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Konnichiwa mi amigos! I put up all the Star Lights and Chibi Moon pics, I am working on my story, and am having a good time. I'm looking for a couple new liks, too. K, gotta book it ^_^ (little SM humor)
Sailor Earth


Hi, Hello, Konnichiwa! Remember me? I am the Webmaster ^_^. I know, I know, long time no see! K, here we go: I updated PICTURES!!!! Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Uranus are up, and running. Sailor Chibi Moon is almost done, I just have to find a few more pics, as well as the Tuxedo Mask gallery. Gimme a few years *lol*. I'm kidding. Alright, my story has not been touched for a couple of ähm... months... *lol* sorry, sorry, but I SWEAR: I will finish it before the end of this year (I hope ^_^) I am working on an all flash site, but those who know me, know that THAT will never happen *j/k*. I jsut have to find the energy to upload all that junk! Well, Battle On!
Sailor Earth


2 days til Glabal Meltdown! July 27th is Sailor Earth's Birthday!
After being told, quite kindly actually, by some close friends and distant (^_^) site-lovers that my banners where ... uhm... butt-ugly ^_^, I made new ones. They are the exact 468 x 60 pixles and feature the Lost senshi. There are still buttons, but I don't have any plans of changing them so far. However, what is not, can always become ^_^. I know, I know, I have been slacking with my stories, and was told, not so gently, that I should get off my "butt-that-has-been-made-lazy-due-to-too-little-excitement-and-not-enough-motivation-resulting-from-vacation" and get to work. Source will remain anonymous, right Homer? ^_^ Kiddin', I know no one named Homer. Actually, no one who goes by that name (he goes by his middle name). K, I am dead-tired from watching TV all day and reading The Wheel Of Time. Now, people, little comercials here:
Go read the series of WOT and tell your friends to read it too, since it is AWESOME!!! ^_^
K, Hugs to my fans ^_^
Sailor Earth


I changed the scrapbook, and I added/deleted some pics. The only ones available right now are the Inner senshi and the lost senshi. Sorry! But it is a lot of work (uploading, writing etc.) that I'll be a while to finish that stuff up. And also: I wanna put up another link (to a good friend's page) but I have some e-mail problems, so you gotta gimme some time, k? Thanx PS77 ^_^. And I have to put up a new story, but I don't feel like it right now... I have to change the ending ^_^ it is sorts different than the others I wrote. All that I am going to tell you is that it is based upon one of my friends. No more, no less. I am trying to get the sister sites up, but I should work on FaFP (Fan and Fiction Productions) but I may delete the whole site. And the other one is not ready yet... yeah ^_^ One more thing:; aka my e-mail address, is NOT (I repeat, is N O T) that of Cartoon Network, and Sailor Moon Sailor Earth and Sailor Moon Lost Senshi are F A N F I C S and have NOTHING to do with the REAL Sailor Moon, so my episodes will NEVER air on Cartoon Network or any other TV Channel. One more great even: July 27th: Universal Holiday! Sailor Earth's Birthday!!! YAY!!! ^_^ K, I'm going to go to bed now... or in a little while.. Just came back from vacation.
*_* <-- sleepy
Sailor Earth


I added 9 new pictures and new graphics for the Lost Senshi Gallery. Next, I really hope to update the other senshi gallery, but gimme some time :) I am still looking for new pics, and I think I will chose from the best ones 30, and create the whole thumbnail thing. The fanfics are coming along, I'm waiting to get 2-3 done before I post them. Thanks for visiting, and have fun!
Sailor Earth


I added 2 new stories (hurray! FINALLY!!!), I am working on a third one, I am working on some new pics, I may put up a new banner on my sister sites page, if I have time to make one, I changed the look of my frames a little, added some stuff, and may change some of the graphics. WHOA! I have no life :) The first battle will soon be up, but I still need to find some pics. I am starting to clean all the junk ot of my pictures, but that is really hard with all the thumbnails and stuff. I may jsut use the 20 or 30 best pics I have from each senshi and put them up. But I'll see. Have fun surfing!
Sailor Earth


