man voice" today.

  posted @ 10:43 AM |

Thursday, February 27    

Pet Peeve #856:
It's Jen with one N and Garrett, people. Double r, double t.

Double down.

  posted @ 3:50 PM |


On this day in 1922, the States finally wised up and gave women the right to vote. It took them 19 freakin' amendments to figure it out. Rock the vote, ladies, rock the vote.

  posted @ 10:07 AM |

Wednesday, February 26    

Now, when I said I wanted to write about hot female athletes, this is not what I had in mind. It irks me that the "hot" female athletes don't look like athletes. They are not pictured in their full glory on the court or the field, but in dresses or press photos, with their hair just so. As for me, I'd nominate Teresa Weatherspoon or Becky Hammon, but ESPN didn't ask.

  posted @ 4:19 PM |


I saw Daredevil this weekend. It sucked. I've been trying to reconcile this with my persistant affection for Affleck. Luckily, someone else did it for me: "He's like that one friend everyone has, who's dating someone who sucks, and who knows that she sucks, so whenever she isn't around, tells his friends these stories about this sweet thing she did or funny thing she said, and all his friends are like, 'That never happened, and you are pathetic, and dump her,' but you can't say anything."

  posted @ 9:49 AM |

Tuesday, February 25    

Introverts 'r' Us. In what many consider to be shocking news, introverts don't like to talk all the time. I do like to talk a lot, but I'm still an introvert.

Yes, I know. I'm an enigma.

  posted @ 12:21 PM |


Lee suggested that my CSS is to blame for Netscape refusing to display my profundity. She requested a "get out of jail free" card instead of money. She has a point as to which has more value. However, I refuse to give up my fun CSS so I will clearly have to learn more tech-y, geek-y stuff to fix this problem. Or I'll make Stone do it. One of those two.

As for the other revelation of the morning, apparently there are other people out there reading this. Yo, people. Get a life. Or not. E-mail me instead.

  posted @ 9:17 AM |

Monday, February 24    

If anyone can tell me why my new design refuses to show up in Netscape, I'll pay you serious money.

Okay, it's not actually serious money. It's Monopoly cash. But it will help you win the game. Not the game of Life, no, but . . .

  posted @ 3:37 PM |


Clearly, what I need to do is start my own magazine. Stone will write about surfing the tidal wave that is the web, and I will write about hot women who play sports. Perhaps we need to work more on a cohesive editorial vision.

  posted @ 2:24 PM |

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