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This is the place for kitties to get advice on their problems!

So all you frantic felines; just send an e-mail to Tiki, Mishka or Janey, and we'll post your letter and our reply/replies here for you!

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Street Bully ~ from Bruce Big Sister Troubles ~ from Toulie


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This advice column is written tongue-in-cheek, with the aim of helping confused cats. Reliability and accuracy of info is in no way guaranteed or even implied :)
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Street Bully

14 May 1999
Dear Tiki,

The ginger tom down the street keeps picking on me. Even though I don't go into his territory, he is always coming into mine and hitting me!
The tortie next door told me about this drug that makes you really scary and I thought it sounded pretty good. How can I get some?

Love, Bruce (xox)

Dear Bruce,

I had a talk to Tony, my vet (not too bad as humans go) & he told me a couple of things for you...

I think what you're talking about are hormones, but they don't always have good effects. Mishka & I are against drugs unless you really need them, and there are plenty of other ways to protect yourself from a bully before you go there (besides, you'd have to have a NEEDLE (yuk!).

I'm not very big myself, but I've managed to ward off all the bullies around here. The main thing is to not get cornered. Try to keep yourself between them and the house, and start growling loudly to let anyone inside (your brother, sister or human) that their help would be appreciated.

Can I ask a personal question? Are you neutered? Because if you are and this other cat isn't, then he's naturally rowdy and probably thinks your yard should be part of his territory just because he has girlfriends near you (maybe even the tortie next door to you).

Anyway, the best thing to do is to ask your humans to stick up for you. I've never had a real fight because when I growl, Mum & Andre usually come & chase the bully away. If no-one's home and they're really big, I've got a really safe hiding-place under the house! Good luck Bruce, and remember: "Just Say No!" (to needles...euwww!)

Huggles, Tiki (xox)

Big Sister Troubles

22 June 1999
Dear Mishka,

My new big sister is always picking on me and hitting me when all I want is to play with her!
She's 2 years old and I'm 3 months. How I can I get her to stop being an old grump and come play with my string?

Snuffles, Toulie

Hi Toulie,

You have the same problem as I do. Tiki is always whacking me on the nose, I even have a scar there to show. I don't know how to fix this problem, so I'll ask Mummy and see what she thinks.

Love Mishka.

Dear Toulie,

By now, Mishka has two scars on her nose and like you really needs to know the answer to this one! Give your big sister some time to adjust to having to share her home and humans. In Mishka's case, Tiki has had us to herself for over a year (she stayed with her gran for a while before that).

Down here in Australia we're just coming into Winter, and I guarantee that by the end of it Mishka will be able to cuddle up near Tiki! As for your sister, she's younger than Tiki, so it should take a bit less time because she's less set in her ways.

You see, as people get older they form habits and get used to having things the way they always have been. This can make it hard for them to adjust to change, so just be patient and maybe even try to be less boisterous around her.

With Love, Janey :)