hi my name is nightdust!! My reason for creating this anime ring is that i wanted people to join more MB rings. It's not as sucessful as the Marmalade Boy anime ring, but it's quicker since you COULD email the ring host. It's pretty quick to join, as long as u follow those rules below. You won't regret joining. So when u have a anime related site please join this anime ring. For more information please email me at nightdust@xoommail.com
1. Your site must involve anime.
2. No hentai or ecchi sites allowed
3. No fowl language
4. Must have the HTML for the webring
5. The html fragment has to be correct
6. E-mail me within two weeks after submitting
the form and inserting the HTML fragment in your site
1. Fill in the form and submit it
2. Copy the HTML fragment and Fill in the necessary parts (the instructions are shown in the HTML fragment page) and paste it in your site
3. E-mail the web master
4. When the webmaster checks your site with the HTML fragment shown correctly, you will be added. A e-mail will tell you