Hey! The links page is up and running!!! Send me links to put on there! Yay! Me be happy now! *smile*


Happy M-Day! Yay! I finally got Battle up 'n' running. Please, please, pleaaaaaaaaase vote!!! I am desperatly in need of guidance in that area! ^_^ My Links page is in the process of being updated, but I am having some trouble since I want to have banners only. BTW: You have a good site? Send me the HTML. Voice Masters are still wanted, please feel free to ask me for help w/ recording, I'll help you as much as I can. A mic costs next to nothing :). Well, my story isn't all that well, since... ok, I got Napster, an started downloading all this ... stuff... and my hard-disk got kinda full... and I moved, renamed, and deleted a lotta stuff... but I have that norton recycle bin, so I looked for it, but it wasn't there... it's prob. somewhere on my harddisk, but I hefta look for it... yeah... so, please, be not mad, is ok? I love Ranma 1/2!! But, back to SEBP, check out the site! Yay! Sayonara,
Sailor Earth

Ok, so here's the deal: I LOVE MY NEW DESIGN!!! Sorry, but I am really excited. I just updated everything, or almost everyting (Battle is being created), and I uploaded a new Sailor Love pic. I might get someone (who knows who she is ^_^) to be one of my senshi's voice master! Yay! And then there is all the other good stuff: you can access the fics, you can access EVERYTHING again... well, almost. And, BIGGY!!! (but sad :-/) Someone hacked into my /oh/Sailorearth ... uhm... subdomain *lol* and deleted EVERYTHING!!! Not just pics... EVERYTHING! ALL MY PICS! Or almost :-/ If you are the hacker, I swear, if you ever are found out, I will make it my personal goal to rip your lungs out!!!! All my good pics where there! Now I need to surf around, ask permission to take pics, and upload them, link them, and all the other crap! I hate whoever did this! And also, if you take something from my page, put a link to my page please! Thanks, Sailor Earth. Enjoy your stay! Battle On!

Hey! Ok, so I have been working, but on FaFP (Fan and Fiction Productions), and I kinda am hoping you guys are going to support FaFP. So, ok, there's a bunch of new stuff.
I changed the way the Fanfics page looked, a while ago though, and made it easier to look at the different seasons. Then, I have added a Miscallaneous (sp?) section to the pics since there were two people who send me really, really cool pics of Super Sailor Earth and Sailor Rainbow! My pic of Sailor Rainbow is up (Whoohoo!), and the first group pic. A new Sailor Earth pic that fits this theme is up too. Go to the Lost Senshi Pics Page to see them.
I finished my new story, but it won't be up for a while, since I need to change something in the story, so look forward to that!
I AM still working on a new design (God, I feel like a loser, I have been saying that for over a year now...) BUT: THERE ARE PROBLEMS! ^_^ That's all I'll say for now... and that I got The Black Book: Dynamic HTML from myself ^_^... don't expect it soon though :). Now turn up the volume, sit back, relax, and take on the Battle of my page! Popcorn is playing!


HI! I'm sorta kinda back... I was sick for a while... of writing that is... :) I am sorry... but I have a story now, and go to my fanfic and read it! Some pics are up, Sailor Dûment is still in the making... and the senshi in person are also not done yet... And, my scanner is not plugged in, so I used my dad's, and some pics look like crap... others do not, like Sailor Solaris'. I will write a newsletter prob. in 5 minutes, otherwise I won't. It depends when my mom gets back from town...
I AM working on a new design (God, I feel like a loser, I have been saying that for a year now...) but it doesn't work since the frames open the window IN the frame... but I fixed that, now the graphics are screwed up, and it looks so boring... and since my colors are green and brown... ya know, that would look ugly. SOOOO, I'm going back to homework, I'm totally blocked, so don't expect another update for some time... Now turn up the volume, sit back, relax, and take on the Battle of my page! Popcorn is playing!

