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Saturday, December 07, 2002
Last night, Peter and I got into the discussion about geting "drunk":
me- Why do people drink till they pass out?
me- Their liver must be taking a beating
peter- we have 2 of those
me- last time I checked we have one
peter- or was it kidneys
peter- I forgot
me- kidneys
me- ROFL
peter- that's why I'm a buisnessman and not a DOCTOR

Friday, December 06, 2002
Well, I think I failed my Test today... errrrr I think I need to start looking for another major =( *ma de* But life can't end here it must go on. Even if it mean I'm no long an engineer.... *sigh* but who knows.... I might still be in?? *crosses fingers* count now is, 2 tests and 3 finals to go. Must stu... st.... s...s...sss.....ssssssssss......sleeeeeeep! *thud* *crash* *whack* *kadonk* *donk*


It is now almost 3 in the morning and I'm still on the first chapter in studying for my physics test... Everyone should get a webcam so that we can all chat and do silly stuff. Justin, Yvonne, and I had a fun time with these pieces technology. It "almost" as if we were there face to face. Ok... physics... ....... ........ ........ *bangs head on table*. I dunno if I'm gonna pass this test =( This stuff is hard... I need a drink.... ooooFFFFF COFFEE!!!

Thursday, December 05, 2002
Alrighty now... I got my webcam running... and am offering free shows!! =X The day is cold, but MY cold is slowly dying away. My Govt test wasn't too bad. I think I did ok. But my struggle to the finish line doesn't end here. I still have 3 tests and 3 finals to go in next week and a half. My loathed physics book is calling for me... test is tomorrow... *sigh* I'll do what Wynette said, "take it a day at a time". Ok then... *growl* Time to eat...
(I'm still going to terrorize my physics book when I'm done... I will seek my revenge on that damn book)
IT IS SO FREAKING COLD!!!! I can't even sleep in my car because it's so cold. I even had a blanket! But anyways... Just finished studying for my Govt test today and still have a few minutes to spare. I'm suppose to study CH. 4, 8, 18, and 20. I did 4, 8, and 18. Now where the hell is 20?! Now that's messed up.... My book ends on Ch. 18... I don't see a 20 anywhere................ *flipping pages* oh well... That's it as my brain slowly cools down...

Wednesday, December 04, 2002
This day has been pretty normal... school... sleep... bummin... sleep... eat... HW... sleep... Oh, and talking to a certain someone is scattered here and there in that list. Progress on this site is slow, but my attempt has been successful so far... Today, it dropped like 40 degrees in Houston and I'm freezing my butt off. I think now I'm sick because of this drastic weather change... not to mention I must study for my Govermnent Test. Hmmm... more procrastination... yeash... I'm so bored... SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!
I FINALLY GOT THIS SET UP!!!!! WOOHOO!!! Many more pages and colorful pictures in the future!
This whole thing is a little harder than I thought... This might take awhile. =(
This is my first Blogger post!!! =) If you want to see my previous thoughts, click here


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