Update 11/5/00

Hey! Welcome! I finished the first Season! Whooowhoo! Okok, it isn't all that great, but hey, I'm done! And by the way, the next one is coming soon, as well as a total update (at least... I hope so!)
To another widly-discussed matter ^_^, I had someone tell me that Sailor Mars' favorite colors are red, purple and black. I have done some research, and most people I have asked said the favorite colors are in the fuku (the senshi's suit), and for that reason I do not think black is one of them. If it is, and you are really 100% sure, ready to show proof ^_^, you can tell me if that is true or not. (NOTE: This does not apply to the Lost Senshi ^_^).
So, I have started my newsletter again, I'll try to keep it up (I doubt it for some reason though ^_^). I guess that is all for now. Now turn up the volume, sit back, relax, and take on the Battle of my page! Popcorn is playing!

Hey, and first of all, welcome. Well, I have finished my new episode "A Whole New World" and I am working on a new design. I am thinking Black & White, bbut it may just be brown and green, Sailor Earth's (my) colors, but I gotta see. I know, I know, I know, I've gotten about a milion mails telling me to continue my fanfic, but I've been so busy... I am back in HS, and I have teachers who give me so much homework... I did actually write a new story, but I didn't like the way it was going, so I have to start from scratch. So, please, have patience and check with me in about a week. I just am totally blocked.
To another widly-discussed matter ^_^, I had someone tell me that Sailor Mars' favorite colors are red, purple and black. I have done some research, and most people I have asked said the favorite colors are in the fuku (the senshi's suit), and for that reason I do not think black is one of them. If it is, and you are really 100% sure, ready to show proof ^_^, you can tell me if that is true or not. (NOTE: This does not apply to the Lost Senshi ^_^).
So, I have started my newsletter again, I'll try to keep it up (I doubt it for some reason though ^_^). I guess that is all for now. Now turn up the volume, sit back, relax, and take on the Battle of my page! Popcorn is playing!


Hey, and first of all, welcome. I indeed have changed some things. The Profiles page, as well as the opinion pages have gotten a new look. I think they look nicer, except the Supporting Characters Page, but I couldn't find a cute background ^_^. I also changed some of the information on there. My fanfic is slowly progressing, but I've come to an "artistic block"... or whatever... I don't know how to finish the episode without killing everyone ^_^ Just kidding. As you also may or may not have noticed, the petition is gone and my awards. I still have to change one link on my MIDI site. There is some bad news: The Sailor Moon Cell Gallery Closed! Very tragic, it was my fave page (this happened a long time ago). The Hentai free page moved, it got some new banners, but I like the one I've got (goes well with my theme which I am now trying to bring through ^_^) so I won't change that. I'm trying to make up for what I didn't do from the start... I'm working on it... If any link is broken, you probably don't need to report it since I'm fixing my whole page up... and I will have to part with my site's current looks! :-( A BIG announcment: Sailor Earth's B-Day is in exactly 7 Days (7/27/)!!! ^_^ just had to announce that... So, what else is there to tell? Not much I think? Well, if there is something I'll put it in later ^_^.

07/17/00 Update
Hey, and first of all, welcome. I got exactly 7 mails, telling me SMS has already started. I am aware of that, I'll delete the petition ASAP, I just was busy writing my fanfic. So, now I also have limited time online (hey, I gotta share with my bro and my mom ^_^) and i don't always have time to do those things, I also like to check my mails. Anyway, I got that fanfic done (I was up since 6 AM and I was bored out of my mind of the TV, so I decided to write that fanfic for you guys.) What else? Well, I'm thinking about a renovation... but we'll see. I've kinda grown attached to the way my site looks... well, yeah... so, I'll look into it. I also got so many mistakes... (hey! you try staying up until 1 AM writing HTML and then in a second language!!!) I'll try to fix it all. I love to get some ideas, so if you have time, drop a line.

07/14/00 Update
Hey Everyone, thank you first of all to all those nice people who send me those nice mails and especially to Yimh, who was really nice to stand up for me ^_^. I also have to appolgise to all those people who send me mails and either never got a response or a response very, very, late. This was due to many causes. Mostly because my life's been a total mess, with a death of a very close friend due to blood cancer and the break up of me and another close friend. I finished the story and I also put up Sailor Hope's History. My next fanfic is almost done, and I'm hoping to put that up anytime from tonight to next week ^_^.

07/13/00 Update
Hey Everyone, thank you first of all to all those nice people who send me those nice mails and especially to Yimh, who was really nice to stand up for me ^_^. I also have to appolgise to all those people who send me mails and either never got a response or a response very, very, late. This was due to many causes. Mostly because my life's been a total mess, with a death of a very close friend due to blood cancer and the break up of me and another close friend. So, now I promisse (My finger's wet, my finger's dry, cross my heart I won't tell a lie!!!) to update my fanfic, I just have to finish the story!

??/??/00 Update

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming to my site! I hope you enjoy your stay. I have a new story! I hope you like it! Remember, if you use stuff from my site, which you are allowed to, as long as you put up a link or Banner. Some new stuff you should know about: There's a contest! No, there's not something to win really... but you can become a voicemaster of one of the Lost senshi! You'll even get a special voicemaster page, that gives you credit! Details on the site (and e-mail adress, it's not!

1/21/00 Update
Today, I have moved my Scrapbook page. I have done some Updating on my FAQ too. That's I think it. My nnew story will come soon! I'm working on it.

12/31/99 Update
Hi everyone! Thanks for coming to my site! I hope you enjoy your stay. I updated Today, probably the last Update before Y2K! Happy *early* New Year! To make it better, I have a new story! I hope you like it! Remember, if you use stuff from my site, which you are allowed to, as long as you put up a link or Banner. Some new stuff you should know about: There's a contest! No, there's not something to win really... but you can become a voicemaster of one of the Lost senshi! You'll even get a special voicemaster page, that gives you credit! Details on the site (and e-mail adress, it's not! Now, turn up the volume, sit back, relax, and take on the Battle of my page! Popcorn is playing! *Fireworks* HAPPY Y2K

11/23/99 Update
Today I've been checking links, making links, linking my secret room + my golden page and edited my QuickNav. Yes, it is now for public use. I again encourage you to send me mail and participate in my contest. And did you link me already? If not, do so now! And please, sign my Guesstbook!

11/25/98 Update
Again, I checked my links, and of course made my banner. Too bad my banner is broken right now! Please, don't even try to put it on your page....not yet. Anywayzzzzzzzz, I'll be making some more links, prob. after dinner. Ok, c-ya!

12/1/98 Update
Because of Academic reasons (Software application I test) I'll be a lot in the Library. So, what I'm basically saying, I won't work much or at all on my page for the next month(s). Today I only changed a bit on my page. I'll be making on my golden page all Earth approved links, which mean, I'll be putting there only links that I like. Ok, enough from my boring talk. Enjoy your visit!

12/4/98 Update
Hello everyone! How are ya today? Well, I'm fine, except for that I again got teased by 7th graders. Oh, well, they are just 7th graders (No insult to 7th graders!) and I am an 8th grader! Sooooo, today I really didn't do anything, just telling ya to have a good time! ^_^ Oh, yeah, I did do something: I put on my very smart link! Ok, anyway c-ya around, and don't forget to sign my EarthZap!

12/5/98 Update
HoHoHo, Christmas is near! And so also Vacation!!!!!!!!! Yeah, fun isn't it?!!!! Ok, Today I put BG music on the personal info pages of the scouts, made my Pikachu page and made a Christmas page! Lots of work! I did it because I have to do something similar on my Software application test I! So just look at them, ok?

12/11/98 Update
Yes, I know, I gotta go and study, but oh well. I fixed a few things + I put op the letter and please, copy it and send it to your friends and put it on web pages, Guesstbooks and many more places you can think of!

12/16/98 Update
Go to to my pic-page because I put new pics on that page. ok gotta go.

12/20/98 Update
Today I made my episode page and made my first episode!! I also added some more pics!

12/21/98 Update
Hi, today I did some stuff. Made a few banners. Ok, Just telling you, if you take any of my pics, midis or anything from my page, you must put a banner on your page!! Ok, I think that is all, bye!!

12/31/98 Update
Today, I put more pics on my pics page, and well, I deleted my x-mas page!!! Have a great 1999!!!

1/3/99 Update
First of all, HAPPY 1999!!! Today I did not do much. I put up some more pics and well, yeah, that is pretty much all I did. I once will become as lazy as Serena ^_^. So, please tell more people about my page... because for the year 2000 I want to have at least a thousand people!!! Ok, bye!!!

1/17/99 Update
Ok, I made a new SailorEarth adventure. So go read it! I will probably still add some more links and pics later. Remember, Send me mail, I love mail!!! Send me links, and will look at them. Send me Pics, music and info. ANYTHING!!! Sharing is so beautiful!!! ^_^ Oh, and I deleted my secret page, cause well, no one visited it. So, I'll make a Quiz, to test your knowledge. I will put up a new pic of the month. bye!!!!

1/22/99 Update
Today is a beautiful day. I know it's foggy and cold and wet, but still... I updated my Images... and I won an AWARD!!! Go to my golden page to see it!! I am sooooo happy. Really, I know what your thinking "She's completely lost it" but hey, it's my first award. I'm so happy (I just really have to share that...)!!! Anywazzzz, I love mail and a little line in my G-book... ^_^ So, c'mon take the time to drop a line!!! SailorEarth

1/23/99 Update
Ok, I renovated my main site. Hope ya like it! Next will be "My opinion Page"!!! I hope you enjoy your stay!!!! Bye-bye SailorEarth

2/14/99 Update
Ok, I must admit, I have been doing a lot of other stuff then working on my Web-page *shame*. Anywazzzz, I made a new page, Webrings I have joined. I hope you will join a few of them too! I also will do some other stuff.... Well, gotta do that other stuff!!!!! :-) Bye!!!!!!!

2/16/99 Update
I am done with a new story, Risky Dating. I got a request, if others might also write stories... Well, I have to be a big meany and say no. I have the whole thing already in my head... Well, you know. An other thing that I really hate is when people link images or so directly from my page! Please, upload them to your own server, and then use them. If you link them directly it slows down my page enormously! Also, if you send me an e-mail, please give as subject with what it has to do. I have a separate e-mail for My Webpage, so I will know what it is about. Don't send Flame letters or Chain letters to that address please! Thank you. I know, I made a big speech, sorry, I just had to say that! Thanks!!! SailorEarth

2/28/99 Update
I finally made a Webring. The sad part is I have only one Link in there.... and my graphics won't show up :-(. Anyway, you can join it... I have a lot of stuff you can join... Mailing list for example... I just send out my first letter :-) Cool. Well, I think it is. Ok, gotta book it :-) SailorEarth

3/6/99 Update
Hi everyone. My MIDI page is being updated... some new MIDI files here and there. :-) My Story "Christmas Blues" is being updated :-), but the MIDI's are not yet on there, though. Make sure you catch the next one: "The Enemy takes Shape" ^_^ Join my mailing list, currently only 2 members have joined :-) Ok, hope you like my page :-) *Don't forget to upload anything to your own server, and don't link directly from my page, it slows my page enormously down, thanks* SailorEarth

3/20/99 Update
Hi everyone. I am sorry! I forgot to put my story "The Enemy takes Shape" up, so no wonder you didn't understand the story "Traitor". I also fixed the story "Christmas blues". All the MIDI files are checked. I made a FAQ, cause I really got tired answering the same Questions over and over again. *No offence, I'm lazy* ^_^. I deleted my "fill-in-the-blank" page, cause it didn't work anywazzzz! And a B I G Thank you to all the wonderful people who send me e-mails and drop a line in my Guest Book. I really am happy that so many people like my page!!! When I first started my page I never thought that so many people would say such nice things! I really am happy. If you think you got a good page too, send me the URL, and I'll put a link to your page!!! Ok, thanks a lot, SailorEarth! P.S.: I'll try to put the prologue up too and the SMSE thing!

3/28/99 Update
Ok, I have Spring break, so I'll probably work a little more on my page! I have a new story: "Library Cat". I also put some buttons on my page, but I didn't know that the BG's would show up, so I'll have to fix that! I also think of r